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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9618907 No.9618907 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fired today

>> No.9618917
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>tfw hired today

>> No.9618918

should have worked harder lazy millenial

>> No.9618921

i got fired once when i was 16.
how do you even get fired as an adult?

>> No.9618922
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One of us

>> No.9618925

your fault for taking a job in the first place. all jobs suck. all organizations are corrupted right from the top and run by jews. only way is to making on your own with your own business.

>> No.9618949

you will never get ahead working for someone else.

>> No.9618952
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welcome to the comfy club, op

>> No.9618956

>everybody at work loves me
>everybody except the GM
>GM fires me out of spite
feels fuckin dirty man

>> No.9618966

starve to death you fuckin person this is directly addressed to you i really expec tha you will starve to death...probe me wrong asshole whts is the fuckin deal then....???

>> No.9618976

>natural disaster causes me to evacuate
>got fired for not requesting the day off two weeks in advance

The moment you give up on corporate America

>> No.9618987

fuking Peter principle apply to world...isnt?

>> No.9619003

I legitimately wish I could be a NEET and live my life even if it was poorlike, just doing whatever I wanted on the computer, hanging with friends, snooping around my neighborhood at night, and going to see my grandpa every so often

But I'll be moving in to an apartment in exactly 9 weeks with 2 other roommates, and I just need to make money so I have to get a job now
It just kills me

>> No.9619442

im 19 NEET. im going to get a job soon because even though i excelled in school im a fuck up stoner good luck anon