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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9587103 No.9587103 [Reply] [Original]

>whites own building
>asians run business in building
>mexicans work for asians
>niggers steal from everybody

>> No.9587178

asians bitch boys dont run shit except for a white mans errands

coffee boy faggots at best

>> No.9587218

>jews puppet the whites
>arabs plan to blow the place up to piss off the jews

>> No.9587245

>pajeets keep coming in just to shit on the floor

>> No.9587260

whites used to own the building, now it's owned by chinese real estate conglomerates. girl is fucking perfection btw.

>> No.9587308
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>Chinks get BTFO'd when their investment homes they bought in NYC and Southern California collapse in value during the next crash.

>> No.9587343

weird way to spell jews

>> No.9587348

Chinkcouver too
It's gonna be sweet famalam

>> No.9587421

Looks like an Asian boy stole your girl lmao. Beta Whitey

>> No.9587436
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>> No.9587948

Whites actually rarely own buildings. I've noticed it's mostly immigrants, for some reason. Asians, Indians, etc

>> No.9588274

>actually thinks chinks care if the housing market collapses.
Top kek.

You do know these guys are on the run from their governments or are just putting their stolen money into some real estate and crypto accounts right? They know the housing market is unsustainable but they're not there for speculation, they're there so they can have a property and a place to stay when their home government cracks down on corruption. They could care less if the housing market goes down to $1 a house in Canada.

>> No.9588329
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>> No.9588341

>They know the housing market is unsustainable
I personally know some kids in these families from uni and from what I can see, they treat houses like gold. All the extra money they get goes to buying another house in the hopes it will keep going up. The up side is they are super thrifty people but I can't guarantee they won't suicide when their properties value cut in half

>> No.9588614

this desu

Nah, it's parking illegal money in real estate. If they cared about profits, they'd attempt to rent the houses at least.

>> No.9588773

Chinks are all degenerate gamblers who will fall for the thing that is rising in value every time. See the extreme booms and busts of the Chinese stock and and housing markets or check out your local casino for examples.