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9546643 No.9546643 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get some tips ITT for self-marketing/"creating your brand", freelancing, and just generally making a name for yourself online.

I'll start, I'm specifically looking for some ideas relating to blog writing. I'm not primarily a writer by trade, or anything like that, but particularly since getting into crypto I feel I've found a golden opportunity to put my stupidly wide breadth of understanding of fake internet money to use; i.e., creating a brand for myself, ostensibly through starting a killer blog.
I feel like I'm full of ideas for writing about crypto, specifically stuff like simplifying the more raw & technical details of various involved aspects: trading, SW dev, the little nuances between projects that differentiate shitcoins and bluechips. etcetera.

Anyone have experience doing this kind of thing? So far, I've started slowly pushing out some "content" (cringe) on my social media - Linkedin, facebook although that's not my primary target, literally just for exposure; crypto twitter a little bit. Started a medium blog and wrote a quick guide on how to use IFTTT to monitor your ETH address and give you notifications when you receive a deposit, which got picked up and republished by Coinmonks. Any moar suggestions on possible next steps?

>> No.9546687

link to your blog, might hire you in the future if the content is good enough

not larping

>> No.9546745

I literally only have that one article. But really I need help figuring out how to organize my thoughts so I can put together the blog accordingly.

One thing I'm wondering is if Medium lets you separate your shit into tabs or categories of some sort. It doesn't look like it, would I literally be better off just going all-in & trying to set up my own site? Even if just wordpress or something.

>> No.9546765

having your own site would be greatly beneficial

I would suggest having all of your content on their but also posting it to medium/twitter whatever to get more exposure/traffic to your site

Still interested into reading your content btw i wasnt joking about possibly hiring you if its good enough

>> No.9546780

There are already a lot of these out there. Just start a Wordpress site and get to blogging. I don't see how you're going to monetise this though.

>> No.9546826

Are you marketing yourself to make your brand better for a job?

Or do you want your crypto site to get traction? What sets you apart from all the other posters on medium/steemit who talk about crypto?

Or maybe you are doing it just because it is something you enjoy and you get to be creative. In that case, keep doing it and you will learn along the way.

What is your end goal?

>> No.9546853

Shoot me an email at honeyglazedmen69@gmail.com and I'll link you, thanks anon it's appreciated. Although don't expect much I've literally got that one short article on Medium, and my linkedin is actually a little more active with various little shares & stuff.

Maybe I should look into a personal site then. Medium's "content-first" meme approach is nice for the collective, but I don't like that you can't customize shit on your profile

>> No.9546915

sent, looking forward to reading it

>> No.9546936

im RGT btw so you know who to respond to if anyone else emailed you lol

(hope you can decipher that, should be able to)

>> No.9547020
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Not really a *job* job but I'm looking to get into maybe some consulting, especially from the technical end. Like I said I don't think of myself as a writer which is why I got a dual degree in engineering. And for right now, I'm attempting to pull in some cash and credibility doing some Solidity programming gigs on Upwork. But the more I think about it the more I think my true advantage lies in communicating. I like being a code monkey & all that, but I tend to spend more time than the average joe thinking through the best way to do things for a specific task, than actually doing them. But I find it's a great skill because it saves a lot of time if I had otherwise jumped into something and later realized I should've done this or that a different way and ended up backtracking. Call it risk management strategy, if I had to justify it as something other than professional ADHD & procrastination lol

The being creative part is big though you're right. I might just try freewriting & stuff like that and simply see what sticks.