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File: 71 KB, 630x524, WhatsApp Image 2018-05-06 at 5.50.17 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9609328 No.9609328 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard that this project is the next ETH, I think Lamden deserves that title too. Looks like they are working hard for it and I think the team is working pretty great.

Lamden's working on blockchain development tools and the speed at which the companies around the world are accepting Crypto, Lamden's got a good demand already. Startups and architects gonna go for this project, seems like the best investment.

>> No.9609386

I heard they are working on 10k TPS, When's the mainnet coming out?

>> No.9609439


last time somebody started a conversation on lamden on this board it ended with the pajeet who started that thread being bullied by some real anon after the pajeet failed to answear basic questions about that coin.

>> No.9609451

Yes, they are giving a speed of 10k Tx and the mainnet is coming out in Q4.

They are also offering free transactions and Atomic swaps.

>> No.9609465

>working on 10k
Obsolete when TRX mainnet goes live.

>> No.9609485

I think the best thing about this coin is they have made the whole thing easy and simplified.

>> No.9609543


In what way? Is the smart contract development language similar to Solidity, in that it's a Javascript based language, or is it something new? Is there a decent dev environment, on par with Truffle? A nicely integrated browser wallet like Metamask?

>> No.9609560


What is the Dapp development language? Do they use compiled bytecode on a virtual machine, like the EVM, or is it interpreted?

>> No.9609573

Yes, the whole idea is to solve the real problems in blockchain industry.

Adaptation is the real matter, I think this will create a good demand as they have made the whole thing so easy.

>> No.9609579


Nobody cares Justin.

>> No.9609604
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this is so fucking pathetic. fuck off you pathetic dirty pajeet scum

>> No.9609617

They are Python based project. I think there hidden weapon is Lamdex, it's a decentralized exchange that Lamden's gonna launch in 2019.

>> No.9609622


OK, but what problems have they solved? And how is it easy? Have they developed a simple fiat on-ramp to accelerate onboarding? Are there technical protections in place to prevent normal users sending funds incorrectly, like a enforced time lock, multisig system that reverts any tx not signed by the receiving party inside a given time frame?

>> No.9609642

Everyone knows Lamden is a scam stu, stop trying so hard to shill your Snake oil

>> No.9609643

Buy it before it moons.

>> No.9609686


OK, so you mean Dapps themselves will be written in Python? Wouldn't a static typed language be better, given the issues faced in targeting an immutable platform requiring a more easy to reason over smart contract syntax?

What features will the DEX offer above those found in existing DEX, such as Radar Relay or Crypto Bridge?

>> No.9609728




OP, you still there? I posted some questions for you. Need some more background on this thanks.

>> No.9609779

TAU token allows interoperability among cryptocurrencies and applications created with developer of Lamden. In this time where most of the top cryptocurrencies lost a fair amount of market value, TAU is notably recovering from the loss and can now be consider in a spectacular bull run.

Have you not seen the features, if a company wants to go Blockchain completely their customer won't like to pay transaction fees and wait for transactions.

They are offering a speed of 10k Tps and free transactions.

Atomic swaps are the future and they already got them, don't forget 90% Dapps are offering nothing but same old shit.

>> No.9609792

I'm sure you are the same guy using the account above dude, that won't work.

You know that this is the most promising Coin around. You just don't wanna accept it.

>> No.9609809


do not expect anything more than a very supperficial answear to your questions.

>this is how it started last time

>> No.9609812


Also, how about tokenomics? What's the circulating supply, total market cap and what percentage is locked in from the ICO by the dev team? And is it a PoW or PoS coin? Any masternodes at all? How about transaction costs, how much are they?

Also, is it in mainnet yet, or still a testnet? Has BFT been confirmed, and is there any quantitative evidence of that? What about privacy features, such as a Dash style mixer, zk-snarks or XMR like ring sigs?

>> No.9609823


I'm not though. Even if I was, what's the issue? If it's the most promising coin around, then sell me on it. You should know all this stuff back to front right?

>> No.9609844


And why so defensive? Are you the same person that started the last thread? If you are, didn't you think it might be a good idea to actually learn about what it is you're posting about? Did you really just do EXACTLY the same thing again?

>> No.9609848

Well there Dex is on the Roadmap right now I'm sure they'll come up with a great deal there.

The projects you mentioned are stagnant, this coin is still way below the radar, which is fair cuz of how young it is. But, following it and seeing that it's a project that actually cares about development makes it an exciting one to keep an eye on.

>> No.9609867


Shhh, you're making me laugh. I'm trying to be serious, give them a chance. They can't be THAT retarded surely, to not even bother learning their lesson and have some basic answers ready? Don't answer that lol

>> No.9609870
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>using the account above
hahaha what the fuck. get out of here

>> No.9609872

I believe these are the same accounts attacking Lamden. Bunch of Asian trolls.

>> No.9609908

Keep dreaming lol,

It's like you don't want other people to talk about some coins they hold.

What ever you say the other account is saying yeah, I believe these are same accounts.

>> No.9609918


What do you mean they're stagnant? Both are operating fine, with plenty of volume. So Radar Relay is obviously just ERC20 tokens, while Crypto Bridge is a cross chain DEX, with a lot of lesser know projects. And what specifically will the Lambden DEX offer, that they don't? I mean, there's a LOT of other DEX around now, for one that's not launching until 2019 there must be same great features. What are they?

>> No.9609920

Okay teach me then, Crypto genius.

>> No.9609941
File: 853 KB, 480x360, O95O1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he is not me, but the reason I remember that thread he keked about (>>9609728) is because I was posting there.
>remember me

>> No.9609946


Asian trolls? Cool story, so post some answers in the thread to fight back. Token numbers, coding details, featureset differentiation: Go!

>> No.9609970


But you aren't talking about them. You don't have the slightest clue about them do you? Just saying "please buy" is pathetic, at least spend some time to be able to answer the absolute basics. You can't even tell me what algo is used to secure the chain, can you?

>> No.9609984

Yes they are working but they are doing the same thing what others already offering.

Lamden's features are sure unique and new.


Keep explaining lol!!

>> No.9610010

You can check their DEV update if that what pleases you.


>> No.9610012


I remember it hehe.


But I'm not the one shilling this, you are. Why would I know the answers, I honestly know 0 about it. Why can't you give a straight answer? Honestly, whatever they're paying you, it's WAY too much.

>> No.9610068


Like you know who's shilling and who's not,

There's no point explaining you losers lol,

Though you can check these updates out let me help you!



>> No.9610073


You can't even tell me what features? Wow, not even a basic overview?

>my sides, the absolute state of pajeets

>> No.9610093


That was a great thread. Fucking well done haha

>> No.9610134


But I do know. You're some pack of absolute bottom barrel paid pajeets, too stupid to deviate from your own scripts. Fiverr or something I imagine. And losers? You're here begging us for money, not the other way around. Yet you can't even answer a simple question. Nope, no money for Lamden.

>> No.9610144

I believe you know the basic features haha, you're just wasting your time here.

>> No.9610154

But these are my fav lamden features.

1- Atomic swaps.

2- Free transactions.

3- It's Sidechain capable.

4- Got a good speed of 10k Tps.

>> No.9610169

Haha no one's begging for money lol,

This project will create it's own demand as soon as the mainnet launches.

>> No.9610179

please fucking stop. the pajeet-tier english and reddit spacing hurts to read

>> No.9610293


I have a better question for you:

What is the point of having a pointless dapps platform that makes pointless dapps in the first place? how does the "d" in dapps produces any value to any potential client? how does TAU has any value at all. it doesnt. TAU will be nothing but another IOTA or NANO exept that everyone has become skeptic about scamcoins like TAU and it will thus fail to generate any hype at all.

all TAU does is making apps slower, more complicated and harder to program or update.
>noone needs a decentralized candy crush
>noone needs a decentralized faceapp that superimposes a dog nose and ears over your face
>noone needs a decentralized facebook app where you can never truly delete your content

noone will ever use that shit even if that virgin buttboy in that OP is an actuall honest idiot

>> No.9610311


You these accounts are being used by same person damm :P

You are using the same freaking word and bragging the same stuff out for the past hour lol.

Get a life dude.

>> No.9610334
File: 118 KB, 708x633, 1517593622408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not even trying anymore. hope your employer doesn't see this or he'll drop you and there'll be no curry tonight!

>> No.9610366

And what are you a KMD shiller lol

>> No.9610373


>You these accounts are being used by same person damm :P
>that english

Admit it. I was you last time and it is you this time.

>> No.9610397


You won't see the work in Lamden if you don't know about it,

I don't think non-devs will be able to fully understand how useful blockchain can be, but Lamden’s talking about cutting out huge amounts of work for basic or commonly repeated development tasks.

>> No.9610406

Did it fuckin hurt a lot ? You new account troll....AH

>> No.9610416

Haha wtf dude,

You can talk about Lamden or any other project, just don't say whatev comes in your mouth.

What are you trying to prove lol

>> No.9610496



think about this for a minute:
>I cant hear your voice
>I cant see your face
>I cant see your skincolor
>I dont know where you are from
>all I have are you carefully typed posts and I can still easily identify you as an alien element among us.
just think how much you must stand out when meating someone face to face

>> No.9610525

Lamden's the only project that's interesting, it's solving the real hurdles faced by architects and devs, if you don't know about this project you can't just simply mock the team and the tech.

I would suggest you to actually study this project and this might interest you.

Here's why I think the project is going to blow every other coin and how it's going to create the demand among the startups. When you think about smart contract platforms and adoption, the closest analogy is to look at coding language adoption. When it comes to coding language adoption, you need to think about integrating into existing workflows and ease of use (especially for new devs).

>> No.9610545

You are really bad poet, stop trying dude.
Get your fake ass outta here!

>> No.9610608


you are a paid shill (you stand out so fucking much I cant belive you still have your job) and there are no real people actually interested in that scam. there is no hype and you are the reason that there will never be any. everyone here thinks you are a pajeet and there is noone else defending your hopeless project.

>> No.9610640
File: 170 KB, 1200x739, comparison chart v2 final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For all the oblivious souls, Read what LAMDEN really is and why its gonna be BIG

>> No.9610668

Fuck you asshole. Take English lessons before bad-mouthing or bitching about Lamden.

Ever heard of punctuation ? and WTF is >>9610608
>noone ??? >>9610608
>you stand out so fucking much I cant belive you still have your job)

^^ This is your english. Take English lessons from me. And Fuck my boss, I don't work I life cryptolife you ass

>> No.9610684

Haha I just made 35k last month with Lamden,

Let the market stay green for a while and you'll see.

>> No.9610697


We have found the real Pajeet finally.

>> No.9610698
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are really bad poe

this is exactly what I mean. how can you mistake that for poetry? how can you miss that point so completely?

>> No.9610841


That's what Pajeets do.

Point out mistakes.

>> No.9610909
File: 54 KB, 650x488, s8y6S3qI.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I make mistakes that some careless guy would make
>my future does not depend on shitposting on 4chan
>your does (pathetic)

Your mistake is that you use that language in a way noone else here uses. you post like a shill and you mistakes in gramar only add the nuance that that you are low quality shill.
>In a fair world you should be poor even by asian standards

>> No.9610945



>That's what Pajeets do.

>Point out mistakes.

see >>9610909

who on 4chan posts like that

>> No.9611100


your posts are basically a case study on what not to do if you are a shill. you give yourself away several times in a single post. think of how bad you are at your job. you are performing a job designed to be performed by idiots and you are too dumb to do even that. how do you live with yourself? you are wasting your life arguing with some random dude at the other end of the world you dont know and have made this an integral your current financial survival plan

I am not even joking: you should seriously contemplate the real possibility of comiting suicide

>> No.9611281
File: 137 KB, 896x767, WhatsApp Image 2018-04-10 at 12.11.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice. I Hold 150k coins. 10 active developers working on Clove, Saffron and Cilantro.

Atomic swaps.
Free transactions.
It's Sidechain capable.
10k TPS

P.S. I Smell some real targeted trolling here by same non-native under-developed nationals. Beware, they just try to sabotage your post by tagging and pissing.

>> No.9612011


yes. advertize yourself you crypto whore. no matter how abusive i am you still need my investor dick and i will forever to treat you like the whore you are. pic related is basically you

>notice how alone you and your shitcoin are
>noone is defending neither you nor you project
>everyone here agrees that lamden is shit and you deserve to be treated like this
>that is what everyone thinks of you

>> No.9612028
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forgot pic

>> No.9612619
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here is another pic of you >>9611281

I really hope you recognize your mirror image and see whats wrong with you. the reason i do not make fun of pajeets of so many other coins is that their whores are able to fake being real /biz/tards or at least real people. they are able to create hype and make idiots FOMO in while you are the rock bottom even among all crypto whores. I was ready to ride this pump and dump and you killed it.

maybe you will read this, rethink your life

>> No.9612774


That pajeet doesn't know what he's on about. However, the aim is to use TAU as an intermediary coin to trade between others (95% of all existing cryptos), including BTC to ERC20 coins.

Ofc it aims for 10k TPS and free transactions. Good if they can pull it off.

The main USP, which I believe Amazon is also implementing (although theirs will be centralised), is developer tools targetted at businesses that allow them to utilise their own blockchain within 15 mins, so they can take advantage of the tech without needing to know the complications behind it.

15k bagholder, just so you know where I stand.

>> No.9613475

Is this some kind of enlightening trick question? It's obviously every single bag.

>> No.9613849

They develope their own smart contract language. Solidity is turing complete. Theirs is turing incomplete. Think of it like a HTML/CSS version of smart contracts. The good thing about it is that turing incomplete also means the language is much more secured. For example you could create a PoWH3D version that is not hackable.

>> No.9613859

they took an finished implementation. they talk about it openly.

>> No.9613905

This thread makes me comfy.

45K Lamden here btw. And im accumulating more.

>> No.9613913
