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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9591208 No.9591208 [Reply] [Original]

this is not a joke you fucking assholes before i started coming here and reading your bullshit i was doing ok saving money and being patient but then you fuckers acted like these coins were so good i am not fucking jokimg here you made me lose my money fuck you piecs of shit

>> No.9591241

typical normie unable to accept responsibility and needs someone to blame. you will never make it. kill yourself and then sue me for murder since I killed you just then

>> No.9591248

Oh fiddlesticks, please post private key to participate in the Biz crypto loss reimbursement plan.

>> No.9591260

you are an exact example of the type of fucker i am talking about fuck you you piece of shit

>> No.9591272


>> No.9591325

Which coins did you invest in?

>> No.9591352

You bought some pajeet shilled coins didnt you?
Because you thought they shilled it for YOU to get rich haha

Die faggot.

>> No.9591353

i dont fucking remember what they were called what is the difference anyway this whole fucking market is a shitshow you fuckers ripped me off

>> No.9591362

Durr you guys told me to jump off that bridge wahhh why’d you do that ? It really hurt wahhh! Go cry to your mom you pathetic child

>> No.9591374

fuck off i bought thr shit people said was good but they were fucking no good rotten liers bis is full of fuckers and liers fuck you

>> No.9591378
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>being so retarded you buy anything 4chan tells you to

>> No.9591380
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thank you for your service. please come again

>> No.9591383

Sounds like you're a standard retard who doesn't make his own decisions and just does whatever someone tells him to.
If you have sold, congratulations dumbass you have now locked in that loss forever. If you haven't sold yet, don't.

"Do your own research" isn't just a meme, not when you're putting your potential future on the line.

>> No.9591389
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>> No.9591393

>tfw you can't tell if it's a larp anymore
if it's not a larp you need to take responsibility for your actions, especially financial ones. >>9591241 is right in this case

>> No.9591408

please dont tell me people think dyor is a meme
these cant be the people on this business and finance board

>> No.9591411

Why is it that being poor & dumb is such a powerful combination.

>> No.9591420

its not a larp you typical bis fucker i had 5k to my name and was doing okay and now i habe no money left because of the assholes on this shit forum

>> No.9591437

are you reading what this troglodyte is posting?
I honestly hope OP is trolling, I hope nobody is THAT stupid.

/biz/ has some very intelligent people floating around, but we get some absolute retards from time to time.

>> No.9591449

Did anyone put a gun to your head and make you click "buy"?

No? Then you are the only person you can blame. I'm happy knowing you lost money if you're gonna act like it's someone else's fault.

>> No.9591460

shut the fuck up shithead just because you fuckers ripped me off doesnt mean i am not smart in fact i am smarter then you fucking pricks because i can see through your lies and see this market is full of shit

>> No.9591477

what kind of question is that no of course no one did that but they lied and misled me which is fucking bullshit

>> No.9591480

Can't tell if British or pajeet.

>> No.9591489

/biz/ says contradictory things so if you ever take one set advice it means another group was telling you it's a bad idea.

>> No.9591492

ok you're a larp but i will literally spell this out anyway and hope that someone gets it
>never buy a project that's gone up more than 10% on the day
>you buy on RED, not on GREEN, preferably when it's returning to bullish levels (hint: MACD crosses)
>Before even CONSIDERING buying a project, look at what it does (is blockchain needed for beanie babies?)
>look at the fundamentals vs. price (is, for example, a 50/50 fee split coin down 95%+ from its ath a good buy when it has an API coming this quarter?
>only invest what you can afford to lose
>research NEW, UNSHILLED projects. I wish I had gotten in on the holo ICO, instead I had to buy sub 100

>> No.9591493

>thr shit people said was good

AKA pajeets. Well done retard.

>> No.9591500


>> No.9591514

Thank god you only lost your lunch money

>> No.9591545

fuck you trying to give me advice after you already fucked me over next time i save up 2k i am gonna short the shit out of this market and make my money back

>> No.9591556
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Listen to some anons here giving harsh but real advice. Pick yourself up and learn from your mistakes, stop blaming the world around you.

>> No.9591559

fuck you prick thats more then most the assholes on this board have

>> No.9591592

you're getting more responses than you deserve, probably because most people have empathy because they've been there

blaming others for you decisions is like swimming against the current in a rapid some people are so angry at the situation they keep doing it till they die while others admit they were wrong and let the current take them to a bank

>> No.9591657


I'm down six digits you silly little goose.

>> No.9591736

Eh anon, here's some lessons to learn from another anon who fucked up too and is currently unfucking up- trade, don't be greedy and take profit. Works like a charm. Less mad less pressure less chart dwelling.

>> No.9591797

You’re a retarded mung who should just have your pay direct deposited into my account. You obviously aren’t mentally fit to use it

>> No.9591799

have fun getting barted

>> No.9591817

>there's a difference

>> No.9592483


>look at the fundamentals vs. price (is, for example, a 50/50 fee split coin down 95%+ from its ath a good buy when it has an API coming this quarter?

Subtle COSS shill, Rune hasn't gotten anything done properly pretty much ever. API should've been the first thing you develop on an exchange based around volume, yet they keep stalling and working on bullshit like fiat (with insane fees). Enjoy those bags while everything else moons.

>> No.9592509

Thanks for the money dood

>> No.9592516

ugly face

>> No.9592541

thats why you should buy ripple.

>> No.9592550

I think they're going to end up buying an API sooner rather than later (thank fuck). bought at 31 cents (90% down, can't get much cheaper, right?) then they messed up fiat. it's cool though, as soon as the api releases we're good

>> No.9592606


I hope for your sake you're right, I held COSS for quite a few months after finally selling for a slight loss. They keep delaying everything and shifting the goalposts for their projects, the devs just seem really, REALLY incompetent overall. They'll probably mess the API up somehow as well.

>> No.9592700

you're smarter than most people on this board?

Is that why you lost money?

>> No.9592720

Probably, but once it's done it's done. Say what you want about their delays and deadlines, (and the implementation) but they eventually get it right. If I'd bought anywhere north of even $0.50 I'd be considering the rope, but I'm fairly comfy rn. The lack of API has been something of a blessing in the bear market because there's been no bot arbitration bringing everything down.

>> No.9592883


They might eventually get it right, but do you think there is a need for such a product that isn't currently filled? It's not a matter of if COSS will eventually go up, because it probably will, despite its flaws, but rather a question of will it go up faster than most other things. I have put my money on "no", but hey, it's not like I'm psychic or something.