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9586253 No.9586253 [Reply] [Original]

>if crypto dies, I die
Anyone else living by this?

>> No.9586271

nothing feels real anymore

i made and lost 100k since january lol

>> No.9586456

i remember this place right after 2017
i was like 'where is everyone'
then i was like oh, they all suicided

>> No.9586470
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>> No.9586474

same except 3 million

>> No.9586475


Hate to admit it but kinda, yeah.

>> No.9586488

Lost 180k here, I'm still at a profit however but I'm fucking devastated rn. Wish I tethered up.

>> No.9586491
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Kinda. I'm in long term, but if crypto doesnt deliver by 2021 then I'm done because pic related is just never gonna happen.

>> No.9586506

>if crypto dies
It may go somewhere lower to shake the weak hands out of it but it wont die.
There wont be any bull run this year so expect anything. It could take at least 1 or 2 years for another one.

>> No.9586558

I can wait about 5 years, if nothing happens by then I’m out

Not gonna be a 30 year old boomer unless I’m a millionaire

>> No.9586818

>betting your life on meme tokens
>betting your life on meme tokens AFTER they went through their once in a lifetime tulip style pump

You never stood much chance at life

>> No.9586829
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All feels have left me....

>> No.9586833

No, because I'm resourceful enough to make money another way.

>> No.9586841

went from 700 in january to 300 in february to 1800 in may because I went all in on nuls.
>Having significant amounts of money in a meme ponzi coin game
guys dont be idiots

>> No.9586869

Up and down almost 1m. Was only that high for like 10 days, but I can't get over it. I was too slow selling, and held some shitcoins because "I bought them so low." Then they drop 90%.

>> No.9586873

Already dead on the inside, just looking for a way out of work

>> No.9587277

A while ago I wrote a letter to myself that will get delivered on my 35th birthday. If I'm not in a serious committed relationship or semi-retired then it's lights out.

>> No.9587330

Chill AI is almost here. It will harold the end of all resource scarcity.
Crypto is correcting the wrongs of the past while AI is going to make everyone superheros

>> No.9587532

this picture makes me happy

>> No.9587619

What do you fags have against working
Not everything is fast food or retail. If that's all you're qualified for then you should get some training

>> No.9587641

Wagecucking for breadcrumbs sucks

>> No.9587665
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>What do you fags have against working
We do not wagecuck.

>> No.9587671

As opposed to what? Getting burned out on constant entertainment and a complete lack of fulfillment because your life is meaningless? Turning to drugs to fill the void? Work is a distraction that lets you fool yourself into believing you matter. You really don't know how bad it gets once you no longer have to try to get anything you want. Why do you think so many celebrities overdose

>> No.9587701

>stop trading crypto and do something productive
Nice try shlomo goldstein

>> No.9587715

Bitch I make six figures but it drains the fuck out of me. And the money doesn't even buy me happiness or impress other people like I thought it would when I pursued this career. I want crypto to pay off so I can pursue my personal interests while still living an upper middle class lifestyle.

>> No.9587723
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Because celebrities are emotionless husks that never had to actually work to get anything right.

I don't disagree with you that those who have never worked and have been nothing but NEETs have problems managing their time, but what about those who have been wagecucking 5, 10, 20 years, who are just sick and tired of it all and don't want to retire when they're 70? I have absolutely NO problem finding fulfillment, because I've worked the wagecuck life and know how much pain it caused, and yet, I appreciate the base wagecucking has given me.

Wagecucking wasn't a lifestyle for me. Wagecucking was merely a stepping stone to get me closer to my goals, and while I'm in the process of fulfilling those goals, I'll continue to come up with new goals and aspirations.

Only those lacking imagination live meaningless lives.

>> No.9587732

Well you sound like one of few people who know what it's like since you've been there. But I'd bet your "personal interests" might be considered work by some.

>> No.9587751

Crypto will die because it's a Ponzi scheme.

>> No.9587795

Probably. A lot of people here love anime but watching it feels worse than work to me.

>> No.9587855 [DELETED] 

I've struggled with it every day of last week, but this week I don't feel like doing it much, even if my losses are much worse. The anxiety of almost making it and feeling like you're failing is a lot worse than the one when you know you don't stand a chance anyway because the whole market has gone to shit. I feel like killing myself on bad days during a bull market, but during a bear market I don't give a fuck.

>> No.9588012

everything is a pozi, first adapters always get rewarded

>> No.9588120

Crypto is my only real hope, yes. I can't cut it as a wagie, I just can't do it. I can't get up and fight traffic and take abuse and take it from a boss. I wouldn't have the motivation to get up every day if that was my life.

>> No.9588197

I've invested around 30k since February and I could careless if I lost it all.