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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 1056x559, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9597954 No.9597954 [Reply] [Original]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What a literal retard. How can anyone take this guy seriously spewing out bs like this? It's not like he has any personal interests like he is invested in btc or anything.

>> No.9597971

He’s on cocaine lmao

>> No.9597986

Lmao that escalated quickly. That's not how this works.

>> No.9597998

Bitcoin makes most of its gains within 10 days of a year. A run up from 7k to 35k within 2 weeks wouldn't be out of the ordinary for btc.

>> No.9597996

Anytime someone posts something like this, it's one thing:

A. They're selling something
B. Someone is selling them something.

See: Amway, Scientology, ponzi schemes.

>> No.9597999

this deluded nancy boy has lost it

>> No.9598014

Is it just me or are @Crypto accounts the new televangelists?
>Opportunistic agitators
>Blind leading the blind
>No shame
>Put their faith in a power they don't understand

>> No.9598019

ahaha alright dude either way 35k this year is pure delusion. also btc can never usurp fiat, this idiots literally just trying to get more fiat. If he even economics 101 in the slightest he wouldn't tout a deflationary fixed asset as a currency

>> No.9598028


yep. hes selling his crypto course for $300 Lmfao.

people are such sheep that they are buying this lesbian mans course. truth is nobody knows whats going on with the market

>> No.9598037

yes - this includes all linkies

>> No.9598082

Why can't anything be low key? I hate twitter hoes.

>> No.9598156

I like this goyim way more. He is one of us.


>> No.9598180

>crypto course for $300
@ that price you can't complain that its shite, didn't this fuck used to say his shit would always be free...

>> No.9598243

i longed at 11.5k because he called 13k+ targets

i longed at $120 neo because he called 200+

fuck phil fuck phil fuck phil fuck phil fuck phil fuck phil

>> No.9598257

This time last year bitcoin was $2k. In December it was $20k. I'm still amazed people don't realise it can run up very quickly.
I don't agree with him about it replacing fiat, but he could be right about incoming bullrun and price action.

>> No.9598269

Why the fuck would you listen to him? All the red flags are there. He's litterally a kid. He only fomo attempts with words like "believe" and "usurp" and has significant skin in the game. What on earth made you think anything he says can be useful?

>> No.9598300

Wake up man the environment has changed. Crypto was new. It's hit the mainstream, cnbc picked it up. That will never happen again. It was so because all those factors were there, they can never line up like that again. Coin base will never be most downloaded app in the app store again. It had its time

>> No.9598336

Where have I heard this before... Oh yeah, when internet became mainstream and people speculated on garbage sites that had no use (think Tron, Verge). Except technology moves much quicker nowadays.
If you actually believe normies move markets with their lunch money tier investments, feel free to do so. Just don't act surprised when the total market cap of crypto is in trillions by years end, when projects get released and adopted IRL.

>> No.9598340

cnbc. fast money. ok.
That's not every mainstream news channel shilling it.
That's not your "local tv" talking about it.
Detailing how to buy, showing stories of people striking it rich
cnbc. come t he fuck on man, we haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.9598379

Philakone has taken the Marius pill

>> No.9598384

>CNBC, Coinbase
The world is a bit bigger than the USA, just a friendly reminder.

>> No.9598398

Wishful thinking lads, look at the internet bubble it took 16 years to break even. The first time it bubbled it ran up fast, huge and popped like btc in Dec 2017. After that it does not roar back like it did the first time. It's a crawl. I'm not sayin btc will never hit a new ATH, I'm just saying the fervor will not be there like last time. It will slow bleed, you'll all be discouraged and sell the bottom sometime in 2019ish. They next run will come years down the the road. Too many things at play now. Everyone knows about bitcoin, even your grandparents

>> No.9598400

Shuuuut the hell up. Crypto went mainstream in 2013 as well, 4 years before it resurfaced and went mainstream again. There’s literally no reason it can’t hapoen again.

>> No.9598451

Internet took far too long to create anything useful. Crypto is going to save financial institutions, organizations, and normies millions / billions of dollars.
You're the one who is delusional if you think everyone has heard of / owns crypto. A lot of westerners between 16 - 45 have probably heard the word "bitcoin", less than 2% have owned tiny amounts of it, and <0.1% know what the fuck it actually is.

>> No.9598471

Philakone is based.

He called the bottom.

See you at $35,000+ EOY.

>> No.9598498

Good luck to you, my man. Financial institutions already reduced friction costs with blockchain and DLT.all of the ASX Australian stock exchange switched all clearing and settlements to blockchain and they are saving over $2b a year in friction costs, not to mention reduce clearing time from 3 business days to nearly instant. Look up r3 Corda and project ubin phase 2

>> No.9598528

I'm sure they did, but what I am saying is we are nowhere near peak market penetration. Demand for crypto can only go up once it's proven useful in real life applications.

>> No.9598540

Crypto is literally mainstream in East Asia

>> No.9598561

Not diagreeing with that but if you think the institutions will use your coins, very wrong. https://www.coindesk.com/commerzbank-conducts-e500k-fx-transaction-using-r3s-corda/
Ofcourse they won't use an existing coin. And everyone knows private blockchains don't have that incentive mechanism for the concensus algorithm but it's private for their needs. Of course they'll make their own. No institution of any sort will give their money to neets they know how wealth transfer in assets works.

>> No.9598598

It's expected that there are less than 50MM that have held cryptocurrency. i.e. There are over a billion chinks that still don't own any crypto.

There are certain projects that will definitely be used by institutions. Even though I personally hate it, Ripple is one of the pioneers in this use case. I might be deluded, but I hope that Chainlink will follow suit, since it has a great use case, especially for banks and stock/crypto exchanges.

>> No.9598625

It's called a hype or fad
People didn't know better, they fucking were in it purely for the gains... as i am. Don't care about the tech, bitgoy has been around for fucking 10 years almost. It still isn't adopted you goof

Wake up, even crypto autists are leaving.... some of them at least. They are noticing that their stupid dreams of lambos and mass adoption are becoming less and less likely. Our tokens won't be used in the real world. Every single fucking company or corp is creating their own blockchain if they want it.

You really think these companies that are purely trying to profit in any way they can will buy OUR coins at market price? LOL
the absolute delusion of crypto, i'm just trying to make a cool 20-40% profit before i leave this dead scene

>> No.9598637

The 5th wave is coming, if it's not the whole theory gets debunked and thrown in the garbage and no amount of "muh black swan" can save it.

Also Is his last name Akone or is it Phil.A Kone?

>> No.9598667

Finally some real talk, agree bear markets can last years, even decades

>> No.9598682

>Every single fucking company or corp is creating their own blockchain if they want it

You didn't even have to specify that you're not in it for the tech, since you clearly don't understand the main selling point of most blockchain technologies, which is decentralization.

People have always been in this for profit, those are the ones who sold at $100, then a new wave sold at $1000 etc. Very few people held all the way from <$1 to $20k, since fiat isn't going anywhere anytime soon, it makes more sense to secure your gains by cashing out and using them to start a business or generate passive income.
The crypto "bubble" has popped multiple times in the past 10 years, and it'll keep "popping" all the way into trillion dollar total market cap.

>> No.9598701

it would be wise for all newfags to avoid these crypto twitter accounts that's for sure

>> No.9598728

it's exactly how it works fren

>> No.9598762

Classic argument but no. They can incentivse their private 'miners' it's decentralized within themselves so it's decentralized within a centralization. You can only 'mine' if we allow you, 3rd party miners to avoid 51% attacks or rogue employees and regular coin burns or some shit

>> No.9598780

That's what people said about BTC ever being 10k

>> No.9598894

lmao, never change biz

>> No.9599168

possible, more unlikely than likely is all im saying

Just because every few years bitgoy has pumped 100x doesn't mean it'll happen again.
This last 2017 craze was a bit different than others. You have to take that into consideration, ppl who got burned buying the the top learned a lesson.

Some exited the market for good, some stayed. One thing is, they now know there is no constant gains. They either take profits or get rekt. Guess who is gonna be selling early now?

When you have a mass of people who have waken up and been dumped on multiple times. They will try to sell before the next guy. This causes the price to not surge like it once did.

THere will always be idiots that buy the top and hodl, i'm just saying many... many people in this scene learned their lesson. This will cause coins to have a much harder time going on a parabolic run.

Prove me wrong

>> No.9599198


>> No.9599276

As long as there is a new top, the greed and FOMO will never end. I killed your shit with 2 sentences.

>> No.9599314

How will there be a new top?
Absolutely rekt

>> No.9599326
File: 119 KB, 890x501, MW-FP824_gold07_20170706203004_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bitcoin dips further and further
>heh, i'm so excited, bull market coming $1-2 dollars!!!
>get in on this now!

Come home, biz-tards.

>> No.9599330

>implying there will be a new top

>> No.9599363
File: 5 KB, 179x250, 1508336966774s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Haha lmao lmao lollol rotfl rotfl 9gag Stacey"

>> No.9599412

You’re so fucking stupid that it hurts

>> No.9599476

Who will buy his shit when the exact same tutorials are out there for free.

>> No.9599493
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I hurt a perma bull?
Sorry, but kys or point to a specific part that i am wrong and refute it.

>> No.9599509

>comes to /biz/
>haha nobody here is invested in btc amirite?

>> No.9599524

only 5x. 1k to 20k was fucking crazy you right.

>> No.9599526

Selling hopium can be very profitable during bear markets.

>> No.9599590

ahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahah, cope

>> No.9599600

You deserve to lose money.

>> No.9599641

You're a retard if you think retail investors are going to be driving the next bull run, they're not.
It's going to be the institutional money, and when they start allocating x% of pension funds to BTC the market cap today is going to look insignificant.

This is a brand new asset class and is uncorrelated to any other, people that can't recognize what this means don't really understand this concept.

>> No.9599819
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they will keep buying the top right? When we hit 8000, they will buy 8000 to push through to next resistance.

Then at 8600, they will continue to buy and break through to 9k all the way to 20k

Hmmm , billionaire institutional investors will pump us all up because they are the heros. Where is the part they make money dumb dumb? They may pump us up to get us started like what happened on the 12th of April, but they rely on other bulls and retail investors to carry the way. Because the institutional investors are going to want to dump and make profit at some point.... pretty sure that's how it works.

Incase you haven't noticed that thousand dollar candle we had last month was most likely institutional investors....

>> No.9599847

shut up fag no one cares that u were here for 6 months lol

>> No.9599978

Do you even realize how tiny the crypto market cap is compared to, say, the forex market cap?

Give me one good reason why the crypto market cap can't be bigger than that?

Also institutions don't all collude and have a single agenda. You really think the only way for them to make money is for them to drive up the price and dump at the top? No.

Think about exchanges, they have every incentive to drive up volume and adoption in order to get a cut of each trade.

>> No.9600021

>when they start allocating x% of pension funds
This will never happen, in your lifetime.

It's fucking hysterical that you believe it. But then, there are retards who think the earth is flat, too.

>> No.9600038

You do understand "instutional investors" have to disclose where their customer's money is allocated, correct? And if it was in crypto, everyone would know.

>> No.9600067

>Give me one good reason why the crypto market cap can't be bigger than that?

But hey, you tried.

Hey, for laughs, explain to me why banks, who own and run the Forex markets, would want to take their money out of a system they own and control, and put it into a system they don't own, and have no control over.

We'll wait. This is should be funny.

>> No.9601043

>if you think the institutions will use cloud servers, you are wrong
>institutions spending time and money making their own protocols rather than using one out of the box, or modifying then out of box of out our whatever is cheaper for them
Poe's law is a pain to deal with constantly on this site.