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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9569332 No.9569332 [Reply] [Original]

StakeNet is about to explode.
Even when the whole market crashes, XSN is still outperforming BTC, and always has been.
If you want to make some gains, this is it.
10x by the end of the year, and that's a very modest prediction.

>Privacy Coin
>Atomic Swaps

You have been warned biz

>> No.9569362

Looks bullish, what is TPOS and CCPOS?

>> No.9569414

Trustless Proof Of Stake
- Using this, you can stake your coins while your computer is turned off

Cross Chain Proof Of Stake
- Through the DEX, and with atomic swaps, you can stake XSN, and recieve your rewards in any currency you want supported by the DEX. Like for example: BTC

>> No.9569670
File: 47 KB, 1024x668, 80NPpqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEX looks sleek

>> No.9569695

It sure as fuck does. I bought as soon as I saw it. Looks fucking sexy

>> No.9569735

got in at 4700 yesterday

>> No.9569812

Nice! I catched a drop at 4500 sats.. feels fucking amazing

>> No.9569840

horse shit scammers just like when they were posw. you can change the name, but it's still the same manipulating assholes.

>> No.9569851

XSN is the real deal. The devs are hardcore, they release everything on time, and they do great work. I have full faith that XSN will do a crazy x20, x30 sometime this year.

>> No.9569858

>Calling something a scam on /biz/
If you are going to call something a scam have proof or stfu its meaningless on here.

>> No.9569878

its full of dirty turks, one of their exchanges dumped their holdings 1-2 weeks ago

>> No.9569882

XSN was POSW at one point, but a completely different dev team now. The new coin nails the virtual savings account use case.

>> No.9569937

Um, you mean roaches

>> No.9569985

Fucking pajeet bringing up posw. Sounds like muhhhhh russia

>> No.9570050

I've been holding since POSW, and you couldn't be more wrong. Look at the price, there is a reason for that you know

>> No.9570065

People trying to instill doubt so they can accumulate. That's the reason to bring up posw. It's very obvious that this team is legitimately working on a great project.

>> No.9570397

And what's that

>> No.9570648

All their upcoming features

>> No.9570684

Dude 10x!!! you are being shy... have you not seen the road map..... DEX, CCPOS....... getting rewards in another currency is huge!

>> No.9570715

Is one of their upcoming features to swap back to posw

>> No.9570870

DEX with atomic swaps, so you can stake XSN and recieve any currency you want.
Staking as a service through StakeNet.io

TPOS allows Staking as a business, with merchant being able to stake other people's coins for a commission.

Pooled masternodes, privacy implementation, and much much more.
Again 10x is VERY conservative. Could go 20x easily

>> No.9571307


>> No.9571329

look at the price? how fuggin dumb are you nigger. those fuckers who ran posw have same amount if not more xsn now. fuckin scammin bonks i wouldnt trust with actual monopoly money.

>> No.9571459

So you're saying, that because the devs have XSN (Like any other project out there) you won't touch it?
This means you're a no coiner. Ethereum, ARK, NEO, any other coin out there, it's the same fucking thing.
So yeah, I'm not listening to a no coiner, I'm sorry dude

>> No.9571478

Scamming? What are you talking about?
Dev funds are completely normal. Every project have it's own Dev funds.. are you completely utter retarded?

>> No.9571491

Good on you to discern real concerns with transient low iq concerns.

>> No.9572158

Fuck off

>> No.9572242

Fucking roach bringing up pajeet. Sounds like muhhhhh russia

>> No.9572276

I liked the old logo better

>> No.9572369

The old logo won't fit on the ledger display, which is one of the reasons they had to change it.
I personally love the new logo, had to get used to it though

>> No.9572428

If you think this is immune to the ENTIRE crypto market crashing, then I have news for you

>> No.9572456


>> No.9572773

When BTC went from 19k$ and all the way down. This coin held it's satoshi value, and even gained some.
See ya next week where we will hit 6000 sat.. Loser

>> No.9572795

No. Liking the coin because of its TECH. Especially TPOS.
Im a merchant, and I stake multiple peoples coins, netting me 100 coins daily. Do the fucking math, as soon as I expand on this business, I'll be able to make a living out of it.
Stay out if you want, just less competition for me

>> No.9572822

That seems really unlikely given how shit the project is.

>> No.9572911
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lmao, lazy fud, biz lost its touch

>> No.9573011

Your comment is completely irrelevant, when you can't even argue WHY you think the project is "shit"
Jesus, if you're fudding to buy in lower, I can understand where you're coming from, otherwise your comment is completely useless, and a waste of time.

>> No.9573195

I like XSN but it's best feature in my eyes which nobody has really mentioned is it's cross chain interoperability. The tech that they are building for this and will allow their MN network to become the foundation for all POS coins to layer on top of and easily add new features without having to fork. This will allow every POS coin to take advantage of new technologies effortlessly by running things through XSN's MN network, I think thats a game changer and could potentially catapult XSN to be a big name in the crypto sector.

>> No.9573229

I see it's on Q4 on their roadmap on xsncoin.io

Plenty of time to accumulate, but I agree, this could blow up like crazy EOY.
Bought some a few days ago, but I'll definitely buy some more, perhaps enough to run a masternode which I believe will be quite profitable if their DEX will run on top of them.

>> No.9573274

Holy shit it looks sick. When is it going live?

>> No.9573338

Q2. So pretty damn soon

>> No.9573369

Agreed.. Biz gonna buy high instead of getting it cheap, lmao

>> No.9573372

Currently there isn't much difference between TPoS and MN rewards, MN's slightly have the edge but I still just use TPoS instead for the sheer convenience. However once the DEX launches I will defs get my MN's set up as fee's from trading volume will push MN's rewards way up and then all the other services that MN's will provide down the road as part of their cross chain strategy should make MN's extremely profitable with all the fee's they will collect from the services and different chains running on them.