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9554771 No.9554771 [Reply] [Original]

Another week another ZenCash payout, the comfiest hold for the week.
How are my ZenAnon's doing? And why aren't you in this coin yet anon?

(FYI: these are the rewards from 35 nodes)

Upcoming shit:

> Secure Node (42 ZEN) reward increase by ~3x in July.
> Super Node registration to be rolled out in July (500 ZEN).
> IOHK Treasury and DAG research partnership should soon provide some news.


> ZCash fork with founders reward going to a DAO and nodes
> About 2000 more network nodes than BTC.

> Recently added to DCG investment groups portfolio (Barry Silbert)
> Added to Palm Beach investment group shill list last year (Teeka)
> Shilled by Charles Hoskinson who uses ZenCash as testbed for Cardano governance.
> ZenCash has kicked marketing, customer outreach and public relations into next gear.
(Same PR company as Dash, Cardano, IOHK)

Google this shit if you don't believe me

Whether you can afford a node or not, getting into this is the most reasonable moon shot in the top 200

> Coin supply less than 4 mil
> 15-20% of the supply being locked into nodes
> Growing node demand


You don't need a PHD in economics to figure out where this will head.

>> No.9554831

honestly wish u wouldnt shill this or I'll never be able to afford a supernode

>> No.9554903
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You'll be fine, been shilling since late March. I don't seem to have much of an effect on the price.
July-1 is closing in soon tho, that's what might flip this upside down.

Only shilling this once per week too.

>> No.9555109
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Guess I gotta wait next time for other Eurofags like me to wake up before I shill this.
I'll be back in a couple of hours anon, keep this gem up. Don't accumulate into green dildos tho. / Fair warning.

>> No.9555719
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A sage was necessary

>> No.9555746

Can I get someone to set up like 100 nodes for me?

>> No.9555774

This is bullshit. Each node pays 0.027 zen per day not the inflated amounts you are showing

>> No.9555820
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Yeah, there are some managed hosting services, search Google or go onto ZenCash slack. Price is 8$ per node, you keep the funds in your own wallet.


Your point being? I have 35 nodes so 35*0.027 = 0.945 ZEN / day. Increase of x2.8~ on July-1 so we'll sit at around ~2+ ZEN/day with 35 nodes.
I actually missed several days of payment on two nodes because my VPS got reset.

> Pic related, last weeks payout.

>> No.9555847
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> And the week before that one

Comfy af if you ask me.

>> No.9555868

how do i set up a node. how much will it cost? genuinely interested in doing this.

>> No.9555931
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> 1: Rent VPS
> 2: Set up SSL certificate and domain
> 3: Sync blockchain
> 4: Set-up node

It gets quite complicated if you are not familiar with linux and command line. Managed hosting is the way to go if you have no experience. Will safe you time and only be a 2-3$ per node difference from hosting your own. Here's some tutorial though:

> https://blockoperations.com/how-to-build-and-operate-a-zencash-secure-node/

>> No.9555945

If I can just run 3 nodes. That's about 0.5 zen a week. I'm not sure if that will cover my electricity bill.

>> No.9555953

thx anon. one other question, are you hosting one node per computer/gpu, or multiple nodes on the one machine?

>> No.9555973


It's 1 node per IP, so if you have sufficient swap space available on the VPS you can split two users on IPv4 and IPv6 and run 2 nodes on 1 VPS for about 3-4$. I guess if you have a sysadmin background you could purchase multiple IP's for a dedicated VPS and host a few dozen, but I would have no idea how to go about that. Majority of nodes are on single VPS"s AFAIK. - Also GPU is irrelevant, all you need is VPS and uptime.

>> No.9555979

I was in the last thread OP, still highly interested but i want to be able to afford 3 supernodes comfortably so im gambling on shitcoins until i can make it

>> No.9555984

cheers. gonna look into this in depth tonight then.

>> No.9556260
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Good luck anon!

Out for now, gonna chase some /fit/ gainz. Gainz all week. Comfy af.

>> No.9556291

you got around 1 month before the hard fork that starts supernode rewards, so it's possible.
still sitting comfy on my supernode. too lazy to set up the 11 secure nodes in the mean time thought

>> No.9556305

should go to discord instead, it's actually very lively. One thing that turned me onto Zencash is the supportive community. discordapp com/invite/CEbKY9w

>> No.9556975
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I am back! Nothing better than strongman group classes and returning to saged thread and greener pastures on the charts.
About to head to some Argentinian restaurant and beef up on some steam with my irl /biz/ bois. The good lyfe, I hope ya'll make it too.
I am rooting for all of you.


Yeah Discord is pretty cool, I am there too; although I won't reveal myself. Enough people who are looking to set up nodes for others, its neat.
Pretty classy community.

>> No.9557481

What coins are your friends in?

>> No.9557737
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Friends are chad investors with majority in stocks/bonds but they also hold:

(Kinda mimicking Iconomi index weighting)

No huge amounts, mostly on my advice, so I can't get them into any riskier moon shot attempts without potentially losing some face.

>> No.9557845

really interested in this. i can afford a supernode, are you guaranteed to be able to host one if you register on july 1st? What are payouts like with a supernode?

>> No.9557885

Whats the min for a node?

>> No.9557894


>> No.9557925

This will work for 6 months and then the value of the coin will drop because there's too much supply.

Enjoy it while it lasts though and i hope you have a good ROI date

>> No.9558004


Yes, there's a guarantee, the tracker should come online and you should be able to claim all rewards once nodes do go live.
That's all the info I have, I suggest you ask on discord.


You are not wrong, there will be some sort of equilibrium where rewards meet the market. But we are pretty far from that. And Zen devs are working on more ways than nodes to lock up ZEN (think lending circles / MakerDAO as ZenCash dApp). Either way, still a fairly expensive experiment, but potential payoff is pretty wild here.

>> No.9558074

True, it's a solid investment (but like you know every investment is a bet) but it's one i would make to be honest. Just do your math well

>> No.9558483


What is the ROI on these nodes?

>> No.9558540

I feel the same, when rewards go 3x you'll have all this constant selling pressure from people just selling off their profits.
Not a good idea from the economic perspective. This will prevent price growth enabling late adopters to afford the same kind of nodes. Now we have tons of nodes are profitability goes to shit.

I'd look into some coin that doesn't have such high ROI that'll ruin the price. Or at least that the nodes require twice ad much coins to operate.

>> No.9558633


The coin emission won't actually change though. Miners will get less from each mined block after the fork and nodes more. People holding nodes likely have more of a inventive to buy new nodes than sell too (at least more incentive than miners).

>> No.9558639

I'm literally all LINk and ZEN. So comfy.

>> No.9558830

Yeah you're right actually.

So the fork is on July 1st and then I would be able to stake supernodes? What is this registration I keep hearing about?

What do you think how many supernodes will be online 6 months from the fork? I'm trying out this online calcolator.
Any price prediictions after supply is locked up in more nodes?

>> No.9559031


The fork will enable supernodes, equihash paramater change and increased rewards. Supernode's themselve will not go live until Q4 though. You can however start staking supernodes from July-1 if you register them (no info on date or with whom or for how long as of now AFAIK). The payouts will be rewarded as soon Supernodes do go online. Standard (42 ZEN) secure nodes will already receive increased payouts from July-1.

> What do you think how many supernodes will be online 6 months from the fork?

Lets say 50% of secure nodes convert to supernodes, then we'll have 477 Secure nodes and 5686 supernodes
ROI will sky-rocket for both in this scenario. You can play with the %, it gives you the most accurate prediction.

> Any price prediictions after supply is locked up in more nodes?

Very hard to predict. I have seen many charts and calculations and it pretty much looks like the price alone doesn't really matter by itself. The amount of nodes will, along with the equilbrium they will eventually create. You could still go x2 in a year at 10$ per ZEN if less than 100 people set up supernodes. I am hoping for +70$ myself.

>> No.9559318


>> No.9559344

hey anon, thx for the thread.
what vps service are u using for your 35 nodes?
im going to do this, you sold me.
what is the easiest way to setup the shit?

>> No.9559365

Someone explain payout to me? I can afford two supernodes. Is it worth it?

>> No.9559426

Hopefully I got it now. So I will be able to stake a supernode in July but I won't actually receive any awards before it goes live in Q4? (Will we be compensated for July to Q4 period?).

How much do you spent for VPS for a single node and how much of a hassle is it to setup all of them?

Sorry for a lot of questions, it got me intersted.

>then we'll have 477 Secure nodes and 5686 supernodes
you mean the other way around?

>> No.9560164
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Whats this equilibrium you talk about?

>> No.9560601
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Contabo or OVH are both decent.

> How much do you spent for VPS for a single node and how much of a hassle is it to setup all of them?

I spend 15$ on my VPS and am able to host two nodes per VPS.
Was a lot of hassle, unironically became a sysadmin while figuring it all out.
If you have the time it is definitely worth doing it, just look at the earlier posted link on Blockops
If you don't have the time just go with managed hosting, best way to get into that cheap (8$) right now is through ZenCash discord

> then we'll have 477 Secure nodes and 5686 supernodes

Yeh, sorry other way around. Decent post here btw:

> https://www.reddit.com/r/ZenSys/comments/8k6moi/something_to_consider_if_you_own_a_secure_node/

There are also some sheets, you'll find more on discord:

> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cw9T2a-6gaOGnSn3BQuETBB3E-_M88cvknf-HLff0H4


At some point the monthly rewards along with amount of nodes being set up will reach a point where they outpace the long term demand.
Hard to guess when that is going to be, whitepaper assumes 2500 Supernodes and 25000 securenodes, so we are still very far from an assumed equilibrium.

> Pic related