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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9552824 No.9552824 [Reply] [Original]

Get the fuck in right now if you wanna make it

big company established in 2012 creating decentralized GPS now moving their knowledge of GPS onto the block. already have a million+ beacons in circulation

cheap as fuck, get in right now or miss this mission to mars

>> No.9552850

>no team tokens locked
>no locked tokens period
>100% bonus
>launches 2nd ICO during 1st ICO
>people asking for refunds
no thank you sir don't want your bags sir

>> No.9552884

Yeah if you look at the IDEX orderbook, the price is being propped up so someone can dump.

Check out the walls. There was a 14 eth and an 8eth wall at one point. Just to keep the price higher.

>> No.9552887

lol retard these coins are going to 10x from here over the coming weeks

you can literally buy in at double the stack of ico holders for the same price

theres a wall of retards blocking you from losing in this situation

to not be buying xyo right now would be suicidal

>> No.9552919

no thats all the ico holders who arent willing to sell for less than they paid

its significantly under ico price right now

i just bought in at 50% of the ico price

unless these ico retards are willing to lose 50% on their investment you cannot lose in this trade

>> No.9552949

Hmm. Fair point, anon. I do think there is a chance devs? are playing arbitrage with their own token.

>> No.9553040

no dude, they are a respectable company that was established in 2012 and had father companies in gps since 09. even if they were this coin going nowhere but up

too many bag holders to protect you

this coin will 10x so quickly from here

>> No.9553059

ive literally already doubled my money lmao

>> No.9553106

sorry boss but holo is gonna go moon again

>> No.9553123

retard this is the next holo

>> No.9553135

sorry based peasant, holo is a real project that has a big future. XYO is just experimental

>> No.9553160

idex is down boys have your buys ready

if you wanna secure yourself below ico price wall look for an 0.000007

you might still get a chance to see that price

>> No.9553194

fuck idex is down. trying to fomo in

>> No.9553211

what was ico price?

>> No.9553252

XYO is just shit but so is HOLO

>> No.9553261


i got in at 0.000005, already doubled my money. if it goes back down be ready to swoop. this is legitimately the next tron. big advertising, big marketing all that good shit

im expecting a x100

>> No.9553271

you must be truly braindead

>> No.9553279

>he hates money

i cant wait to see all the pink wojacks

>> No.9553286

there is no fucking use for "decentralized" GPS whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.9553303

i bought something that is really needed. i am not going to tell you what it is because no pajeet should ever get rich.

>> No.9553363
File: 55 KB, 1200x350, 1_MxB6YVA-_fizYoLqzmjDGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no use for decentralized chink internet either but tron x100

and tron didnt even have a working product, main net for this comes out in a few months. the company itself xyfindables has been around since 2012 and the ceo had another gps company prior to that called webble since 09

they already have a million beacons out in the world right now which their whole network is being built around. this shit is going to the moon its not subjective

>> No.9553364

Idex back

>> No.9553404

the amount of marketing this project has is reason enough to buy in. theres ads all over googleand facebook. they have 16k in the fucking telegram.... this is your chance to make it

get in at under ico price and you go down a legend

>> No.9553414

but there is a need for decentalized internet

>> No.9553429

you are the only one in this thread shilling this fucking TOPKEK

>> No.9553464

you're the only one in this thread whos gonna be poor forever

>> No.9553490

fuck i fomo'd in at around ico price. this looks like the next big mission

>> No.9553505

Just bought 100, k?

>> No.9553521

its insane how thin the sell orders are. one buy with 40eth could send the price 5x

>> No.9553535

you're probably a paid marketer. or you saw their ads EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET. if only all the marketing money went to developement....

>> No.9553536

Thats an amazing logo I almost wanna buy just on that basis alone

>> No.9553548

more like a mission to uranus

>> No.9553561

They didn’t raise enough capital and the ico has been a disaster. Enjoy going to zero because the project won’t recover from this mess.

>> No.9553565

its because its sitting at under ico price,

none of these normie facebook faggots are gonna sell at a lose. i got in at half ico price lol, im sitting at 2x comfortably already

>> No.9553589

i just fomoed at .00001008, fingers fucking crossed. wish me luck, been bleeding out a lot lately

>> No.9553606

>there is no need for reliable trustless location data
>prove a thing is a thing at a location without using centralized govt sats
U wot m8

>> No.9553608

you'll be fine, this shit is going nowhere but north

>> No.9553609
File: 18 KB, 217x228, satoshi-nakatato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over ico price though

>> No.9553658

its 0.0009 over ico price

ico was 1 eth for 100k tokens

for 1 eth you can get 99.1k tokens right now

>> No.9553662

Got 400k at 250 sold 30 min later at 800. Good stuff

>> No.9553680

idex down again

>> No.9553702

we back, if youre gonna buy, buy now

its under ico price right now, get your self in


>> No.9553717

>they think it can’t stay below ico price

>they think they’ve see the bottom

>> No.9553726

Fuck yes i got in at 0.0000085

>> No.9553731

I bought into this fucking project like 3 days into the ICO. Thought it was a nice niche smart contract project that might serve an oracle function that wouldn't be immediately sucked up by Chainlink. And it was with an established business who had existing hardware and a demo of their location tech.
Then as the ICO went on they were just absolutely excruciating with the marketing. Non-stop shilling, everywhere, constant inane fucking emails. Seriously the most irritating management of an ICO I've ever been a part of. So fucking unprofessional from an apparently reputable business. I get that because they're burning unsold tokens they have an incentive to shill their ICO but this was way overboard.

>> No.9553743

>he thinks his fud will stop us from 10x

>> No.9553771

you should be happy about that, this product has been shilled so ridiculously all over the internet. ive seen ads for it on facebook...

type ico into google and its the first fucking link, this shit is going to moon town and beyond. all the facebook normies who bought this shit are gonna fund my retirement

>> No.9553796

I don't hold Tron or Verge or any of that shit. I don't like stupid shilling. Fuck, I'm a linktard, I prefer not even to hear about a project unless an actual tech milestone has been passed.

>> No.9553801

Looks like it will retrace some dont fomo

>> No.9553810

lol you shouldnt have sold though. 250 is 4 times below ico price

you could have held that to glory. i got in at 500 and dont plan to sell until atleast 10x

>> No.9553856

I respect your hustle, OP. I mean 20 posts in this thread, wow and all, but there's something weird about the orderbook.

Looks like CNN when CNN pumped then retraced H.A.R.D.

If this is a bear trend for bitcoin, I dunno. XYO could rise against bitcoin. HOT did. But it's risky as fuck.

Good luck.

>> No.9553890

it wont retrace much from here, the only reason it went so low was because of the flash sell off

>> No.9553990

But more and more coins getting sent to exchange see sell side. I like the idea of getting in again but dont wanna lose

>> No.9554102

Don’t forget to tell everyone that the devs won’t be listing this on a major exchange or CMC at least until mainnet. This shit isn’t going anywhere.

>> No.9554110

its going down boys, nows your chance

>> No.9554135

this is getting scary

>> No.9554141

they said they're gonna put it on binance as soon as possible

>> No.9554161

They actually said in telegram they weren’t concerned with any listings and just wanted to work on the tech and have the exchanges come to them. Reverse psychology. Gotta confuse them right babe?

>> No.9554165

How low did it go?

>> No.9554174

dont worry bro you'll be fine. i said here >>9553160 to look for 0.000007

but it doesnt matter you got in at the same price as ico. you're gonna make it

>> No.9554176

at 0.00000701 currently

>> No.9554178

>just wanted to work on the tech
Is thjat why I got 15 stupid fucking emails and absolutely constant advertising everywhere? Fuck I WISH they wanted to work on the tech.

>> No.9554194

no they said they are developing the tech necessary to get onto binance as soon as possible. it will be a couple a months away at most

>> No.9554198

Damn. Time to sell. I got in at 1020

>> No.9554200

Exactly. It’s all horseshit and crashed below ico for a reason.

>> No.9554202

got back in for 300k at 701
that free tokens so i will ride it out, probably get on binance and make me $$$

>> No.9554236

lol look at these shills

this project is far from a shitcoin, its one of the few coins thats made its way on to idex that actually has a chance at getting a binance listing

watch the fucking video retards. you're gonna miss this moon mission


>> No.9554238

This order book is so weird. I think it can tank back to 550.

>> No.9554250

2018-05-21 22:16:13 Buy 0.00000702 142653.35235378 1.00142653
2018-05-21 22:15:55 Buy 0.00000702 7661.93440276 0.05378678
2018-05-21 22:14:45 Buy 0.00000701 157752.32294551 1.10584378
2018-05-21 18:49:13 Sell 0.000008 397624.44752678 3.18099558
2018-05-21 17:52:06 Buy 0.0000025 399579.60674026 0.99894902

>> No.9554261

i accidentally replied to you

>> No.9554358

aaaand it's gone

>> No.9554414

Its back! First mover advantage, jew charlie shrem, btc to 9500 this week. This is gonna pull a 3 or 4x within 2 weeks. Screenshot this yo

>> No.9554521

How many tokens are gonna get burned?

Can still get in below ICO prices.

>> No.9554538

total supply is 15b. they havent burned them yet though just to make sure everyone has got their tokens

>> No.9554592

Hmm OK.
Decisions, decisions...

Gonna throw 1.3 LTC I have doing nothing on this.

>> No.9554826

oh shit i just found out the sale has been extended, so i sold all my coins

id advise you all do the same, this coin cant go above 0.000014

>> No.9554852

moon mission cancelled get the fuck out right now

especially you cunt, get the fuck out right now

>> No.9554894

The price is gonna keep increasing until 1 ETH = 33,333.33.

Right now the price is 1 ETH = 74,000.00
So you can still get way below ICO price getting it on IDEX.

>> No.9554925

yeah if you plan to hold long term

1 eth is currently 74k though which is only 25% less than the ico

so the max this coin can hit is 0.000015

moon mission cancelled. i sold at 2x and im out, might rebuy if it really bottoms out

>> No.9555101

unless you plan to hold these bags for 6 months from here i would sell these right now

the price on xyo network is 1 ethereum for 74k xyo tokens

it cant go past that price

sell your bags and wait for this to dump to 0.0000004 when everyone realizes

last warning and im out

>> No.9555104

LOL, weak hands bro

>> No.9555122

bye loser, no-one cares that you sold your small amount of tokens

>> No.9555142

its gonna dump back down to 0.000004 at when eveyone realizes this

the max this coin can hit is 0.000015, thats the price they are selling for on xyo website

sell your bags now and rebuy the bottom or hodl these bags for the next 6 months until the extended sale ends

>> No.9555145

You can't purchase these if you are in the U.S. from the website anyway...moon mission still on fud fuckers.

>> No.9555180

that wont help the price. but sure if you plan to hodl these bags until binance listing then do so

but if you dont want your coins tied up for the next 6 months i would sellnow while its still high

rebuy the bottom for a fraction of the price

got my buy order set for 0.000004

>> No.9555211

top 2 chain of command are specialized in marketing. check LINKDIN


>> No.9555231

also if everyone sells now this coin will tank so hard

when i sold mine it went from 9 to 8

if 5 people sell this we can all buy back in at .000004

>> No.9555261


you can fomo back in

>> No.9555293

Pajeet with your chicken shit buy order

>> No.9555302

fuck no

why would anyone buy these for more than they can get them for on the xyo official website?

at the price these are selling for right now the max they can do is 50-60%

this is a very risky trade, i wouldnt pay more than 0.000004 for these

>> No.9555304

I'm selling right now at 979. Let's go boys.

>> No.9555318

if everyone sells they will crash so hard. i sold half an eth worth and the price crashed from 9 to 8

>> No.9555331


>> No.9555368
File: 17 KB, 378x378, 1526063762101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP with the plot twist of the century

>> No.9555376

sell now or hold until mainnet

>> No.9555478

your looking at it from a different angle then me.

As the price for the gamma sale increases the market price for xyo on IDEX should increase. to stay within 10-20 percent of the sale. or right at the sale price.

>> No.9555482

So sick of these idex shitcoins that don't go anywhere

>> No.9555489

There have been literally no sales since start of the sale. Also the next increase timer resets everytime you refresh the site.

>> No.9555505

this thread is new and pleasing

>> No.9555514

dude the counters on their website are fake. its an advertising thing

click refresh on your browser and the clock restarts. this shit will barely move

over the ico period it only went down from like 100k to 97k over the whole sale

i wouldnt trust those counters or the price. they said its gonna remain on sale until main net which is 6months eta. the price is gonna very slowly drain

>> No.9555594

lets tank this bitch to ground floor and buy up at 1/10th of ico price

>> No.9555601

Sell or hold?

>> No.9555616

sell if you arent willing to hold for 6 months to see anything more than a 1.5x

>> No.9555782

Lost 100 bucks that I made from earlier today. FUCK THIS BULLSHIT.

>> No.9555804

if one of the presale whales comes in and dumps like 3 ethereum this shit is going to the floor

>> No.9555814

set a buy order for 0.000005 and hodl that shit till main net. this coin has potential to 100x. its just not a good buy for the short term

>> No.9555844

Potential to 100x, don't make me laugh.

>> No.9555854

it reminds me of tron and tron 100x'd from ico

>> No.9555986

1.5x is fine by me

>> No.9556011

its still risky though. you could get dumped on pretty hard because presale whales bought in at half the price of ico

meaning a dump to 0.000005 is likely

if you wanna just hold these long term though i think they are a good pick a 6 month hold. once they get listed on binance these are going to the moon

>> No.9556144

They double in price within 2 days. Prepare to dump on normies. Personally i think its a shit project built on hype and the tech doesnt need a token

>> No.9556214

like tron, 100x

>> No.9556297

Changed my mind and dumped. U can get it cheaper from the ico thats going to last longer than eos haha. Get libra credit instead

>> No.9556577

Google the ratings for the XY hardware and you will lose all the interest on XYO project. You can barely find your dog 20 feet away after few hours.