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9611670 No.9611670 [Reply] [Original]

There are 1,600 different crypto currencies listed on CMC right now.

How many are going to be dead by the end of the year? I'd have a hard time being convinced that even the top 100 all actually have valuable use cases, let alone over 1000.

>> No.9611740

>There are 1,600 different websites listed on Yahoo search right now.

How many are going to be dead by the end of the year? I'd have a hard time being convinced that even the top 100 all actually have valuable use cases, let alone over 1000.

>> No.9611804

You compare block chains to websites?
lol brainlet.

>> No.9611837

Top 109 all going to make it

>> No.9611999

So many have already died. If it's new and being talked about then will prob be ok this year. If It's been abandoned by the team then RIP

>> No.9612019

Crypto is the next gen web
You'll see the dapp explosion and wonder why you didn't see it. Stay poor fagot

>> No.9612266

Not a bad comparison, most will be discontinued or be unprofitable.

>> No.9613115

which is why im long term bullish on qlc chain, barely ranked top 300. it has a valuable use case and see it at least top 150-100 eventually

>> No.9613797

You must be young, and not remember the first internet bubble. It was like this, in so many ways. Kids were getting rich by just setting up a basic website and some vague business plan, and people would throw money at them. They'd strut around grunting about "This is the new business model" and how everyone just.didn't.get.it. There was big money being thrown around, it was insane.

Then the bubble popped.

Alt coins are the new Pets.com. None of them will survive. They weren't meant to. They're farming FOMO cash with them. Why aren't you making your own coin? Just throw a white paper together with some technical nonsense in it but with all the trendy buzzwords and catchphrases, get some pajeets to start memeing it (it's easy to get them, they're all retarded), start a reddit and a discord, and in 6 months to a year, walk away with all the cash. That's what all of those alts are gonna do. Some will walk away with millions. Some with thousands.

But it's unregulated, so you're shit out of luck when they do it, because "no regulations" means they can say any old shit to you, and it's not illegal. "Goldman Sachs is listing us in 6 months, get in now!" - not illegal for them to say.

Wake up, dummies. You're being fleeced, and you don't even try to see it.

>> No.9613997

You're right in principle, but you're making it sound as if there aren't Microsoft and Amazon among all these Pet.coms. The bubble hasn't popped yet anyway, you can still make money on scams like VEN or TRON.

>> No.9614090

Microsoft was not the result of web 1.0, stupid. And amazon wasn't either, they were 2nd or 3rd wave, when everyone sat down and said "Okay, now what real business can we do here?"

I doubt there will be any survivors. Even Bitcoin is on shaky ground, since Mt Gox could headshot it, if it happens at the right time.

>> No.9614153
File: 153 KB, 466x545, crying loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be 1% alive at most.

>> No.9614161

agreed but 9613797 is mostly correct. i remember it well and this is peak dot com madness pick carefully

>> No.9614201
File: 56 KB, 621x702, 1029318321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ARE the Microsofts and Amazons among crypto?

It seems like one man's practical utility token is another man's worthless scam shitcoin.

>> No.9614257

A crypto either needs to return a profit to stakeholders or to actually be used as money or it will go towards zero. Simply existing to be traded for other shitcoins will eventually end as people realize exchanges are making all the money. A crypto that is trading at $300 million but only is used for $300,000 worth of equivalent business needs insane growth and adoption to maintain its valuation. Vague partnerships are worthless. We haven't seen the actual crash yet.

>> No.9614272

Bitcoiin will take you to the Crab-17 Nebula, sir.

>> No.9614286

There were 500+ alts in 2015 pretty sure 90% of them are dead. This is the second wave.

>> No.9614319

No, a wave is defined when the business model changes. This hasn't happened with alts. Yet. If ever. I'm not entirely sure there's a second wave, that would indicate an actual use for them. The business model - or lack of one - is what killed web 1.0. People were just throwing insane amounts of money at domain names, which had no profit model or inherent value. Currently, alts have no actual value or profit model. The entire landscape of alts has to change for alt 2.0.
Also, consider that the vast majority of alts are pajeet coins, they're not intended to survive past the exit scam.

>> No.9614327
File: 186 KB, 498x750, uhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i knew anon id be very rich if i did but the fact is something could come from nowhere like a thief in the night its impossible to say without hindsight

>> No.9614336

they dont exist yet. get the gains while you can and run

>> No.9614350
File: 57 KB, 400x500, 1519010874010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in or stay poor

>> No.9614432


We can be sure that REQ is going to be one of them.

>> No.9614463

Why would REQ even be necessary?

>> No.9614478

You'd be wrong. When the dust settles in 2020, there will be 150 - 250 prominent coins outside of nationalized tokens (i.e. US Dollar tokenized)

>> No.9614521

it's easy, bitcoin survives, obviously, and ethereum because 90% of all tokens require ethereum to run.

everything else is a gamble, getting more and more risky the further you move down the market cap rankings. outside of the top 10, with 1 or 2 exceptions, you're betting on races, outside of the top 30-50, you're gambling, and outside of the top 70-100, youre just throwing your money at the wall, because even good tech doesn't survive at those levels of interest and volume.

>> No.9614715
