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File: 287 KB, 1200x1286, poorlittlewhiteguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9581554 No.9581554 [Reply] [Original]

>5'7 bcash chad
A fucking manlet in JAPAN

>> No.9581641
File: 27 KB, 500x500, hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidate your BCash, boys. It's over.

>> No.9581671
File: 547 KB, 480x700, bchad_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he's /ourmanlet/

>> No.9581692

is this guy jewish?

>> No.9581698

Man, Ben Shapiro is looking good. He must be pumping iron.

>> No.9581740
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Even ben could probably beat him in a fight

>> No.9582023
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>> No.9582057
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It needs to be updated to warn people of the impending cashlet threat.

>> No.9582066

teaming up with chinks to scam

>> No.9582088

no wonder he's alway so desperate and angry, being only worth 13% of a real man.

>> No.9582122

it all makes sense now

the constant rage quitting

the annoying high pitched wyning tone of voice

the red herring arguments

He's just over compensating.

>> No.9582338
File: 238 KB, 1242x1431, 1527105879463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9583164


blown away by how tiny this little manlet is, are you sure this isn't shooped?

i don't know if it was camera tricks or optical illusions or what, but I always imagined him to be over 6'1" from all the other photos i saw of him

>> No.9583171

Jihan, Roger and Craig, what do they all have in common? They're manlets! The cashlet uprising has been unfolding unnoticed in front of us for almost a year!

>> No.9583189

I saved it from his own twitter post (before he deleted it)

>> No.9583271

>It needs to be updated to warn people of the impending cashlet threat.


Sound the alarms, warn everyone you can. If normies begin to associate crypto with a bunch of manlets, this shit is never going to take off and crypto is doomed no matter what you are holding.

>> No.9583372
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>> No.9583389
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>> No.9583405
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>> No.9583417
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>> No.9583418


holy shit he's so small compared to those two guys

its like if you scaled a normal man down 70% in photoshop

>> No.9583429
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>> No.9583442
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>> No.9583457
File: 6 KB, 187x170, 1526570451950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predicted this.

>> No.9583594


>> No.9583831

That's the photo Ver posted on Twitter trying to get bcashtards to bribe that other dude so he'll use bcash on his platform. The tweet he then hastily deleted. Everything the bcash crowd do turns to almost instant shit.

>> No.9583855

Swiming in Asian pussy so who cares. 5’7 is 6’2 in Thailand

>> No.9583918

Roger Ver's deleted manlet tweet

>> No.9583931

Wait. He's straight? You're kidding me

>> No.9584054
File: 146 KB, 1200x900, DFsGnSNUMAAdUDq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how alpha core is

>> No.9584087

Just sold all my BTC because of this thread. Only keeping my BCH, so I can be with my people

Sick of lanky cunts taking the piss. The fire rises.

>> No.9584101

Manlet and a brainlet.

>> No.9584116

his whole proportioning is downscaled. he's such a cute little man.

>> No.9584126

Fellow rich white manlet here.

How's it feel lankets that we slay pussy thats taller than us? you will never know the satisfaction of having a woman taller than you submit and overcoming that obstacle.

Im just glad Im not black though, that would be a nail in the coffin

>> No.9584136

Call me a manlet again and ill genocide everyone over 5'10

>> No.9584162


lanklets feel threatened. i love seeing the look on a lanklets face when I out alpha him at the bar for a girl he was talking to.

Ill give you brainlets a hint: self confidence, money, and looks are all that matter.

No woman wants a NEET 70 IQ and your extra few inches won't make up for it

>> No.9584191

Looks matter but height doesn't? That's some serious cope.

>> No.9584203


good facial genetics > height.

Anyway, I need some cereal. Why don't you be a good lanklet and fetch it for me from the top shelf.


>> No.9584212

manlets are subhuman scum. I sympathize with you for having to act out your realization of that fact and thinking it could possibly make a difference.

>> No.9584219

>laughing at your own jokes
It's time to grow up.

>> No.9584230
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> itt corecucks btfo for months on every single argument they try to the point there are now infographics for every single one of them, so let's just go back to simple "x is a poopyhead and inadequate in some way".
Pretty comfy betting against you cunts desu.

>> No.9584244


ive only gotten shit for my height one time. and that was when a jealous lanklet tried to stop me while walking out of the bar with a girl he talked to earlier in the night.

He said "you're gonna go home with that short guy?" and she looked at him with a weird look. Later that night I fucked her brains out 3 times.

When will lanklets learn height isnt a trump card. It helps if you have no talent but its a serious coping mechanism for being lazy.

t. rich and shorter than you

>> No.9584267

BTW, I don't care if Craig Wright isn't Satoshi. I don't care if the US government kangaroo courted RV into prison or that he's short, and I don't care that jihan wu is Chinese.
Did I miss anything? Does this political character assassination nonsense actually work on *anyone* in this space?

>> No.9584313

Is getting laid such a big achievement for you or what? Nobody is talking about getting laid except for you. Did you have trouble during high school when girls weren't gold diggers?
Now, anon, I would never call anyone a manlet irl. That's because I'm not autistic or drunk, so I dom't really see your point.

>> No.9584328


Just trying to make a point anon. Getting laid is not a big deal, pussy is easy. But if you notice biz is full of NEET autists who getting laid to would be a big deal, so rubbing it in their face is even funnier

>> No.9584347
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>> No.9584360
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Don't think so, he is basic bitch libertarian

>> No.9584452

Oh, I see. I was confused because I'm not trying to impress NEETs on an anime board. But I see where you're coming from, being short and all.

>> No.9584467

Where is the proof that he's 5'7"? That would explain a lot. Napoleon Complex.

>> No.9584647
File: 262 KB, 800x800, 7865875638638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3-figure BCH


>> No.9584804

BCH is a scam but fuck you lanklets, hope it feels good knowing this manlet is smarter, richer and (probably) better looking than you (providing you look like the typical biz autist)

>> No.9585424

You had to ask if vermin is a kike? Of course he is. Look at the cunt.