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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 500x230, aion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9530534 No.9530534 [Reply] [Original]

You won't buy this coin because the rest of /biz/ doesn't shill it.
You won't buy this coin because the TRS scares you.
You won't buy this coin because you don't understand it.
And because of these reasons, you won't be holding this coin when it hits $30 billion at the end of this year.

>> No.9530546

A bunch of people were saying it was a shitcoin so I bought 120

>> No.9530620

Aion will moon once the TRS is over which is around mid November 2018. TIl then, keep accumulating. They havent even disclosed the partnerships which are massive. They are truly in for the tech and organic adoption

>> No.9530639

its mooning rn!

>> No.9530651

biz shills it all the time retard

>> No.9530658

literally every single time it's been me, retard.

>> No.9530675

I thought so, I've seen you post that same OP a few times. Never see anyone else shilling aion

>> No.9530694

Looks like a generic platform "eth killer"

>> No.9530696

I hold 12 that I tried to scalp.

>> No.9530714

why did it go to $11 and what made it drop

>> No.9530878
File: 87 KB, 1280x770, rDtfBhU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's far from generic. It smokes all the other "eth killers," and actually depends on eth's success to do well. Interoperability, not a dapp replacement platform. Watch this:


These are the sort of partnerships AION is making. They're so undervalued it's a crime.

>> No.9531026

due for a moon soon btw

>> No.9531029

>depends on eth's success to do well
Why not buy ETH then, you dumb retard? Or any other shitcoin that doesn't depend on the success of a completely unrelated project? Good job FUDing your own shitcoin, brainlet. Top kek.

>> No.9531050

Monthly token dump.

>> No.9531100

because this is at 300 million while eth is at 75 billion you absolute dunce.
>being this thick
I swear, you couldn't spoon feed /biz/lets gold coins. You people hate money

>> No.9531111

Why do you want /biz/ to buy it so bad?

>> No.9531120

>the TRS scares you.
>you don't understand it.

already inb4'd

>> No.9531129

Because I'm holding a lot of it, the same reason anyone posts anything on this fucking board. Bought at $1.95.

>> No.9531147

So this coin is used to buy parking spots for Google employees and it's going to become as big as eth?

>> No.9531151

have fun getting diluted into oblivion faggot

>> No.9531157
File: 366 KB, 426x422, me-v-thatgayshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This again? btfo reposter. Your coin is still shit keep coping.

>> No.9531168

>So this coin is used to buy parking spots for Google employees
One application used as an example in the video. It's an entire new marketplace of products and services backed by vodafone, and this is just ONE of their partnerships. Why do I have to explain this basic shit? Why don't you people understand anything? Just leave here and don't buy this coin. It's too good for you

>> No.9531176

Top kek. Just bought 100k.

>> No.9531192

We want YOU to leave you stupid fuck. Stop shitting up this board with your low-effort copypasta shilling. Fucking curryniggers are better shills than you, though you do sound like one of them.

>> No.9531200

>The TRS scares you
>Not understanding basic math

I'll help you out: Go look up how many coins are released each month and how it compares to the number of coins already released. Hint: The dilution is minuscule. Second hint: The dilution almost never results in even a minuscule dip. People don't care about it. Stay poor retard.

>> No.9531214

not an argument. stay poor nocoiner.

>> No.9531221

Look at the price, brainlet. The airdrop is keeping it down.
Plus the total supply already puts this meme close to ICON and WAN.

>> No.9531228

>This coin is literally too advanced for /biz/ minds to understand
>I'm going to be so fucking rich

>> No.9531232

I'm not arguing, you 75 IQ imbecile. I'm ridiculing you and your shitcoin.
Do you even know what that word means you moronic newfag?

>> No.9531241

Stop replying and read more, brainlet. All your points are wrong have already been addressed. Don't buy the coin. I'm sorry I brought such a good find to the attention of someone so dumb.

>> No.9531271

This, /biz/nessmen, is what we call a classic and desperate bagholder. Avoid all shill, exit all coin.

>> No.9531274

Everything you're trying to ridicule about it reveals that you don't understand what you're talking about in the slightest. You're outclassed here kiddo. Keep embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9531293

>up 80%
Stay poor

>> No.9531298

Bruv everyone reading this thread thinks you're the retarded one. Sorry man. You ever hear of the Dunning-Kruger effect?

>> No.9531311
File: 19 KB, 469x463, 1516374246099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back, fedoratipper. Go shill your shitcoin on plebbit, I'm sure you'll find like-minded brainlets to circlejerk with.

>> No.9531334

>You ever hear of the Dunning-Kruger effect

>> No.9531347

Keep coping

>> No.9531362

>his response after being utterly BTFO'd like a pathetic cuck he is

>> No.9531371

Yeah, nah. Did you see what a 50k "airdrop" (mtgox) does to Bitcoin? You are too retarded to understand.

>> No.9531384

You didn't BTFO anyone with your regurgitated memes that people smarter than you came up with. Keep meming and stay poor faggot, your replies feed me.

>> No.9531405

>not understanding math

the minds of /biz/, everybody.

>> No.9531417

Talk about cope. Kek.
>your replies feed me
This is just embarrassing. You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?

>> No.9531425

tfw op has to double post anything to make it look like his thread gets replies. Btfo. sage.

>> No.9531477

Your replies are literally the only reason this thread is still on the page friendo. And somehow every reply you manage to make yourself look look dumber. You are drinking from my cock right now, and you will keep replying because you are so easy to trigger.

>> No.9531495

Shhh. It's ok, brainlet.
Now go circlejerk on the aion subreddit.

>> No.9531536
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, 15d020e1f9057999a77627f0e80e3569b801b67c6c60773b1eac43660db41f08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing I'm saging my every post
You're the only one who sounds triggered, pajeet. Keep up the cope. You're entertainment for the whole board.

>> No.9531542
File: 11 KB, 409x367, 1433743734447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding 10k AION and accumulating every day while /biz/ sits idle, unaware

>> No.9531555

Memes aside, with every reply you've demonstrated that you 1. Don't understand the project. 2. Don't understand the TRS, and 3. Are unable to understand these things even when explained to you in plain english.

>> No.9531573

You will be very wealthy
Be more like this man. Troll less read more.

>> No.9531579

Do coins "make it" by their fundamentals or by hype?

>> No.9531601

Short-term hype, long-term fundamentals. Long term will always trump short-term in the end.

>> No.9531605
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1485131594712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious how unaware you are that anyone reading the pajeet shitshow you're presenting here will be less likely to buy the very same shitcoin you're shilling.

>> No.9531632

>implying biz matters

>> No.9531670

>not an argument
>never had an argument
>lel im just here to ridicule u with my 4 chan trolling xd lololol rawr
This whole thread is you being BTFO and shitting yourself trying to scramble for the next witty meme reply. You're outclassed. You've presented nothing but stupidity here, and everyone is buying AION and laughing at you.

>> No.9531721

That remains to be seen don't you think

>> No.9531745

It doesn't, but the streetshitter with 23 replies does not realize that, apparently.
Anyone reading this thread is feeling second hand embarrassment for you. Don't forget to make the same thread tomorrow as well, Rakesh. Until then.

>> No.9531789

What's wrong with aion? May I ask What are some good coins to buy now?

>> No.9531866

What is happening at the end of this year? Don't you think $30 billion is overshill?

>> No.9531922

yeah it's time for you to tap out isn't it
I don't. There are huge partnerships and projects that AION is working on that are yet to be announced. The problem it solves isn't being done by other coins in nearly the same way, and once the TRS is over and partnerships with multinationals are announced and projects are shilled people will start swarming in. (The reason TRS keeps price down isn't because of coin dilution - the effect there is almost nonexistent. People are just scared of it because they don't know how to do the math). If dumpster projects that do fuckall like fucking Ripple and BCASH are approaching $30 million, AION is going to skyrocket once their projects make international news.

>> No.9531931

doesnt matter what we say anon.do your own research or will you blindly believe us?30bill is not overshill but not undershill either its possible like for many other coins

>> No.9531941

$30 billion*

>> No.9532000

This. Read the whitepaper and listen to Matt Spoke's interviews.

>> No.9532032

I'm pretty new. I try to do my own research but every coin is going to have the team shilling it. They can talk it up all they want but what matters is if a bunch of people will buy it and can I sell it at the right time. I see anons here talking about their coin and how it solves x which no other coin does.
That's what I've gathered anyway.

>> No.9532168
File: 2.48 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180520-115305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aoin is focusing their time and energy on helping <90 IQ niggers in Africa

I don't think I'll buy

>> No.9532194

normies LOVE that shit. doubling my stack.

>> No.9532278

Oh honey you were already all in

>> No.9532367

i was half in. Now i'm all in.

>> No.9532383


>> No.9532409

thats the wakanda division newfag

>> No.9532909

Africa is untapped potential like India and China a few years back bad Nigeria, AION is investing in the future and they will benefit the most long term by investing in African countries.

>> No.9533047

they get A LOT of welfare.

Otherwise they are just retarded nigs living in squalor. South Africa is going down hill so it'll only get worse.

On a similar note, why doesn't the US govt make a crypto?