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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 636 KB, 1921x888, Space bunnies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9611605 No.9611605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Biz are you ready to fight in the gas war?

>> No.9611628

Why are you still doing this? We know all about your shitty Discord competition. Just kill yourself.

>> No.9611632


>> No.9611637
File: 162 KB, 1018x828, 1527264321805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shoo you disgusting fucking pajeet.

>> No.9611640


>+ve game
beinging too dumb to process free eth

>> No.9611690
File: 22 KB, 250x248, 1524939520987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pathetic loser who shills for some shit meme game
You are a complete cuck. You literally shill on an anime imageboard for some dude who threw together a scam game to make him money. You are absolutely pathetic. You are a disgusting loser who has failed at life.

>> No.9611699


Ignore this fud op. These guys are just jealous and too much of a brainlet to strategize.
Damn tho .57 ether in gas. How much did that guy make?

>> No.9611752

Yeah that guy who burned .57 eth in gas put in 5 ether and took out 25 ether. Sure a lot of room to burn gas with those margins.

>> No.9611777
File: 82 KB, 500x500, mooninc10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg already made a decent wage on the intern kitties, bunnies gonna be 3X the hype!

>> No.9611807

For anyone who didn't look at the image they are running a content and paying people to shill this shit on here.

You literally cannot trust a single goddamned word any of them are saying because they are literally paid shills.

>> No.9611816

I’m kind of confused about this game? How does idle a aspect work?

>> No.9611824

this game is dead... died within 5 minutes of launching

>> No.9611897


game is restarting with new unit in 2 hours 20...

fresh start for u weak hands but now has 15 free eth already in div pot for you.

also i made more off cookies in last 48 hours than dumpers did

>> No.9611926

The game went to 150 ether and went up again from the dip. But the reason why it didnt get huge volume again is because people were waiting for the new unit which has 3 times the production. Common sense really.

>> No.9611933

pathetic attempt, try harder

>> No.9611979

Replied to wrong person mb
The units that you can buy produce cookies on a constant basis as long as you are holding. You can then sell the cookies back to the cookie fund for eth. Selling cookies is disabled for the first hour after a new unit release.

>> No.9611986

back to discord you stinky pajeets

>> No.9612010

If i put a ether in how much gas should i use to make good profits?

>> No.9612050

101 gwei is alot, probz enough to be one of first

just remember to set gas limit as 300k (ignore metamask warning)

>> No.9612118

this is bad i wil buy 0

>> No.9612131

Idk I think it looks cool and I like the sites ui. I’m probably going to buy.

>> No.9612175

tf biz youre promoting this scam project when youve got a real one AVINOC $200USD for an airdrop of an avionics focused project.
use my referral to make me moonies booys https://www.avinoc.com/r/X5hSqZq2nmE8

>> No.9612185


I can't wait until Pakistan invades your shitty country, slaughters every scrawny bag of bones cow, hang you all, and rape your remaining livestock.

Does this count as high quality discussion? How many space bunnies does OP get, the stinking pajeet

>> No.9612236

I think this unit will hold its value longer than the other. 3X cookie productions seems pretty dope when there is already 15 ether in the cookie jar.

>> No.9612309

thanks op for the link. Thinking about how much gwei i should use. Planning on sending 3 ether at 200 gwei that should get me in at a nice spot for good profit. Is that enough gwei?

>> No.9612336

200.1 gwei safer

don't forget ui opens 1 minute early so u can prep your tx but don't send till :00 (and set gas limit to 300k)

>> No.9612388

Cant you send tx a little earlier than when the contract is open. So it can be timed. I mean time it so when the tx gets registered the contract is open to get in earlier.

>> No.9612414


No one’s falling for it. SHOO SHOO PAJEET, POO IN YOUR OWN LOO

>> No.9612451
File: 196 KB, 672x1195, 13F4DC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually expect us to believe this is a natural conversation typical of 4chan? Like what the fuck Poojeets at least try a little.

>> No.9612551

No, but he expects the pajeet who's going to pay him in shit bunnies to believe this isn't him samefagging

>> No.9612632

I am a Muslim American who’s ancestors have been battling the pajeet for millennium and I am very much excited too buy cute bunnies with the eth I got from selling my sister.

>> No.9612692

Anyone else getting hungry watching that spinning cookie?

>> No.9612721
File: 224 KB, 1018x828, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9612806

How can you invade a place that is already conquered by a delusional cult of stink linkies? Better of with this than buying into that shitty coin.