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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9616277 No.9616277 [Reply] [Original]

tell me something that will change my life

>> No.9616304

pee is stored in the balls

>> No.9616317
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>> No.9616322

the tried and true "Don't listen to most people, because most people are poor and dumb"

>> No.9616323

Hair grows in the palm that feeds.

>> No.9616331

human knowledge is fickle, look to the omnipotent for wisdom (the bible). you will initially ignore this, thinking you somehow no better but you will eventually understand that everything you need to know is written in a millenia old book.

>> No.9616332

The New York Mets colors are orange and blue to pay homage to the two teams that left NY for California - the Giants and the Dodgers.

>> No.9616442


The universe is a hologram.
MGTOW is the way.
Retain your semen to get stronger and smarter.
Cancer is a fungus curable by restoring pH balance.
Earth is a sphere but stationary.
Aliens aren't real.
Nature's technology is more advanced than man's.
God is real.

>> No.9616453


>> No.9616523
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Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?

>> No.9616522

accumulate Bitcoin (ticker: BCH)

>> No.9616860


>> No.9616917


It puts the lotion on its skin or else gets the hose again

>> No.9616972

Woke virgin spotted in the wild
What strange creatures will we find next?

>> No.9616987
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>> No.9616995

the comic is about wagecucks, right?

>> No.9617002
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>> No.9617014
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>> No.9617019

These are the people that make shill threads. Wew laddie

>> No.9617026

>tell me something that will change my life

traps r ghey

>> No.9617037
File: 22 KB, 485x443, E914B76F-CD70-43C7-ACF1-26AAF1741A4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a /biz/ gf who is kinky, has a rape fantasy, loves getting her throat clogged up with my cock and gagging her, a little bit of choking. Then after I use her like the little fuckdoll she is, I’ll give her a bubble bath and read her a bed time story with her stuffie then once she’s asleep I’ll sneak into bed and cuddle her until I fall asleep

>> No.9617066
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The wrong side won WW2.

>> No.9617075

It applies to many people. Would a version of you from a year ago be proud of who you are now, or consider it a mostly wasted year?
I wish I could program myself.

>> No.9617087


Natures technology is man.

>> No.9617096

>god is real
not gonna make it faggot

>> No.9617097

Talk to RKG

>> No.9617098

Meditate on accepting Christ into your heart.

>> No.9617123

>How do I get a /biz/ gf
doesn't exist
>who is kinky, has a rape fantasy, loves getting her throat clogged up with my cock and gagging her, a little bit of choking.
tfw my gf does all of this but just doesn't really like giving head (but does sometimes anyways)
>Then after I use her like the little fuckdoll she is, I’ll give her a bubble bath
>and read her a bed time story
She'd like this, we have read creepypasta before, does it count?
>with her stuffie
This is a weird fetish, but you can find some weird chicks into DDLG or whatever it's called who would be down. in fact I can think of one off the top of my head who runs a smut tumblr who blew me for rides and for getting her nails done once
>then once she’s asleep I’ll sneak into bed and cuddle her until I fall asleep
just cuddle her anyways you cuck

>> No.9617125

The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we … kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok … But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.

-Bill Hicks

>> No.9617136

you have already lost it, faggot.

>> No.9617146

Get kids. There is no reason to accumulate wealth if you dont have kids. At one point in life you will notice you can pretty much buy whatever you want, go wherever you want, fuck whoever you want. And you will get bored. Why accumulate wealth you cant possible spend. Suddenly you will understand the importance of kids.

>> No.9617147
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aenima.io can make you hole again

>> No.9617148
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>> No.9617151


>> No.9617153

count the fingers as she puts them into your ass next time and ask yourself how old you were when you began hating yourself and the person you 'love'

>> No.9617157

>doesn't exist

Yes she does. She's in New York City, I went to college with her and slept with her. I wanted to see more girls at the time so I dumped her, but she exists. She's petite and blonde and likes to be tied up. Extremely kinky.

That's all the information I can give you. Good luck, you better be rich if you want to get her.

>> No.9617163

my ex was mostly like that, go for the religious. innocent ones who are sexually repressed

unironically kill yourself

>> No.9617177
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Youll get there eventually, my friend

>> No.9617180

Everyone will died. Nothing in this shit world is matter because we all just another form of matters unless y can faster than light or shit . What happen when you die? Everything happen.

>> No.9617182
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Everyone knows this already

>> No.9617195

We are probably going to be breaking up soon, and I am not in love with her. She still likes to fuck though and wakes up horny. Sorry if it upsets you to read that, incel.

You left her to explore other relationships in your youth, I'm kind of feeling the same. I don't feel like this girl I'm seeing is my future, clearly you didn't feel like that one was yours. But do you miss her? do you wish you could have her back? do you feel like life was worse or better as a result of your choice to leave her? Was she attached to you, and take it poorly? do you still talk? could you be friends? I know this girl is probably very different from mine, but I figure I'd ask.

>> No.9617211
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sub 80iq libshit detected

>> No.9617220


>> No.9617231
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>You left her to explore other relationships in your youth
100%, I think it's only natural

>But do you miss her?
I wouldn't say I miss her, I get a tinge of regret when I see her on social media

>do you wish you could have her back?
Here's the weird thing: I do, but I also know that I couldn't have stayed faithful with her from then (4 years ago now) until now. Do I wish I could have her now, and sleep with her now? Absolutely. Did I do the right thing at the time? I really think I did.

>do you still talk? could you be friends?
We don't talk - if we saw each other randomly, we'd absolutely be friendly with each other. But that may never happen again.

>I know this girl is probably very different from mine, but I figure I'd ask.

Think I know where you're coming from. Sometimes ripping off the bandaid quickly ends up being a lot less painful than slowly pulling it off

>> No.9617232

There are only two kinds of people: good and bad.

>> No.9617268

this is such a hilariously simplistic view of the world it's almost retarded. you must be a child.

>> No.9617276

money doesn't change you it changes the people around you

>> No.9617279

Every roughly 56 years exactly the same eclipse happens (same time, same place, same shape, etc...)

There is an event connecting your self from the last time you saw an eclipse with the one you'll be in the future when the same eclipse happens.

Next time you see an eclipse think about it, think about how you will remember that moment 56 years later (yeah, if you're alive) and the moon, earth and sun will be in exactly the same relative position to each other.

>> No.9617287

Found the baddie.

>> No.9617293

all resource constraints will be removed seemingly overnight when we discover AGI. Likely in the next couple of decades.

>> No.9617299

No one is coming to save you

>> No.9617308

The older I get, the more I realize how simple things really are, and how stupid I was for complicating them as a teenager/young adult who thought he knew better.

>> No.9617311
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>mfw voted for Trump & 130 IQ

basement-dwelling NEET detected

>> No.9617319
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not if I have anything to say about it

>> No.9617329


This is accurate but it has nothing to do with gaining wisdom or being red pilled but with getting older and facing mortality and your brain forcing you to cope with it.

>> No.9617331

Thanks for your experience, it's nice to hear someone make it out the other side. I'm sure you had all sorts of cognitive dissonance when you still were very attracted to her and happy around her but wanted different for your long term. What was the breaking point for you? did you just say "I cant be with you anymore"? did you have to wait for a specific time to tell her? especially since I'm sure you were both enjoying your day to day life at the time, it's mutually beneficial to put it off, so it's not like there's a "right time" to bring it up.

>> No.9617332
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Sminem will leave you all at the mercy of the bogdanoffs

No one is safe from the great dump

>> No.9617337



>> No.9617344
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>actually believing US politicians

ur a 100% confirmed retard

>> No.9617346


Marla Singer wasn’t real either.

>> No.9617354


>good: people who agree with me
>bad: people who don't

it depends how much you want to dig into it, like everything.

>> No.9617378
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kek well if you had any questions about why the world is the way it is today, here's your answer.

>> No.9617380


And by extension, man's technology is nature.

>> No.9617392
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it's real

>> No.9617411

Scallions destroy cancer cells.

>> No.9617412


im not displaying my personal view on the good-evil dichotomy, im speaking from a generalized other. thought itd be obvious by how horridly short sighted the post is and how generally believed the ideas are, but here I am explaining it.

>> No.9617423

You will never have a REAL purpose.
You are too pussy and weak to off yourself.

>> No.9617431

stop eating so many carbs
stop eating fast food
start cooking your own meals
take vitamins (d3,zinc,magnesium,c)
15 mins of natural sunlight per day
as much physical activity per day as you can

watch your natural test levels rise and mental clarity ensue

>> No.9617439


cells are normally told to self destruct when they separate from their organ of origin but cancer cells send a countermessage to the self destruct message that says "no no, I'm good, I'm still attached" before they metastasize. it also grows a shitton of veins into tumors so it can get enough resources to grow indefinitely until you die. and cancer is literally immortal, the cells have regrowing telomeres, which is a property that fetuses have before they're born. wanna talk about cancer? cancer is fucking fucked, man.

>> No.9617448

IN MOViE `2001

>> No.9617547

that was a fascinating documentary

>> No.9617872

some of this is accurate
5 and 6 are not accurate
2 is debatable

we are god, incarnate in this density
all is one

>> No.9617891

we are christ
christed consciousness is an aspect of your higher self

>> No.9617894

Aliens do exist pal, they’re are only extra dimensional beings and we call those angels and demons and no, you’re not god

>> No.9617911


>read bible
>millennia old cringe

No thanks.

>> No.9617910


>> No.9617981


Yes we are.

>> No.9617998
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ur mom gey

>> No.9618011

we are one
separation does not exist

>> No.9618064
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, averagepuntadeleste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $150K you can retire and live at the beach somewhere sunny in Latin America, thriving through passive income and having sex so passionate (and so cheap) with the locals that you will wonder why the fuck people want to remain in the USA when any moron can retire before he is 30.

>> No.9618070

lol ok, and get killed over $50. no thanks.

>> No.9618080

name 3 places like that

>> No.9618086
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The Holocaust was just Soviet propaganda that never really happened.

>> No.9618116
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There is no freedom until you realize that Uncle Sam wants to enslave you.

Florianópolis, Punta del Este and Viña del Mar.

>> No.9618157

fuck off back to nu/pol/ and unironically gas yourself on the way there. we have enough kikes on /biz/ already, there's no room for you here.

>> No.9618171

OK I'm intrigued so lets start with the basics. How much can I expect to pay in rent for a nice house, nothing fancy?

>> No.9618195

Can Latin American women detect autism?

>> No.9618205
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Interested as well

>> No.9618211

$4k/year, including internet, gas and power (Florianópolis).
Four minutes walk to the beach.

They will ignore it as long as it is not very strong and you got something going for you.

>> No.9618220

traps aren't gay

>> No.9618221

~50m2, one bedroom, furnished.

>> No.9618225

Boy do I miss Florianópolis.

There's always something going on in the city and women are 10/10.

>> No.9618228

there is only one reliable way to basically print money. it involves spending very much time accumulating massive knowledge of all things, a life time of disciplined study you faggot bastard

>> No.9618230

Jesus loves you

>> No.9618233
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>says holocaust is fake
>is a kike

>> No.9618246

Damn that sounds comfy af. Will I get aztec'd or is that region mostly white?

>> No.9618261

Dude. I live in Uruguay. This is not Brazil. Women are OK in Montevideo and top tier in Punta del Este. If you want to live cheap and safe in Latin America Chile and Uruguay are your best choices.

>> No.9618283
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I hope you get a terminal disease and die you pathetic fucking faggot. Go shill your gay ass god somewhere else.

>> No.9618291

I don't want to learn another language. Can I get by with english?

>> No.9618295

Yes they can, but they will let you Fuck them if they find you funny or attractive, even love you despite the autism.

>Urufag turbo autist with wife and semi neet life

>> No.9618300
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I concur bruh except the hologram and stationary and aliens

>> No.9618311

Those three cities are pretty civilized, and most natives got genocided/truly assimilated in Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.

I will be honest, if you want a faithful truly white wife, it might be harder to get one around those parts, but I am guessing that those would cost around a million in the USA, while you can get a faithful and devoted wife in Latin America by buying shit that you would want to buy anyway (decent house, working car and good food).

>> No.9618333

In Punta del este Sure, in Montevideo most of the people speaks English because it's mandatory in high school but not many practice English often so you will struggle a bit

>> No.9618337

hows the upload internet speeds in florianopolis?
is it DSL or cable? Does fiber optic residential internet exist there?

>> No.9618354

Average D 24.22 Mbps / U 12.53 Mbps.
Fiber optics should be common in five years or so.

>> No.9618368

that's so true baka

>> No.9618401

read the book: less incomplete

>> No.9618403

Bs. The world is mostly painted in shades of grey

>> No.9618409

that's so true desu

>> No.9618427

And jews are the culprit to world suffering

>> No.9618441

I concur brother, we're all one.

>> No.9618482

Trips check'd
And thanks for the advice. I've been looking for somewhere to move with my meager gains

>> No.9618647
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400 million years ago, before trees were common, the world was covered in giant mushrooms

>> No.9618680


>> No.9618729

What you just said makes no fucking sense.

>> No.9618861

No one will save you, save yourself

>> No.9618882

It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it well

There is brilliant minds that disagree with each other

>> No.9618964

MGTOW is the only way to preserve wealth in the English speaking world. The family law loopholes have closed.

>> No.9618967

Far right..... maybe

>> No.9619102

>Warlord !7NKHRYrRzI
I've seen your posts. They are very much on the dumb side.

>> No.9619440

Fuck your mother if you want fuck.

>> No.9619469

Over here in Scandinavia, all girls are like that. While also being rich.

>> No.9620085


>> No.9620466

fucking incel, stay in your room and play wow you spineless faggot.