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9539651 No.9539651 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9539669
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>> No.9539706

Honestly there are so many things being shilled here nowadays I can’t even remember what iExec does

>> No.9539727

Yeah I honestly don't get the point of this thread.

Calling Holo a scam is a testament to the type of people who invest in iExec

>> No.9539745

easy, invest in both

>> No.9539750

Boomercoin can collapse at any moment since it's done by useless 50 something fucks with no qualifications, Iexec on the other side has :
- a team of PhD in distributed computing
- crazy academic and business partnerships
- a product that will be updated EOM

This anomaly will be corrected in a week.

>> No.9539766

Found the iExec fanboy who can only tell me glamour facts about his coin and most likely has no idea how Holochain works.

>> No.9539771

explain to me like im a 10 year old what holo does

>> No.9539818

It’s got a shit name, no marketing, and run by old fucks. Makes me think centralised old man benehmoth token, not cutting edge shit. They need to rebrand.

>> No.9539901

Yeah, tell me what holo does. No one has ever explained it

>> No.9539913
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BTC was a simple tech till ETH came along. And people didn't do the research and didn't understand the implications of what ETH brought to the table that BTC couldn't provide. We now have a platform that has been in development since before Bitcoin and has been perfected by using crypto technology. A platform built to scale horizontally which can support dApps hosted by users, for users, with no government or corporation between the two. There are no really dApp networks in place that can offer this scale of service for the price Holo will be able to provide it for. Holo is provided right to the public. No "Partnerships" will be required to reach the people since Holo will be truly peer to peer.

I know it's hard to believe a guy on the internet. But I was one of the main people yelling at biz to buy when it was 5x ICO @ 100 gwei and I was relentlessly called a pajeet shill. I didn't stop because I actually did hard research to understand the tech and I knew that the only FUD being produced was from people who didn't know about or understand the tech or people who obviously wanted a lower price so they posted pictures of a fat lady. I will continue to defend Holo till we are in the Top 20, and most likely even more after that.

>> No.9539936


You didn't explain it rankeesh

>> No.9540006

I am only 10 i cannot read this
please simplify in a sentence or two what holo does thanks

>> No.9540026


>> No.9540031

holo will double, then triple, then double 15 more times within 3 years. (screencap this) t. 47,000,000 HOT hodler.

>> No.9540035
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>runs on Ethereum blockchain network
>claims to be scalable but prays to god on the second page of their whitepaper for a solution to blockchain scalability issue
>proposes off chain transactions while claiming their monetisation of consumer data will be transparent
>ecosystem heavily reliant upon corporate players
>environmental benefits on paper only, in practice old infrastructure keeps on chugging with more middlemen (oracles etc) needed for network to function


>> No.9540048

Decentralized internet

>> No.9540049
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Not wanting to spoon feed some idiots who can't do their own research doesn't quite make me a pajeet. I have no doubt I helped make people here thousands with my relentless shilling.

If making biz money and shilling the next big thing in dapps makes me a Pajeet, then cook me up some fucking curry and naan.

Do your own research or stay poor.

>> No.9540065

What's all that stuff about thier token being a temporary one? Can't give a brief explanation?
Thinking about fomoing

>> No.9540070

but how though
why not just buy substratum

>> No.9540072


Stopped reading after inaccurate point #1. RLC is focused on being blockchain agnostic.

No need to shit on this coin or that coin. Buy what you like. Buy both if you like them. You guys sound like fuckin' groupies.

>> No.9540077

if you can write 2 paragraphs shilling with random buzzwords but cant write a simplified explanation for your shitcoin your shitcoin is not worth money

>> No.9540079

I can't explain how since you're a retarded 10 year old.

>> No.9540089

well guess what if you can't explain your coin to a 10 year old your coin is worth NOTHING
here i'll explain RLC in 1 sentence.
Sell computer power for money by doing computations and other things.

>> No.9540113


Look at page 9 you illiterate fuck

>> No.9540121

When the network goes online you will have 6 months to convert your HoloTokens to HoloFuel which will give you a balance on their Network. It's not really like traditional crypto. The Fuel is used to pay for hosting on the Network which which is done buy the users who run the Holo App or HoloPort. The hosting allows Normies to use website on-ramps to access apps hosted in the Holochain Network.

>I Build the DApp
>I pay Holo Agents to host my DApp and run processing computations required as well as store database files for my DApp.
>Holo agents get paid for their PC or HoloPort doing work/storage
>I get hosting for my app much cheaper than if I had to have an AWS server host it.
>Decentralized and no middle men.

There is so much more depth to what Holochain can do though. This is one of the common uses.

>> No.9540128

>Attempting to ride on Holo's coat-tails

This is why:


>> No.9540135

>When the network goes online you will have 6 months to convert your HoloTokens to HoloFuel

>goes to convert tokens
>price starts dropping drastically as people frantically try to convert
sounds fun dude

>> No.9540137

How does it do that? Hint: It doesn't, it's vaporware.

>> No.9540148

>Sell computer power for money by doing computations and other things.

I could say the same thing about Holo. But I don't expect 10 year olds to grasp blockchain 1.0, much less blockchain 4.0.

My guess is you barely even understand how much this crypto tech works and you constantly need smarter men to validate your buys.

>> No.9540149

what do you even mean homie v2 is out this month and the market opens weeks after

>> No.9540161

No I asked you to explain to me what holochain does in a sentence and you went on a 2 paragraph tirade like the dumb fuck you are.
Nice reddit spacing faggot

>> No.9540164

We all shit and meme on holo. But the most hilarious thing it actually is a somewhat good product after all that. Which means its better than 99% of coins

>> No.9540167


So the RSK announcement last week is about Ethereum, too?

>> No.9540169

Show me anyone actually using your vaporware garbage and explain to me how it works

>> No.9540179

v2 out this month which opens the ability to buy computations
Now where's holo's app store or when does holo even release? 2024? If ever?

>> No.9540188

How does work? Please explain

>> No.9540192

Iexec is superior in every way, tell me again how you'll have to run dapps with holofuel?

Why not run then with RLC, who have a team that have built fog computing networks and desktop grids for the hydron collider project amongst other things... instead of a bunch of hippies in a basement.

Lazy people create a Kickstarter to create their product, passionate people in projects make it and raise a small amount to continue their efforts

>> No.9540205

Oh forgot to mention, iexec already works and will be available to everyone at the end of the month.

>> No.9540220

>log in
>buy rlc
>spend rlc on whatever job is needed or available
>workers get paid in rlc
>hodlers get rewarded too
>price goes up
something like that

>> No.9540227

How does that work? Magic?

>> No.9540228

Holoshit is absolute vapourware with lik 3 developpers for 15 useless niggers and roasties, anyone thinking this is going somewhere is absolutely deluded.

>> No.9540235
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You know how I know I'm comfy? Because the only FUD on Holo comes from idiots who clearly have no clue how Holo works and don't understand the way they went about getting funding. Anyone who has done the research on Holo wouldn't say brainlet statements such as this.

Meanwhile plenty of people here to FUD your shit coin right here in your Holo hate thread. Classic.

>> No.9540262

Holochain was started before even bitcoin you fuuuuucking normie.

>> No.9540273

Oh, only The future of the fucking DATA NETWORKS AKA THE INTERNET. And on top of that it's going to Be The worlds' most powerful computing platform. Stay deluded retard.

>> No.9540279

Can't wait for the holocaust.

>> No.9540282

whachu meen homie

>> No.9540295

All these total trash projects like iExec and SkyCoin are trying so hard to suck energy from Holo. It's not going to work, iExec is only going to be used by a couple of autists to render in blender while SkyCoin is just going to solve dianetics or whatever. Meanwhile Holo is going to be used to host normie-friendly dApps on the internet, it'll absolutely destroy your shitcoins.

>> No.9540298

Noice. Is there a mechanism to prevent big players from monopolizing storage space?

>> No.9540301

All these total trash projects like iExec and SkyCoin are trying so hard to suck energy from Holo. It's not going to work, iExec is only going to be used by a couple of autists to render in blender while SkyCoin is just going to solve dianetics or whatever. Meanwhile Holo is going to be used to host normie-friendly dApps on the internet, it'll absolutely destroy your shitcoins.

>> No.9540312

Okay lad.
How will holo verify that dapp computations are correct?

>> No.9540328

There's your explanation for 10 year olds.

>> No.9540356

that's just a bunch of baseless fud and not a simplified explanation of what holo does and how people get paid

can you explain it? Being serious

>> No.9540370

Wow ya got me there, I can’t wait to see how smartcontracts resolved off chain work out for ya, seems like a lot of rlc backend will be centralised, so cool

>> No.9540386

o r a c l e s

>> No.9540423



>> No.9540443

Because oracles are so fucking decentralised?
You mean to tell me your relying on LINK?

>> No.9540456
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>he doesn't know
also research PoCo nigga

>> No.9540494


>> No.9540512


>> No.9540552

because this market is propped up by bullshit hype instead of actual good teams and products, things flip flop from one token/coin to the next day after day

>> No.9540599

So more middlemen is the solution? I can see how workers will benefit from this

>> No.9540616

How will they not? You do your job you get rewarded.
You do realise that while you can achieve high tx/s onchain, you wont be ever able to run computationally intensive algos on chain.

>> No.9540631

It is scam you retard. It's pure vaporwave pumped by pajeets

>> No.9540685

>It's pure vaporwave pumped by pajeets

Fuck ya man indian vaporwave is the shit

Holy shit you kids can't even spell check your sentences. Stay poor with your shitcoins kid.

>> No.9540691

RLC relying on offchain processing on someone else’s slow, energy inefficient network seems to contradict the purpose of RLC existing, sure the surface level looks like a great improvement for cloud computing and dapps but its carrying so many dead weights

>> No.9540693


>> No.9540695

my only problem with hot is that i sold at 96 gwei because i thought 5x was the peak

>> No.9540716

Pajeet triggered

>> No.9540754


>> No.9540758

Nice cruise control buddy

>> No.9540842

Seriously, can some holo holder please explain to me how are they planning to run computationally intensive dapps onchain? Its literally impossible, where from does the computing power come?

>> No.9540877
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shhh stop u might hurt their feelings

>> No.9540920

The computational power comes from the thousands of hosts on the network.

>> No.9541040

How do you verify that computations are correct, not simulated or otherwise tempered with?

>> No.9541131
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They didn't think about that because their 3 devs are "literal who" and they are more concerned about "cultural coordination" than actual tech.
I makes me laugh so hard to see those randoms compared to the iexec team by Pajeets, fuck it's like if some mechanics in a Texas garage told you they will build a car faster around the Nürburgring than the last Ferrari F1 car and you actually believed them.

>> No.9541225
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>> No.9541276
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people actually invest into this project? holy shit look at the team!

>> No.9541398
