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9554789 No.9554789 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9554797

Sad that they are burning more REQ than most people on 4chan have

>> No.9554819

Is thus fucking real?

>> No.9554822

it isnt just fud that your own tokens can be burned, i cant believe that wtf?
its like buying a guaranteed pink wojack

>> No.9554824

Thats like, what? $500?

>> No.9554828

Please tell me this is real

>> No.9554836


>> No.9554841

This coin is going to moon soon even with the fud

>> No.9554874

The intense fud its been getting was the indicator that its about to moon hard
This is /biz/ the buy high sell low board
Fud=buy or hodl
Shill=sell or dont buy

>> No.9554896

makes sense...

>> No.9554904


>> No.9554913

The pendind bit is not

>> No.9554920

>continue ze doomp

>> No.9554930

Yeah it was
We’re at 3372 burnt right now

>> No.9554935
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I have only 17500 linkies and i'm going to sell 5000 and buy req

Good idea?

>> No.9554944


>> No.9554953
File: 98 KB, 1580x618, req.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still happening! Burn this fucker down!

>> No.9554955

Nobody knows why this is even happening. For all we know a guy could be sending his tokens to the burner address for the lolz.

>> No.9554962

Reddit talked about that earlier today
But I doubt they’d burn this much money for the fuck of it

>> No.9554964

lolwtf I literally just got into REQ like 15 minutes ago. you're welcome, I guess.

>> No.9554970

Coinbase is now running live tests prior to release.

>> No.9554973

Oh fuck, it is real. Over 500k pending now.

>> No.9555002

Nooooooooooo my REQS are burned!!!

>> No.9555015

Oh my god
300mil pending
It’s fuckigg happening

>> No.9555025

1billion pending now , RIP REqQ

>> No.9555026

>inb4 devs fucked up and they are burning whole req supply accidentally

>> No.9555036

Could you explain to a brainlet what exactly is token burning why is it good and why are you fags sperging?

>> No.9555047

Lower supply with the same or higher demand equals higher price
Basic economics anon

>> No.9555049

Supply and demand nigger wtf is wrong with you.

>> No.9555052

When there are fewer tokens available the price per token generally goes up.

>> No.9555064


Somebody analyze the burner contract and figure out what is going on. This can’t be just fee processing, that’s like 700 dollars in fees and at a .5% fee that’s around $140,000 in transaction volume on the last two hours? I don’t think so, somebody (or a group) must be sending their tokens to the burner contract lmao.

>> No.9555071

Coinbase needs some in their wallet anon

>> No.9555076

The Bogs are saving REQ.

>> No.9555078

>req is so useless people are throwing it away

>> No.9555081

what if the supply is lower and demand also goes down?

>> No.9555083

Price doesn’t move

>> No.9555092

then the price stays the same

>> No.9555106

thanks, guys.
for not calling me a brainlet

>> No.9555112

Wow, that’s like what amazon does in microsecond. There’s no possible way this is an indicator of adoption... i-is there anon?

>> No.9555126
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4127 boys

>> No.9555132

>it's real
what the fuck is going on?

>> No.9555135

Amazon/Coinbase Partnership confirmed.

>> No.9555139

If that happened I think my dick would explode

>> No.9555167

You better wrap it up first then. Strap in!

>> No.9555168

Perhaps it is the Crowfunding app being tested by the NGO's or companies that Request mentioned in one of their recent updates.

>> No.9555177


>> No.9555195

guys something weird and creepy is happening

>> No.9555200

Everyone who bought in at the ico and passed KYC got replica Req token swag in the mail as a thank you/promotional thing. It turns out that these tokens were made out of compressed crystal meth. An anon 'discovered' that there is a uniqe ethereum private key encapsulated in each meth Req swag token obviously, the easiest way to get to it is to burn and inhale the token, which leads you to,buy more req. However, when you finally get to the pkey and try to access it using Eth wallet software, it actually triggers an event in the req smart contract that sends all the user's req tokens to an unusable address, thereby "burning" the tokens and lowering the total supply of req so that price can increase. We all thought usage and adoption would make this happen, but it turns out that request network is doing this on the backs of their trusted investors.

>> No.9555205
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AHAHAHAH you brainlets think just because there are less coins that demand will increase. The price will rise because of the smaller supply but there is no reason to believe that there will be any more demand just because there are fewer coins. Enjoy your 5% pump while you can I'll be laughing when the price still goes nowhere because nobody wants this shitcoin.

>> No.9555218

Keep the fucking price as low as it can stay. We burn more the lower the price is.

>> No.9555219

Here’s the REQ burner contract


You can see the address there is the same address sending the tokens to the 0x0000000 wallet which is the “burned” token address where REQ is permanently taken out of circulation by using Etherscan


What’s going on here bros?

>> No.9555237
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If demand remains the same and supply shrinks, what happens then faggot? Please, I want you to tell me. It’s like you aren’t even trying.

>> No.9555244

What did they mean by that?

>> No.9555245

Is the update this Friday? Looks like a good entry point right now anyway

>> No.9555251
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>> No.9555253

source ?

>> No.9555272

Feeling pretty good about my 26575 entry a few min ago.

>> No.9555290


Might wait to see if there is more burn and more volume before I fomo in.

>> No.9555297

Its not real

>> No.9555317

Staking is coming this Friday. Screencap this.

>> No.9555327

Could we have staking and burning or is that an impossibility?

>> No.9555335

real question - is the growth linear or exponential? They look the same for the first few months.

>> No.9555397

Why couldnt we?

>> No.9555407

you do know there are million of req fund tokens to still be added to the circulating supply right?

>> No.9555416

I think they’ve said before it’s theoretically possible to have both but not something they’re thinking too deeply about right now.

>> No.9555418


As more money is transferred, there will be a point that token burn converges to so we'll never run out of Req to burn. Highest amount of burns will happen at the beginning.

>> No.9555421

One thing we know for absolute certainty.... the price is not going up because black people are buying because black people have no money

>> No.9555441

So wtf does this mean? 100 EOY but 102 end of 2019v

>> No.9555461

I mean, I dont think that much because adoption is also increasing.

>> No.9555483


>> No.9555490

Fuck do I sell my ZIL for this req coin.

Be real biz

>> No.9555507

I put in 200k in this market at the start of 2017 and my port stands at around $5.3mill.

I dumped LINK, SALT, TRX, and a bunch of other coins I bought from ICO. I didn't dump REQ because its one of those projects that could hit $1bill or more.

>> No.9555512

Cool I didn't know that. User growth is what I meant, was unclear.

>> No.9555515

Nobody knows if it's real or not yet.

>> No.9555522

Do you want to stay poor?

>> No.9555531

Req $55 eoy

>> No.9555538

13k Link 2k RLC 25k ZIL.

What do I do?

>> No.9555551

Can you fucking read I explicitly answered your question already in my last post.
>The price will rise because of the smaller supply
I actually don't even feel bad for REQ holders if an illiterate monkey like you can represent them.

>> No.9555563

All in req until Friday then diversify back to your positions.

>> No.9555564

req $50 eoy

>> No.9555588
File: 23 KB, 225x225, F3DAB11B-C64A-4D44-9B94-99EA1CBAFFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, i sold few linkies and now my folio looks like this. I’m going to make it r-right?

11k REQ
12.5k LINK

>> No.9555595

Fuck... your lying to me. ZIL has announcements in 2 days. RLC has some too.

>> No.9555608

Too many 50$ EOY posts. We are being fucked with

>> No.9555614


>> No.9555617

It’s not my fault you write poorly and are a faggot.

>> No.9555621
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>> No.9555623


And no, I’m not. Don’t be a pussy.

>> No.9555650

Fuck off. Don't be a lying jew.

>> No.9555694

Or maybe this newsletter coming up will announce it!!???

>> No.9555825

>Enjoy your 5% pump while you can I'll be laughing when the price still goes nowhere because nobody wants this shitcoin.

They said that about ETH at $40

>> No.9555845

penile insertions.

>> No.9555966
File: 304 KB, 591x769, 19CF2B88-3A9D-4C04-A544-3FE353F54023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No...we’ll never live this one down, somebody threw away hundreds of dollars for nothing...we’ll be mocked until the end of time...

>> No.9555981
File: 190 KB, 371x362, 974073C1-D5D9-4CFD-A2AC-D9CC190BF54A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reqt
Back to 5 cents eoy nothing to see here

>> No.9556000
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Which one of you posted this kek

>> No.9556010
File: 28 KB, 965x692, 1522526344059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug !
Hold me bros !

>> No.9556205

this is the rapture that the bible foretells

>> No.9556238

If you go on etherscan you can see the burnt req came from 3 different wallets that are all more or less empty now. Someone did this on purpose

>> No.9556277

So it's not from fees but from someone deliberately burning them? Or I guess either one person with three wallets or three dapp tests maybe.

>> No.9556310


Correct. Someone sent req directly to the burn address from wallets that are nearly empty.

If it was due to a large transaction you would reasonably expect the wallet it was sent from to have a recent large transaction logged from which the burn would have originated but that's not the case. Someone deliberately burnt their own req on the two month anniversary of the token burn system

>> No.9556319

Interesting. Can we trace the wallets to a main wallet with his larger holdings?

>> No.9556336

I'm too tired for that kind of sleuthing but knock yourself out

>> No.9556339

These burned coins originated from the main kyber reserve manager. I know this because the 0x63825c174ab367968EC60f061753D3bbD36A0D8F account also holds over 4,000 digix tokens (only 30k in existence) and Kyber is the only entity buying those amounts to provide liquidity. That account also holds large amounts of all the other ERC20 tokens traded on Kyber.

The burned tokens start here

0x63825c174ab367968EC60f061753D3bbD36A0D8F (kyber reserve manager)

they move to 0x964F35fAe36d75B1e72770e244F6595B68508CF5 which also seems to be a smaller Kyber operated acount. I assume this because it has 20k + transactions and every in transaction is instantly followed by an out transaction for the same amount. Seems like so far we have the burned coins moving from the Kyber master account to an ancillary Kyber "hot wallet" account.

The coins then hit 0xfcb4393e7faef06fab01c00d67c1895545aff3b8 which does nothing but instantly send received REQ coins to the 0x00000 burn address.

So this huge coin burn has something to do with Kyber. Maybe they owed a ton of coins to be burned for some reason? Going to see what else I can find out.

>> No.9556348


bs. There was an ETH donation which led to REQ being market bought and then sold. Could be the ICO they said they said their crowdfunding dApp would be used for end of May.

>> No.9556359

Prove it

>> No.9556364

Go baby go! If you figure it out I will give the tip of your cock a peck kiss

>> No.9556385



look @ input data

>> No.9556421
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>> No.9556458

I'm checking the wallet now and I can't see any transfer that would necessitate such a large amount of burn

>> No.9556481


wait, 0x964 is the kyber contract. so the burned coins went from reserve manager to the kyber contract to the burn contract to the burn address.

basically the big kyber reserve manager burning the coins for some reason

>> No.9556497

Since it stopped burning it seems to me someone was testing something. Like someone activated a fee system that burns REQ on an exchange then turned it off. It's still over $1000 in REQ. Only an exchange would do that much that fast, at least that I can think of.

Alternatively someone got trolled into withdrawing their ETH to the REQ burn address.

>> No.9556532


The sent ETH triggered the market buy. There were no REQ sent to the burned contract from a private wallet as you wrote. They came from Kyber.

>> No.9556546

From Adm @ telegram:

Adm Request:
Looks like there have been 4 addresses that have sent ETH to the addresses, the transactions from those 4 addresses are different to the regular token burning that we have seen.

After a closer look I have a theory as to what is being tested but I'll check with the team first and see if they know anything.

>> No.9556564


That's not even funny, clearly that guy is a teenage retard

>> No.9556597

T. Kike

>> No.9556599


Shouldn't the fee be coming from kyber network anyway? That's what they're using to do the token exchanging so wouldn't it make sense to convert the fee at that point to REQ, then kyber is responsible for sending it to the burn contract?

>> No.9556635


>> No.9556687

>Could we have staking and burning or is that an impossibility?
Staking is mentioned in the whitepaper. They said that depending on how the plasma spec pans out, that it may be implemented.

>> No.9556701

And generally on the state of regulation concerning dividend-paying tokens

>> No.9556834

Wonder if it relates to announcement they have for newsletter.

>> No.9557173

But if you say to buy than it is time to sell

>> No.9557234

Can't believe someone wasted so much money to delude reqqies even more

>> No.9557437

well? I need my bedtime story

>> No.9557495

Top kek. The absolute state of deluded REQholders. This is new level of low.

>> No.9557503

I have 2000REQ will I make it?

>> No.9557510

Most likely some deluded REQtard nervous from all the FUD about how no one uses the network.

>> No.9557534

Holding REQ is like burning your money in a trashcan anyway.

>> No.9557729
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>> No.9557738

someone explain this mainstream adoption meme to me

>> No.9557811

>mainstream adoption
That's it. That's the joke. REQholders won't get it.

>> No.9557840


>> No.9558166

4k burned now, nice

>> No.9558196
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>> No.9558224

Its not fud. They dont burn wallets with low amounts, but anyone that holds 6 figures of this coin knows the pain. Last week they burned another 100 REQ from my main wallet. Im preparing a lawsuit against them. expect news soon

>> No.9558235


>> No.9558252

Is the partnership being announced this friday or next? Anyone have a clue?

>> No.9558272

You're quite obsessed, little pajeet.

>> No.9558295
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>300k pending
300k are going to get burned?

>> No.9558315

Unless it’s req

>> No.9558328

Bi weekly is this Friday
Should be interesting

>> No.9558873
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dear god, check and kek, good shit

>> No.9558979


sure is summer