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9535036 No.9535036 [Reply] [Original]

CoinMetro is promising a lot for potential investors, but can it live up to the hype?

When I first started searching for quality ICO's I stumbled onto CoinMetro & Nauticus. At first it was hard to decipher the major difference between these two exchanges. However, after extensive research Nauticus is clearly the winner.

If you visit CoinMetro's site you can see the smoke and mirrors clear as day. They quote articles from Bloomberg, Business Insider, & Reuters that bash current exchanges. I don't care about the flaws of another existing product. I want to know what YOU are bringing to the table. Bashing existing companies to try & devalue their impact in the community is foolish. Any exchange will have issues. Binance & GDAX are giant exchanges with massive user bases. Companies like Amazon & Walmart have negative reviews & issues all the time. Why would you outline this as a selling point on your homepage?

Nauticus doesn't have to bash or demean other exchanges to build trust with users. If you have ever invested into ANY crypto you are probably well aware of the existing flaws on many of these exchanges. Nauticus aims to build a community around their exchange & deliver results based on customer satisfaction. That is what a quality product delivers. Coca Cola doesn't need a gimmick against Pepsi. They know they have a quality product that delivers a crisp refreshing taste with every sip!

Nauticus has a diverse team with proven track records. Ultimately that is what is going to generate users. We are all creatures of habit. In order for existing users to want to change exchanges, there has to be an incentive. I believe Nauticus will deliver that incentive by utilizing their blockchain mining center as well as their eCommerce platform.

For anyone interested in continuing their research with this project here is a link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewrossow/2018/05/11/crypto-is-no-longer-for-the-rich-and-famous/#5eab8f361066

>> No.9535200

thanks for your input hillary clinton

>> No.9535401
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Anybody can pay those websites to rate their ICO high you street shitting ausfag

>> No.9535485

Don't be mad at me bcuz you took your life savings out of the bank to invest in CoinDumpship & are going to lose $300.

>> No.9535506

For the 100th time, nauticus is a poor man's Quoine. If you're going to invest money in a project like this, Qash would be 100x better.

>> No.9535588

Nauticus is trash.

>> No.9535698

I own both. Why invest in one when you’re pretty much guaranteed to win with both?

>> No.9535844

Dude... I feel sorry for you, nauticus is a scam. BTW see you on 2022 when their roadmap is completed lol.
Coinmetro is not any better but atleast they try.

>> No.9535847

Qash isn't bad, but it's not on the level Nauticus is on.

>> No.9535980

Give literally one piece of evidence that its a scam

>> No.9536003

I was about to say yea I haven't had any problems with putting my money into Nauticus.

>> No.9536004

Nauticus will make investors wealthy if they can deliver. CoinMetro has the same fan base as lebronsexuals. Dudes worship that garbage ICO like they work for it

>> No.9536135

Just invested a few days ago after researching the project & it went smooth. Beta seemed flawless as well.

>> No.9536154
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shills on duty.

Coin Metrro will have margin trading, fuck your cuck exchange

>> No.9536159

Absolute retard spotted..
This is wrong on so many levels, people that held senior positions at some of the biggest companies in finance backed by elite Billionaire Japanese investors vs some fucking accountant from Essendon and a guy that worked at ANZ.
You’re fucking kidding me aren’t you?

>> No.9536238

Kek It's like nauticus is run by Dennis Denouto

>> No.9536245

If the exchange is so good why would they feel the need to trash on existing exchanges I fall the bullshit like I see it. Shill team of CoinMetro is in full force today huh?

>> No.9536296

Mate just be honest, you’re the ceo of Nauticus aren’t you? Fuck off back to plebbit, that’s where all the normans do their crypto research

>> No.9536356

Hahaha no, but I’m guessing you’re part of the marketing team for CoinMetro huh? It must suck to market a failing POS like CoinMetro

>> No.9536447

Nauticus=coinmetro 2.0

>> No.9536494

>he thinks CoinMetro has a marketing team that uses /biz/ to do ‘marketing’
Kek, I know you’re not really the CEO, if anyone sounds like a paid shill here it’s you. Going on about other exchanges attacking the competition then does exactly that in the next sentence.
You’re delusional if you’re actually just an investor that thinks Nauticus is a safer investment than QASH. And I actually don’t think it’s even on CoinMetro’s level

>> No.9536512
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It is not enough that I should succeed - others should fail.

>> No.9536540

I have exactly 0 doubt that coinmetro, nauticus, coss and all the other exchange coins other than kucoin are going to fail.

>> No.9536556

You sound like either a paid shill or a member of their shit marketing team. I didn’t know coin metro utilized 4chan, but now I do. You came onto my thread attacking my opinion on an ICO. How lame do you have to be? I pointed out obvious flaws and all you did was shill coin metro. If anyone is a paid shill it must be you. You’re the one that keeps talking about it

>> No.9536565

you're a retard. kucoin is gook trash

>> No.9536609

Nah you were a brainlet for displaying your low IQ when you said Nauticus is superior to QASH, I couldn’t sit there and let you be that retarded without calling you out on that comment. Full disclosure I hold both QASH and xcm, I don’t think I’ll invest in Nauticus but either way you make some brainlet tier comments like you even know what QASH is trying to achieve when in reality you probably don’t. They are two completely different projects with different goals..

>> No.9536625

What retard actually thinks CoinShitShow will succeed? What a plebtard. Waiting for CoinMetro referral link in 3,2,1...

>> No.9536658

Your garbage exchange doesn't even have margin trading. Look at the volume Bitmex and Bitfinex pull from that brainlet

>> No.9536681

130+ IQ is retarded on what scale?If you’re interested in being poor continue to invest in poor projects. When does your paid shill checks come in? I’m curious to know since you won’t stop talking about Qtrash.

>> No.9536735

Your argument is pissweak, as well as your 130 iq Larp. Enjoy your Nauticus bagholding till 2023 when they actually have a working product.

>> No.9536757

Where is your argument? All you can say is pleb this & retard that. I’ve been waiting for an educated rebuttal, but looks like that ain’t happening.

>> No.9536769

Ok then buddy, tell me how Nauticus is superior to QASH. I’ll wait

>> No.9536813

>130 + iq
>Doesn't know how to reply to someone on 4chan

>> No.9536936

> Can't formulate a solid rebuttal
> Resorts to spewing bs in a failed attempt at proving intellectual superiority

>> No.9536995

How do you write off your shills on your taxes? Does it go on your W2 with your McDonald's salary?

>> No.9537004

>starts using slightly bigger words to pose as a triple digit iq holder
>still can’t tell us how Nauticus is on a higher level than QASH

>> No.9537020

Nautcus is for retard faggots. Australian scam

>> No.9537036

>Doesn't realize article was about CoinMetro & Nauticus
>Starts shilling other useless coins once he realizes CoinMetro has no clear definitive advantages
>Clearly Has Low IQ If Invested In CoinMetro

>> No.9537038
File: 11 KB, 384x384, 106E2CF1-9B01-4C3B-9602-365EC58024A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoffs at bizraelis for ‘not forming an educated rebuttal’
>His own rebuttal implies Anon works at McDonalds because he realises that he himself doesn’t actually have an educated rebuttal

>> No.9537052

Nautcus is trash

>> No.9537066

Nautcus is a scam. Blatantly selling securities to us citizens, their name is retarded as fuck, no margin trading and their UI look tradeogre tier. Pure trash.
Also 18 fiat currencies? My fucking ass

>> No.9537079


>> No.9537112

Liquid/Qash will have a full banking licence before nauticus has anything.

>> No.9537122

>Copies my rebuttal verbatim
>Still waiting for CoinShithole Rebuttal

>> No.9537148

CoinMetro employs 4chan shills? This is clearly a failed CoinMetro shilling attempt. OP is trying to bash CoinMetro while other paid shills bash Nauticus.

>> No.9537160

I will make a bank by investing in coinmetro while you retards keep losing moneyo scams like pooltrade and nauticus. This thread is clearly a shill tho so fuck off pajeet

>> No.9537215

You seem like the type of investor that bought btc at $20,000. I hope you didn’t take a loan out investing in CoinMetro. You will be able to buy a bank with all the money you wasted on that shitcoin.

>> No.9537342

Dude you’re clearly fighting a losing battle. Samefag who was posting Nauticus threads a few weeks ago and kept getting btfo every time. And anon was correct about them selling securities to U.S citizens, let’s see how they go when the SEC takes them down AND they have to pay back the millions of dollars to U.S investors.

>> No.9537438

You sound like a pleb retard. You're obviously poor if you have to post about how you WILL make bank by investing in CoinMetro. I already have bank you retarded pleb. You obviously have no rebuttal to my initial post. Uneducated retards like you baffle me. You go to school for 18+ years & still throw your money away on stupid shit. Hold this L for me tho. You'll be holding L's and bags once CoinMetro releases lmao.

>> No.9537594

I’ve already told you in this thread that I only commented when you said “QASH isn’t bad, but it’s not on the level Nauticus is on”. When I read that I knew that somehow an actual retard had managed to log onto their mum and dads computer and shitpost on /biz/, or you literally were just a stupid faggot and either way i couldn’t sit back without participating in this thread.

>> No.9537614

By the way, you’re replying to the wrong comment you brain dead boomer faggot.

>> No.9537656

You managed to disregard my entire initial post. You got your panties twisted over a neutral comment towards QASH. You’re clearly intellectually inferior. I was wrong about my McDonald’s post. You clearly work as a bagger at a grocery store. Only someone who enjoys bags would want to hold as many bags as you’re curently holding.

>> No.9537714

This is probably your best post so far, so I’m assuming you got your mum or dad to help write it. The only bags that are relevant to me are the swinging ball bags of institutional money entering crypto using QASH. Not some retard tier Australian exchange that will probably be shut down by the SEC before it even opens in 2037.

>> No.9537781

dont be butthurt bb im sure your exchange will be fine but I'm a coinmetrosexual.

>> No.9537861

I’ve heard the same thing about btc before the whales took a dump on peasants like you. It’s okay bud, this time is different I’m sure of it trololol.

>> No.9537913

Nothing wrong with fondling balls

>> No.9537924
File: 7 KB, 366x402, FE5F7754-AA42-425F-BA92-BB6E817EAB0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I don’t even know wtf you’re on about. Nice thread tho bro, really turned out well for you. Pic related. It’s you

>> No.9538021

You’re grasping for straws. You’re clinging to a false hope that QASH is going to magically inflate your bank acct. I’ve heard it all before, but you make solid points. Retard and pleb are great selling points. Cater to the dumber people in crypto for QASH shills. I like your style my man. The approach was a bit eccentric, but you managed to stick to the correct punctuation in your shilling endeavors.

>> No.9538082

Pleb and retard? You mean like this?
Oh wait that was your post about 30 mins ago.
Good luck shilling Nauticus, I’m sure it will make you very rich sir.

>> No.9538137

If your mums vagene is a straw then I’m guilty your honour

>> No.9538295

This is my only post about Nauticus you down syndrome reject, but keep the low lvl iq comments coming.

>> No.9538300

I’m already rich. My watch is worth more than your entire net worth. Maybe I can borrow some of your CoinMetro bags to store it? Just a thought lmao.

>> No.9538562

You’re projecting so super hard right now. Nauticus team member confirmed.
Was it the mum comment that got under your skin?

>> No.9538755

Projecting my superiority? You got me lmao.

>> No.9539092

Projecting gayness