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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9611371 No.9611371 [Reply] [Original]

co-founder of ethereum mentioned chainlink in his book


the fud will increase, but hold tight and do not sell. Great things are about to happen.

>> No.9611411

I agree with you, while this is great news, but they also talked about oriclize... like mentioned it 2 3 times more than link... does it not worry u?

>> No.9611495

ChainLink is a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because decentralized oracles are useless in practice:

>> No.9611530


No. Oraclize has only 8 dApps integrated with it and based on the query numbers they've tweeted they average 200 requests/day for each app. Oraclize is and forever will be a nothing burger who can't even keep their services online.

>> No.9611565

Very impressed by how extensive this writeup discusses oracles and issues related to their design mechanisms. Wouldn't consider this as a bullish signal for Link, given the fact that it is simply mentioned as one option of many when choosing the right oracle service without explicitly promoting it. Also didn't know that Oraclize does provide an off chain computation service. At the moment they probably represent the strongest competition to CL. Excited to see how this will play out over the next couple of years.
t. 20k Linkies

>> No.9611584


If Oraclize is the strongest competition then LINK has it in the bag desu

>> No.9611601
File: 745 KB, 1280x720, kaanyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9611827

>The mechanisms outlined above all describe centralized oracle systems reliant on trusted authorities. While they should suffice for many applications, they do however represent central points of failure in the Ethereum network.

This scares me.... meaning the authors believe centralized oracles will be good enough in most instances

>> No.9611965


They will be in terms of quantity of requests. They won't be in terms of transaction amounts in $.