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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9558761 No.9558761 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9558772


>> No.9558895


>> No.9559013

Yes. They announced partnerships bigger than all of cryptos partnerships combined and it's dropping like a rock. Theloop will be used for enterprises anyways. The more I read about icon I realize how much of a scam it is. They make all partnerships via their main company anyways. Everyone in block tech realizes that they might as well make a token because we are retarded.

It's like Ripple, but with the typically unprofessional gook vibe.

>> No.9559027

why is icon loosing its value against btc so much?
is it because products that actually gain some partnerships and deliver (i know that icon hasn't delivered everything yet) are loosing their value?

i mean..fuck...i want icon to go back at least to $4,5

>> No.9559054
File: 322 KB, 1600x1125, 1393545167136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite odd
I feel like i'm missing something
This is bleeding a little too hard for how good this coin supposedly is

I aint selling tho, i know it always recovers hard

>> No.9559056

icon is a piece of shit. swings from $2 to 4 all the time. fuck that shit. get zilliqa. partnerships announced tomorrow. only thing in green

>> No.9559177
File: 372 KB, 512x768, hubii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a rakesh and consider some eth based tokens,
why tokens
>with the, there's no exchange rate risk
most tokens are shit
>well if you look hard enough, you'll find the ones that are worth investing
does that exist?
>yes and it's called HBT
It's fuking great and promising platform with big ass companies on it's side, for example hubii (hbt's holder) is partnered with telenor and mozilla and film festival in Cannes recently

>> No.9559266

Ripple is number 3 though despite that. I think ICX will be fine in the long run.

>> No.9559278

>partnerships announced tomorrow
"sell the news"
People don't even buy rumors much anymore, they just sell.

>> No.9559314

ICX needs better dapps though. Not some "gig economy" Blue Whale bullshit.

>> No.9559337

Blue Whale public sell starts 24th thoughts?