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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9584186 No.9584186 [Reply] [Original]

ok biz which one of you is this?

>> No.9584270
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>> No.9584305

I was waiting for him to say he's going to support himself with bitcoin

>> No.9584321

He's procreated. Not one of us.

>> No.9584335
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>be 36 years old
>no job
>live at home
>parents watching tv
>this comes on
>hurry upstairs

Am I fucked?
I'm trying to listen under the door.

>> No.9584365
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>> No.9584379


AHAHAHAH wow you fucking neet

>> No.9584398


>> No.9584414
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the man that singlehandedly destroyed bitcoin

>> No.9584441
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>> No.9584445

When did CNN """analysts""" start talking like Fox News analysts like this?

>> No.9584450
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>i have a plan to provide for myself, but i don't think it's going to happen tomorrow
he's all in on link, bros. /our guy/

>> No.9584456

how. just HOW

>> No.9584474



>> No.9584511
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>> No.9584521

probably went to thailand or got a mail order bride

>> No.9584529
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>says millennial stereotypes don't apply to him because he's conservative
>prime example of NEET lazy millennial loser
>the absolute state of trumptards

>> No.9584553

can you not just feel the disgust from this roastie
he is a sub human to her

>> No.9584563
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>> No.9584585

you actually made me watch that cringefest to make sure there was not anything about bitcoin in there. thank goodness. it really makes you think though. if that guy didn't have his problems solved by the bull run last year.... that fucking guy... maybe there is actually hope we are still the early adopters

>> No.9584612
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>> No.9584637

blew my mind. Bruh you have a child. Go get a fucking job. It's one thing to be khv autist neet with no real responsibilities, but it's another to have a child and just decide meh Im gonna yank my dick in moms house all day instead of raise / support him. He's mildly mentally ill though, he could get better if he tried.

>> No.9584644

is this a full joke or are linkies actually suffering a group delusion where they fill in any possible lack of context with a chainlink connection? it's like you all were on a bad acid trip and now think that the number 22 explains all significant political events

>> No.9584645

he most prob invested in Link, even last year's bullrun couldn't have helped him in this case

>> No.9584649

What kind of NEET would agree to a CNN interview? This guy's a stooge, calling it.

>> No.9584665

who looks worse from this interview, him or her? he may be a NEET but she seemed mean to him

>> No.9584671

>is this a full joke or blah blah blah
it's a joke

>> No.9584681

They paid him obviously.

>> No.9585046

>i'm very conservative
>I can't leave tomorrow cause I dont have the means, LINK won't be 1k til 2022
holy fuck that's 4chan incarnated

>> No.9585281

its just a meme

>> No.9585359

was hoping to hear something about chainlink LOL

>> No.9585445

>its not tomorrow

He is bagholding Digibyte and Chainlink confirmed

>> No.9585497


/pol/ confirmed

>> No.9585538

Don't bunch this cuck with us. We get shit done. He's one of /r9k/'s guys you can just tell. They basically worship the guy.

>> No.9585569

32 and living with my parents, I paid off their mortgage though so I don't feel guilty.

>> No.9585604

Unbelievable that this kind of trash is on CNN. Fucking whore-faced bitch trying to belittle this guy. And how cucked are these parents? Turning to the state to solve their problems with their son

>> No.9585637

Weak father, no wonder the kid is a NEET fuck.

>> No.9585652


I don't think that meme bubble chart makes that much sense in crypto. Institutional investors aren't even really in yet neither is the public but there has been a lot of media attention.

>> No.9585653

who are you kidding

This board is 10% /g/, 40% /pol/, 40% /r9k/, 5% everything else

>> No.9585662

If they just let me stay another couple months, I would have made it. Now I have to sell my linkies to survive. It's not fair /biz/bros.

>> No.9585674

belittle the guy? man he does that on his own. fuck cnn but they didn't really contribute to his negative image. guy is a total loser. also you can tell he's not being genuine by the way he fumbles with words so much and contradicts himself.

>> No.9585688

Kinda fucked up though, people in other counties live with their parents late all the time. It's a smart way to save up money and not put yourself in debt. Probably why the media wants to disparage it.

>> No.9585695

Well he's definitely autistic

>> No.9585704


God you are so dumb. The joke is that LINKies always talk about how rich they're going to be when their coin dumps all over them and they have no money.

So anon is implying that this guy is probably a LINKie as well because he plans to have money in the future but he's broke now. This is actually mocking the guy and LINKies as well. Though anon probably holds LINK because LINKies like making fun of themselves.

>> No.9585707

Ok the jig is up. You got me guys.

>> No.9585712

i agree living with your parents isn't necessarily a bad thing and it shouldn't be frowned upon in the US so much. but this guy doesn't have a job, doesn't want a job, and doesn't look for one either. he's contributing nothing and his parents are right to kick him out imo. it might even be an experience that kicks him in the ass and makes a man out of him.

>> No.9585716


Yeah, he seems he might be kinda fucked up in the head but somehow it's ok for the news bitch to mock him? I don't get this double standard. If he was a woman instead this wouldn't even be in the news.

>> No.9585726

Exactly, they act like it's easy to just go find a job and make enough to afford rent, groceries, car etc. That bullshit at the end about millennials was fucking ridiculous. I'm in my late 40's. Nothing more idiotic than making sweeping generalizations about an entire generation. Like I said, can't believe there are people that watch this shit on a regular basis. No wonder people's minds are so fucked up

>> No.9585744

damn dude you made me laugh

>> No.9585750

He accepted that interview though

>> No.9585752
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>you're welcome

>> No.9585758

...and he has a kid
>Probably why the media wants to disparage it.
/pol/s theory is that the jews are hitting back and hitting where it hurts - turning up the heat on all the neets / shitposters still living with their parents.

>> No.9585767

except he admitted he's not even looking for a job and doesn't want one. this guy and people like him are the SOURCE of those generalizations

>> No.9585790

>jews are hitting back and hitting where it hurts - turning up the heat on all the neets / shitposters still living with their parents.

Why do you think they're banging on about the incel thing so hard?

>> No.9585799
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>> No.9585840

Guy didn't ask to be born. And family members have lived in multi-generational housing for centuries. Only modern fucking boomer shelfish assholes started this "move out when you're 18" yo BS. I fell for the same meme and could have retired by now if I hadn't. Fuck that shit.

>> No.9585858

Yeah, it doesnt help the economy when you chill at your parents, save money, get low cost entertainment. They need you to get your own place, a wagie job to make you feel drained enough to want to splurge so you spend spend spend to feel good.

>> No.9585875

>Guy didn't ask to be born
news flash: nobody did. you're ignoring the fact that he's completely ok with leeching off his parents for the indefinite future. if he was working towards some goal or working at all i would agree with you, but that's not the case. dude's worse than welfare-tier

>> No.9585890
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>> No.9585929


But the parents decided to birth him, then they want him out. Should have never had the guy. Everyone is forced out of their house at 18 b/c boomers don't want to share their house they inherited from their parents like every family has done for thousands of years. Instead the boomers kick everyone out jacking up the price of starter homes and apartments so everyone is even more of a rent cuck wage slaving for their boomer boss. I had the boomer meme but its so fucking true its incredible how one generation can be so selfish, smug, and arrogant acting like its easy when they inherited everything and passed nothing down.

It won't even be fixed when they die because they all get reverse mortgages right before they die, so the family wealth never gets passed on it just goes right into the banks / ultra-wealthy, hence the skyrocketing wealth inequality in the country.

>> No.9585974

the interview today revealed to the world the stuttering pothead behind this scam. I bet he is all in on shitcoins, when she was asking him if he was trying to get a job he was mumbling about "I am putting myself in a situation to be able to provide for myself, but it won't be tomorrow" all vague and shit

>> No.9585984

Me unironically

>> No.9586007

you identify with this guy on a deep level don't you

>> No.9586012

Timestamp or gtfo

>> No.9586026


He was probably paid at least a few k to do it. Why not right? He already embarrassed himself worldwide, might as well cash in on it.

>> No.9586088

kek. he probably lurks here

>> No.9586091


Even if he did, what would it matter? He's right.

>> No.9586108

He's waiting for the golden bull run so he can tell nocoiners told ya so.

tldr He's a Link marine and will have to wait 3-4 years before smartcontracts go rogue.

>> No.9586142

he'll probably get some dumb slut offering marriage cause he's "famous" now.

>> No.9586143

This guy whoever the fuck you are you need to duck and cover. Get the fuck outta the limelight stop doing interviews and get a fucking wagecuck job and bend the knee you're starting to become like the NFL nigger. Fucking go dark dude or you'll never make it. Stop browsing this board too you fucking low life this place is the biggest shithole on planet earth gtfo and take care of your fucking kid you piece of scum parent.

>> No.9586287

no he isn't. nothing he said applies to the guy in the video because he's not even trying to succeed in life. he's a waste of skin leeching off his parents

>> No.9586290


You should have thrown your sippy cup through the screen. Fucking amateurs i swear.

>> No.9586292

He has no money or house, he is of no use to her.

>> No.9586303

>If he was a woman instead this wouldn't even be in the news.

Women can spread their legs for a place to live when desperate.

>> No.9586489
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He's waiting for the next bull market.

>> No.9587170

definite LINK holder

>> No.9587193

hes probably made 1/10th as much as they would have paid him

>> No.9587210

>muh 6 million

>> No.9587340


this is why i come to this shithole of a site

>> No.9587410

This is insane. He's probably getting paid for all these appearances. He'll end up being able to buy a house at the end of his 15mins

>> No.9587577
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>> No.9587700


>> No.9587876

It's 100% his fault.
Baby boomer logic.

No rest home visits is my advice.

>> No.9587926
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>> No.9588040 [DELETED] 


i bet she's a landwhale

>> No.9588045

you know they'll be calling him nonstop 15 years from now when they're in nursing homes and feel they aren't being treated well enough

>> No.9588088


I bet he owns shitcoins and calls his parents "wagecucks"