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File: 197 KB, 466x460, instagram-colourful-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9574814 No.9574814 [Reply] [Original]

Which apps do you use to grow account?
What is the best strategy?
Lets make some money off Instagram biz

Need app names and reliable website names that can help one make a valid hustle off instagram.
Grow account, get paid to promote products and other instagram accounts
Anything Instagram

>> No.9575004

lurking.... I really need to write a content calendar for all my social media over the next few months...

>> No.9575130

I'm about to start one, what are some tips in getting started / initial growth?

>> No.9575206

so many, off the top of my head though
>keep your content consistent
>never post more than 2 photos of the same event or object
>don't post too many times a day
>avoid generic hashtags like "selfie" or "inspo", and use no more than 5 hashtags an image
>"follow churn" - like people who follow accounts with similar content to yours
>and when someone comments on your images, like back theirs - ideally write comments, create a dialogue
>Videos get more views than images

>> No.9575257

i've been using ¨Gramista¨ for a week now. Gained 600 ish followers, gotten 4-500 likes on my pictures. Sure it might look inflated at first, but literally everybody are using bots to build up their accounts. Your account looks a whole lot more attractive if you have lots of followers and likes, whether or not those are fake.
So far i'm getting free products from several supplement companies. Goal is a popular clothing line and some payment in cash.

You've got nothing to lose at all though bros. Sure, your account might not catch on, but you'll have lots of pictures and memories, and girls love a socially active dude.

And you don't even have to pay shitloads for a good camera, just get the new huawei p20 pro phone and all your photos look like photoshopped still photos in a studio.

>> No.9575480

Thanks for this. Gramista

>Gained 600 ish followers
Are those fake followers though, are they follows from dead accounts or real people?

>> No.9575513
File: 12 KB, 560x300, thumbs-up-sign_1f44d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9575524

both real and fake. The bot likes and follows people that you specify it to do. Follow X person's followers, or like x hashtag pictures etc.. If your profile is interesting, real people will follow you back, but there are of course some fake accounts circulating, or real people's accounts that also use similar bots, which tend to follow eachother.

It really simplifies the process for you. It gets your profile out there, liking and following real people, which is how you gain followers in the first place. This way it just does that 24/7, you'd be going mad if you had to build a following from scratch without a bot

>> No.9575791
File: 13 KB, 422x422, 4b77e7b5506627c6a8a8f8d395b262b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Stuff!

I wonder if its possible to build your own bot to do this