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9535080 No.9535080 [Reply] [Original]

anon what was your worst trade ?

>> No.9535089

EOS at $18.

Kill me senpai

>> No.9535091

I bought RLC when it was first listed on Binance

>> No.9535092

ever buying VeChain.

>> No.9535094

chainlink at 1$
Holo at 2210
Req at 1$

>> No.9535101

first blood, 50% loss, averaged buy in further, got out at near 0, meanwhile missing moon missions. Good thing it was only 5k.

>> No.9535113
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Probably selling eth at $10
Parents were conceiving me

>> No.9535114

I lost 30k in a matter of days in the BTC bull market because I panic sold an alt at the bottom

>> No.9535116

fiat for crypto

>> No.9535127

sold 3k antshares at a loss, at around 6$

>> No.9535131



>> No.9535143


>> No.9535145
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Singularity aka AGI at $1.03...not sure what to do now since I am down 84.2 percent.

>> No.9535155

hindsight is useless to think about

also had 250k tron that i sold for below ico price because china fud, and 2 million verge i sold for a shitty 500$ profit back in early spring 2017

>> No.9535165

do you feel suicidal ?

>> No.9535166
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Eron stock at $90.75

>> No.9535169

Eth at 1200

>> No.9535196

not anymore than usual

also had 300k xtrabytes that i bought for 80$ on yobit back when they were traded for 2-4 satoshi a pop

i want to kill that retard that said you shouldn't hodl shitcoins though

>> No.9535204

ICX during their fucking webinar.
BCH last week right before it dumped.

I easily lost $800/.1 BTC this passed week.

>> No.9535216

Sold 6500 EOS @50c in hopes to buy back at 10c.

>> No.9535237


Not trade, but losing wallet with 300 btc.

>> No.9535253
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>Parents were conceiving me

>> No.9535263

how did that happen, in your place i would be gone long ago

>> No.9535272
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got liquidated on bitfinex -650k$ while sleeping december 23rd last year in a flash crash, no stop loss

>> No.9535284

sold HOT at ~160 gwei

waiting to buy back in

>> No.9535304


Fried circuit on laptop, btc cost almost nothing in those days so i just dump it.

>> No.9535315

I remember that. Flash crash can fuck you infinitely. I'll never margin trade a sizable account because of it.

Also fuck Bitfinex.

>> No.9535320

>possessed BTC in dec 2017, lost money

dear lord you are sad

>> No.9535329


Also a stop loss wouldn't have saved you because it was it would flash crash beyond your margin call.

>> No.9535344

bought 10k ripple @ 3 $

lol my wife is still mad af

>> No.9535363

>tells wife about crypto investments

what does her boyfriend think about you?

>> No.9535374

bought HER at 5

>> No.9535409

i sincerely hope you mean .00005 eth

>> No.9535412

when i traded my free time to visit this board

>> No.9535415


>> No.9535422
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I can't tell you about my worst trade bcs it's embarrassing, but i can tell you about my best trade that happened recently, I invested in HBT
>getting my first rolex tomorrow

>> No.9535431

bought rlc at 1 dollar. didn't hodl. can't decide if i want to fomo or not. :( halp.

>> No.9535434

not mine but a friend hold bcn on binance during the night when it lost +80% of it's value
yes i'm still laughing

>> No.9535441
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OCT 31st - XRP: 20 cents, LINK: 37 cents.
Exchanged 200K XRP for 110K LINK.

>> No.9535453

wait he held through that pump and didn't sell? that was MIRACULOUS

>> No.9535462

i made about 200k in dec, without the flash crash it would have been almost a million. and those flash crashes are some bitfinex bullshit, the only way to protect yourself from it is not margin trading there. fuck bitfinex

>> No.9535491

no he bought 1500$ at 1200 sats then went to sleep thinking it was going to pump just to weak up at like 200 sats

>> No.9535504

he bought after the pump ...

>> No.9535622


hahahahahaha i actually feel better about myself now thanks for this

>> No.9535638
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i can literally show my stupidity on a historical BCH-BTC chart.
i bought the most expensive bitcoin cash ever.

>> No.9535752

i habe a frient who bough btc at ATH. but he bought more at 6k so he is all gewd. people need to learn to spread out there buy orders.

>> No.9535897


Complete pajeetcoin. Just gets shilled and doesn't do anything.

>> No.9535904

Bought litecoin at $17 in the last pump, dumped to $2. Bought Vertcoin at $1, dumped to $.05, bought Fibonacci miners to exit scammed.

Turned $25k into $3k in a month.

>> No.9535905

Telcoin at .0012$, from 104k to 10k

>> No.9535925

I called ETH to the fucking penny right before the march crash. Had a sell order at $860.00 (on gdax). Eth went to $859.99 and then crashed down to ~$400 range. My order never went through. Still waiting for $860 eth for my order.

>> No.9535928

LINK all that shit coin solves is how to take money from the disaffected and send it to Sergeys bigmac account.

>> No.9535937

Bought presale Ethereum w my 3k. Turned my $3k into $25k. Exited the market and focused on other things ... would be worth $10mil today.

>> No.9535941

GMT. Bought $10k worth at the absolute peak somehow. Sitting on a 95% loss. The coin is pretty much dead and exposed as a scam but my bags are so worthless I'm just holding.

>> No.9535966

IOTA, probably. Bought at 2.30, now i already lost 700$ (poorfag). Any chance iota gonna recover?

>> No.9535974

>bought LTC and VERT

i mean, i get it if it was like your first week in crypto.

>> No.9536012

Yea ... I have made every mistake in the book. Both stupid initial decisions and mega lost opportunity. But I did insanely well in the bull run with like $3k into 100k even though I was forced to cash out w bitcoin at $10k and not 20.

I'm very selective and patient now ... so my mistakes served me.

>> No.9536064


yeah, the mistakes are what make you a better trader. i am just taking the piss.

>> No.9536080

Where my appx marines at?

I sold NEO just after the rebrand from ANS at around $12

>> No.9536093
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chainlink at ATH.

>> No.9536112

Up until a week ago, my worst trade was ZCL. I lost about $250 there.

This week I lost $5000 on Bitmex.

>> No.9536139
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Bought Cindoicator at $0.33




>> No.9536140

hold on to it, colx will be 1$ someday

>> No.9536193
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Investing in me self

>> No.9536234

hey i made the same trade but maybe around .97

>> No.9536264

for it to go back to 1 dollar it has to reach 80 million again

Can you honestly see it dumping down to 80 million after partnering with Intel and bitcoin recovering?

>> No.9536310

ELEC, currently 50% down, wtf man.
TRTL, turned me into a bagholder. Had to sell at 50% loss.

>> No.9536407
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Sold 6000 IOTA at 93 cents then bought back in at 2.75 and holding lololol

>> No.9536446

bought 250k xlm @ 0.019 usd sold @ 0.09 thinking i made a great deal.

>> No.9536461
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>neo at 152

>> No.9536525


that's not really too bad

>> No.9536533


Did IOTA hit 2.75 are you fucking kidding me

I bought in at 1.60 and sold at 1.93 or something.

>> No.9536536
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All crypto

>> No.9536567
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Damn why aren’t you holding iota until at least June 3rd

>> No.9536982

fucking ary

>> No.9536993

Selling 110k TRON at a loss just before the december run

>> No.9537011

it topped at like 4.60 lmao

>> No.9537065

hahha brainlet became linklet

>> No.9537091

Somehow this pic turns me on even though the art is truly utter shit

>> No.9537229
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Shorting volatility

>> No.9537343

Holding bitcoin desu. The only reason I have any now is because I haven't claimed all my forked coins

>> No.9537394
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I bought EtherDelta token at ICO, put in 0.3ETH. It's not much but it makes my blood boil when I think how I just stupidly threw my money into it without doing any research.

>> No.9537415

It’ll happen any day now

>> No.9537440
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Already happened back in February

>> No.9537441
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hopefully the one I just made. cashed out my poor-fag stack of 3.5 ETH

otherwise selling antshares at $21

>> No.9537601

Buying HYDRO ath. Probably a true shitcoin. Wondering what’s the true-shitcoin-detector on 4Chan

>> No.9537632
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buying urmomcoin at $5.. the circulating supply was a little too high for my liking

>> No.9537792

Thinking fundamentals mean anything.

Best advice, never buy shit that has devs focusing on "tech".

>> No.9538320

Ins at $27 dollars

>> No.9538444
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All in ZClassic at €180. Didn't know of the upcoming fork.

>> No.9538454

how? also nice trips

>> No.9538457

i think i bought your bags sorry anon

>> No.9538476 [DELETED] 

I see green, I buy.

>> No.9538535

Between selling Bitbean at 19 sats, DGB at 64 sats or Tron at 3x ICO price, I dunno.

>> No.9538557

i regret every single trade i make anon

>> No.9538583


Shut up you stupid fucking poo in the loo.

>> No.9539006

exact same for me with antshares, verge, xby

>> No.9539014

Selling TRX for Link at 912 Satoshis 30 minutes ago.

>> No.9539023
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It truly sucks but I am lucky I got other investments

>> No.9539406

Why else would you buy that for

>> No.9539857

XRP at 2$

>> No.9539890
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NEO: "bought the dip" at $105.

>> No.9539970

why did you sell so early so often? was ist FUD or did you do your own research which made you not believe in this projects anymore?
sorry for my bad english - germanfag here

>> No.9540029
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>reintegration of former fighters
That fag needs to die.

>> No.9540030


I bought more IOTA at about $4.60

These bags are so heavy

>> No.9540071

I bought ELEC at $.14, watched it climb to $.20, didn't sell, and now its $.09. In the future if I chase shills I have to let them go instead of just holding forever like a brianlet.

>> No.9540115

We don't do this here, Sir.

>> No.9540791

Bought PBL at around $4 on the 8th of Jan. Currently worth 0.40c. Great. Fucking. Timing.

>> No.9541386

Fucking buying itc at 8$

>> No.9541993

Ate the CFD exit scam.
Rode Obsidian from $.47 to $2.2, and held all the way down to $.09.
FOMO'd into TRX at $.22

>> No.9542055

I bought LINK at $1.21

>> No.9542064


>> No.9542114

Anything a couple months ago was a shit trade for me

>> No.9542415


>> No.9542428

Xrp at $3
sold xrp at $.80

>> No.9542438

>anyone who sold icon in the last 2 months

>> No.9542609

Buying pajeet $500 PAC @ 1 trying to sell at 2 but it was the last jump, check now at selling currently for $4 on cryptopia

Bought $4000 BBT @ 6500 its now at 10500 thanks biz for the shill, please get cancer

Another gem shilled by biz, GVC, i was smoking weed and had a few shots of liquor so i was not in the right mind, but put 3.5 eth and it was gone forever. Scam coin

>> No.9542659

>Bought $4000 BBT @ 6500 its now at 10500 thanks biz for the shill, please get cancer
I think you're missing a zero there bro. I am still holding my 600 0.0012 bags. Worst trade of my life. Could've sold for 3x on pump, now it's literally dead.

>> No.9542668


Bought SLT at 6.5 xlm and sold at 1.

>> No.9542679
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>> No.9543080

CRED at its ATH, I'm down $45K on it.

>> No.9543088

Obidian at 18k sats

>> No.9543094

Bought Vade for 2sats with 0.02btc, sold everytihng for 1sat. fml

>> No.9543103

I bought Minereum over $10.

>> No.9543192
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You man of great taste
All need is facial expression and knowledge she gonna get it bad >:D

>> No.9543782

SALT $10