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95636 No.95636 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how financially viable is drug dealing?

I know a few people who have been doing it for years and make a fuckton more than me while otherwise living completely normal lives.

>> No.95670

It depends. How deep into "shit" are you willing to go.

>> No.95707

It's perfectly financially viable.
The problems are:
- covering up income sources\tax
- unregulated, violent competition
- unregulated, violent and unreliable associates
- putting the network in place to deal with the above

oh and illegality

>> No.95736

what drugs

every drug dealer I've ever met either lived with their mom or was on government assistance or had a day job and was just doing it on the side

drugs don't pay because your customers are unreliable jackasses who don't pay on time, ask for discounts or advances etc.

>> No.95745
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The secret to surviving in the drug business is to be very even-headed, but without hesitation to mow someone down if they cross the line. However, do *not* initiate fights, because the initiators almost always piss someone else off first.

>> No.95750

>not selling heroin
The only drug that guarantees future sales.

>> No.95757

Anecdotally, the most successful low-man I knew was one who had a job in medical disposal. He would find bottles of opiates and sell them at a discount (which is a street price premium).

>> No.95777


enjoy your life of paranoia and near 100% chance of being flipped on when one of your retard junkie customers gets popped

Distro is a suckers game. There is money and security in production

>> No.95797

Production requires skill that the average latently homicidal ghetto drug dweller doesn't have.

>> No.95812

you said it, besides there's a good chunk of guys in the drug community that get by being snitches for the cops, there are tons of guys that get by, evade arrest and make a little extra money by snitching occassionally - thanks to the witness protection program and crime stoppers - these guys pretty much get a free pass out of jail for rolling on their buddies

no matter how careful you are, the snitches will get you sooner or later

>> No.95820
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It depends on your situation...

Independence is physically impossible, even as a drug cartel; you just cannot sell drugs because you have it. You have to consider many factors

>other drug dealers
>middle men

Another thing is... NEVER become a drug runner for a mafia/gang organization. Especially Russian Mafia runners. You'll never make money and you'll always live in paranoia. Drug runners are literally the bottom of the barrel in terms of money; I'm talking McDonald salary. You have to go through so many people just to get drugs/money. Enforcer, middleman, speaker, leader.

An example; if you sell speed for 40 bucks a baggie, by the end of it you'll leave with 5 dollars.

Is it a viable option? Yes, is it worth it? No.

>> No.95833

relevant :

economic analysis of crack dealing


>> No.95952

that's why they pay you to do it. It doesnt really take smarts it takes some work ethic, patience, and the ability to follow directions

extremely true. and no matter what people tell you, they chances are they WILL rat to save themselves. prisoners dilemma and all that

that's why I only sell to my one trusted and proven distributer. have a "network" may seem bad ass and profitable, but its a liability I am not willing to take

Even though he knows his shit, he has still be robbed and had other close calls. Luckily I keep myself isolated so I don't have to deal with that

>> No.95977


High risk high reward.

Enjoy learning how to make license plates

>> No.96333

How much are you selling? Grams? Ounces? The only true way to make bank is to sell pounds(possibly event tons). You need to get better connections and take more risk.

>> No.96352
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I'm talking weed btw

>> No.98489


full retard unless you can find a ridiculously cheap source.

>> No.99380

Get a 12$/hour job and you will make more money.
Selling weed is a real full time jobs+ all the risk.
Even if you sell ounces.
you can compare selling weed to a student jobs.

>> No.99412

You'll get busted in a heartbeat. Was good buddies with a mid level coke man in college. He was making thousands a week and, out of the blue, woke up to a DEA no-knock raid.

He lost every penny, owes the IRS thousands, can't find a job because he is a convicted felon, and had to file bankruptcy when he couldn't pay his lawyer