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9611214 No.9611214 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a serious discussion of which one poops over the other? One is guaranteed to hit 500 billion mcap within 4 years.

btw she's a lez pez.

>> No.9611236

Neither, KYS, 0/10 degenerate get in the oven

>> No.9611289

Shimayo will crush Synth's autist head between her strong thighs.

>> No.9611340

I just got converted to skycoin and am mindblown by the possibilities, what does holo do other than ok memes with the foot lady?

>> No.9611341

ISPs can block one of those if they wish, and it is also a matter of incentives.

Why would you pay holofuel AND money to your ISP for a twitter clone, when you can pay cheap coin hours for your network and saving money?

>> No.9611404

watching skyfags cope so hard around Holo is hilarious

>> No.9611642

Skycoin devs already took the few good things from holo and implemented them themselves, also holo has major flaws, no concensus is retarded

>> No.9611677
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Breaking News: neckbeard on 4chan debunks 10 years of research with one simple shitpost. Click here to learn how.

>> No.9611681

Except Skycoin isn't even working yet, it's just a bunch of hot air from the autistic mind of a retarded scientologist.

>> No.9611694

There is no requirement for anyone to pay anything other then the dev with the app paying the network to host his app?

Fucking idiot. That's how Skycoin will work too.

>> No.9611713

It has consensus, it just doesn't force blocks which all have a unique header which forces bloat.

Learn about this shit.

I hold a lot of both btw and took my comp sci classes

>> No.9611771
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>> No.9611781

Skycoin already works lol, you can send and recieve skycoin, no problem.
The morons I have to talk with on biz, baka

>> No.9611821
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>> No.9611898
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>> No.9611908

>”converted” to skycoin, unable to understand what holochain is
You are exactly where you belong
>too retarded to understand that you only pay to have others host what you create and get paid to use what others create
>claims skycoin devs are so bereft of intelligent ideas that they had to steal good ideas from holochain, is unable to form sentences correctly and calls holo retarded

>> No.9611916
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what exactly are you trying to prove? How much of a retard Synth is? Everyone already knows that, including his team.

>> No.9611937

Wow amazing, just like all the five million other shitcoins

>> No.9611984

Skycoin has a running net since a couple of days. More than two thousand nodes. Across the planet. So it is a 8th of Ethereun after being running for only 2 days. If you don't consider that impressive, then show me other "shitcoin" that achieved htat.

>> No.9612007

1/8 of ETH I meant.

>> No.9612018

Skycoin devs take all the good things from other blockchain projects and put it into their own, they are creating the best and most advanced blockchain.

Except skycoin has its own blockchain that isnt based on other blockchain tech, with its own unique concensus and is the only BLOCKCHAIN which has instant and free transactions and is fully scalable

>> No.9612052

ITT: People who don't realize holochain isn't required to run anything on the holo network

Holochain walks circles around the tech of any blockchain project, because it's not a blockchain project. It's a fucking protocol, similar to IPFS. It's a network with a distributed hash table in the middle to show you where to find data. That's it

>> No.9612090

skycoin trying to pump on holo's ico sucess
the reality is as follows:
2 major eth dev genesis wallets (one containing nearly $20mill) put $1mill+ into this ico. the whitepaper, github code was all available for them to peer thru. you don't put 1/20 of your entire eth stack in a project unless you know FOR SURE it fuck*n is the next best thing since Ethereum. Then you got Holochain doing meetups with Mozilla... possibly the top 5 most used app in HISTORY, and basically the app that built the WORLD WIDE WEB. Without Mozilla/Netscape, the Web would not exist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla

roflm, 3 guys on team, 2 don't even have a profile pic.

>> No.9612163

If skycoin really had much going for it why would synth even give a single fuck about holo? Wouldn’t the devs and investors in skycoin have much more interesting things to do and spend their time thinking about than to fud a project that came out of ico less than a month ago? Don’t you fuckers have satellites to launch or something? You reek of cope

>> No.9612168

>3 guys on team
Sweety, which team? Skycoin has several teams. For the devs, check the +50 active contributors on github. For the hardware, check the Shanghai offices.
Don't make me start with who compose the Holo team...

>> No.9612220

Do you think the UN was speaking about Skycoin for nothing? Synth is active within the community and answers questions, people asked him about holochain and he gave some answers, is that bad?
I think it goes to show that he is really interested in making skycoin the best since he actually read up on holochain, figured out the good parts and the bad parts and then took the good parts and implemented them into skycoin

>> No.9612230

The reality is that Ethereum isnt a very good platform, skycoin is, and holochain is some weird shit that wont work as you think

>> No.9612264
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>holochain is some weird shit that wont work as you think
yet launching sattelites into space and creating mesh networks with a raspberry pi and an antenna will work exactly as you think

>> No.9612347

Meshnets have already been proven to work, strengthening them with antennas is nothing weird and the satellite thing I dont really believe in until I see it, but would be great nevertheless if it works, nothing wrong with trying

>> No.9612354


They are not rapspis, they are quad core Orange pis in groups of several together. Put eight of those together optimised for the purpose of the meshnet, compare with the power consumption, and you will end up discovering hardly anyone has the network at home to make the hardware the actual bottleneck. And this is Gen 1, with the only purpose to feed the testnet. The dedicated hardware will get much better even before we skip the regular Internet altogether. There are already protos for 20$ nodes even.

>> No.9612356

This part really rustles my jimmies, how the fuck do you think you could actually create a usable mesh network by doing that? Do these people understand how many skyminers would have to exist to do this? Even small gaps would totally fuck everything up.

>> No.9612446

1 BTC plz. Just tryna weed out the poor fags ;)

>> No.9612650

Please direct me to a video of any member of the U.N speaking about SKYCOIN. I found a medium article promoting skycoin that linked to a YouTube video of a U.N meeting discussing BLOCKCHAIN tech, the medium article claims the main speaker at this talk was talking about skycoin, this is a complete fabrication. Some members of a U.N committee (not “The U.N) listened to a guy talk about why he thought blockchain tech was good for humanity and asked a few questions, but no talk of skycoin at all. The medium article links an unrelated event to skycoin, and you repeat a lie. Please tell me more about how skycoin plans to end world poverty in 18 months.

>> No.9612808


>> No.9612879

Mfw synth will run with all the money and skylets won't even know who he is to hunt him down

>> No.9612961

Very clearly he mentions Sky ledger three times, in 9:50, 14:23 and 17:30. So:
a) The guy is the main speaker
b) Talking in the UN to other countries representatives
c) Mentions Sky three times


>> No.9612988

Synth's real name is Brandon Smietana. How new are you?

>> No.9612989


>> No.9613002

Someone said that the meshnet antennas will have a 15 kilometer range. You don't get that kind of range with wifi and I don't know what kind of new technology this is supposed to be using. To have a wifi signal that powerful you'd pretty much fuck all the nearby routers and phones and get the cops to stop whatever it is you're doing.
You could get that kind of range with LPWAN (In a rural environment!) but it's not usable for regular internet as the speeds are extremely low (kb/s rather than mb/s). This whole thing seems more and more suspicious.

>> No.9613098
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>medium article claims the main speaker at this talk was talking about skycoin, this is a complete fabrication
>main speaker directly discusses and mentions skycoin, skyledger, and obelisk

top lel at your fud attempts fag. he might not have been a member of the U.N. but he is the main speaker asked to present on blockchain. cope harder

>> No.9613136

You are suspicious.
300Mbs on 10kms achievable fucking now.

>> No.9613156

Also mentions obelisk, which is skycoins concensus algorithm

>> No.9613165

Holo is her right tit
Sky is her left

show em

>> No.9613416

That's a fucking point to point antenna you brainlet. How do you think that'll work in a decentralized system? The absolute state of skycoiners

>> No.9613476

The skycoin meshnet will work by a bunch of autists carefully aiming their $1000 antennas at eachother. Very convincing.

>> No.9613510


meanwhile, Nexus will launch their first sattelite soon.

>> No.9613628
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>To have a wifi signal that powerful you'd pretty much fuck all the nearby routers and phones and get the cops to stop whatever it is you're doing.
jokes on you, that was the exact plan all along
>not consorting into an armed criminal gang with other skyminer owners
>being unwilling to use force and violence to protect your SkyFiefdom
it's like if you really don't want to make it into the 2020's

>> No.9614524
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>tfw your custom sky antenna automatically aims at its intended target antenna through its built-in motor
>tfw the nodes connected to you pool their unused bandwidth to give you the highest speeds possible (like torrenting a file)

>> No.9614559

If you really think either will hit such a marketcap you should just put money in both

>> No.9614669


>> No.9614749
