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File: 51 KB, 1200x675, bcore cuckold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9597302 No.9597302 [Reply] [Original]


Um, no sweetie, that would be Bitcoin Core ;)

>> No.9597325
File: 612 KB, 449x600, saintblackops2cel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin CASH

>> No.9597330
File: 576 KB, 1000x1000, 67634305_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin CASH

>> No.9597471

Both looks like centralised shit to me. Also those graphics are fake, no way there is so much mining in Europe considering electricity prices and media repercussion.

>> No.9597485

Cashies getting desperate as fuck

>> No.9597501


>> No.9597503

lol retard tons of miners in scandanavia, iceland etc. genesis mining for one

>> No.9597508

What is Bitcoin Core?

>> No.9597588

Lol retard, do you see scandinavia and iceland flags in the graphs? No? So you agree with me the graphs are fake.
Also, the miners in Scandinavia and iceland are ants compared to Chine ones, and no way there is so much in USA either.

>> No.9597651

umm sweaty it's real



>> No.9597688

If bcash and bitcoin fanboy faggots could both die in a fire the world would be a better place. They're both digital dogshit. Fuck you. Drink bleach.

>> No.9597837

>They're both the same
I enjoy seeing the bcash narrative change.
First it was the "superior" bitcoin
Then the "real" bitcoin
Now they're "the same"
This is only going in one direction

>> No.9597867

imagine being this fucking retarded

the bch narrative has never been "they're the same"

>> No.9597934
File: 12 KB, 92x128, Chad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bcore shill thinks he's arguing against other shills and not regular users with diverse opinions

>> No.9597982
File: 25 KB, 657x527, jqr4dq5n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a usefull idiot for a scamcoin

>> No.9598052

>I use greentext as a substitute for passive-aggressive third-person mumbling

>> No.9598160

shut up faggot

>> No.9598194


>> No.9598203

I hope Roger the doxer is paying you well. I see the flippenning is going STRONG

>> No.9598236

Yeah the cold places with cheap electricity and relatively safe and reliable societies that won't steal all your shit are totally no good for mining.

>> No.9598254

The fk is a bitcoin core ? Some bitcoin fork i dont know about?

>> No.9598314


>> No.9598432

yeah it has the btc ticker

>> No.9598578

Yes, in August 2017, bitcoin upgraded to 8mb blocks. Bitcoin core hardforked to include segwit

>> No.9598653

>digital dogshit

Yep. They're both the same.