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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9545156 No.9545156 [Reply] [Original]

who else failed attempting to follow their passion?

>failed musician
>useless degree in music
>waiting tables & investing in crypto

Ideally I'd make it trading, but realistically considering doing an MS in Commerce or MA in Finance

>> No.9545226

Hi Autistotle

>> No.9545272


u literally made the worst life choices.

>> No.9545384

>Follow your passion
Your mistake was listening to boomers. Boomers rode the coat tails of the largest, longest bullrun IN HISTORY, amassed wealth in property and stocks from ridiculously low initial investments, got real /comfy/ because there weren't hordes of 3rd world sub humans their taxes had to support, opened the borders and drove down wages with immigrant jobs to keep their outgoings low, and then decided that it was all because of how smart they are and hard work achieves all your dreams if only you believe and click your heels together three times. Then you believed them, and set out into the world, ready to do a solid two, maybe three days' work and then all your dreams would come true.

Fuck boomers and everything they tell you.

Do NOT do another degree. Start a small business, work for yourself, and never borrow shekels from Mr Goldbergstein, even if you don't have to start paying it back for 6 whole months.

Good luck anon

>> No.9545415

>can’t make money
>in the age of the internet
If you’re a good musician post shit on YouTube and Soundcloud. Make it interesting with some gimmick

>> No.9545422

Kek my sides

This desu senpai

>> No.9545771

I'm a classical musician

>> No.9545830
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Can you be my new Jesus? I want to follow you and record your insights.

>> No.9545862

show us ur music or gtfo u larping assfaggot

>> No.9545871


Go to a big city and try busking, I knew a guy that played guitar in London on the street and made a comfortable living. He lives in some hippy commune now though I think.

>> No.9545883

there are classical fans on YouTube too
especially if you combine it with modern shit

>> No.9545924

If you're not teaching wtf are you doing

>> No.9545928


>> No.9545933

>fell for the classical musician meme
thank fuck someone i trust convinced me to study english and go to law school instead. it would have absolutely sucked to put in the work required at the collegiate level just to end up a waiter

>> No.9545936


>> No.9545940

>never borrow shekels from Mr Goldbergstein

Dumbass. How do you think people start small businesses? Do you think they have a 100 grand lying around to open a restaurant, laundromat, or retail store? You need to cash to get started and loans are the best way to get it.

I buy rental properties and I LOVE debt. It allows me to buy cash flowing assets that I would have never been able to afford otherwise.

>> No.9545951

Look on the bright side. Atleast you dont have a degree in dancing.

>> No.9545959

getting rich as fuck thru crypto will unironically make all of this worth it. we're all gonna make it bros. just diversify properly and hold a few more years. pick a couple blue chips, pick some riskier stuff, and then a couple moonshots.

>> No.9545971

People work their butts of day and night to save up money to start a business.

>> No.9545989

if you think education will help you, you are lost !

>> No.9545998

I was trying to teach privately, boomer parents prefer paying more to have their kid study with "someone with more experience," i.e. another boomer.

no money in this shit you retards

>> No.9545999

>classical trumpet in 2018
damn. poor kid, you really did fall hard for the music meme

>> No.9546081
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Enjoy wagecucking day and night while I take money from the bank to grow my business. People who think that "debt is bad" are fucking stupid.

>> No.9546165

>what is friends and family loan at better rates than Mr Goldbergstein offers
>what is saving money
>what is living with your parents until you have enough to start your business
>what is

If you love debt then you're a retard. You'll be fucked if your properties go into negative equity, Ebola or immigration controls decimate your tenants, and (((They))) own you. Think you won't have to keep paying? Don't over-reach, lots of smrt people lost a lot of money in (choose your favourite time the economy shrank) because of doing shit like this.

>> No.9546239
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>You'll be fucked if your properties go into negative equity, Ebola or immigration controls decimate your tenants, and (((They))) own you.

I won't be fucked if the mortgages go underwater because I'll still be making positive cashflow.

Yes, taking loans does incur risk, but so does any business. If you lose your friends and family's, they're going to be fucking pissed at you.

The fact is that starting ANY business is risky. If you're afraid of failure, or genuinely think that Ebola is a threat to a rental property business, you should not start a business. Wagecucking is for people that don't like to take risks.

>> No.9546316

pretty much everybody on this board right now

>> No.9546353

tried getting involved in politics as soon as i turned 18. almost ran for the liberals and the greens. now am a communist. lost 50k to 3 friends who blatantly just asked me to front them for rent and food and i did as i trusted them to pay me back, and they dipped. of course. i lost all faith in electoral politics. i am very passionate about fashion and music and longboarding. but im also a trans girl. so life kinda sucks. i have like 15k of debt and im working full time cleaning roofs lol

>> No.9546361

OP don't get cucked again motherfucker this nigga here knows what's up

t. former "artist" with a degree

>> No.9546368

This. Completely BTFO. Debt is bad only if you're a nigger-tier brainlet that can't manage his finances.

>> No.9546384

Start a music school for kids anon, rent instruments, repair them, then hire some highschool girls to teach dance/cheerleading at your place. My cousin does this and makes bank.

>> No.9546412

This was an excellent level of memeing.

>> No.9546416
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It seems like about 50% of peopl enroll another degree, this is however complete waste of time and a bad mistake. It will not get better with another degree, you will only dig yourself deeper in the mud

>> No.9546420

tyvm ama

>> No.9546442

considering switching Ba w/ masters in polisci double minor in global and fnat studies to psychology and doing therapy

>> No.9546462
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>> No.9546493

trust u think this could b made up? yall arent tht creative why should i be

>> No.9546523

This would be Cwcville levels of autism if real.

>> No.9546576

You're asking this question to a board full of people who are lazy and buy on other peoples assumptions.

No one here reads more than 1 book a month

No one here has started their own successful company

No one here has a solid degree or any basic knowledge of economics

No one here works more than 80+ Hours

And yet everyone thinks they can "make it" just buy either playing connect the dots with graphs or being a barnacle on a ship controlled by majority holders of a coin.

But lets be real. Having a passion of being a glory hole attendant won't get you a comfy life. Working, constantly studying and starting something new will.

>> No.9546589
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Is there a based version of economics for dummies? like a red pill version

>> No.9546591

You sound mentally ill to the point of being living bait
/Live Bait/ if you will, heheh

Get off /biz/ because this is one of the easiest ideologies to debunk
>Lost 50k to friends, trusting them to pay it back
Too trusting, probably where you get a faith in communism
>trans girl
>15k debt

Any one of these alone would not seem to be a problem on its own, but all of them together seem to paint the picture that you're reaching outwardly for something you don't have within you

>> No.9546618
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>> No.9546637

yes also very autistic but no one told me lol

>> No.9546676

best response so far. I've worked constantly for the past 6 years and nothing has materialized, that's why I've been beginning to doubt music, which is sad because it's truly the most I have to offer to the world

at least I'd have a job?

>> No.9546685

>easiest ideologies to debunk
well then we need not delve any deeper, u just shit on daddy sankara right there

way too trusting. but also thats where the autistic comes through. reading people and subtle intention and implication through body language and stuff is pretty impossible. cash started snowballing hard and they werent opposed to taking it

>> No.9546695

For dummies, not idiots.

>> No.9546696

cheers, exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.9546700
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Wanted to be a musician so heavily in early twenties. Pumped everything into it (time). Panicked at 27 - fear of turning 30 and having shit job - so got a business job. Now 30s and super happy. Had to study business course along way. Got up at 5am every day to study before work. Changed everything. Ultra happy and now looking at starting a business.

Aim for an accessible commercial job. Ideally one where they will fund you to do a course. Sales, marketing, supply chain, biz dev, etc. Then work up when you are inside.

>> No.9546702
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>> No.9546715

Well, shit.

>> No.9546737
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>> No.9546746

At least post something useful or what you'd recommend.

>> No.9546751

>I'll still be making positive cash flow
Until you aren't. Fucking hell. No-one's business plan says "and in year four no-one will buy and i file insolvency". Well done for having a business. I also have a business. But rethink "debt is good". It isn't. It stops you from working for yourself, you're just a wagie who sets his own hours.

>> No.9546755

As a boomer, I can't argue with this post because all my buddies did exactly did and so did I.

If it makes you feel any better, we all are starting to realize just how bad we fucked you guys over but that doesn't mean it didn't create a new generation of innovators. You guys had to find your own way and that created the biggest technological boom we have seen in history and you guys are at the forefront of it due to the financial crisis we created with our policies. In a way, it did all work itself out.

>> No.9546768


>> No.9546779

>bad at managing money
>trans girl

This is what your brain looks like on leftism.

>> No.9546824


IMO the worst thing boomers did was telling little jimmy and suzy they MUST go to college if they want to succeed in life. Because of it everyone and their dog enrolls, price of tuition goes up because of government-backed loans, and the value of a degree is becoming more worthless every year because universities have to dumb down courses to accommodate this influx of students or risk being that school that dares to flunk half of them.

>> No.9546828
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You cant really become any good at anything you dislike or have no natural talent. Think about people forcing themselves into programming with zero talent or below average reasoning skills, an absolute disaster and waste of time. Nobody will hire you, companies want work done and they want it done efficiently.

Boomers have created massive wealth, now if they dont lose it on real estate burst you should be fine as a kid of a boomer. Very important to manage wealth correctly atm. when rates are all time lows big losses and big wins going to be made within 5 years

>> No.9546841

become a music critic

>> No.9546845

the money think comes from the autism, the communism thing comes from the alienation experienced in society being trans

the trans thing? wish it werent the case. wish i werent a little five year old kid crying in front of the mirror because im not a girl. but i am grateful i know. going through childhood, teenage years, and coming into my 20s soon, its been really scary and confusing and painful trying to navigate my sense of self. realizing how much of my discontent and disassociation comes from my relationship with myself has made life a lot easier. it has grounded me a lot. im actually here now. and i am grateful for that.

idk say what you'd like. but i just want to exist, yknow?

>> No.9546855
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>t. Roberto Meyousucci

>> No.9546891

>born a cripple
>managed to get to average healthy levels of fitness through decades of /fit/
>more autistic as a child than /r9k/ memes
>now helping shy teenagers become social butterflies
>wanted to experience pure love
>waited until 27 to get that perfect first relationship
>dreamed of playing gamemaster as a video game developer, with competition that isn't twitch skill
>ethereum made this possible
sorry, can't relate
never settle for what anyone else tells you you should be, whether boomers or millenials
for every faggot who thinks his life is over at 20 there's a deadbeat loser who gets his lucky break at 40
life isn't fair and not everyone can get what they want, so better start doing some actual thinking as to where you want to be and what are you going to do about it; or do the same as every other crab in the bucket, and don't act surprised when you get the same disappointing result

>> No.9546892

I think music is a matter of content over quality. Proof of this would be soundcloud. A majority of soundcloud "rockstars" made it through that one single hit that gave them the attention they needed, but if you looked at their previous work it was pure shit.
If I was in your shoes I would look at the industry from a distance. See what people like nowdays, watch and learn how it's made and then apply your own twist to it.
Good luck mate

>> No.9546926

i had 50k a year ago. i wouldnt have ever had to work again if i invested it. now im investing debt hoping to pull myself out of this whole. if i have to grind for 20 years to make it, im gunna die no doubt. i straight up wish the backpages werent downed id just prostitute myself to death

>> No.9546985

is tht all u got tho

>> No.9547023
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Music industry is low paying, careers are short even on the top of industry. A 0.01% rock band with one or few gold album sales in usa and europe the head of the band make 300-500k at best. And This is one notch below bands who only play at football stadiums. Also talent is picked very early, it's the general sound of the band not a single song. When theband is good all songs sound superb and effortless compared to 99% of bands.

>> No.9547034

you make money in music through keeping everything under your umbrella and making sure youre the only person who can do it

>> No.9547062

>trust other people with your money
>get utterly fucked
>better try communism
Remember folks, always do the opposite of /biz/

>> No.9547084


Most bands simply fucking suck. FFDP is not phenomenal they just dont fucking suck like 99% do. Fastest growing rock band recent history.

>> No.9547087

>failed musician
You only "fail" when you stop trying.
Just play until you die and you can't fail.

>> No.9547130

disgusting 13 y/o radio rock

>> No.9547139

my liking stafford beer didnt lead me to loan them money. my connection to them from my youth, and my raging autism did that

>> No.9547190

Record label companies receive some 1000 demo albums / songs daily. There are studies show people can pick a good band with 5 second listening no matter which part of the song they are listening. This is the different of a good sounding band and a bad sounding band

>> No.9547208

If you're an autist, yes. A failed musician to the real world is one who tried to make being a muso their paying career, only to have to wagecucumber (mods please, I'm sick of the word- surely this is a candidate for autocorrect onions basedboy) to make ends meet, relegating music to a hobby. Good friend of mine is a failing musician, he works as an insurance admin and his band plays a few gigs a few times a year and makes a few shekels each time. He's under no illusions that the dream of being a full time rock star is dying, and one he admits it- failed musician. An insurance clerk with a hobby.

>> No.9547233

I was one of the best cellists in my state in high school and I wanted to go to conservatory, thankfully I decided to study comp sci and now I just make 40/hr on the side teaching lessons

>> No.9547235

>Boomers have created massive wealth
No, they didn't. Their parents did. All they've been doing is spending and destroying it. They only thing they've created is generations of debt.

>> No.9547251

...the workers?

>> No.9547257

Which is a good thing, according to Kike Landlord number 6,000,001 from earlier in the bread

>> No.9547267

Boomers in general had long 35 year careers. Many in the same company their whole careers. They did not inherit much at all. Millenals will be largest inheriting generation in history

>> No.9547274

>still alive
>doesn't realize he hasn't failed, he just gave up

>> No.9547312

i gave up but im still fighting and it fucking sucks butts the world is so isolating and lonely and im only worth the windows i clean i cant even get assfucked whats the point lol

>> No.9547342

You are a gay?

>> No.9547407

You're a fucking retard.

You can make a living in the music industry, depending on what segment you work in. Musicians make perfectly good salaries as working musicians all over the world - they're not getting rich, but they pay the bills. The old "Get signed, become rockstar in castle" meme has been dead for around 20 years, only a handful of carefully manufactured 'stars" make it to that level anymore, but you can make 50k a year easily. If you work on the technical side, even more, and if you work in the labels, even more.
Most rock stars and rappers never made that much, anyway, it was all for show. The real money, the Led Zeppelin money stopped flowing in when Napster broke the label system - which was fucked up anyway. Now music is basically a marketing tool to sell concert tickets. Classical musicians have never made a lot of money, unless they were tops in the field and could get a seat in a world class orchestra, or you head to Hollywood or Nashville or London and do session/movie work.
The music industry is still a multi-billion dollar industry, every year. The labels are all still profitable, but they're crying poor, because they didn't make as much as they wanted to. The only people starving right now are hard rock/metal, because there's no market for it, and rap is dying off. If you want to do either, you have to drop the 30 year old mentality and have several projects always going, and don't bank on one, and grind out a living playing and touring all year. Thousands of people do it, every year. They're not rich, but they're not living in vans either.
Being a working musician has always been a crapshoot, anyway. Pretending it hasn't is either ignorance or autism. Some make it. Most don't. Most of them grind out a living. Just like acting. Most won't make George Clooney money, but you can make 50k, 100k a year easily, doing small parts, and working constantly. Or work on the technical side and make a regular income.

>> No.9547455

>"don't listen to boomers," he says
>3 years and 120k of law school later, still has to pass a bar exam and start a job cucking 60hr weeks for a firm that bills you out at $120/hr yet pays $40/hr if you're lucky

>> No.9547464

>Record label companies receive some 1000 demo albums / songs daily.

And they're trashed with nobody listening to them. No label takes unsolicited demoes, they haven't for years, if not decades, because it creates a legal liability for them, if one of their acts releases a song that's even remotely similar to a song on one of the demos.
Whatever you heard about the music industry that you're basing your comments on is about 40 years out of date, dude. It doesn't work that way anymore.

>> No.9547476

or even if you right jingles. i know andrew oye in real life, and he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars through royalties, passive income, alone. check out his website. he just writes epic backing tracks for like superbowl commercials, or lost, or whatever.

>> No.9547498

They inherited a strong economy, solid middle class and the world's biggest manufacturing base. It's almost all gone. I'm not talking about inheriting someone's crapshack in Indiana, stupid.

>> No.9547502

worse i am the autistic trans

>> No.9547541

I'll buttfuck you. I like traps, it's not gay. Are you in Socal? If not fly there soon and I'll meet you at LAX, by the enormous dildo

>> No.9547570

You're talking about publishing, and yes, there's a lot of money to be made there, if you can write.

>> No.9547715

Yeah man, i was a victim of this college scam

>> No.9547730
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>> No.9547732
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my passion was painting, than i realised i can't paint for shit, buy i realised that i can paint as much i want if i'm rich, that's why i stared investing in crypto.
I especially like networks that help people who follow their passion like Hubii for example, look into it

>> No.9547897

This post is better than it looks at first glance. He managed to include life experience, insight and making the post appeal to the board (rich, crypto), all packed in a short sentence delivered with ease and a humoristic side.

Last but not least he even managed to include a shill at the end. You should make commercials, dude.

>> No.9548196

>failed musician
literally me. Don't have a degree in music though, that's fucking dumb.
I'm still following my passion, even if I only have a 5% chance to succeed it's worth a shot imo

>> No.9548282

I don't have any passion.
Honestly none.
I just wanna go home and play video games.
but I also wanna be rich and powerful.
God i wish I didn't

>> No.9548298

>All of mans problems come from the fact he is unable to sit quietly by himself in a room.
Boardwalk empire was a good fucking series

>> No.9548301


>> No.9548311

Looks like a cool series.
W-whats the relation to my post.

>> No.9548344

the quote?
>I just wanna go home and play video games.
but I also wanna be rich and powerful.
>All of mans problems come from the fact he is unable to sit quietly by himself in a room
it was phrased differently in the actual series but I dont remember the exact phrasing because im not a native speaker
the show has a lot of class, really good acting, if you like slowburners its perfect

>> No.9548357

everytime im about to do something even remotely questionable, I think about this quote and ask myself: is this shit really worth it?

>> No.9548635
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What does biz think of this song I'm working on?


>> No.9548834

>soundcloud rappers
>got benzo perscriptions because they were akward teens
>literally made it into a rap music thing
>many full time paid musicians now with $$$, drugs hoes everything sheeeeeeeeit

>> No.9549035

>wish i werent a little five year old kid crying in front of the mirror because im not a girl

Yeah what went wrong here was your Father didn't clock you upside the fucking head. Retard

>> No.9549096

Nice! I like it. I think the piano on the offbeats sounds a bit out of place tho, might be better using a different sound/instrument

Do you have more in that style on soundcloud or something?

>> No.9549108

Bite the bullet and do your degree bruh. At least it will motivate you to think like a functioning human being and not a degenrate POS neet/muso. Was neet for a few years then realised I was scared of failure and was holding myself back. Got my Bachelor and about to do masters in engineering management whilst working. Never have enough spare time but Im happy. Not jerking it to anime on a mongolian basket weaving forum does wonders for mental health

>> No.9549856

Thanks. I didn't have a sound cloud because most of my stuff is pretty much unfinished or needs polishing. But I made a placeholder soundcloud where I can upload bits of what I have until I come out with my "real" sound cloud.


>> No.9549877

I'm a failed game developer. I ran some large browser games before social networking was a thing. I saw my competitors become wealthy myspace/facebook app developers and I never adapted. Now I have to settle with my crypto gains but I should have tried harder.

>> No.9549920

This is legit

>> No.9549927

>we fucked you over
>it all worked out

>> No.9549946

I'm similar. Have film degree, worked retail in LA trying to get an industry job but failed, bought $3k worth of shitcoins last year, now have ~$90k of shitcoins. Cash out $3k every month. Just ico all day long to sustain it. Accepted in a fully funded masters in economics for the fall and get a real job after. Dreams are for rich people, once you have money you can do whatever artistic bullshit dream you want after that.

>> No.9550335

no, he did lol

>> No.9550345

i love film. you made a good call with shitcoins. i wish you luck, and hope to follow suit at my own pace as soon as i can

>> No.9550524

stafford beer will of the people, karl marx economic manuscripts.

>> No.9550538

only for cash

>> No.9550561

I’m close
> failed musician
> useless degree in marketing from a state school

It’s funny I thought the same thing about doing an MA in Finance as well. You’re going to have to take a handful of prereqs before you get in at a local community college.

I got a little discouraged knowing I would have a masters and be green in this field. So I gave up but hopefully you figure it out

>> No.9551051

Now people are identifying themselves sexually.
Wtf does trans even mean?
You are a boy and girl at the same time?
Funny how when I work with gay people the first few days they tell me their gay but I never mentioned Im straight.

Im sorry but people in general are putting to much selfworth into their sexual orientation (gays, trans or whatever).

Majority of people dont give a fuck about you retards. We dont need to know.

Society is set up this way now by the liberal maniacs who want to kill me so they can take my guns.
You are and always will be a child like mind running around in a zombie body never really knowing up vs down or who or what truly created you.

I pity you.

>> No.9551500
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>You cant really become any good at anything you dislike
>Think about people forcing themselves into programming

>mfw got a CS degree and never written a single line of code outside of mandatory school work

>> No.9551507

Kek. Stop crying and buy bch.

>> No.9551518

My passion is for useless foreign languages like French and Italian (I'm American). I studied business instead and I'm doing well as an associate/analyst but wish there were a way to make a living from francais/italiano.

>> No.9551519
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me had all hope for future snuffed out as child
trading first passion me think have ever had kek

>> No.9551529

this is relevant

good luck man

>> No.9551968

go to a coding bootcamp and code together with ranjeet

>> No.9552143

>fail at university
>tattoo half of body black while on drugs
>sitting on bags of LINK now