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9527913 No.9527913 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.9527928

where the fuck is eos

>> No.9527939
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verge and bitcoin = 13 kys

>> No.9527940

>high innovation
Do they mean at the time it started? That's useless.

>> No.9527948

If fucking Lisk is no. 3, then ARK should be fucking number 1 in a few weeks.

>> No.9527955

It means that it did something original and not just steal ideas from others.

>> No.9527973
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>he thinks Eos is all biz has been telling him

Bruh, centralised garbage and the tokens are nearly worthless will dump hard as soon as bagholders realise they’re bagholding a nearly useless overpriced token.

>> No.9527987

Shits gonna go raiblocks niggas

>> No.9527991

>even china doesn't believe in vechain
venfags on suicide watch

>> No.9528000
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>> No.9528010

Lots of stuff being developed towards btc right now, like rootstocks, sidechains which are now used by every single Chinese scam coin offering high tps was started as a solution for btc.
Btc main chain is outdated but continues to be the focus of a lot of interesting developings, considering the amount of money at stake it attracts a lot of initiatives and has the larges community in crypto.
You’re a brainlet my son, refrain from posting, lurk more.

>> No.9528038
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it took blockstream years just to release a broken lightning network, you think they're gonna implement all that shit? oh honey

>> No.9528088
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Bitcoin is literally the only coin being used for a real world purpose at any significant level (not kryptokitties).

>application 13.1
>rank 13 tied with Verge

>> No.9528099

>being used for a real world purpose
Oh yeah, where? For money laundering, drug deals?

>> No.9528106

Not at all.
I have no faith whatsoever in the future of bitcoin.
Listen here brainlet, it’s not whether bitcoin is a corrupted shitcoin that needs to die or not, it’s aboit the fact that bitcoin is the largest crypto in the world and started the revolution that created the shitcoins you worship, not only this but a lot of the technology used in those shitcoins was developed initially for
Bitcoin, like for example
Sidechains today most chink coins like vechain, wanchain, even non chink coins like nano etc, use sidechains for high tps, this was developed initially for btc, if it wasn’t for btc none of these shitcoins would exist.
Now we have another project with great financing thanks to bitcoins whales called rootstock, it’s developing sharding along other initiatives that reglardless of whether or not these are applied to bitcoin other shitcoins most definitely will pay attention to and possibly adopt them themselves.
That’s why is bitcoin is rank 13 and fucking EOS is not even there.
Got it?
Now refrain from posting until u understand a bit more about crypto, thank you.

>> No.9528109


I'm hearing about sidechains since 2015, it was suppose to make Monero and Ethereum obsolete since them, now even Monero wants to implement its own sidechain

>> No.9528133

People using Monero and other coins for that now.
The only use of bitcoin right now is as gateway for crypto because it has the most pairing and acceptance globally so if you want to cash out you’ll most likely do it through btc or if u want to get into crypto btc is the Normie way, other cryptos are slowly gaining fiat pairings and soon btc will lose marketcap at an ever increasing rate.

>> No.9528155

So, the only application of Bitcoin is the ability to turn it back to fiat money?

>> No.9528164

myspace also gave birth to social networks and look where it is now. it refused to change too which is why it failed.

more ETH market pairs, BCH market pairs, non-BTC market pairs are being created every day, plus many new fiat markets. the days are numbered for BTC.

I want to berate you more because you clearly only have a couple years in crypto but I would just feel bad.

>> No.9528177


Oi, stop it white girl!

>> No.9528185

in the trash where it belongs

>> No.9528194

If thats the zk Capital assessment then fuck them. Largely bias'd opinion towards NEM. Not a single positive thing said when NEM is EONS above half the shit on there. Fucking ludicrous, I got triggered as fuck when I read that FUD trash.

>> No.9528263

Did you not read the first sentence moron?
I hate bitcoin, but I can objectively recognise that a lot of projects that today influence crypto were initially developed for bitcoin, I used the example of sidechains, initially proposed for bitcoin were developed using capital from bitcoin as a possible solution and ended up not being used but other cryptos adopted it. If it wasn’t for btc not only would we not have shitcoins today and but if we did we would be waaay way behind, coins like nano, wanchain, vechain, Komodo etc are centred around sidechains to allow for high tps.

You are a moron who can’t understand the point, bitcoin can be a corrupted shitcoin that will inevitably die and fall behind, but right now is the richest coin and the attracts a lot of smart cunts that create awesome shit that other coins end up using and that’s why bitcoin is 13 sccording to their measurement.

Things can change quite fast in crypto whales,miners and block stream could realise their golden cow is dying and adopt rootstocks assuming its successful you could witness btc running smart contracts, sharding and over 4000 tps while using PoW hybrid.

>> No.9528268

stellar will soon be 1$, than 2, than 3 and eventually cap out at 7. It's currently 0.32 cents. It's going to be nice gains so it's a good idea to buy up a little bit as a long term hold.

>> No.9528283

Chinks are retarded.

>> No.9528307

I do understand the point. just like your sidechains, facebook only existed because myspace paved the way for something better.

your attitudes are clearly immature and you probably do a lot of emotional trading. you really need to set your feelings aside if you don't want to get burned in these markets.

>> No.9528312

There will be a lot of airdrops in refugees areas and war zones diluting the price of stellar before that happens, if we ever seen 7dollsrs stellar id assume it doesn’t matter because we are billionaires from holding other shitcoins already.

>> No.9528333

Lmao dude bitcoin continues to host a lot of developments in crypto, even if these are not adopted.
Why? Because bitcoin whales got money and some want to save bitcoin.
Emotional trading lmao Kys my new friend.
You’re going to get burned so hard by buying into the biz memes.

>> No.9528337


NEM and Stratis should be swapped. Verge? Lol no. The rest is actually pretty solid.

>> No.9528348

discord = YjdnFU9

Biz day trading group. Let's help one another!

>> No.9528371

It's a different fud. Chinks are shilling their NEO and shoving its competitor at the very bottom.

>> No.9528376
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yeah man these biz shills really fucked me over

>> No.9528664
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Fucking chinks.