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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9566359 No.9566359 [Reply] [Original]

the only reason REQ is burning tokens today is because REQtards keep sending ETH to the REQ contract and it's results in a coin burn.

what's wrong with REQtards? Why are they wasting their ETH? Have they gone mad?

>> No.9566386

Stop making req threads nigger
Get a life

>> No.9566406

>using the n-word
How about you stop being a racist first?

>> No.9566420

>seething REQtard
after like 50 REQ IS BURNING TOKENS TODAY threads, I think people needed to know the truth why so people don't get baited into buying this shitcoin.

>> No.9566436

the fud is so bad. something big is happening

>> No.9566498

it's not FUD if its fucking true you idiot. The REQ admin said it was coming from some guy with 5k eth trying to make it look like REQ was being used.

>> No.9566525

Max fee is $1.50, so no sweetie, it’s not from network usage. It’s a guy sending his Ether to the burn contract.

>> No.9566542

>falls for photoshop

>> No.9566554

This. Why are REQucks so dumb?

>> No.9566567

Are you still trying to force"it's photoshop" meme, it takes like 3 seconds to check the TG and prove you wrong.

>> No.9566580

>falls for photoshop
This pajeet is literally shilling in REQ threads all day. Get a life you currynigger.

>> No.9566589

They're dumber than Tron and Verge fags I swear or just being trolls.

>> No.9566646
File: 132 KB, 396x385, A54E6EB5-39E1-4D34-BA6A-BDEAD14EE067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>5 posts by this ID

>> No.9566881

The same dude has a shit ton of addressed then. FUD harder its fun


>> No.9566921
File: 42 KB, 1043x272, admreq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why is the admin of REQ saying the same thing? stupid reqtard

>> No.9566928

IKR if only REQtards had a 190 IQ like you and me and went all in on TRON then this shitcoin would die and TRON would be worth $1,000,000 a coin. You and I could sit on a yacht all day drinking margaritas and then you put your hand on my leg.
**brushes hand away**
unzips pants
then you suck my dick. No homo tho because it's just a goof.

>> No.9566975

Man, if you had 5k eth and went on /biz/ you'd totally do that just for the memes.

>> No.9567053

>nigger detected

>> No.9567136


>> No.9567465
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>> No.9567476

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa sigh ahahahaha

>> No.9567490
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never come back you fucking norman.

>> No.9567799

fuck off

>> No.9567829


>> No.9567866

You are a fucking moron. How is REQ a shitcoin? Working product. On-Time roadmap? Die in a fire you cum stain.

>> No.9567887

>constantly dumps
>lack of volume
>no price action
>lack of marketing
it's a shitcoin Jim just like the 1500 other ones out there.

>> No.9567892
File: 93 KB, 2744x506, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at 5.28.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what adoption will look like. Each day... each transaction your REQ will become more valuable because the supply is shrinking. Nobody can say this.

>> No.9567922

Unless you have a idiot willing to waste his ETH everyday then this is a one time event.

Even if REQ was being burned at the rate of 8k every 12 hours than only 0.6 percent of the supply would be burned every year. Wew what a supply reduction. can't wait to hodl this til 2220.

>> No.9567953

Ohhhh you mean your coin price doesn't moon every other day....! It's called speculation ass-hat. These coins that moon without working products are the def. of shitcoins. Adoption is what matters fuck-stick... as REQ network gets adopted we will see the true value.

>> No.9567995

Why do you hate REQ so much? Did REQ fuck your mother in the ass or something?

>> No.9568115

Yeah it is all speculation and REQ has some of the shittiest speculation ever because put out a mainnet that is essentially a pre pre alpha and literally doesnt function as outlined in the whitepaper and now the bagholders are trying to convice newtards that this piece of shit will make them rich. I'm not going to stop having a hate boner for REQ until REQfags go of the way of the bancor/dgb shills and just disappear.

>> No.9568496

Still 100+ million coins from req fund left to add to supply LOL

>> No.9568502

REQ was the worst decision of my life... bought in at .22 cents fml

>> No.9568513


>> No.9568536

He's not actually an admin, his name is Adam and he made the woocommerce req app