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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, chainlinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9535271 No.9535271 [Reply] [Original]


Time to sell

>> No.9535298


>> No.9535310

As I understand it they just dont let sergey own the term smartcontract. If they would have accepted it not even vitalik or any other smart contract dude use the term smart contract lol. Link would have mooned to 500M.

>mfw chainlink was just a farse
>mfw sergey just use link to make smartcontract
>trademark smartcontract
>link nodes get share of trademark royalties
>pls sergy

>> No.9535337
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>Time to sell

Lol. Right.

>> No.9535338

We are talking about "smartcontract", not "smart contract". It's a big failure for Sergey because he's FAT.

>> No.9535352

Is this the end of chainlink?

>> No.9535356


>> No.9535361

Do not reply to namefags
Hide all namefag threads

>> No.9535366
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>> No.9535372

Stfu he actually posted something no one else has on this board. He's being helpful unlike you, you oxygen thief

>> No.9535385 [DELETED] 

This, sage in the option and hide all namefags. Report every one of their posts that even slightly breaks the rules. Best to just not reply at all.

>> No.9535397

How has he broken the rules? You do realise abusing the report is also breaking the rules? :)

>> No.9535400

>the state of linkshills

>> No.9535405

Not gonna sell retard. This is nothing. You will not take from me my only shoot to do something good with my life.

>> No.9535406
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He posts one "helpful" thread for every 10000 garbage fucking awful threads. Also, I'm fucking glad they didn't get that trademark. I'm holding LINK bags but fuck them with that stupid generic name. "Smart contracts" are a thing, not a company name and I'm glad their attempt at trademark squatting was thrown out.
Now they'll be forced to start saying Chainklink instead of shilling their shitty website :)

>> No.9535428

Wait, did you just recognize Sergey is using pajeet tier schemes to promote his company ?

>> No.9535430

true. this means increased chainlink shilling and name recognition

this is good for chainlink

>> No.9535440
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botched patent application
sideprojects suck way too much time
don't worry, Sergey will get back to LINK
just HODL in the mean time, Linkies !!!!!

>> No.9535451

Owning smartcontracts.com: smart
Calling your company "smartcontracts.com": fucking dumb

>> No.9535455

this isn't a shot to change your life, it's a shot to fail completely and end up killing yourself

>> No.9535458

It wont affect ChainLink at all. It was worth a shot at applying for it but the chances of them trade marking the term smartcontract were slim to none anyway.

>> No.9535468

Looks like Sergey must have started this a while ago since the correspondent is Smart Asset Exchange. Not good though.

>> No.9535487

We know who the attorney they must have though is now. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jann-stanley-moorhead-a97a597

>> No.9535521

sergay better start upping his game. there are big players and stakes here. if he doesnt accelerate chainlinks profile and visibility someone else will fill that space and quickly. with the traction smart contracts are gaining it will soon be make or break. this is not a game.

>> No.9535532

the bags are hurting your hands, aren't they ???

>> No.9535552

nobody is going to fill LINK's space. they are very far ahead in development. there's a reason why the big wallets are not dumping and are even buying more. stop being retarded.

>> No.9535554 [DELETED] 
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This is the namefag. Hide and sage his threads, report his posts

>> No.9535566

i am not a holder merely an interested onlooker

>> No.9535570
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>> No.9535574

Hide and sage namefag threads
Do not reply to namefags

>> No.9535579

Selling to who ? No one is buying

>> No.9535768
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>Check Application Documents that were submitted
>Check 2. Amendment and Mail Process Complete

Owner - SAE

>> No.9535786


>> No.9535804
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>> No.9535812

Sergeys old company is what owns chainlink. He can't use smartcontract as the company name basically.

>> No.9535825

ur retard, how is this news

>> No.9535830

When the fuck was you ever told Secure Asset Exchange was the company? We've always been told SmartContract is the company and ChainLink is the network.

>> No.9535858

>Replying to namefags

>> No.9535867

Why are you still here shitting on this thread? Just fuck off or actually contribute something of value you fucking waste of space!

>> No.9535910

what a fucking creepy looking prick.

>> No.9535954

Thank you for posting this, this is good info and makes a change compared to find or shills. Ignore these immature idiots that are screeching like antifa fags

>> No.9535985


>> No.9535988 [DELETED] 

Do not reply to namefags
Sage namefag threads

>> No.9535989

Yeah I won't even respond to these fags anymore, they're just baiting anyway.

Owning the name SmartContract was a huge selling point for ChainLink. This is actually bad news. Secure Asset Exchange doesn't quite have a good ring to it.

>> No.9536001

You realise you're breaking the rules? Stop spamming this in the thread you twat face!

>> No.9536016

They can still use smartcontract.com, dipshit

>> No.9536025

When did i say they cant? Try learning english sweetie and re-read.

>> No.9536119

I'm not breaking the rules. I don't even care if you reply or not, you're obviously a newfag hungry for bait. Dig in!
I'm just reminding oldfags that saging is better than raging

>> No.9536131

imagine discussing this instead of TRON ceo tweets

>> No.9536175
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>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>I..I iim NoT bReakInG ThE rULes

>> No.9536199

I think you just got told, now fuck off spamming.

>> No.9536208

is this bad for their networking and partnerships?

>> No.9536222
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>D O M P

>E E T

>> No.9536255

Apple is a thing, too.

>> No.9536256

It won't affect any working relations with existing partners but it just sucks that he cant use smartcontract as the business name for when smartcontract becomes a huge buzzword within the next few years

>> No.9536274
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>> No.9536304


>> No.9536329

He can't.

>Registration is refused because the applied-for mark, SMARTCONTRACT, merely describes a feature of applicant’s amended goods and services. Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1), 15 U.S.C. §1052(e)(1); see TMEP §§1209.01(b), 1209.03 et seq. A mark is merely descriptive if it describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose, or use of an applicant’s goods and/or services. TMEP §1209.01(b); see, e.g., In re TriVita, Inc., 783 F.3d 872, 874, 114 USPQ2d 1574, 1575 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (quoting In re Oppedahl & Larson LLP, 373 F.3d 1171, 1173, 71 USPQ2d 1370, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2004)); In re Steelbuilding.com, 415 F.3d 1293, 1297, 75 USPQ2d 1420, 1421 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (citing Estate of P.D. Beckwith, Inc. v. Comm’r of Patents, 252 U.S. 538, 543 (1920)).

>Generally, if the individual components of a mark retain their descriptive meaning in relation to the goods and/or services, the combination results in a composite mark that is itself descriptive and not registrable. In re Fat Boys Water Sports LLC, 118 USPQ2d 1511, 1516 (TTAB 2016) (citing In re Tower Tech, Inc., 64 USPQ2d 1314, 1317-18 (TTAB (2002)); TMEP §1209.03(d); see, e.g., Apollo Med. Extrusion Techs., Inc. v. Med. Extrusion Techs., Inc., 123 USPQ2d 1844, 1851 (TTAB 2017) (holding MEDICAL EXTRUSION TECHNOLOGIES merely descriptive of medical extrusion goods produced by employing medical extrusion technologies); In re Cannon Safe, Inc., 116 USPQ2d 1348, 1351 (TTAB 2015) (holding SMART SERIES merely descriptive of metal gun safes); In re King Koil Licensing Co., 79 USPQ2d 1048, 1052 (TTAB 2006) (holding THE BREATHABLE MATTRESS merely descriptive of beds, mattresses, box springs, and pillows).

>> No.9536343

LMAO eat a dick newfag
Maybe if apple was called "personal computer"

>> No.9536363

okay, but they can still use the word 'smart contract' in their work right? they just cant say 'SmartContract(tm)' and sue other companies that try to do so? sounfs like it was a shot in the dark

>> No.9536368

>Doesn't know rules
>Calls people newfags
>Gets schooled by Astro.


>> No.9536373

Their company name is already SmartContracts...

>> No.9536376

Yeah pretty much this. Does also mean we've been lied to by the team. They've told us numerous times the company name was smartcontract when really its always been under secure asset exchange.

>> No.9536382


>> No.9536384


>> No.9536390

That's what we've been told by them, but according to the application documents they were attempting to register it under SAE.

>> No.9536413

This is why they should stop being faggots and call the company CHAINLINK.

>> No.9536424

I agree. There's no reason not to now.

>> No.9536474

this is actually a good thing.

>> No.9536489

>Schooled by astro
Lol nice samefagging you pathetic faggot

>> No.9536543

Newfag didn't work so now you gotta try samefag. Nice try there pal. Gtfo of here if you don't know the rules and have nothing of value to add, you're trying to derail the conversation but it's not working. No one gives a shit what you have to keep saying.

>> No.9536582
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This is good guys, totally not a stupid move and waste of effort, showing how the project is run.

>> No.9536594

The Lawyer they hired back in December to submit this is a fucking moron and should have known this wouldn't have gone through.

>> No.9536616

>ChainLink Crypto Fund
They're too late.

>> No.9536635


>> No.9536648

You are a fag triangle

>> No.9536659

You just stopped posting under your name trip fag, fuck right off

>> No.9536717

clink just doesnt have the same ring to it although its catchier maybe just link

>> No.9536730

You certainly like using the word fag a lot. I think you should be honest with yourself because you're blatantly a homosexual. Stop replying because you got schooled and now you're butthurt and just embarrassing yourself. You broke the rules and you said you didn'tt. You broke the rules and you said you didn't.you broke the rules and you said you didn't. Fuck off.

>> No.9536742

That's what Fagstro does. Don't forget about his temper tantrum shitting up the board for days until he got a 3 day ban. He also uses vpns to samefag. Sage, and report for any rule violations.

>> No.9536746

sergery and the rest of his useless team didn't even coin the term smart contract. removing a space between a commonly define term isn't something you can trademark especially when you have absolutely nothing to show for it.

just wait for the universal panning in peer review when they finally launch this broken centralized oracle into the world.

>> No.9536752

Lawyers don’t care as long as you pay them.

>> No.9536756

They should take the first 2 letters and last 3 letters and just call it chink. Because this is beginning to look more and more like a chink scam. ;)

>> No.9536778
File: 358 KB, 1440x1202, SmartSelect_20180516-230325_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting your own twitter on 4chan
Why so dumb astri?

>> No.9536787

Calling out namefags for being the fags they are isn't against the rules. All the false reports you've been sending definitely are though.
Can't wait till you get banned again you namefagging piece of shit

>> No.9536801

Never been banned.
I dont use VPNs... you clearly have never tried to use a VPN on 4chan because its no longer possible. Which makes your statement completely asnine because if i was banned according to you I could have just used a VPN. HerpDerp.
I think you need to check the rules because you're breaking them right now sweetie. >>9536175

Doesn't exactly give us confidence to know he has shitty lawyers working for him in a fintech industry.

>> No.9536814

Btw he is now blatantly lying, as he used the same trip with different IDs in other thread plus you can use vpns if you buy 4chan pass lmao

>> No.9536825
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>> No.9536829

Smartcontract.com is a company

>> No.9536835

How ironic. Asking me why I'm dumb but cant even spell a 5 letter name right. Thanks for making me laugh hunny.

>> No.9536839



>> No.9536842

She’s not a shitty lawyer. She has big clients.

>> No.9536854

no. SmartContract supposedly "was" the company. Smartcontract.com is a fucking website. Holy fuck you are stupid.

>> No.9536865
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>> No.9536867

The proyect has no direction. Unironically I'm going to sell the moment this shit goes pass 0.5 again. Enough is enough

>> No.9536873

^ I can't read this entire thread

>> No.9536878
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x2333, SmartSelect_20180516-224300_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another interesting fact: the guy suffers from schyzophrenia

>> No.9536882

A lawyer that doesn't tell their client straight up that something will get refused and instead takes their money and wastes 6 months of time for the application to be answered, is a shitty lawyer.

>> No.9536883

Pathetic samefagging

>> No.9536895

just when i thought it couldnt get any worse

>> No.9536896

What is a subsidiary company, dipshit?

>> No.9536922

who's the porker?

>> No.9536942

Why don't you go check the application documents instead of trying be a clever fuckwit.

>> No.9536963
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They changed company name to Secure Asset Exchange from SmartContracts and now this tweet

Big justing incoming? I'm literally shaking

>> No.9537003

I've always see it quoted as smartcontract.com, so nothing really changes

>> No.9537014

They didn't just change the name. It's always been under SAE and that application was submitted back in December. We've been lied to.

>> No.9537064
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>> No.9537125

>someone finds actual information that isn't some bullshit larper linking to three year old documents mentioning smart contracts and nothing else related to the project
>deluded bag holder start screeching to get the poster banned because muh fee fees

>> No.9537178

>Post thin, inconsequential source material
>Samefag elabourate brainlet doomsgay scenarios
These threads are worthless. They're not even funny. They make biz worse. When reddit has better fud, you should just fucking give up.

>> No.9537184

They will bow down to blatent larp shills. But anything that's actual news worthy is normally dismissed by these brain dead virgins.

>> No.9537209

what do you mean desu? that source material was a first here, and it's true.

>> No.9537219

Pointless asking him. He's just going to screech or hiss samefag at you.

>> No.9537244

This tripfag is neither this guy
kurtastro was some guy in some discord this tripfag was in
nor is he this guy
astronaut was banned from delphi discord and the tripfag whilst still in the discord began larping as astronaut on /biz/

>> No.9537271

Ok, this isn't necessarily a bad thing but things could go both ways.

Let's all just put the delusion aside and try to be rational about this.

>> No.9537276

More pointless shit to the topic at hand, but you are correct.

>> No.9537284

I keep hearing about this Delphi Discord. Wtf is it?

>> No.9537294

It's absolutely nothing m8.
Their company is called "smartcontract" so they wanted to register it as a trademark. But that's a stupid name for a company anyway. It would be like if Honda owned "car.com" so they decided to call the company "car".
They can still use the website, but maybe have to change the company name. IDK either way, It changes nothing.
So this thread is total garbage, as is usual for this fucking idiot larper.

>> No.9537301





>> No.9537331

Check the application documents retard. The company is not called smartcontract. It's called secure asset exchange. Perhaps go read the fucking info in the link I posted.

>> No.9537392

secure asset exchange is registered in cayman islands

>> No.9537459

I kind of wonder how the fuck LINK is still at 45 cents with so much FUD everywhere.

>> No.9537483
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>> No.9537515
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LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH
Link, 5 months in: 35 cents (3.5x ICO)
Ethereum, 5 months in: $5.50 (17x ICO)

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA.

>> No.9537521

It's ok astri we all think you are retarded buddy.

>> No.9537532
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>> No.9537860
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No this is a trademark for Chain's Link that was rejected.
This in no way relates to Chainlink.
Nothing to see here.

>> No.9537910

the absolute level of self delusion

>> No.9537949

how did this happen to us so fast?
I'm having panic attacks over this

>> No.9538045

Astro lives near AC

>> No.9538063
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>> No.9538075


>Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies

that's old FUD. Sergey himself confirmed that's bullshit. come mainnet it will require the LINK token, its in the pivotal tracker.

>That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.

Aw. is Oraclize's traffic so dead you need to come here and FUD LINK?

>> No.9538119

How is that not changing your life

>> No.9538122

underrated post tbqhf

>> No.9538127

look at that hambeast

>> No.9538183

Holy fuck you’re an annoying twat. The document only states that SAE is the owner of this application. And who the fuck cares? Both SAE and smartcontract.com is owned by Sergey.

Fucking namefags