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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9533516 No.9533516 [Reply] [Original]

Why is BAT never shilled here?

Potential coinbase listing and better than most shitcoins around.

>> No.9533525

>never shilled

>> No.9533564

Because it's a shitcoin

>> No.9533565

I prefer Google Chrome.
In all seriousness though, it's because it has a working "mainnet" and isn't growing fast enough as far as ROI goes. There's no room to speculate because it's already real and floundering.

>> No.9533580

Pipe dream coin.
Also, not getting listed on coinbase, 1% chance.

>> No.9533585

Wouldn't you want your money into a working product? Holy shit as if you guys are just in love with gambling in shitcoins that end up losing you money

>> No.9533599

Firefox is better and the anon that works in advertising broke down why its a unique idea as far as crypto but a shitcoin that would need to grab a very large amount of the market from companies like google to be successful who would /spoiler/ never let that happen.

>> No.9533666

what do you suggest investing in then, fren

>> No.9533719


I was in a thread with a Marketing Anon who honestly didn't make any sense on why BAT wouldn't be able to carve out a market share. Not only are large corps generally slower to pivot and fail to mimic the project in time, this model doesn't rely on google adsense or equivalent to lead adoption. It's user centric.

BAT's success is not hinged on big corps allowing it to happen. Brave and BAT can facilitate an ecosystem without it larger invasive ad practices as long as the end user want's to partake in their own patronage system. The entire notion of google cock blocking BAT is fundamentally flawed. Asking google for permission to use it's ad revenue system is retarded, instead aggressively block and cut them out entirely, then force all entry into the closed ecosystem to conform to a new rule set and payment model.

TLDR: Large ad firms are irrelevant to adoption. User sentiment to partake in more private browsing methods is.

>> No.9533882

people rather block ads then receive a miniscule amount of crypto to watch bull shit. It might get adoption by chinaman/street shitting computer farms if it does pay anything. And BATs browser will maybe get picked up by tech oriented people and hipsters who love the newest thing but the average persons going to stick with chrome or what ever else came pre installed on their device. Its like Linux vs Microsoft/IOs

>> No.9533898

because it isn't doing shit. It has been going sideways for months now.

>> No.9533905
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>> No.9533925

You must be new.

>> No.9533926

Most retards still don't effectively block ads though which is where a retard friendly browser comes in

>> No.9533990

It's hardly shilled here is because it's going to be the lowest performing gains out of the possible erc20 tokens that coinbase can accept. If you read the white paper, you would know that this token cannot exceed one US dollar. So you have a choice to either get a safe 2.5 gain or get into another erc20 token that may at least 5x itself. It's your investment so go about it the way you want it, but I don't want you to go all in a small gains. We're in this together!

>> No.9534017

He’s being realistic with respect to the market. Where do you think moon missions come from? Genuine working products? Fuck no, it’s all speculation in this market, real products don’t blow up because there’s far less ambiguity at play for traders to fuck eachother with

>> No.9534045

No, BAT can exceed one dollar as its divisible up to 18 decimal places. You're thinking of chainlink, it can't go over $1, its in the whitepaper.

>> No.9534068

How much are you holding?

>> No.9534077

Dow Jones Media is partnered with Brave to test and promote Brave ads. That's the media giant that the big corps go to.

>> No.9534120
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Are you Daft? Seriously, go talk shit about linkies in their thread. This is a bat thread. Us Batmen are in this together.

>> No.9534300

Even Brandon said his conservative eoy estimate is $3....

>> No.9534396

>buy 5000 BAT
>hold til $8 8Bn MC
>put in elastos

>> No.9534781
File: 221 KB, 1070x807, digital-advertising-revenue-facebook-google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if it's me you're quoting here or there's some other advertising fag on /biz/, nonetheless I'm here to clarify.

When companies say that they will beat Google or Facebook and are laughed out the door by VCs, it's not only because Google will cockblock them (which you bet your ass they will try). The main reason is cause USER ADOPTION is one of the hardest and most expensive things you can hope to achieve. This is doubly true when you go against a monopoly. Believe me, it's not a matter of "if you build it, they will come". Oh god no. It's literally worse than hell to get user adoption and not spend a fuckton of money that will cripple your company for years. Amazon has been crippling their profits for 20 years just so they can get user adoption and market share.

Here's the second issue. The lion's share of advertising money right now goes through Google, Facebook and Microsoft. Where does this money come from? From agencies that create the strategy and media plan for big corporations. In order for the money to go through BAT instead, it needs to acquire such a big chunk of the market that it will be impossible to ignore. Why do I say this? Because when advertising fags like me pitch a client, everything in that media plan must be iron clad. You can't go to a client and say "pay me to manage your campaigns on this BAT shit that only neets use, cause I've heard it's cool". No corporation will be willing to pay to add a new channel in their media plan unless it's necessary. Hell, most of these billion dollar companies still allocate like 10-20% of their advertising budget for online cause "it's too new" for them.

Look at pic related. Right now BAT goes in "Other", which means it's just another small advertising network like many others. These are the ad networks that fight for scraps. For BAT to play in the big league and access the real money, it needs to acquire a bigger % of the market than Microsoft. If you think that's easy, buy and HODL.

>> No.9534787

10K BAT > 50K > Buy ZIL > Make It

>> No.9534852

>When companies say that they will beat Google or Facebook and are laughed out the door by VCs

Peter Thiel sure didn't laugh Brendan Eich out the door when he funded Brave. Also, you forget that your betting against a CEO who founded Mozilla. Also, you don't even acknowledge the deal made between brave and the Dow Jones Media Group.

Also, Brave v1 isn't even out yet so they've done almost no advertising what so ever and are projected to have over 5 mil MAU by EOY. Tell me again why your opinion matters?

>> No.9534934

>all Eich has to do is beat microsoft

It's like the guy doesn't realize this happened before with microsoft and mozilla

>> No.9534936


You failed to mention that ad fraud is a relevant issue when attracting new clients. Yeah you might be able to show them some KPI's to let them know their campaign is doing ok, but some of those number are fraudulent. Around $17B a year is given away due to click fraud. That is a unique selling proposition for BAT. You didn't include the effect GDPR is also going to have on the industry either or the amount of people turning on ad blockers. Braves ad platform being baked right into the browser itself is also very important. The browser knows how many tabs are open, and which ones are active, and how much time is being spent on each one. You cannot get this level of insight from on page scripts that are being used to display ads. Yeah BAT has a lot of tough challenges, but I wouldn't dismiss them just yet.

>> No.9534944


This. Google/Facebook duopoly and traditional advertising cartels (ad-agencies / DSPs and all other middlemen scumbags like that) don't want their status-quo to be challenged keeping the disgusting long-tail comprising of poor quality ads.

Someone likes or not, current digital advertising model is toxic and it will change. It may take some time, but it will change whether advertising fags like it or not.

>> No.9534977

>Tell me again why your opinion matters?

Listen fuckface, I'm not here to FUD your shitcoin or to talk shit so my opinion matters on this gypsy tent building forum. I'd be the first to use this shit if I thought it was such a big deal. It isn't and it won't be.

I'm just trying to give the moon kiddies some insights into what it actually involves to go against a monopoly in the advertising space and how hard it actually is. Many have tried and failed.

Reality will hit soon enough and you'll see how it goes. When the real shit starts, which is getting user adoption, we'll see who has deeper pockets. There's so many ways Google can fuck BAT, that it's not even funny. Hell, even I thought about a couple of things while writing this that are in an ethical gray area, but I could see Google doing it if necessary. I could even make an elaborate list of all the shit that Google could rain upon BAT and choke it to starvation. As I've said: if you think what they are trying to achieve is more than a deluded old man's dream of reliving his former glory, by all means buy and hodl. Makes no difference to me or anyone for that matter.

>> No.9534993

Precisely, which is why I said that he was wrong. BAT can go well north of $1, he was just thinking of the $1 chainlink meme.

>> No.9535048

You need to read up on the browser wars there brainlet.

>many have tried and failed

Oh ya? Like who? Sounds like you're just pulling that cliche saying out of your ass to justify your shitty opinion.

>getting user adoption

So 2 million MAU is trivial for a new startup like Brave? Ok sport, let's see where they are in two years.

>I could even make an elaborate list of all the shit that Google could rain upon BAT and choke it to starvation

What make's you think Eich hasn't already thought of that? You realize you're dealing with a guy who's already headed one browser company that directly competes with google. Why couldn't he do that again? Are you really that fucking dumb? You really need to try harder.

You're probably some intern who run's a local businesses social media account.

>The absolute state of the dunning-kruger

>> No.9535065

>It's like the guy doesn't realize this happened before with microsoft and mozilla

It's like watching that dad that used to play football in highschool trying to act like he's still got it. If you think this is the same market as it was in the late 90s and early 00s, oh boy you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.9535068
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I can only explain the floundering price of BAT by thinking that it represents a working product that uses crypto, which leaves no room for wild speculation. The product is still in crazy early stages despite the working product (Brave) and once it reaches more people, BAT's value will increase along with it

Brendan specifically said BAT is a bigger product than just Brave. Brave is the initial way to get the BAT model started but it seems like he has much more in mind for the project (for example BAT extensions for Chrome, Firefox, etc.)

>> No.9535088

>USER ADOPTION is one of the hardest and most expensive things you can hope to achieve.
Brave already has 5 million downloads on Android alone, and 2.2 Million confirmed active users. Not only that; BAT has the User Growth Pool, a large chunk of it's tokens specifically set aside to encourage user adoption through referrals/user grants. 'When' BAT hits coinbase the UGP will skyrocket in value. Should be able to get the ball rolling when you have $300 million dollars in marketing funds available already when BAT hits a dollar.

>> No.9535140
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>Oh ya? Like who? Sounds like you're just pulling that cliche saying out of your ass to justify your shitty opinion.

Like all the ad networks that are in the "Other" category. Every single one of those CEOs had big dreams.

>So 2 million MAU is trivial for a new startup like Brave?

Wait until they run out of neets and neckbeards to try their browser and they actually have to pay to bring new users. I'm sure it's no biggy.

>What make's you think Eich hasn't already thought of that?

Well, it seems he's got it all figured it out. Smooth sailing from here on.

>You're probably some intern who run's a local businesses social media account.

How did you know?

>> No.9535167

Says the marketing intern.

>> No.9535190

>Like all the ad networks that are in the "Other" category. Every single one of those CEOs had big dreams

And not one of those CEO's already ran a successful company like Mozilla.

You must be a PRL bagholder to be this retarded. I guess we'll all just have to wait around and see.

>> No.9535226
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>successful company

>> No.9535258


>> No.9535296

y'all are delusional and probably hate money and would rather piss away your fiat in chink scam-coins. I'm all in on BAT because I actually read into it. Invest or don't, the train's gonna leave the station without you.

>> No.9535489

jesus that ass is bulletproof

>> No.9535528

One thing you're underestimating as far as adoption, is that people who own BAT will have a big incentive to push others to adopt it because it will make them money. It also looks like it will eventually be on coinbase which would really push it into the spotlight and put it in front of a lot of people.

>> No.9535604

also youtubers would probably shill it in their best interest, so free advertising that way

>> No.9535666

Bart Baker (10 million subs) has gone full Brave/BAT fanboy. He's talked about how he's been considering closing his channel due to all of the demonetization; high cost to produce a video that will likely get flagged. He sees Brave as the chance to keep producing content.

>> No.9535869

Holding 10k and trying to get my hands on more which is why we don't shill it. Easily $10 EOY

>> No.9536249

>not holding the coin of the year

>> No.9536555

Where did he say this?

>> No.9536627

What matters the most is whether content producers and media outlets are going to like the idea of BAT or not. If yes, then we are going to see a major shilling campaign, coming directly from them.
My bet is that they are going to love it. Now they have to rely on ads, which users are just plain blocking.

>> No.9536654

With all the bad publicity surrounding the CEO, there's no way this coin would moon.

>> No.9536750

This fucking 1 dollar meme shit post has got to stop, theres always some faggot on every thread with this fucking incel post.

>> No.9536764

holy shit is it true they were using Brave browser on 60 minutes tonight? i think they actually were

>> No.9536785

Meh, if that is the best fud they can find against this project we are set

>> No.9536795

i am not even joking i think this might be a perfect example of big if true. look at the part where the yelp founder is searching for sushi san francisco. isn't he using Brave?

>> No.9537187

He said he expected the price to be about the cost of a cup of coffee.

>> No.9537201
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who the fuck watches 60 minutes?

>> No.9537228

Its almost like cryptocurrency is decentralized and his opinion on the price doesn't matter.

>> No.9537257
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why the fuck are you telling me that?

>> No.9537262

Airport latte* More expensive, roughly around $5.

>> No.9537399


>> No.9537407
