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9527222 No.9527222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are actually people here in their 20s who STILL haven't moved out of their parents house or had sex
how do you people live with yourselves? don't you feel like a complete waste of human life?

>> No.9527229

is he putting the glasses on or is he putting the glasses down

>> No.9527233

Checked and I deal with it by looking for repeating patterns in everyday life, usually in license plates or ISBN numbers. Sometimes I fap

>> No.9527239

I'm interested on why you think something so literally meaningless is being a waste of human life?

>> No.9527242

I live on the opposite end of the world from my parents

I’m 24 and a kissless virgin though

>> No.9527261

Because these things are generally marks of being a failure. I'm willing to bet that anyone here who hasn't had sex or moved out of mom's house has also accomplished nothing of significance in their lives as well. Just a bunch of NEETs who play video games, watch anime, and jerk off all day.

>> No.9527267

take it easy.

>> No.9527271

I do not watch anime

>> No.9527277

But you literally didn't answer my question at all, why do you believe they're generally marks of being a failure? You only believe that because it's what society taught you to think, and you accept it without even thinking twice. Aren't you the one that should consider being a failure of a human being, because you're admitting automatically accept whatever you're taught by your elders who push their agenda on you, and you ate it up without even considering twice?

>> No.9527278

>never meet girls because you got no reaons to go outside your parent's house
>got no initiative to move out because no gf, so why bother

i could afford a big comfy house no problem, but why would i, i get nothing out of it except to be even more depressed when there's no one around

>> No.9527284

>taking care of my parents because i don't want them to rot away in a retirement home

>> No.9527288
File: 7 KB, 218x231, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved out at 18, had sex, have a gf, have a car.

Stuck working 9 to 5 and earning money to share a house with other people and be tired and have no time for anything. Sure is great !

>> No.9527294

To add to this, invest in crypto back in 2016, kept withdrawing to pay for school and move to new place for work.

Could have retired if I left the money in.

>> No.9527299

Checked, and they are marks of the failure because moving out of your parents house is the first crucial step in becoming a responsible person. Otherwise, you forever burden the people who were so generous to give you life in the first place.

And as far as sex goes, the only people who HAVEN'T tried it yet are disgusting incel subhumans. Change my mind if you can, but being 18+ and still a virgin is incredibly pathetic.

>> No.9527303

normiefags needs to leave this board

privileged fucktard cant see how well off he is because his life is inside a fucking bubble

>> No.9527311

Why do you care so much though?

>> No.9527314

>working 9 to 5 and earning money to share a house with other people
desu sounds like you live in an expensive area. if you pay more than $300 for rent, you're literally lighting your money on fire.

>> No.9527317
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>still living with parents, still a virgins after 27 years living, no jobs.
>made some gains in crypto and thinking they know all about life whithout walking out of their parents house.
>calling worker who work for people they care is wagecucks and proud of their ways of living.

>> No.9527321

came from a conservative christian family. Not very religious anymore but still live with parents cuz I'm trying to save money

>tfw jesus cockblocked you out of all the easy lays back in hs because you wanted to be ""holy"" (whatever the fuck that means)

My parents are good people but I'll never understand why they thought it'll be right to brainwash their children with their religious bullshit

Instead of educating kids about sexuality they ridicule and shame you + ignoring the topic altogether

Shit's fucked up

>> No.9527323

probably one of those /fit/ manlets that lifts all day and eats a retricted pathetic diet, only to get hooked up once a month by a fat college dropout thats too drunk to know

obviously he is salty af

>> No.9527336

I look at my portfolio and realize it's more than most college cucked normies have ever even dreamed of. They go into debt for school, so they can go into debt for a house and a car, and spend the next 40 years paying the usurers while I make a few million and live off dividends. Saving money should never be frowned upon

>> No.9527344

Well, there are tons of people who are 18+ who are just genetically ugly, but have had an impact on society. Let's not forget that Newton died a virgin, but you'd be factually incorrect to call him a waste of life, why is it any different in this time period where the next Newton can be born out of any of us?

As for the housing situation, that's just really closed-minded and factually incorrect, and I'm not really sure who in your life imposed that idea into your head.
But, you should be aware that they pushed their consumerist agenda directly into your brain and you ate it up, if you seriously believe paying money every single month for your own little area of space on the ground.
I could name 100 reasons why it'd be a completely retarded/waste of time move to move out of your parent's house.

>> No.9527383

Not American. I'm Irish, I don't even live in a big city and rents are like 300 minimum for one room shared house with others. Own place would be 600 for shithole, 750+ for good. In Dublin shared house starts at like 900 euro and own place would be 2250 + , countrys a joke.

>> No.9527397

How would I move out as fast as possible? I'm 18 and have 1 more year of HS ahead of me. Then 3 years of university, but no dorm since it's the same city so I probably have to live with my family(god pls no). I got 13.5k LINK and 1k VEN. I'm hoping they will 7x this year. I got an android game which has gotten about 16k(about 700- 1500 a week) downloads and about $250 total revenue plus great reviews.

I'm thinking my best chance is to publish my game to app store and y8 so if it keeps growing, I might reach $800 monthly(basically a bit lower than average salary). I'm also gonna develop a new game which should, at the beginning, get downloads from the first game.

>> No.9527410

Work on your games and put them out first, then work on setting up an amazon/ebay/shopify/letitgo store and making bank.

>> No.9527446

TIL: this board actually consists of living failures that make fun of wagies (rightfully so) while still being attached to moms umbilical cord, having no actual freedom or independence whatsoever, all while thinking they are virgins because they are the next Newton lol.

>> No.9527462

Lol, the fuck are you on about retard? Keep your weird ass ramblings back on leddit you fucking weirdo

>> No.9527479
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>moving out when I'm just going to inherit it anyways

>> No.9527493

I guess Newton and Tesla were failures then.

>> No.9527502

You an illiterate too Mr. Newton? Now dont type too loud in your anger or Mommy will come into your toom and tell you off

>> No.9527513

lol, what's got you triggered little one? You'll eventually use your words to express a complex thought without getting offended

>> No.9527518

option A:
>live with parents
>give them rent money
>pay for their retirement via rent money
>they help you out and cook you food
>eventually inherit house when they die
option b
>move out into an apartment
>pay jew landlord every month
>parents end up having to sell house to pay for their retirement
There is a reason in the most kiked country in the world there is a social impetus to move out of your parents home and give your money to some shekel-seeking jew landlord. Yes, being a leech on your parents is bad, however, living with your parents is not.

>> No.9527522
File: 72 KB, 563x542, 6497CBC2-4A6D-4E88-841E-50D0775C817B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27yo touchless basement dwelling virgin reporting in

>how do you people live with yourselves?
Very comfy actually, I barely have to do any chores, my mom makes me lunch everyday and I don‘t have to pay any rent. I also don‘t work because working for some jew is for retards.

>don't you feel like a complete waste of human life?
I have 50k chainlink tokens, a waste like YOU will soon shoeshine my lambos rims.

>> No.9527527
File: 346 KB, 1024x768, 1520153625385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you literally didn't answer my question at all, why do you believe they're generally marks of being a failure? You only believe that because it's what society taught you to think, and you accept it without even thinking twice. Aren't you the one that should consider being a failure of a human being, because you're admitting automatically accept whatever you're taught by your elders who push their agenda on you, and you ate it up without even considering twice?
>I'm interested on why you think something so literally meaningless is being a waste of human life?

>> No.9527545

Like I said, you'll eventually use your words to express a complex thought that anyone besides you can understand

>> No.9527551

please tell me this was a 4chan meetup

>> No.9527572

>To add to this, invest in crypto back in 2016, kept withdrawing to pay for school and move to new place for work.

>he sold the golden crypto ticket to pay off useless crap like school


>> No.9527574

>said plebbitor nervously as he looks at the picture that's literally screaming reddit

>> No.9527577

Are you all from single children homes or do you have siblings that you are meant to share this house with?

>> No.9527581
File: 76 KB, 745x420, 69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving out is a meme. enjoy paying a sizable portion of your measly monthly income to your (((landlord))). cuck

>> No.9527609
File: 78 KB, 420x420, F3709B84-4C81-4194-9D58-BA075D85D678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a qt sister, she comes twice a week to visit me at my parents house, she cooks for me, plays videogames with me, watches movies and tv shows with me AND gives me money from her high paying job so I invest into crypto for her.
Very comfy.

>> No.9527611

4Chan or reddit it really doesn't matter, just knowing that while I'm retarded for arguing online at times, sometimes the people I'm arguing with are exhibit A..... which at least gives me the knowledge that I'm not as retarded as some of the people I argue with.

>> No.9527618

But you already failed to understand a single sentence and clearly struggle to form a decent one yourself. The fact that judging by your posts here you clearly failed at everything in life doesnt really help your case either.

The first and last chick your were inside of was your mom. How often do you think about that?

>> No.9527637
File: 70 KB, 202x229, 8c543aa054b016c404af91a3c4b3ba4d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, whatever you say, I can see you're a little heated there because you're not actually arguing anything, you're just throwing out insults.

Stay mad little one

>> No.9527643
File: 959 KB, 2702x1544, metal-gear-solid-peace-walker-paz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's pulling them off in complete disbelief that there are actually anons over 20 who haven't gotten so tired of their parent's shit that they didn't move out and/or they haven't manage to fall into a vagina in the year of our lord 2018.

>> No.9527647

Hmmm, so it wasn't your parents fucking up, it's just you. Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts buddy, for your sake I hope it's a long time.

And yes, I'm a salty wagie because my job is boring as fuck, but I'm not sure how well I'd deal being in your shoes either.

>> No.9527648
File: 32 KB, 258x245, 391D1362-A6BC-42E2-A9F7-8D63A9C444E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn‘t you also be mad knowing that a bunch of virgin neets outperform you daily on the market?

>> No.9527663
File: 588 KB, 1130x1600, 1 freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tired of their parent's shit
Tell me about your mother.

>> No.9527680
File: 49 KB, 166x151, e8837c5c5a3ed5cf20f30fee5428714a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, It's hard for people to cope with the fact that most of the shit they've been taught in life is just consumerist junk pushed onto them by their equally brainwashed parents, and when they're staring that fact in the face, what else can you do but get upset and deny it? Otherwise you have to face the reality that you're a brainwashed monkey that's born to work at a job for fake points, then GIVE those fake points away.

>> No.9527687
File: 205 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180520-110657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a 32 year old KHV with my own house and pic related in crypto.

Love and sex is an alien concept to me

>> No.9527693

>earns nothing one out of five working days of the week because your weekly rent is $250
>pay heaps for utility bills because you're living alone and cant share the cost

living by yourself is a huge fucking meme. Nobody does it in asian countries unless you come from a broken family.

Stop wasting money and live with your parents

>> No.9527698
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, d3445f3aa983eaa91d2458c1ffe32f2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My mother is greatest mother in the world. I also can't live with my mother because I am an adult male. I also like getting laid without my mother being around.


>> No.9527710

Pretty much. I'm annoyed there are no jobs in what I do within driving distance of my parents house.

>> No.9527717


I am moved out since college and have a fiance, so obviously not a part of either group. But I WISH i lived with my parents after college and saved every penny for 5 years. Could have put aside almost 150k in that time.

>> No.9527722

So when someone brings up your situation in life you actually see that as an insult yourself. Why did you never change anything then? You don't have to go full wagie, personally I'd recommend being selfemployed, its chill af and you make bank.

>> No.9527727


youre 10x away from never having to work again and being able to take out 250k per year from an index fund without touching principle.

Once you get there, love and sex will no longer be foreign to you.

>> No.9527732

moving out for the sake of doing so is a pajeet-tier scam. your parents have already cucked your future through their voting preferences. Live at their house and refuse to pay rent. Do not move out until you've already made it.

>> No.9527746
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Kek, me used for have own house and did sex with men & women all time.

But then became morbid ill, had to move back in with parents, picked up the neet life.

Imo they are both pointless lifes :P
It only now that me trading that life have any real meaning

Working for self > anything

>> No.9527784

discord = YjdnFU9

Biz day trading group. Let's help one another.

>> No.9527826

> became morbid ill, had to move back in with parents, picked up the neet life.

Same. Unwell NEETs unite!

>> No.9527828


Na im too far gone for that I am an emotional cripple.

Best I can hope for is a 10x so I can live the rest of my life in a comfortable prison.

Maybe ill get a dog

>> No.9527848


I moved out of my parents house at 17, I’m 24 now, I’ve done all the memes, went to college, backpacked across Eastern Europe, and put benis in bagina with 4 grills. But with all that being said, have the self awareness to realise I haven’t achieved anything of significance either. I’m not saying being a virgin is good, I’m just having a flat and getting laid is a low bar and doesn’t really indicate a successful character.

>> No.9527850

I can understand thinking living at home and being a virgin is not normal or strange but why do certain normies get angry about it?

>> No.9527885

I'm guessing they are the ones that feel trapped in their endless cycle life and lash out at those that have this supposed 'freedom'

>> No.9527902

They get mad because smug neets devalue their „achievments“, achievments like paying a jew every month and fucking some 6/10.

The crypto NEET however has hunger for more and does not want mediocre shit like this.

>> No.9527933

How did you move out at 17? Like did you just one day say I'm gonna look for a place of my own or how did that work? How did you manage school, work and living on your own? Asking this because I'm 18yo and would want to move out asap to get some peace and privacy.

>> No.9527937


>> No.9527952


I've had sex many times, moved in and out with family, parents included.

I'm also worth 2m USD.

>> No.9527953
File: 261 KB, 1080x1350, C981DB3C-2563-45B2-8719-56B980E26678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is just a product of his collective thinking, and likely why he wont make it. Normie mindset.

This day and age is not the same as decades before, but normies are clinging onto past rites of passage in literal context when they dont work properly now. Thats what ((they)) want you to do though. Every normie that cucks themselves by spending ALL their money on rent with 3 random people and education while being unable to save at all are never going to have an easy time. Conventional path doesnt let you win.

Unconventional people or extremely lucky are the ones who make it younger and offen thkse lucky ones are not just lucky, they picked an unconventional path and got a break through.
This js why some ppl who saved at home till early twenties might blow non coiners out the water simply becsuse when the opportunity presented itself (in this case crypto) they had the capital to ride it. They could sink in 10,000 dollars when it mattered, where the normies could only drop 50 bucks here and there, all while the normies whine that ppl who had 10k to invest when the time came were “privileged “. Lmao cucks

>> No.9527979
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>I've had sex many times, moved in and out with family, parents included.

>> No.9527993

im 19 , is it too late for me?

>> No.9528016

Nah, 19 is standard to be living at home these days

>> No.9528025


>OP is just a product of his collective thinking, and likely why he wont make it. Normie mindset. This day and age is not the same as decades before, but normies are clinging onto past rites of passage in literal context when they dont work properly now.

This phenomenon is known as Normie Meme Prison.

>> No.9528094


anime posters begone

>> No.9528132

There are 8 billion people on this planet. 100% of them will be dead in a measly 130 years. I don't feel bad about anything. In death we're all the same and it's everybodies destination, now don't take this as some depressed emo cunt like of statement, just a rational analyze of pressuring oneself to uphold social standards. Maybe it's better to realize that you're in fact a slight socio/psychpath and adjust your life in that way, but I wouldn't feel bad about it. Stay normal, normalfag.

>> No.9528151

im 19 and moved out. not socially autistic but i don't get along with most ppl (especially girls). still a virgin. what do

>> No.9528165

>My parents are good people but I'll never understand why they thought it'll be right to brainwash their children with their religious bullshit

You know what they say it takes religion to make good people do bad things

>> No.9528169

woah the edge, just cut myself by reading this post. we /teen/ now

>> No.9528197

Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Of course you're a good boy for having sex and moving out, the universe smiles upon you and the gods themselves sing praise to your great accomplishments.

>> No.9528208

yes, but I also made over a million dollars in crypto

also I got laid way before then

>> No.9528254

saying two basic things like that deserve praise is like praising someone for wiping his ass after a shit

it only becomes weird if you fail at those basic tasks, including wiping your ass.