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File: 64 KB, 800x533, finna end my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9607756 No.9607756 [Reply] [Original]

Title says it all, I'm about to jump off something very tall.
wtf is wrong with me?
I triple checked the address and still fucked it up.

>> No.9607768

How could you send to a wrong address? Do you type it letter by letter what the fuck man? Copy paste?

>> No.9607831

Next time, test transfer a small sum first newfag

>> No.9607859

This is why cryptos will never be adopted by the normies. Mess up an account number while doing a wire transfer? No problem. Mess up an address while sending Crypto? You're fucked.

>> No.9607880


>> No.9607892
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>> No.9607910
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>> No.9608004

bro. its a shitty mistake but i have no sympathy
copy/paste or qr codes
every time
no excuses

>> No.9608225

This. What the fuck were you thinking???

>> No.9608244

Maybe it was that virus that changes addresses when pasting.

>> No.9608265

thanks anon!

>> No.9608272

Post tx id you lying faggot

>> No.9608289

I did the same thing but with 2 Litefoin

>> No.9608304

Windows users, everyone

>> No.9608342

This is why recipients should be forced to "OK" payments made to them.
If an "OK" isn't received, payment should be returned within some window. (2 days?)

>> No.9608357
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>> No.9608364

write 3 line "auto receive script"
come on....

>> No.9608386
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But really... I can send money online via my bank in a secure and impossible to fuck up manner within 20 minutes.
The only reason you would need crypto instead is if you are a degenerate piece of shit pedophile that deserves to die. KYS OP.

>> No.9608455
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>tfw I think this is a positive feature that enables idiots to lose their money even faster and in effect transfers more wealth to me

>> No.9608472

Jew banker identified

>> No.9608477

What a scumbag
He could've coded it so, if the address you're sending to doesn't exists, the coins go back at you

>> No.9608490
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>he thinks the bankers haven't already co-opted crypto
I can just picture some merchant

>> No.9608494
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An unexpected coin burn. Good job.

>> No.9608496

Every address exists. You just need to find access to it.

>> No.9608506
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Aw shit, didn't know this. /ourguy/

>> No.9608507

>address you're sending to doesn't exists
Wow, we are really being overrun by normies and soccer moms.

>> No.9608521

you sent your btc to a bch wallet addr? b/c of the bitcoin.com wallet which is default on bch b/c roger, cw, and jihan want to lower the float of BTC supply by making people loose their coins?

copy/paste and then triple check, in the future. Also send LTC instead of BTC it'll get there faster and cheaper. You can always sell your LTC back into BTC at the exchange once it arrives. there is a reason why the LTC/BTC ratio trades in channels it is b/c that is how whales move funds quickly, without loosing BTC in the process.

>> No.9608537

don't worry, brah. i'll send it back.

>> No.9608540

never send more than 4% of your meme money, that way even if something happens, it's not that big of a deal

>> No.9608575


Exactly this.

>> No.9608588

i've beent hinking about this alot.
this is the one thing i think about..
normies dont even know their cellphone numbers or friends cellphone numbers...

maybe if they could be customizable avatars...
with a code inlayed into it, it'd be easier for them..
they can take a picture of the avatar picture..
they all know how to take pictures..

>> No.9608614

Literally a QR code

>> No.9608640

I’ve done that with 0.4BTC during the great bullrun. The funny thing is that I loaned $4k off a mate and was cashing out to pay him back. Lmao

>> No.9608702

This is what Nimiq is for.

>> No.9608728

sorry to hear your loss op
i get nervous too sometimes with this shit, I bought 10 BTC in Nov, 2016 and put them on a paper wallet but didn't test anything first and had no idea what I was doing. Hope I didn't fuck something up when I think I made it in 10 years and go to grab those lol

>> No.9608995

I don't have shit so i can't lose anything but my life....

>> No.9609793

1) Continually create new btc addresses
2) Log into accounts to access OPs funds
3) ???
4) Profit

>> No.9609830

There are several blockchains that implement/will implement usernames to avoid stupid people like OP fucking it up.

>> No.9609996

This thread OP seems to be a shill thread for nimiq some kind of pajeetcoin

>> No.9610480

>1 post by this ID
so many faggots baited.

>> No.9610692

the receiver would need a private key so it's not possible for random address

>> No.9610799

>he doesn’t probability

>> No.9610849
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I sure hope the future starts adopting more natural selection like this.

All these snowflakes nowadays getting triggered if their coffee isn't LGBT or offensive, needing a participation medal and safe space for everything.

You make a big mistake, deal with it as it should be.

The above isn't aimed towards OP but damn you're a faggot.

>> No.9610867


Isn't EOS reversable?

>> No.9611033

itd be cool something like this: coin sends worthless test money to address, while doing that it leaves a trail, you confirm that it is there, then you send the actual crypto and it finds the trail and confirms instantly

>> No.9611092

Hey I can help you recover your 0.95 BTC with my blockchain undo master scripts. Please send 0.2 ether to 0xEcEcfb8b94B3C87824908839Db550252de139572

>> No.9611189

That sucks, OP, but desu it's better to lose it fast like that than over several days on a shit trade.

>> No.9611194


>> No.9611208

Fucking hell man, somebody better tell Satoshi that there's a new maximum of 20,999,999 bitcoins because your dumb ass lost 1.

>> No.9611229

Is that old Dan Larimer?

>> No.9611246

I just got sent a random BTC??????

This is going straight to webcam porn and blow.

>> No.9611274

i tought this happened to me a few days ago....was sending btc from binance to my local exchange to sell for cash, confirmed the email......1 hour later still no btc.....wtf is going on? so i noticed that it was the wrong adress.....somehow i fucked up and binance sent it to this previousvsly used adress....after i loged in to all the fucking exchanges and wallets i own i deducted it ended up on my bitfinex account.....scarry shit....yeah always triple check.

>> No.9611295

Yes, which is why the normies will go for EOS because it's like what they're used to, if you fuck up a transfer no big deal

>> No.9611310

>somebody better tell Satoshi that there's a new maximum of 20,999,999 bitcoins
The 50BTC in the genesis block can never be spent.

>> No.9611321

>Fuck off SJW FAGGOTS, if you type a wrong character in a 64-character long hex string, you deserve to lose all your money, survival of the fittest faggots!!!

>> No.9611331

Oh for fuck's sake, we're down to 20,999,949 now? Unbelievable.

>> No.9611542


>> No.9612224

Sent ;^)

>> No.9612391

>types addresses

>> No.9612729

Just call the bank and...oh...right...bitcoin. Nevermind.

>> No.9612799

There will be overlays in the future, also you guys have seen nothing, once we have digital identities on the blockchain it will be super easy.
You argument is like saying "noone will use internet because you have to type an IP address".

>> No.9612870

He is an idiot but still right.
Addresses that never received any transactions should have some interventions involved from the private key owner the first time they receive something in order to keep the funds.

>> No.9612940

Adoption happening boys
Normies are here

>> No.9612972
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>> No.9612999

You do know there is the option to scan a qr code. No one is dumb enough to fuck that up.

>> No.9613766
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>> No.9613879
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i forbid you to talk about this goyim

>> No.9613896

That just gives us an advantage
We can become the middle men for crypto

>> No.9613912

until it's a non-issue.
fucking christ you retards are myopic

>> No.9613933

Good idea.

>> No.9614011

not for dumbshits who send to the wrong adress, but yeah EOS is centralized so if the network is attacked the 21 block producers can form a cartel and do whatever they want. plus they work really well together when they are all chinese exchanges and mining pools.

>> No.9614018

how is it a non issue

you can lose your life savings in 2 seconds on accident with coins

>> No.9614039

read harder idiot

>> No.9614061

you cant fix it with existing coins

>> No.9614079

>No one is dumb enough to fuck that up.

Yeah they are

>> No.9614103

Then what's the point crypto if theres a middle man? There would be literally zero reason to use it

>> No.9614113
File: 113 KB, 734x414, 1518790932846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since wallets are not spastic proof yet, it means that they can never ever be made to work how i need them to.

>> No.9614179

No, I'm right
Nope. Literally not how cryptography works.

>> No.9614204


You dumb faggot.


>> No.9614244

And then what?

WHo do you email to ask for the coins back? You can't do chargebacks. There's no laws or regulations, so even IF you could find out who owns the wallet of the wrong address, there's nothing to compels that person to return it.
If your head so far up your ass, you think you actually had a point? "Hurr derr, all addresses exist, dat will fix everyting, I'm da smartedest person in da room reeeeeeeee"

Shut the fuck up, and while you're busy doing that, fuck yourself too.

>> No.9614274

I just received it. ;)

>> No.9614316


>> No.9614345

post transaction id or didnt happen

>> No.9614363

Ok so why is there so much money in wallstreet?

>> No.9614364

>Hey I can help you recover your 0.95 BTC with my blockchain undo master scripts. Please send 0.2 ether to 0xEcEcfb8b94B3C87824908839Db550252de139572
Thanks Bra! You rock!

>> No.9614368

who gives a shit. until an anti-retard solution is presented let these dumbasses take coins out of circulation due to laziness.
>please confirm address
fuck 'em, Darwinism applies to crypto too

>> No.9614438

That wasn't the point. The point was that spastic dropped his pearls of "wisdom" like it meant anything, and I was rubbing his fat ugly face in the shit he deposited in the thread.

Jesus, how bad is 4chan getting when you have to explain this?

>> No.9614565
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>> No.9614604

>how bad is 4chan getting...
you know it's been a fucking shitshow the past 12 months anon.
tbqh I can't be bothered reading most reply's anymore. just come here to shitpost.

>> No.9614626

I never got this. Mistakes like this and people dying will gradually dwindle the "true" coins in circulation to zero over a long enough timespan. WTF is the fix for this?

I know some devs who are reviving a 4 year old shitcoin and they're convinced one of the founders, who had something like 30% of the coins in his wallet, has now died and those coins are lost forever.

>> No.9614733

coin name?
inb4 primecoin

>> No.9614760



>> No.9614852


Yeah lol, in 10 years bitcoin's max actual max supply will be like 10 million lol.

>> No.9615149

This is a problem with Bitcoin. The technology is what people want and need, but they can't handle it. They will also go back to centralization because they can't take care of themselves.

>> No.9615244

This is good for bitcoin

>> No.9615271
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>This is good for bitcoin

>> No.9615286
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-02-04_20-41-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.9615295



>> No.9615324


Nigga, what the fuck you talking about?

>> No.9615472

Bitcoin can always fork to divide further.
So essentialy 10 bitcoin can still be split into as many parts as required for a global supply/use. (just hope no 50btc wallets suddenly wake up if that happens!)

>> No.9615548

atleast you didnt fall for a shitty scam

>> No.9615618
File: 149 KB, 800x420, rolleyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards realize this is a coordinated effort by a group from the CryptoCurrency sub, right?