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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 799 KB, 758x800, eos-go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9603538 No.9603538 [Reply] [Original]

>Fastest & most secure blockchain
>Groundbreaking codebase
>Top performer in dips and pumps
>High volume daily (4x moving average)
>Billions in USD reserved for dapp dev
>Eric Schmidt on board
>Rumors of Vit joining
>Listing on Coinbase coming
>"Halvening" in 7 days
>Infinite airdrops
>Staking rewards
>RAM marketplace

WTF anon? Why do you own zero EOS before the biggest bullrun in crypto?

>Price Speculation: $1,000 / EOS by EOY 2019

>> No.9603596

>Burning man

This shit is going nowhere

>> No.9603617
File: 119 KB, 1080x793, 1526588674510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most secure blockchain

>> No.9603722
File: 80 KB, 572x1254, 0b3beb6e28ab24185b2c4adf13f25e1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brock isn't on the team anymore... It made sense. Get some PR friendly D class celeb to make a scene, then dump him.

>shrek memes
>21 validators isn't better than my 2 big whale miners

if you guys are gonna fud me, at least be somewhat intelligent about it.

>> No.9603753


choose one

>> No.9603755

>Most secure
Also no
>Rumors of vitamin joining

>> No.9603759
File: 76 KB, 684x546, yep..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 validators elected through vote buying and using custom funds to vote
>all part of the same chinese cartel of exchanges and mining pools

>> No.9603770

>PR friendly
famously accused of pedophilia lmao

>> No.9603789

You forgot the most important point for normie adoption: UX. EOS solves the biggest usability issues for a cryptocurrency.
>Usernames instead of addresses
>Hacked account recovery
>Zero fees

It's the same reason why Apple is so successful and why EOS will beat out every other coin.

>> No.9603792
File: 121 KB, 936x722, 1518291288938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Fastest & most secure blockchain
it's an erc20 token

>> No.9603798



>mfw EOS obsolete

Have fun EOS fags. Riding your pumps to increase the Eth stack has been VERY profitable.

>> No.9603815

ding ding ding


>> No.9603823

kek. Let's just bolt on all these additional pieces of shit since the the original product is fundamentally flawed.

>> No.9603949

>What are software updates?
>What's a roadmap?

Enjoy your centralised "crypto" anon.

>> No.9603991

Will do. Along with all the other normies who don't give a fuck about:

> muh decentralization
> muh gas fees

^^ normies don't want to deal with bullshit like that.

>> No.9604067

>ETH w/ Sharding
>not the fastest blockchain

>> No.9604090

Normies don't want to deal with transferring their money from $ to whatever via coinbase. It's not like anyone will accept this shit anytime soon. You're banking on laggard investors coming into a built product and throwing their money in. The problem is, those people know they're laggards, and will do their fundamental research, which will show nobody using this shit cuz credit cards are comfy as hell.

>> No.9604105

Secure. Right. Three nodes is secure. GFY OP. Fucking retard.

Centralized garbage. I hope you retards long on this get Bitconnect'd

>> No.9604157

Tons of normans will be using EOS without even knowing. Just like how reddit and netflix run on AWS without those users knowing what AWS is. EOS will be THE dapp platform because of its performance and usability. Eth's upgrades aren't coming for 2-3 years according to Vitalik, and even then it can't get rid of bullshit like gas or getting hacked. EOS really is Ethereum On Steroids, and it launches not in a couple years but next week.

>> No.9604168

121 nodes validating faggot

>> No.9604187

the fuck
uses dapps
right now, besides cryptoautist who breed cryptocats and hatch cryptoshrimp

before AWS people watched videos and browsed forums

>> No.9604191

Zero fees isn't a feature, people love eth's gas fees.

>> No.9604248

Three master nodes, or whatever the fuck you retards call them. Nobody cares about that one toaster is some cucks garage.

>> No.9604294

exactly, because current solutions like ethereum are slow as fuck. look at how successful Steemit is. dan larimer wanted to make a platform to launch other steemit-level dapps so he made eos.

>before AWS
yeah look what happened. AWS ate everything. now it's blockchain's time. and the best blockchain right now is EOS.

>> No.9604296


basically all websites will be built using EOS.

>> No.9604300

>look at how successful Steemit is
Only cryptofags use it.
Your point, is invalid.

>> No.9604314
File: 95 KB, 217x211, 1466064170113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown IDs

>> No.9604315

yes, don't you just love paying taxes, shipping, or any other kinds of fees and seeing them on your receipts just fills you with joy doesn't it

>> No.9604373

Except EOS is irrelevant compared to high TPS blockchains already. They just haven't baited cucks as effectively (marketing). EOS will be literal garbage tier when ETH hammers out the scaling dilemma. And they will, sooner than later in the scheme of things.

>> No.9604577

Fucking hell. This better be bait. Your claims are so terrible it's like you heard about shilling but no one took the time to show you how to do it properly 0/10 bad Pajeeting

>> No.9605229

We're not buying your bags OP
Where did you buy at? $20?

>> No.9605337

>not the fastest, mediocre security, little censorship resistance
>old codebase dragged along from bitshares, few upgrades made where it counts, in decentralization and resource usage
>billions reserved to give away just like microsoft tried to prop up their mobile os with no developers

oh and
>ethereum killer

i hope you guys aren't expecting this to be anything more than another neo