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File: 79 KB, 660x440, warren-buffett-reuters-i-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9570092 No.9570092 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize stocks are outperforming crypto

>> No.9570104

What time frame are we looking at here?

>> No.9570120

>he didnt sell most of his crypto holdings around the beginning of this year when it was clear the trend was over

lmao bitcoin went up 20x in a year and you think it's not just gonna spend the next 2 years retracing most of that? We're not even halfway done this year.

>> No.9570137

>slow retracement
>meanwhile alt party

>> No.9570139

Based buffet is never wrong
only genuine pajeets hate him

>> No.9570143

And it will still outperform stocks brainlet

>> No.9570151
File: 3.96 MB, 287x240, 6574353534545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idiot lmao

>> No.9570174

an you know this GUARANTEEED becauseeee .. ?? ?

>> No.9570256

he's right tho

>> No.9570370

Yeah, how have alts been doing for you lately? Alts are in the shitter alongside BTC.

not over calendar year 2018 it sure fucking won't.

Excellent rebuttal. You're totally not some 2017-era newfaggot hoping to ride the coattails of a boom already finished, no siree bob

>> No.9570384

No one knows anything guaranteed but on the balance of probabilities I would assume the """""asset""""" that went up 20x in a year is most likely going to spend a considerable amount of time in mean reversion mode (aka not fucking going anywhere for a while but down)

>> No.9570399

April was awesome dude. Last week was pretty fucking great too with the hydro, uuu, pal, and cnn pumps.

When the majors start lagging you find refuge in small caps, get in and out quickly.

>> No.9570416

You could have said the same at 10x, and at 5x, and at any time where btc went 100%.

Fuck you.

>> No.9570453

Yep i'm sure you're just hitting consistent winners in a market that's trending down.

But I didn't. You wait for the trend to definitively finish before you start saying shit like this. Yes it means you miss out on selling the top but very few people are lucky/skilled enough to get out at the top of a parabolic move.

>> No.9570582
File: 33 KB, 854x640, 34565465454645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't how it works kiddo. BTC down = alts down, BTC up can = alts up, but usually it is also alts down. There's too many alts now to auto hit like before, there will still be moon missions, and you will not be on them. I warned you to get out last year, enjoy losing all your money.

>> No.9570656

That Boomer BTC Maximalist that is terrified as his Boomer Coin loses more dominance every day.

>> No.9570713

>tfw buffet, munger, and gates says Cannabis is devil weed and investing in it is like investing in baby brains

Protip: coke flavoring has aborted fetuses

>> No.9570799

>giving a fuck about dominance

I don't get married to these fucking bored out assets like a faggot anon, all I want is the valuable fiat currency. If you think you will enjoy a life of constant cucking then by all means hodl on to your precious little bags while jamal barts the ass out of them.

>> No.9570816

If you actually watch the interview he gave, many of the points he made were correct, although there's also the aspect of him being literally on death's door and him and Warren having never been tech guys to begin with. But even Munger recognizes the achievement in computer science that Bitcoin represents.