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File: 109 KB, 600x800, B63Q2mMCAAAz3VF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9527236 No.9527236 [Reply] [Original]

Not rich but i do earn 3500 in rental income every month. That is nothing in America but god level in other parts of the world and lets face it when it comes to value for money America is not the best country to be.

And that rental income will only go up as time goes on(inflation adjusted), dont wanna go somewhere thats too cold so place like Estonia or Bulgaria is out of the mix.

I dont care if i move to a country of brownies so brazil and colombia are not off the table (im not /pol/ )

I heard you can live in Thailand(colombia,brazil,DomRep) like a king for $1000 a month QT included

Had a friend say he lived in china for a couple years, he could live on $500 a month and live well. He moved to Australia with his chinese wife recently.

>> No.9527257

>nothing in america
You spoiled motherfucker

>> No.9527283

Brazil is not that cheap and you WILL get mugged/kidnapped/murdered.

Just check bestgore to see, more than 50% of the content is from there.

>> No.9527304

Getting chinese visas is hard. Source: lived in China

>> No.9527316

rent $1500
car insurance $100,
internet $100
mobile phone $50
food $300 a month
health insurance $140
entertainment $200 a month

that leaves $800 a month

compare this to thailand
2 bed condo $300 to $500 a month
tv+internet+cable $30 to $60 a month
food - $150 a month
mobile phone $25 a month
travel - $150 a month
thats $700 to $900 ish a month

with $2500 left to do whatever with.

>> No.9527319

Isnt one region like 90% enthically german that place must be alright for a white boi

>> No.9527349

> No cold place like Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a mediterranean country with beaches, one of it´s most famous resorts cities is literally called "Sunny Beach".

Damn you´re a dumb fucker

>> No.9527360

> Anonymous (ID: mZkIDAv5) 05/20/18(Sun)05:12:31 No.952734
Damn that looks legit. I never thought of East Europe as a place to live but you may have just changed my mind

>> No.9527371


>> No.9527390

>Bulgaria is a mediterranean country

>> No.9527422

you can find a decent place in most of SEA and china for even less than 500 per month.

The "catch" is that while your apartment might be nice, the city you're living in is probably a shithole.

Theres plenty of places like this in the world, china was a hotspot for a while because it had a huge market for "english teachers" where "teacher" just means "white person" so it attracted hordes and hordes of the dregs of polite society thinking they were going to escape the rat race.

It was a party for a while, but then one too many fuckheads ruined it for everyone else, as they usually do, and the chinese government decided they were going to clean it up by instituting rigorous standards. Enter work visas and needing to have your qualifications certified by your own country's government. Enter chinese immigration sniffing out foreigners like a hungry dog

>> No.9527492

mind to elaborate? I plan on going to china later this year or early next year and ideally wanna stay 6-9 months

>> No.9527514

this is the first time im hearing chinese visas are hard to get. I know people who just book them very easily. Maybe anon pissed off too many chinese officials when he went to china

>> No.9527516


Currently teaching at an international school in China. I can answer 3 questions, give me your most dire ones.

>> No.9527536

if you dont need to work and can fund livelyhood easily in china. Is getting a visa difficult

>> No.9527544

This. Knew it wasn't going to last very long, too good to be true. All throughout high school teachers and substitutes talk about how they should just go to China and get paid to teach english. Actually had a nutjob econ teacher move to china for a few years and later returned, likely the work visas and qualifications.

>> No.9527559

It's easy to get a tourist visa, but they generally last 30 to 60 days. If you want to stay for 6 months then you probably would have to leave China every month for re-entry. I lived in China on a student visa. Work visa's used to be easy if you were a native english speaker but nowadays they will ask for an english degree for first tier cities.

>> No.9527575

im a self-made semi-rich neet from comfy EU country, 21 y/o if that matters, my passport has pretty high ranking compared to most countries
I met a girl online and been talking to from time to time for quite some time now
I wanna fly in and stay with her for 6-9 months in China (probably gonna take her home with me if shes waifu material)

is this even possible for me to stay there without having a job in China? how does this shit work desu

>> No.9527601

Get a multiple entry visa, you'll have to leave every ~2 months and re-enter

>> No.9527654


Same guy, VPN changed so my ID changed too...

yes, you can get a tourist one but they're cracking down. good luck getting a bank account etc. as well


There are different types of visas you can get, and each one has different requirements. Travel visa is your best bet, you can keep renewing this over a period of time, I honestly don't know the specifics too well but I'm sure you can find them online.

There's a chance this girl is a scam, in one way or another, I'd be careful...what city is 'she' from?

I would recommend going somewhere else with her anyway, lots of cheaper and nicer places around SEA

>> No.9527731

I was able to live like a king for a year in Quito, Ecuador off of research grant money (not much).

Beautiful country with wonderful people. Plus Quito is one of, if not the, greatest cities in the world.

>> No.9527747


you can still go there and do it despite having no qualifications other than being alive, its just not the free ride it once was, and you will be risking being deported and having a big red FUCK THIS CUNT stamp in your passport if you're caught working on a tourist visa. Plenty of people still do it, but unlike countries in SEA chinese immigration actually raids schools fairly regularly now

>> No.9527783

I love the United States too much to much, I can’t imagine a better place to live, it wouldn’t be worth it imo.

>> No.9527785

He lives with his mom, just like the rest of 4chin

>> No.9527811


Canada, unironically

>> No.9527813

What's so great about it that it's worth paying so much more?

>> No.9527827

the only americans who think like this are ones who rarely travel. Look up best places in the world to live...america isnt at the top. If i got mad dosh. honestly id go live in australia.

Good luck not going bankrupt from healthcare expensive and having your isp /telecoms companies ripping you off, while cops with itchy fingers might shoot your ass.

>> No.9527846

he hasnt travelled he doesnt know, let him live in his prison country with shit tier feminists

>> No.9527853

Yeah senpai, I bet rural North Dakota is great...

>> No.9527855
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>living in an underdeveloped country
>not even cheap

>> No.9527871

nah, 0% chance shes a "scam"
what is this re-enter meme? do you literally just go right outside the border, turn back, pass immigration control and enter china again and your visa is renewed?

>> No.9527903

pretty much yeah...
I went to Hong Kong on a tourist visa before getting my 5 month student visa. To activate it, I took a day trip to Macau and re-entered.

>> No.9527906

also. I have a "degree" idk what to call it...in engineering. I have an english version of it and speak very fluent english
is it possible I could meme them and make them think im coming into China to find an engineering job once im there? or do I need to have that before they let me in?

>> No.9527915

300 for food, are you only eating burger
that is just too low

>> No.9527920

Do you think a nigerian with a meme-degree could come to the USA on a work visa to look for a job?

No you cannot do that. You need to be sponsored by a company for a work visa.

>> No.9527930

her room is disgusting. if it wasn't for vagoo...

>> No.9527936


or... they just arent deracinated and actually have a sense of family and community. Thats usually what keeps people tethered and thinking a place is better despite a lack of objective reasons

>> No.9527949

>ch but i do earn 3500 in rental income every month. That is nothing in America but god level in other parts of the world and lets face it when it comes to value for money America is not the best country to b

You earn 3.5k in rental income each month but you rent yourself?
Lmao, you're like the stupidest faggot I've seen in a while.

Also your math is a bit off,

>> No.9527950

>Not rich but i do earn 3500 in rental income every month
so you are basically a millionare?

>> No.9527956

>I dont care if i move to a country of brownies so brazil and colombia are not off the table
you will once you actually live there and wonder why the people are so shitty, why crime is so rampant, and why police dont do their jobs, and why no one follows the fucking rules

but please, go ahead and enjoy your hard earned diversity.

>> No.9527966

yeah thailand wont be that cheap dude, at least 1500/month

>> No.9527967

its called buying groceries and cooking

>> No.9527974

your numbers are way off for thailand

>> No.9527982

this also, bulgaria is pretty nice and cheap with hot girls

>> No.9528026


considering i wont be putting all what he has to his expenses i think im right on target. Even if its $1500 a month for everything im still far better off than america.

>> No.9528037


>> No.9528052


>> No.9528057


if you have a degree, any degree, and you can get it notarized/certified by your government, and you speak fluent english, and even better if you can do a TEFL or TESOL or any number of those retarded ESL qualifications, you are a shoe in for good teaching jobs in china, and the legit jobs are the ones that will SPONSOR your work visa.

Trying to play loopholes and duck and dodge is for people who dont have uni degrees, you do, so you really shouldnt have a problem finding a high paying teaching job with a work visa sponsored by the company/school.

>> No.9528075

you can read all the articles you want but budget for up to 1500 anon, this is coming from someone who has actually lived in thailand

>> No.9528087


sure its 1500/month if you're trying to live in a high end condo with a bunch of bedrooms and bathrooms you never actually use

if you're not a mongoloid, a decent studio in most thai cities doesn't run more than 500/month.

>> No.9528093

budgets will always be iffy, so of course i know $1000 could easily be $1500...point is the $1500 would all goto rent in america

>> No.9528145

well if you move all the way there of course you would like a 1 bed apartment in some fancy new high-rise with a pool etc
and the point is that there are just a lot more things to spend money on there than in the west

>> No.9528166

yeah that's true
how much is your RE worth? it must be at least a million for that kind of yield?

>> No.9528211

not a million its like $650k there abouts. cap rate in florida is pretty decent

>> No.9528233

how can she keep her vag clean, if her room is like that

>> No.9528246

That messy bitch needs to clean her room
Look for a QT outside of the trailer park

>> No.9528267

its a random ass pic nignog

>> No.9528301


Im thinking of spending time in china next year maybe like 10 months. I actually speak Mandarin to B1 level so semi fluent, and read too. Wouldnt be looking to teach English, probably just do my online business if i needed.

Is it really that hard to get a bank account and wechat payment set up for example if you are on tourist visa? I guess without degree my options are limited to it atm despite speaking their national language. Doubt it would help much

>> No.9528322

i rather kms than live in china

>> No.9528372
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with a body like this she doesn't need to live in a trailerpark, dumbass

>> No.9528374

enjoy the gutter oil...

>> No.9528382

nice, would be awesome to get that sort of return on 650k, no idea how hard it would be for a european to invest in the US though

>> No.9528395

I think its possible but I didnt open an account myself. according to this >>http://www.businessinsider.com/wechat-pay-will-now-support-cards-issued-outside-of-china-2018-1?international=true&r=US&IR=T you can use wechat pay with international credit cards

>> No.9528411
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>> No.9528441

not hard USA and UK are one of the best places for people to invest in. Just need the money

>> No.9528466

virgin alert

>> No.9528475
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why anon? imagine the vibrant diversity goy!

You too can be one of these "people" who watch kids get killed

>> No.9528483

gene quality matters way more to me than their choice of whether or not they put graffiti on their bodies

>> No.9528494

yes because america has absolutely zero crime and no one gets hurt.

>> No.9528505
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or maybe you can hang out with people who torture animals before eating them, because you know, you cant kill the dog first, you HAVE to torture it

>> No.9528512 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9528520
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or maybe sadistically killing people/things is rampant across these "people", because there are zero fucking enforced laws

>> No.9528542

move to brazil

>> No.9528558

that's besides the point. so many people walked past the kid getting bashed and didn't stop the maniac or get someone to help them to stop him if they were too pussy to do it on their own

>> No.9528559

>don't care about their choices just genes
>don't care she makes retarded choices
>doesn't know retarded choices are linked to low IQ which is genetic

>> No.9528582

even ben afleck has tattoos and he's an intelligent actor

>> No.9528583

Please tell me they survived that

>> No.9528597

>>Be an american child in school
>>get shot

Killing children must be rampant across these people because there are zero enforced laws.

>> No.9528613

>internet $100
>mobile phone $50
Is this 1998? wtf burgers

>> No.9528645
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>look at FBI crime stats
>compare white crime to any other
>its nearly nonexistent
kys kike

>> No.9528651

ok i will do some research, do you have someone to manage the property as well?

now to contribute to your topic a little, if I were to move these are some nice locations I have thought about that should be somewhat cheap and warm
Guangzhou, hainan, shengdu (China)
taipei, kaohsiung (Taiwan)
Algarve region (Portugal)
Bangkok, Udon Thani, Hua hin, phuket(Thailand)
Fukuoka (Japan)
KL, Penang (Malaysia)
Saigon (vietnam)
and some coastal cities in EE, Spain and Italy
know nothing about Americas

>> No.9528681

PSA: This is what happens when your country and culture shuns mental health. It can't be easy with the size of their population to both police and treat it. Pray for China

>> No.9528694

>Look at FBI crime stats
>White people commit more crime than Asians
oops, there goes the narrative

>> No.9528709

>not controlling for population size

>> No.9528721

>Pray for China's quick extinction

>> No.9528727


Yeah leaning towardsngoing Taiwan instead coz that shit and also i know traditional and didnt learn 簡體 much.

Either way will visit mainland

>> No.9528745
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just another day in diversity paradise

>> No.9528747
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Obligatory reminder

>> No.9528760

>do you have someone to manage the property as well?
yes 6% per month in fees worth the headache. I just get money deposited into my account, with rental receipts. My goal is to aim for 20k a month in rental income AND live outside of america. I would be a GOD in 99% of the countries in the world with 20k a month passive income.
Having traveled alot, you can get almost everything in the america in other places in the world. The world isnt stuck in the 1945's post war stage of development. Alot of places are becoming similar just with lower expenses,america is becoming more prison like

>> No.9528767

Man what the fuck is wrong with chinks like wtf

>> No.9528770

lmfao, I remember reading through this thread with my Chinese American GF and her being like "yup, he's right you know".

>> No.9528804

Everyone in here bashing the USA is delusional eurofags who’s would give their left nut to live in the USA
>burger who hasn’t traveled much
Been to 44 states and 12 different countries and I can without a doubt say there’s no where in the world better than the states

>> No.9528806
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lmao at the car accident one and swedish guy

there are no formalized tests to get a drivers license there and a good portion of the "people" are trying to kill you

>> No.9528812

.........mate check your own fucking fbi source. Even when you control for population, asians commit less crime.

>> No.9528814
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wrong webm, the above one is just as fucked up


>> No.9528822
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fuck off AIDF, you chinks are subhumans

>> No.9528826

Been to Taiwan for a week down to Hualien, it looks like a bit of a rainforesty half build shit hole, but don't let that fool you, the people are NICE AS FUCK, I was lucky to have a QT friend who no longer speaks to me show me around and there's a shitload of restaurants.

Weeks rent was about $500au, food is about 150-300 taiwanese, 100 = about $4 - $4.50 per meal, cheap food is about 80-150.

There's ass loads of rain forest, the buildings are half done because apparently people buy up the land and then go broke.

But I enjoyed being there for a holiday, if I made a GF out of my friend I'd move there, it's enjoyable as fuck.

Also, tons of scooters, and I got lost for a bit, but people will try to talk broken english so bring a translator ap on your phone, my aussie accent doesn't help anything though.

When I was lost and lost my phone I went into a store and I was like "English?" I know where I lost it for 2-3 hours I just drive off and didn't know where to go and the GPS in the car was in chinese, anyway, they got an older man that spoke broken as fuck basic english so I had to draw on paper on what I needed, and then he directed me so I drove around and found what I needed.

Then I went in and someone handed my phone in, nothing stolen, that was good as fuck of them, 10/10 would get a Taiwan QT as a wife.

>> No.9528847

>timelapse where not a SINGLE fucking "person" even checks on the kid

>> No.9528876

so you are getting almost 6.5% yearly return even after the property manager fees... fuck that is great return
what kind of property do you recommend (1br and smaller apartments or something bigger)?
sorry for the stupid questions I know nothing about US real estate

>My goal is to aim for 20k a month in rental income AND live outside of america. I would be a GOD in 99% of the countries in the world with 20k a month passive income.
now that would be making it yeah, good luck anon

>> No.9528894

I would agree from the european sentiment I've gotten through steam games. Especially the more money they make, they'd rather be a US citizen.

>> No.9528901

if youre starting small first, single homes
if youre loaded from like inheritance apartment buildings( im not there yet)

>> No.9528902

>thinks im a chink because I can do math

>> No.9528930


>> No.9529021

I'd rather live in Hong Kong or Singapore

>> No.9529054

its always greener....

>> No.9529072

Especially if you consider when they talk about the USA they mean New York-LA-SF. No one wants to live in Bismarck, North Dakota

>> No.9529103


Pretty much but i doubt anyone is trying to do that kind of business here, eituer doing english teaching meme or visiting wth crypto or rental gains.

Chinks are scammers genetically, they dont see it as a scam its sinply making money, and someone who makes a successful scam is praised while the losser feels shame. Revenge doesnt happen as it ksnt seen as a scam.

If tou understand these chinks mindset you are fine but the guy who made that was learning the hard way

>> No.9529121


Leaning towards taiwan desu, sounds great, plus knowing mandarin already probably makes things even easier for me if i go, shame about your QT bro what happened

>> No.9529144

NYC,LA,SF are just American cities trying to be European. Having tried and lived in london for a bit, NYC is disgustingly nasty even with all the arabs in london.

>> No.9529175

Complete delusion anon seek help. There’s a reason NYC is the worlds capital

>> No.9529276


sure bro

>> No.9529284

keep in mind that you're a subhuman posting gore videos on a sunday morning. you obviously enjoy indulging in human misery, pain, and violence, just like the subhuman animal you are.

>> No.9529319

Taiwan is if you wanna experience China minus the sociopaths and hazardous enviornment. It's really nice actually, especially the southern tip of the island

>> No.9529366

Prices for coolest city like Krakow or Wroclaw.
> RENT: $200 single room, $400 condo, $800 luxury tier 70sqm apartment
>internet 30$ for 100Mbps unlimited data
>phone 15$ for everything unlimited including 4G internet
>food: if you cook for yourself it would be 100$ monthly, if you want to eat in restraunts it's 7$ each time
>health insurance - free, fuck you burgers
>education - free, even college and universities, you can study even 3 different degress - fuck you burgers x2
>car insurance - wtf burgers, it's like $500-800 each year, depending on the car
>sexy HB9/10 hooker - $30 hour - get over it bugers :)
also >paying for sex instead of having 9/10 slavic gf...

If you make $3500 it's like top 5% here. And it's not that hard to earn it, even here. All you need to have is a good head on your shoulders.

What a cool place to live anons, I'm telling you. But don't come here if you're american. We don't like or need you. You are uneducated, mannerless and basically dumb.
We have a fuckton of Spaniards who come here to party and even more Ukrainian who come here to work and provide for their families. Enjoy getting shot by some nigger in a daylight James.

>> No.9529373

Eh she didnt like me working so much and ignoring her when we talked.

Then i moved and the timezones got messy she wasn't ready for a relationship she had issues with her mum and stuff.

The time i was with her i felt like how deadpool does with his girl.

I think she just is trying to deal with herself first she made the joke if we date later on her looks wont fade.

Im not too phased ill just move on.

She said she saw me as a brother when we meet because i didnt pull any moves and i did that because of distance and shes not ready.

She said she was fine with me dating people. But eh what can u do but move on.

I tried to contact her but she just ignores me now. Maybe she likes me too much so shes just avoiding me which id a thing girls do.

>> No.9529408

If you move to China, don't expect to live on $500 a month in any tier-1 cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, etc) .... you might be able to survive on up-and-coming places like Hangzhou, Suzhou, while still having access to some internationalized things like food, other foreigners, etc.

In tier-1s, your monthly rent with roommates for a decent place that isn't in the boonies surrounding the metropolitan areas will be around 4000-5000 RMB. You can cheap out on food if you cook for yourself, and public trans is very inexpensive.

>> No.9529417

Oh well as long as a Canadian based opinion piece told me so I’ll believe it! Thanks for the correction anon

>> No.9529443

redpill too much for you goy?

>> No.9529445

Oh 1 more thing when she tried to friendzone me i was saying i wanted to hold her hand on the beach but shes not ready so i never bothered to pull moves and the friendzoned her back she then balled her eyes out.

Females are fuckin' weird.

>> No.9529460

You poorlacks fucking love USA, the starry eyed look you get when you come here for work, don’t pretend that coming to america isn’t a dream for most of your people

>> No.9529530

that's because a common scam is that people will be lying on the ground and when someone comes to help them they will accuse them of being the person who pushed them over and will seek damages.

>> No.9529564

Live in the Philippines, Davao City.

Rent is 200$, food is like 100$. So 300$ a month. Thats it.

>> No.9529583
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yeah gorefag, you totally destroyed my delicate little worldview.

>> No.9529588


>> No.9529589
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>> No.9529614
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what the fuck

>> No.9529628

Why is there a handful of fudders in every SEA thread that say "hurr it wont b that cheap" when it really is that cheap. Bunch of western babies who need to live like a vacation. $500 a month is doable in vietnam/thailand, you just cant be a prissy bitch like most of you are. Holy shit its actually sad listening to westeners tell you that $1k a month isnt nearly enough when the average person makes $100 a month.
$1000 is enough to live very, very comfortably. Fucking high standard faggots need to eat out at western restaurants every meal and stay at $30 a night hotels and spend $20 bucks on normie bullshit

>> No.9529748
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>not a single ounce of gore in those videos

>> No.9529832

Anon, dyor on Nepal and thank me later.

>> No.9529977

>when you come here for work,
It's not 80s anymore. There are some people leaving but they go to UK or Holland, luckily those are the dumbfucks who can't do anything besides physical jobs. I don't miss them.
> that coming to america isn’t a dream for most of your people
I've been to your shitland casue I travel a lot. Honestly, I wasn't impressed at all. (Been to NY, California and Colorado. I don't know much about other places thou.)

In general, in my opinion, you've lost your greatness and dignity a long time ago. US indeed was a land of opportunities and freedom once, but now it's just a leftie fuckfest. Your society is a bunch of brainwashed who don't know shit about anything. You literally just can't have an interesting conversation unless you're talking about food, clothes and shit. But what triggered me the most were your millennials adopting nigger "culture", niggers in general and lack of fucking metric system.
Seriously, you can't even write a fucking date properly.

> that coming to america isn’t a dream for most of your people

>> No.9529982

Dont you dare move to Colombia. Stay wherever the fuck you're from.
Don't want fucking greengos here

>> No.9530094


What the fuck nigga

>> No.9530163

What was going through that dude's head when he decided to come over and stop the fucking maniac on his own instead of calling for backup?

>> No.9530174

Nepal has a low cost of living and food is cheap but the country is India's Mexico. It's a smelly, polluted shithole. I loved every second I was there, and the mountains are incredible, but don't delude yourself. It would suck to live there. They need to fix a LOT of issues before they even get to India's level. If you loved Nepal, consider moving to the Indian Himalayas. India really isn't any more expensive except for big cities like Mumbai.

>> No.9530462

bulgaria is a shit hole gtfo of here

>> No.9530547

>IQ related to your genes
IQ is a measure to one's social distance to the educative institution, which is a poor measure of what actually intelligence is.
IQ is more a measure of the social status and standard of living than intelligence.
It has nothing to do with genes but with social reproduction through capital (social, economic, cultural...) inheritance.
t. Neuroscientist specialized in psychometrics

>> No.9530577

>the world crave to live the american dream
You should visit the civilised world one day

>> No.9530686

Thailand Japan Taiwan are your best bets. You will be treated like royalty not like other places were everyone will only pretend to like you because "you're rich American" and you even the occasional person that thinks you're a leech coming to fuck all the girls won't say shit because its culture inappropriate

>> No.9530780

Unironically nobody thinks this that's traveled lol so I know you haven't been anywhere

>> No.9530864

Thanks anon, I always forget how ruthless the Chinese are. I don't think any other species is as bad as them.

>> No.9530947

Youre fucking insane if you think youre gonna live like a king with 1k in dom rep, thats like not even middle class

>> No.9531062

>subhuman nazi chimps out when proven wrong with his own made up stats

>> No.9531187

Lmao Chinese are fckin scum.

Studied in taiwan for 6 months, Taiwanese are nice

>> No.9531203


What kind of visa if you wanna just live for retirement : buy house and spend money ?

>> No.9531302
File: 82 KB, 768x849, DR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm cuz ive stayed in dr for 3 months before 1 bedroom apartment cost me $400 a month.
plenty of nice places in santo domingo that offer rent at $300 to $400 a month

>> No.9531327


>rent $1500

you must be in California. Dude if you've never left you are NOT gonna like to hear what weather is like outside of that state...

>> No.9531358

nope im in florida, hard pressed to find a decent place in florida thats not 1250 to 1500 a month

>> No.9531805

la creatura...

>> No.9531838

>even get to India's level
How is it even possible to be below India level. You can't have less than nothing

>> No.9531875

I earned ~$3,600 as an E-4 in the US Military. Idk how the fuck that makes you a military.

>> No.9531884

*millionaire, not military on that last part.

>> No.9531899

You mean 3500 profit, not income

3500 income is pretty ez.

>> No.9532025

you need Colombia but you also need to be safe.

I lived and traveled parts of SA





THE BEST WEATHER IN ALL THE AMERICAS check the what the equator line does (summer time here and winter time is 30min drive) diversity in the Equator is the best

Best animal life (Galapagos)

everyone or most people are poor so everyone is mostly happy

just avoid bad areas and anyone with a knife.

America is a POS because you dont have options. In SA you do

>> No.9532056

sorry thai is not miss universe

you have a unique taste doesnt mean others or the majority shoould agree (becuase thai women are alway miss universe finalist)


stay poor

why settle for less

I just dont get it

>> No.9532091
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will be the most loyal since you took them out of poverty

and you help the human race have less problems

your kids wont like Kardashian offspring

you decide

>> No.9532130

for every dollar in rental income you pull out you should be putting away 3 anon. 1 for you 3 for profit. Which is actually 1 for you 1 for expenses and taxes and the other 2 for reinvestment to make it grow.

>> No.9532158
File: 2.87 MB, 2046x2922, winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central has a higher crime rate than Syria(ISIS). so fuck off anyone suggesting mexico or anything central

>> No.9532174
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>> No.9532220
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>> No.9532253
File: 108 KB, 720x430, Peru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2.00 fresh too

idiots stay where you are

>> No.9532317

like BIZ would know

the best women in the world

the best food in the world

oh and rent is average $150-$250 for a 2 bedroom)

I dont know what else to tell ya other than YES THEY DO CHARGE $5-10 TO SUCK IT AND $40 FOR ANAL

>> No.9532436

which part of colombia?

>> No.9532463

yeah i know colombia chicks are very nice and you can basically get a victoria secret model type for a couple bucks hooker or gf.
Id rather the america neets stay in america and bitch than fuck it up for everyone else in the world

>> No.9532591
File: 145 KB, 1000x592, Charlies-angels-pomorie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google search bulgaria
>Hm this doesn't look so...
>WTF is this shit?

>> No.9532593
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, 1493187162187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best food
>Two boiled crabs in their own vomit, fried potato waffles and a stack of dry rice.
>mfw french patrician

>> No.9532623


>> No.9532737

yes lo


>> No.9532771

Thats in Peru champ.

>> No.9532807


its called IPIALES

The TJ of Ecuador/Colombia

I just dont recommend it becuase of the small turf war they have going on for the cociaine routes. It’s nothing like Mexican cartels (kidnappings and getting dipped in acid) BUT if you are white or stand out they will get you (on the Colombia side of the border Ecuador is too stupid). Ive only stayed for few days in Bogota and Cali, the women are amazing but the cops and American style of life fk it all up. Pussy alone won’t cut it in those major cities. Stress will get to you (coke)

Look at Tumaco I personally stay away from big cities

Muuuuuuuuuch safer. Huge difference

It gets boring so find companionship and remember boring is better than junkies or hearing the news talk about another fkn school shooting.

I am close to retiring out near Peru but the women and culture dont excite so I would visit Colombian burlesque homes frequently
Too many military embassies in Colombia so going there is no different than muh burger as far as style of life. People are wired up and coked up, hence why Colombia has a MUCH HIGHER CRIME RATE THAN ITS NEIGHBORS LIKE ECUADOR AND PERU

SO if you want security with cops and similar style of America, with a semi cheap price yeah Colombia might work for you.

I suggest you find a small town in Colombia you might just like it.

>> No.9532828

The deeper you travel into small towns the longer their dresses (morals are venerated HIGHLY AND SOME PEOPLE ARE THE GOOD TYPE OF RACIST WHERE THEY SAY THINGS LIKE "black people should marry blacks and same for whites" all races get along but at the same time they apply common sense as to why marriage and relationships should be that way.

AGAIN EVERYONE IS POOR SO RACISM IS NOTHING LIKE AMERICA !!!! blacks and whites in SA get along for the most part. I still smile when I see blacks all talking in Spanish and they all treat each other equally (mestizos). same jobs same pay. I can’t describe how much better this makes life in comparison to MAGA

Hate to say socialist style of life is better but we need innovation and we all know that’s how capitalism works. You can’t have it all, but it helps to know whats out there after you bust your ass for 30 years and want to retire looking for sweet miss Venezuela that can rub you down for $20 off your SSI check or 401k

That or end it all in a retirement home. Kys

>> No.9532831
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>> No.9532865

yes 4chan taught me what they do

I have never been more scared in my life

Its in their culture to be POS no arguing that so I just ignore and will never step foot

How can capital punishment be a state secret

fk that place

>> No.9532864

southern brazil is german

>> No.9532928
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>> No.9532939
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>> No.9532941

wouldnt a gringo stick out like a sore thumb? is it as dangerous as they or is that just a meme? colombia, brazil and mexico are the only places that interest me in SA but then again im clueless about it all

>> No.9532998

What happens when thousands of other Westerners will do so too? The prices will increase in the shitworld and will decrease in the 1stworld until they are equal.

>> No.9533018
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as much as I want $5 bjs from latina goddesses, I'm not stepping my white ass into any of those death traps

>> No.9533037
File: 673 KB, 735x661, america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was in Rio

Barra de Tijuca

Royalty Barra Hotel $200 / night

Remember like its yesterday

I am a 6 from 1-10 scale and the first night I went out I scored a date with a QT from heaven (to me a 9 she walk like Jessica Alba Selena Gomez Ariel Winter all in 1 package) we couldnt talk beause of language barrier but she knew I was a burger so that did it

That didnt matter she came to room

amazing everything but you either have money and live a nice life or go to the other side of the bridge and live in the slum. Brazil is amazing too but they evolved too fast and corruption is coming back, I was hoping for Silva to come back in office but I guess maga got it their way again

SA is about to collapse becuase of Maduro.

If maga can destoy all the rocks and give burgers shale oil then you can sleep at night.

If that does not happen and venezuela holds the largest oil reserves in the world what do you think the outcome will be ?

$10 for 1 gallon or CNN reports "American troops have taken over Venezuela to overthrow Maduros disctatorship"

Its for democracy not the money


>> No.9533120
File: 233 KB, 500x313, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico is your best bet.

$200 For a Studio Apartment
Don't need no car to get around
Free Health Care
$1 Dollar Junk Food
$10 Dollar Hoes

>> No.9533122

have you seen the comments of this post...they wont. The pussys here talking how bad these countries are wont step foot out of their own states so im not worried about more westerners coming to these countries

>> No.9533127

dont blame ya

if aint white it aint right

no arguing that. better safe than sorry

I guess for those with friends and family it makes a world of a difference.

Galapagos Island - Charles Darwin

and of course google 5 different sources

highest and lowest crime rate of the americas

in Uruguay they never had cops up until few years ago


south american culture shares allot with european , argentina chile uruguay etc

you cannot say the same about central america
you can never say that about central so again please refrain from consideirng central america. you will perish

>> No.9533148
File: 101 KB, 726x459, 1518676711869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you haven't been outside the US Right?

>> No.9533195
File: 71 KB, 634x403, 242970F300000578-0-Heavy_mob_This_gang_of_six_women_allegedly_lured_dozens_of_mento-a-11_1418989072094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeahhh im not stepping foot in mexico...the chicks are not hot..the typical mexican women is shaped like a potato. Plus their drug cartels are civilized enough to keep their shit and not get innocent people involved.

>> No.9533232

mexico might work if you never stepped outside the realm of stupidity. use google and come tell biz MEXICO IS THE BEST OF ALL THE AMERICAS DUMBASS

one more time fellas





THE SAFEST TO LIVE https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/032216/safest-countries-retire-latin-america.asp

who here cares about going to sleep and night and waking up ?

not mexicans

sorry but these are facts

i wish and hope mexico improves but this is not just me saying it. dont ever tell others to retire in mexico. you are not a good fren

>> No.9533305

ever since Pablo passed I talked to the parceros who sell pastelitos all over Colombia and this is the way it goes

when burgers set up shop in Colombia (military bases) back in the days the cartels knew what to expect. The agenda the burgers had was to cut the head of the snake but to let it slither on life support.

its the only way I can describe the drug movement at the moment

colombia doesnt have 1 sole leader because its not in the burgers best interest so what is happening or happened is they gave or created a Pablo Escobar pt 2 , his name is El Chapo.

Ill continue

>> No.9533345

when the new head of the snake was created(Mexican cartels) after pablos death it was a green light for a new era of drug flow. One the world would never imagine.

From the Sinaloa cartels to Michoacán they all had very deep rotted connections with Colombia

>> No.9533362

point is mexico unlike colombia, people arent getting their heads chop off and being hung on the freeway

>> No.9533371


It's like saying I'm not steeping in the the US when the only place you know in the US is Detroit.

If you are a huge pussy just go to Monterrey Nuevo Leon.

>> No.9533378


>> No.9533382

I'll fug 1, 2 and 5

>> No.9533486

right now Colombia has hundreds of factions

you guys have no idea

when I visited I personally sampled and whooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

everthing burgers get is stepped on to the max

but why should i be surprised when I talk to my fren he explained to me how the best pastelitos are kept in Colombia mean while the rest goes to mexico to THEN GET STEPPED ON

Colombians drug lords are living the life most people would never imagine but none of this is known or rather its in burgers best interest to focus on central America that way everyone is distracted from the real issue

acres of coca farms

its too easy to get a 1key by just asking around

so why then is there so much military presence from burgers ? and why do they set up military bases all along major Colombian drug routes ?

>because they want make america safer focusing on Colombia rather than Mexico

>what a joke

pretty much mexicans are going to jail and getting blamed for a problem burgers are fully aware of and are complicit to the fact


I will post pics to back up

one min

>> No.9533499

I know the dee ee A is behind it all so no I'm not

>> No.9533606
File: 138 KB, 729x480, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a goody bonus


if you cant put 2 + 2 together kys

>> No.9533616

Holy shit they got Orlando Florida ranked higher than Shanghai lol what a fucktarded list

>> No.9533623
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, 42 tons from Jan-April this year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9533655

if 42 tons were confiscated that means how much made it through ? the last time I heard the saying was "uno cai para que 10 pasan"

1 will fail so 10 make it

>> No.9533671
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* pasen

>> No.9533688
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>> No.9533771
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>> No.9533786

So comfy being born and living in a sheltered european country reading about all those shitholes you guys live in. Hope you guys all make it.

>> No.9533889
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>> No.9533917
File: 484 KB, 1728x972, 2btch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks familiar

remember burgers if you dont like you are stuck

in SA when you are stuck you just drive 30min and your whole life changes for the better.

unless you dont want a girl or wife who will cook clean and be loyal . then I understand

>> No.9533919

come to brazil

>> No.9533930

just wait till you start living around a bunch of literal brown rat people
youll turn /pol/ really fucking quick

>> No.9533946
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>> No.9533957
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>> No.9533974

so we can agree using TA that the best girls are in SA

no one can argue that

not even Tom Brady she is ugly for me but i guess that brazilian is his cup of tea

>> No.9534031

This 100%. I've lived professionally in london for 3 years and NYC for 5 years... NYC is an absolute toilet tier shithole compared to London

>> No.9534065
File: 117 KB, 1291x778, safe uruguay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes the safest

wow can anyone guess where in the Americas is the safest ?

I was right again, SA - Uruguay and all blue eyes. burgers cringe

>> No.9534081



cmon guys we are losing

girls and safety so far let share more

>> No.9534112
File: 48 KB, 283x560, safe again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i win again ? I'm not even trying

so can we agree

of all the americas


>> No.9534126

Gee i wonder how the price is the same in Serbia and "Kosovo"

>> No.9534216

No, Canada is highest americas country on that list. Number 5. Also chile is higher than uruguay. I've been forgiving your scattered ramblings as a language barrier difficulty, but now I am starting to consider you to be a genuine retard. Also, I'm not living anywhere in south america north of argentina, seeing as I don't want to get killed by a drug gang.

>> No.9534289


hope this helps

all i want is for biz to know that when you make it you shouldn't be scared or hesitate visiting south America. of all the Americas its the best for living a good life if you have money. if you are poor life will still be hard but at least you wont hear about guns or killings

its a night and day difference and if you are smart (which are for reading my stats) you will remember these facts and hopefully one day explorer chile or Uruguay

and if your aim is to spend $40 on Adriana Lima copy Uruguay has plenty

I gave you the websites these are facts

SA is the place to go once you make it. If you are still scared its because the media has you by the balls.

You want to believe CNN headlines ?
or reviews and stats provided by public sites I gave you.

use TA and apply it in the same manner you would to crypto. The truth hurts but a simple google search can change your life for the better (top 50 safe countries to visit) (most beatiful women in the world) (cheapest places to visit in the word)



>> No.9534324

CANADA miss universe ?

CANADA best weather ?

yes Canada might be safe but this looks at everything important in life

cheap living WITH BEST LOOKING WOMEN ahhhhhhhhh you are smart ahhhhhhh becuase canada is cheap and has the best looking women aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.9534363

you are not using statistics

this is not just 1 factor we need to find

best women, cheapest, and safe



>still dont get it ?

>> No.9534367

Islands are generally expensive so no Australia, no New Zealand and its true. You can live like a king in Thailand for UNDER $1000,- a month. Asian countries are the best place to go I think, South America in my own prejudiced opinion is to much crime, goodluck!

>> No.9534402


its all about sharing ideas

im curious why so many americans go to thai ?

fuck off is it really beacuse of ped O bears ?

sick fucks sorry but in SA if you touch a minor you will get it very very, very bad

if thats in your agenda stay away from latin america period. you will first get tortured adn it ends really bad

say no to that fkn bear shit


>> No.9534432

South American countries like Argentina, Uruguay or Chile will do wonders with $3,500 a month. Colombia too, but it's more insecure.

>> No.9534438

I'm actually curious, have you ever been IQ tested? Have you ever passed an exam? It seems like you have the thought process of an excitable child or a talking dog.

>> No.9534441

tell us

whats rent

and life

also how hot ?

i always see people sweating

never in SA too much good weather if it gets too hot in the beach you can drive 20min to another town and its WINTER TIME





I only share public info and we all know whats real

>> No.9534463

you are mad becuase what I say it true

>tfw when everyone looks at the stats I use versus his argument that Canada is good

sorry but Canada is not everything

those sites tell us SA is the region of the world to be in

you personal experience doesnt matter at this point

this about going to the best NOT 2nd best

>> No.9534499

What's with the reddit spacing? + DYOR, it depends on your living style and level of comfiness. Plenty of sources online, go do the work yourself.

>> No.9534504

they just dont have money and luxury like developed nations

im 30 and i rather have drop dead gorgeous girl never gets FAT with SMALL HOUSE no bmw no lambo but she can cook the best and suck me off anytime becasue they are loyal .

not sure about what other habits you want but for the most part guys want a nice chick good morals and sucks off anytime to then cook dinner

or you rather have a Kardashian


>> No.9534518

>It seems like you have the thought process of an excitable child or a talking dog.
fucking kek

>> No.9534543

only 1 counter argument ? cmon biz you guys are the shit with stats

shill me why SA is not the #1 choice when I provided all proof.

>> No.9534562

I need to prove myself wrong

>> No.9534652

Hi OP. I suggest South America. It's resource rich. I'm specifically going to Bogota due to the influx of cash strapped but resource rich (gold, hair, electronics, jewelry, heirlooms,etc) Venezuelans. That's how I'm going to make enough capital to get into the emerald market which is opening up to foreigners as multinationals are moving in. With $3500 passive income you could move from lower middle class to upper-class in a lot of SA countries. If you decide to work and invest you could get further.

>> No.9534721
File: 331 KB, 1415x853, 1472832928563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW NEO wakes up from the Matrix.

Yeah, America is fucking shit. And so is this fucking cuck sanctuary, the UK.

Unless you've travelled all around the world, and let's face it most amerimutts will never even leave their shithole country because they're brainwashed to fuck, then you can't comment on the matter so just fucking kys, goddamn ignorant, arrogant Bible bashing jew American world terrorists.

>> No.9534813

You forgot the next part: become upper class, and get kidnapped in your 3rd world shithole. Since you're autistic, nobody in your family can access your accounts, so you're left dead in an abandoned shack in a favela in a rathols SA city, with your brains leaking onto the floor from the bullet the brown shitstain criminal put there.

>> No.9534853

You watch too many hollywood movies kid. Don't pay so much attention to the alarming media.

>> No.9535170

hacemos negocio ?

yo pienso ir pronto

tell us more ?so how easy is it ? do you have friends or family

plz let us know

so far BIZ cant offer proper rebuttal why SA is the best in the world

>> No.9535197
File: 443 KB, 542x683, parcera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is happy with $40 all day and will make small talk sound like music to your ears

they actually want to know you and get to be your wife (gringo)

remember they make no more than $20 -$40 per month

let that sink in

>> No.9535214






more women

>> No.9535228
File: 810 KB, 626x922, image_2018-03-11_13-13-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9535232
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fellow britfaggot also cant wait to get the fuck out of this country.
muts are deluded, at least we know our country has reached irreversible levels. they are not wordly enough. USA never crosses my mind ever about a destination, its even worse than the UK.

>> No.9535668

>that messy bitch needs to clean her room
first thing i noticed too

>> No.9535902

in SA a girl like her is a disgrace to the family, she would be frowned upon same way if you get in a relationship with a black person and you are white or meztiso, BUT THEN AGAIN AFRO POPULATION IS HUGE SO YOU CANT SAY THEY ARE RACIST

they all respect each other

el negro con el negro y el blanco con el blanco

several cities in Colombia and Ecuador are all blacks. YOU WILL NEVER HEAR OF STUPID SHIT KKK


SA wins

>> No.9535955

get rich with crypto

go to SA

Galapagos first, to enjoy nature in ways you cant imagine then go buy a Miss Universe and settle down in a quiet down


yes thats SA not central or expensive EU

>> No.9535976

Asian are also amazing. japan only sorry but hygiene on the rest is terrible unless shit is the smell you like

>> No.9535996

Colombia is fucken awesome. QTs everywhere that love foreign dick. mix of climates and landscapes. cheap drugs, beer is decent, and it's safer than you think. i make about $1700 usd per month and i live like a fucken kid

>> No.9536237

break down your expenses

>> No.9536299

boy, does it feel good to watch the psychopath get justice served

>> No.9536977

what is the source/story? I can't find anything wtf

>> No.9536990

Plz do

>> No.9537773

>> He moved to Australia with his chinese wife recently.




>> No.9538494

For those interested in moving abroad for better lifestyle/business opportunities i seriously recommend looking into flag theory/nomad capitalist.

>> No.9538515


Are you on centrelink? Living on a house in commission? The Chinese with their taxes are paying up your lifestyle

>> No.9538527

what is the best career choice if I want to be able to work anywhere? not just working at home, but being employable in many different countries.

>> No.9538555

Hey, since you live in Thailand, do you have any trust worthy real estate agent contact you can recommend me? I need a high rise condo for 2 months in bangkok.

>> No.9538638
File: 45 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you going to start a mission ?

>> No.9538760

India isnt even in the top 50 poorest countries in the world (in terms of GDP per capita). Its just the poor country that gets talked about the most (because of its size/history/economic growth)

>> No.9539017

why is India such a shit country ?

is it really becuase of the elephant with 8 arms

>> No.9539067

no. want to try living the city life.

>> No.9539122

Lol he cray cray

>> No.9539230

Bruh, we had like a -20°C winter a few years back, and northern parts of the country are cold as shit and get a metre(3')+ of snow. We've got textbook continental climate here. Summer is nice though. The only reason we have so much tourism, esppecially 'Sunny beach' is because drugs, alcohol and whores are cheap and abundant, otherwise it's shit, most beaches along the Black sea are polluted as hell and the sea itself isn't even filled with seawater, it's basically brackish.

>> No.9540103

move to cambodia

>> No.9540209

Just realize that most countries have a 90 day visa limit, and you'll have to bribe officials to get a new visa

>> No.9540234

This is a dude

>> No.9540472

not when miss universe is begging to cook clean and suck you off to then marry you. stay forever

if marriage is not your thing I totally agree its not for you

you can point out anything you want

south america has it all and countless websites prove my point

what part of "MOST miss universe contestants" dont you understand ?

YEA fucked up shit is everywhere but the majority always wins over few. In this case safety combined with cheap cost of living as well as the most amazing women in the world

you should travel

>> No.9540542

Spot on. The Indian Himalayan statesare vastly better developed compared to Nepal. Per capita incomes in Nepal are literally less than half that of India's and that's also why so many Nepalese have ended up migrating to major towns and cities across India.

What's more is that the Indian Himalayas are relatively free of Muslims and are Upper Caste dominant, so you'll have less trouble dealing with the local population there. Plus, per capita incomes are higher than the rest of India, so there's in general a better standard of living/more cleanliness etc.

t. anon whose ancestors migrated from the Indian himalayas.

>> No.9540558

Europe Japan South America North America and Cuba (doc)

one and done. the life

>> No.9541306

The azores are very cheap and safe. The portuguese are a little dumb but compared to most shitholes they are OK. Beautiful nature and not too hot for an European. Bring your Eastern European wife, buy 5 houses for the price of 1 and rent them on Airbnb. Your welcome

>> No.9541805

Are you really comparing your salary to his rental income brainlet.
The scandinavian country I live in you can expect about 4% rental yield, so you would have to be a millionaire to earn what OP does

>> No.9541931

>You can live like a king in Thailand for UNDER $1000,- a month
No you fucking cant. You can live like a peasant for that

>> No.9542092

Hey, I don't currently live there but did before. What is your budget? have you ever been there?

>> No.9542122

i dont know about like like a king but depending where you are and depending on your needs you can live and eat well for $1k if you budget. obviously if you whore all the time $1k wont go far

>> No.9542125

US rent can be as low as $600
but ya $1500 for an actually nice place