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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 225x224, eos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9513201 No.9513201 [Reply] [Original]

You guys realize the mainnet launch is also basically the halvening on steroids, right? Right now, every 23 hours, there are 2 million EOS sold in the ICO. That's roughly $25m. When the mainnet launches, if inflation is at the maximum rate (5% annual), then there will be only 137k new EOS, or $1.7m created every day. That's a decrease in supply of 93%.

For comparison, the current rate of bitcoin production is $14m. So right now, EOS is maintaining its price, despite having to support double the inflation of bitcoin.

Bitcoin rocketed after its first halving and also more than doubled leading up to the second one. Those are far smaller supply decreases than this one.

Literally nobody is talking about this, meaning it is probably not priced in. Regardless of what you think about its tech or long term prospects, if you think EOS will manage to have a functional chain in June, it's the biggest buy in crypto in months.

>> No.9513222

inflation won't be 5%. that's just a maximum possibility which won't be likely. i think around 2.5% will be realistic. maybe 5% as adoption picks up

>> No.9513250

I agree. I would actually guess 1-2% to be honest. In the OP, the assumption of 5% is used because that's the absolute worst case scenario for the token's price.

>> No.9513270



yeah, I saged all the holes just like yo girlfriend like it, already sold everything just before it will drop 50% after news about that gookies are funding skyscraper for themselves, this project is a fucking joke

>> No.9513310

somehow you think funding a skyscraper is a bad thing? i feel sorry for your mothe

>> No.9513322


yeah you moron, it is a bad thing, why they didn't go on indiegogo or kickstarter with that idea, lol?


>> No.9513323

the eos ico confuses me, how does it work?

>> No.9513421

It began with a sale of 200 million tokens almost a year again. Since then, another 2 million are sold every 23 hours. In less than 2 weeks, the sale will be completely finished.

The stated reasoning for doing this was to make it so that the distribution would be more spread out, and not just in the hands of insiders that got in early. How effective this design was for doing that is certainly up for debate.

There are a couple undisputed impacts of it however:
1. There was a massive amount of money raised by the ICO that will likely benefit the project greatly.
2. The price has been artificially suppressed by the rapid rate of new coin release.

>> No.9513473

https://eosscan.io/ provides data about the ICO (there are some errors for a couple of the periods, but nothing major I've seen)

>> No.9513480

I hadn’t thought of this, OP. Good point.

>> No.9513517
File: 89 KB, 500x362, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gooks funding eos block producers will be voted out or leave the projects they funded

knowing eos is going to successfully launch with tons of eos vc announcements is important to pay attention to

you're mad because you know deep down eos will probably flip literally everything

>> No.9513559

I can't wait to watch this shit implode

>> No.9513629

>the gooks funding eos block producers will be voted out
By who? They made dividends illegal. If there's no profit, what's stopping everyone that has spare eos laying around from just lending the eos instead of voting? Are they gonna do it out of altruism, because it's the right thing to do? Good luck with that. What I think is more likely is that the people with more monetary incentive prevail like always, which in this case would be the BPs. Eos is potentially shooting themselves in the foot massively by following this socialist logic. And these attempts at making an actual constitution that's presumably going to be enforced by some centralized actors are the worst thing I've seen in crypto.

>> No.9513632

*if I wanted a currency controlled by a semi-democratic kleptocracy, I'd just buy dollars*

>> No.9513648


>> No.9513652

I love all these morons talking about "inflation" as if having low inflation drives up price. It just drives down the price less. Tons of coins have zero inflation, it doesn't justify a $15b market cap.

Bottom line is EOS has no actual tech behind it. Check out the EOS community, watch the interview with team members, try to get up to date with what they're building. You'll realize its all smoke and mirrors. The devs sound fucking clueless in interviews. They only talk about vague shit and unrealistic goals but never can give any technical explanation as to why EOS scales better than eth and won't just implode after the first cryptokitties game.

EOS is an obvious slow moving train wreck. There might be small profits to make in the short term, but just have your exit clearly defined, you do not want to be holding these massive bags when this project collapses after main net.

>> No.9513657


yeah, it will flip itself in the first place an and implode >>9513559
like this anon said. I can't believe that this shit is worth 11 bill right now.

>> No.9513679


not sure if stupidity or irony

>> No.9513680


>> No.9513699

so if i buy into the ico am i gonna get eos for super cheap?

>> No.9513720


>> No.9513732

whats stopping people from just buying them over and over again?

>> No.9513749

Vitalik call EOS scam. Fuck EOS

>> No.9513760
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Well, it's no rly true that literally, no one is talking about that, i saw a thread earlier, and secondly the thing LITERALLY no one is talking about is HBT, and i can bet 98% of people in this thread don't know much about it,
I can just start by mentioning that hubii network decentralized Digital Content Marketplace linking content creator, content distributor and user PLUS formidable Ethereum off chain scaling solution (AKA Striim)
I know that HBT is a sound investment

>> No.9513767

you're a fucken brainlet. you think they'll just leave it sitting there vacant with spiders and rats roaming the place? having a sub room temp IQ must be painful, but you're a nigger so looking in a mirror is pain

>> No.9513772

this ico is so fucking confusing

so if i buy eos ico i instantly gain like 5$ on each coin?

>> No.9513794

The price is different for each 23 hour period, so it is usually very close to the current market price.

>> No.9513806

the price is determined by how many ETH are contributed. people that are smarter than you will do the maths before the token sale finishes and buy the shit out of it until the value matches exchange value, so they can arbitrage. There's no difference for you to buy via ico or exchange

>> No.9513814

will be good when EOS flips ETH... will be better when ADA flips EOS, ETH and BTC. either way, we will all be rich

>> No.9513821


No, see >>9513794

>> No.9513916

>The stated reasoning for doing this was to make it so that the distribution would be more spread out
It was made to make eth recycling possible.

>> No.9514454

the problem is that eos has no use on eos blockchain (except for voting rights) while ethereum functions as gas, it's not a currency either, it should go to 0 eventually when airdrops dry out when block.one's fund is down to 0

>> No.9514482

He also assisted in the development of EOS. You're a scam. Faggot.

>> No.9514504


>what are airdrops
>what are ICOs

>> No.9514537

>The stated reasoning for doing this was to make it so that the distribution would be more spread out
Lol the real reason is because they are greedy pieces of shit building fucking skyscrapers with money that you idiots gave to them while promising the world and delivering nothing

>> No.9514560

unless you have 5000 eos minimum what the point
at $1000 youre talking about 1 trillion dollars. Im optimistic about crypto but do we honestly think eos will get to that price. I did a valuation of 300billion that works out to $333 for eos.

>> No.9514582

Dapps require staked EOS
Account creation requires staked EOS

Also voting and airdrops like >>9514504

>> No.9514590

It doesn't matter how much you can buy. Anyone can benefit from making a good bet, no matter how small.

Luckily I have almost 15k myself.

>> No.9514602

EOS is corporations taking over crypto and it is sad to watch people's greed allow that. 21 block producers which are just huge corporate data centers. That isn't crypto. It's an inefficient very costly AWS.

>> No.9514650

Can someone smarter than me shit on this guy so I can sleep safe tonight

>> No.9514667


This is what I don't get about EOS hype. Even IF it dethrones eth, its like a 5-10x at most at this point. So you have to currently have like $100k in EOS, and it overtakes ETH, to be in the realm of "making it." But there have been dozens of PoS chains trading at less than $100m mcap for a year now. Also steem and bitshares have been doing more tps than eth for year, they aren't worth 1/10th of EOS, let alone caught up with eth.

>> No.9514711

yeah unless eos does gas like neo its already run the majority of its course. The only reason i hold EOS was because i bought it when i was new to crypto and derp bought some at ico price and forgot that i owned any till a couple months ago.

>> No.9514719

coins like zcash and monero may goto from 200 to 35k to 50k and still be under 1 trillion

>> No.9514720


Wish granted

Low inflation obviously doesn't independently justify a market cap or anything like that. You completely miss the point of the post which is that when the ICO ends, there will be a massive shift in supply and demand. Right now, the daily supply of EOS is $25 million, with a demand of X. When the ICO ends and the mainnet launches, the rate of supply will drop by 93%. Obviously if the launch is a total flop, demand will drop a lot as well. Most likely however, if demand drops a small amount (or stays the same or goes up), then the price will rocket.

>> No.9514743

price will rocket to what?
its already over valued with a high coin supply
$1000 eos is near 1trillion dollars

>> No.9514745
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>the rate of supply will drop by 93%
Priced in.

>> No.9514766
File: 57 KB, 480x469, ee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eos $0 eoy

>> No.9514801

you realize that public information is priced in?

>> No.9514804

and for the first platform that actually delivers on a scalable, dapp infrastructure, do you really think 1 trillion is unrealistic?

>> No.9514811


Supply is not dropping, the rate of supply increase is dropping. Total supply is already about where it is going to remain. And 24h volume is over $1b right now, so moving $25m from the ICO into the market is a drop in the bucket compared to the 90% volume decrease that will happen after the main net hype dies and the next FotM chain launches. And there are a couple high profile chains launching main net end of may and the summer that will probably kill EOS hype.

On the other hand, Tron went to $25bil, so maybe there's a 2x left in EOS, but if you are buying now you are essentially buying people's 100x bags. The TA looks good on EOS right now so they might now dump just yet, but as soon as the hype dies down I can't see it no plummeting like tron / ripple. Just have a stop loss if you are deep in EOS, or you will probably be holding bags at 90%+ loss.

>> No.9514849

I'm a simple man. Help me.
I buy or I don't?

>> No.9514865

bro....no lol what are you on? your prediction is a 90% loss in summer? c'mon man...then the entire market will be plummeting. I think honestly this coin will 4X by end of summer

>> No.9514878

you realize that efficient market hypothesis is just a hypothesis? right? nobody knows fuck all but apparently we also all always know everything

>> No.9514891


Its a decent trade to bug right now and plan to dump before $20, as it might get a bump from its previous support and the moving average. But have a stop loss if it drops more, as it could drop like 20%+ if it falls through.


Thing is there are so many great projects on sale right now, hard to justify the risk / reward of buying a coin that already 100xed. Especially if your justification for buying is only that it might keep up with the market.

>> No.9514898


>> No.9514912

i am quite aware of that yes. regarding public information the situation is pretty clear tho

>nobody knows fuck all
thats true for most of /biz/ not for academics tho

>> No.9514942

makes sense to me. Thank you anon!

>> No.9514944

point is if you had 10k what would you rather invest in. eos which will only go up so much or some other projects which have a better use case. like monero

max youll get from eos is 833k @ a 10k investment right now

$10k total into monero/zcash invesment can goto 35k each coin and youll have 1.5million before the market cap gets to half a trillion.

EOS is overvalued right now it should be $2 to $5 max.
i suspect the reason the price is high is because people are locked up to sell, due to the nature of the ico

>> No.9515082


Except you can trade EOS tokens you bought from the ICO after 24hr correct? There isn't a lock.

>> No.9515148

Pretty sure you can move them immediately after each period close.

>> No.9515170

No, you instantly withdraw them after the buying period for each day ended.

>> No.9515527

>$2-$5 max

hahhahaahaha the noeoser cope

>> No.9515540

give it a rest already, the mainnet pump is finished already
for a new pump, you need a new reason

>> No.9515576

how about Mainnet? the chinks & the mutts are not supposed to be able to participate before the mainnet. after mainnet real EOS tokens can be traded, instead of buying a erc20 token and registering it, which i am sure a lot are to dumb to do...

>> No.9515678

Asians were pretty much 90% of EOSs trading volume during the pump.

The transition from token to coin will be a painful event. A lot of people don't know that they have to do anything. EOS team has given some info, but the details are still up in the air. Many will definitely sell just before the date, because it is the easy option.

Mainnet pump is through. There will be a mainnet dump soon though. After it's finished, no idea what is going to happen. Depending on how smooth the transition actually goes. The team better show some competence.

>> No.9515688


Its not any harder to buy than any other token on exchanges. Actually I'd say its easier to deal with eth tokens than it will be tokens on the new main net. And a ton of coins pumped before main net then dumped, look at ICX.

>> No.9515696

Elaborate please how is that similar

>> No.9515712

i save these posts for my amusement when EOS dump back down to $5

>> No.9515825

nobody is saving your post because they realize it's retarded

>> No.9515935

To date on this site, I’ve seen exactly one anon put up a decent argument against EOS, the rest of you fudders are retarded, stay poor losers

>> No.9515957


And what was that hmm?

>> No.9515973
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in as few words as possible, what are the differences between EOS and ETH that make you think it is an improvement?

If its not an improvement on ETH, then network fx and brand recongition say ETH wins, so I am really interested to hear some technical details about EOS scaling benefits.

>> No.9516239

>found the fag bag holder

>> No.9516275

nobody is going to actually use eos, it's going to be another neo, probably not even as successful long term.

ethereum already won, eos isn't even close to being better enough to take anything over.

>> No.9516354

>nobody is going to actually use eos, it's going to be another neo, probably not even as successful long term.

>ethereum already won, eos isn't even close to being better enough to take anything over.

>> No.9516761
File: 44 KB, 500x500, ruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy if ur lurking so hard, why dont you try to answer >>9515973 and explain why your theory of the world is right. Then maybe I'll believe you and buy your coins....

But if you cant even articulate 1 technical benefit... anon. I...

>> No.9517010


The difference is EOS promises higher throughput than eth by copying bitshare's design, delegated proof of stake, instead of using proof of work (mining) to validate blocks. PoW requires miners to mine to validate transactions. EOS instead is controlled entirely by 21 nodes which are elected by the network based on their stake in EOS. Problem with DPoS is there are conditions where the network can split due to malicious actors or just bad timing. EoS has introduced many systems to attempt to prevent this from happening. IMO I think projects like Zilliqa are going to provide higher throughput without as many vulnerabilities, Zilliqa for example will have over 600 nodes, instead of 21, with a better conscientious protocol than EOS.

>> No.9517048


This is going to continue dumping for months until the entire market turns around

Dont buy this assholes bags until it corrects more, thank me later nübs

>> No.9517225
File: 44 KB, 930x502, ethereumstillbroken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9517292

>higher throughput
At the cost of centralization. Someone ran the eth network like that and reached 1.5mil tps. The question is what's the best balance between centralization and decentralization.

>proof of stake
>what is casper

Yea, looks promising.

>> No.9517294

because we all know EOS cannot just add more nodes in the future **roll eyes**

>> No.9517323

and if ethereum got rid of all of its nodes, and just had 20 people mining, you could increase the capacity just as much as eos.

that's not impressive. shuffling settings around like eos did doesn't make a groundbreaking new form of scaling blockchains.

>> No.9517899

well i commend you for trying - none of the other shills in the thread even attempted to articulate the differences.. so good for you.

That being said, >>9517292
anon is right, Eth will move to POS w casper, so that's not a difference.

And he's also right that faster throughput always comes at the cost of centralization. This is important cuz you dont need a fucking blockchain for something that is centralized and relies on trust.

As you've described EOS w 21 nodes.. desu I think of Ripple. I'm not sure how many they have now, but I remember back in the day it was only like 7-8 big consensus nodes, and Ripple is essentially as fast as the internet can get cuz it's premined database scrip.

So >>9517323 is right, they just effed the settings around a little bit, which we all know ETH could do at any time w a Hardfork, or whatever. They did it w the DAO.

Either way, it's not technically better, just specified differently.

I was expecting something along the lines of "EOS Smart Contracts have difference economics' or maybe even "its not better than ETH but its not bogged down by the shitty old blockchain from 2013 so lets just restart it so it's easier for everyone to DL the blockchain now and more miners can mine, instead of having to crunch through all that shit from 2013 etc, and have all those shitty old contracts bogging down the system.

>> No.9518262

Here's a big advantage EOS has over ETH: Single dapps like cryptokitties won't be able to bog down an entire EOS blockchain unless they hold substantial majority of the tokens. In order for a dapp to consume 10% of the network resources, it must hold at least 10% of the native network coins. If cryptokitties on EOS held 1% of all EOS coins, it would be able to use 1% of all network resources, maximum.

>> No.9518340

this is basically the type of benefit I'd expect to see, but I'm not entirely sure it's justified, cuz of the gas mechanism.

Basically for Cryptokitties to actually clog up the network, lots of ppl have to be demanding txns of the smart contract and bidding up the gas costs. So the point is, it doesnt matter who owns how much ETH, as long as enough ppl are willing to spend it on gas for a DaPP, then it's going to cause txn prices to go up for everyone. To criticize ETH for this is to criticize it for sucessfully creating a contract ppl actually like, and are willing to bid up gas to use. Viewed in this way, EOS looks worse because the Stake gets to choose what contracts are on the platform, rather than the market of actual end users of contracts.

So wheres the benefit?

>> No.9518518

The benefit is free transactions without enabling massive amounts of spam transactions. If I hold 1% of EOS tokens, I can know with certainty that I will always be able to use 1% of network resources regardless of current transaction volume or coin price. It eliminates having to calculate gas in smart contracts and normal transactions. It will also allow for dapp frontends to be effectively the same as normal apps, with users not having to know anything about blockchains or crypto to use it. See STEEM for example. People can use Steemit without knowing a thing about blockchains. Same deal with EOS dapps.

>> No.9519021

thanks for replying and trying, but dude this doesnt make sense.

1) its not free if you had to buy EOS stake...
2) There is no such thing as spam, from a miner's perspective. And let's face it, all blockchains belong to the miners who literally host them. So long as a user pays a transaction fee, it cant be spam. Nor can it be Ddos'd, cuz the price of gas gets bid up. So what you call spam is really just a transaction that you dont like because it competes with you for miner attention. And that aint spam, it's a fact of fucking life.

Now i do see the benefit of having 1% EOS if you have a business that for some reason or another ABSOLUTELY needs to have that much processing capability in case of emergency. However, it is very easy to weild 1% of the ETH network whenever you want.... all you have to do is pay for it. So buying the EOS is just prepaying for your txns. So maybe it's good if it allows you to plan/save future transactions now, but there already exists a solution to this in ETH, Gastoken.

Tldr; the point again is that this little settings shuffle doesnt actually change the economics on the ground, it's just skin-deep.

>> No.9519097

>1) its not free if you had to buy EOS stake...
It's free to the user if they don't have to buy any EOS to use a dapp because the dapp has EOS staked.
>2) There is no such thing as spam, from a miner's perspective.
Users don't care about a "miner's perspective,"
and there are no miners with EOS, just block producers earning new EOS coins through an inflation rate up to a maximum of 5%, not transaction fees.

>> No.9519294
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oh ok i see, so you're saying Dapps get created w eos staked, and the DaPP then gets up to 1% of the networks processing power? What happens if no transactions actually use the DaPP? What happens if more do?

Its somehwat interesting that Dapp creators can "prepay" for their own DaPPs processing on behalf of users, but it doesnt make great sense as a long term solution, since once you stake 1% and inflation hits, u have less than 1% right? Or can you re-stake more ETH w.o redeploying the Smart Contract.

Thanks for explaining this anon.

regarding 2) you're splitting hairs, "block producers" are miners then. When I say miners I just mean the physical infrastructure or capex on which all the technology runs. Its where the pie in the sky crypto madness actually meets the solid, physical world or economics.

But perhaps I am mistaken -- dont users pay transactions fees in EOS? You've said they wont when interacting w a Contract Account... what about w each other?

Also, if you can interact w a contract account w.o paying transaction/gas (if its been prepaid by the deployer), what mechanism is there to compensate miners for having to clear transactions from very very complex (computationally intensive) smart contracts? Thats the great thing about gas, it makes miner's agnostic as to the computational difficulty of txns. Without a meter that adjusts prices for differences in processing power, the physical core of the system (miners) are not incentivized fairly.

I'm grabbing adrink w a friend but I look forward to your response anon.

>> No.9519495

You could subsidize the users right now by giving them a refund. But yea, it's not optimal for business. Contracts automatically paying for users is scheduled for the serenity phase.

>> No.9519528


EOS isn't Bitcoin, faggot. PERIOD.

>> No.9520269

>What happens if no transactions actually use the DaPP? What happens if more do?
If no users use the dapp, and the dapp isn't using their full allocation of network resources, the resources can be allocated to other users/dapps.
>Its somehwat interesting that Dapp creators can "prepay" for their own DaPPs processing on behalf of users, but it doesnt make great sense as a long term solution, since once you stake 1% and inflation hits, u have less than 1% right? Or can you re-stake more ETH w.o redeploying the Smart Contract.
They don't have to buy the coins outright to stake them, they can actually rent/lease the coins from users on the network through a smart contract to provide the resources needed to run their dapps.
>But perhaps I am mistaken -- dont users pay transactions fees in EOS? You've said they wont when interacting w a Contract Account... what about w each other?
No fees for user to user transactions either.
>Also, if you can interact w a contract account w.o paying transaction/gas (if its been prepaid by the deployer), what mechanism is there to compensate miners for having to clear transactions from very very complex (computationally intensive) smart contracts?
The block rewards compensate the miners/block producers for clearing the transactions and running the complex smart contracts. There's also a system for trading RAM usage on the platform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVYg0q9E2kI

>> No.9520330

>Its somehwat interesting that Dapp creators can "prepay" for their own DaPPs processing on behalf of users, but it doesnt make great sense as a long term solution, since once you stake 1% and inflation hits, u have less than 1% right? Or can you re-stake more ETH w.o redeploying the Smart Contract.
Wanted to answer this more thoroughly - yes, dapps can stake more EOS that they leased or purchased without re-deploying the smart contract. If a dapp is growing and needs more resources, they can go and lease some coins to provide the network resources for as long as needed. If the usage of the dapp drops, they can simply discontinue leasing the coins. This prevents them from having to shell out a ton of money to buy coins outright to use the network while providing users a means to earn additional income by leasing their coins to dapps.

>> No.9520360


>> No.9521108

Sorry if this question sounds dumb, I just want to be clear.

After the EOS ico ends, the price would tank correct? Since it's $11b market cap makes no real sense as the only reason EOS is worth $13 is because of how thin the arbitrage spread is now.

Correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.9521201

The ICO price is set by the market rate, not the other way around. There's days where the ICO price has been above the market rate because of people sending in ETH at the last minute. There's currently 2,000,000 EOS a day dumping at market rate, so with that supply ending, I would expect the price to increase. I fail to see your logic.

>> No.9521670

30k eos here, am I gonna make it?

>> No.9521918


>> No.9522218

I just have 5k, will I make it ?

>make it 750k

>> No.9522373

it doesn't even matter since the network will take 30 days to "boot up" while the community tries to deploy it and complete the delegate voting. so multiple groups will be trying to deploy and will be competing over which deployment will be crowned mainnet. also, voting locks tokens so traders aren't going to vote so they will be free to sell.

picture this: the ERC20 token freezes, so all EOS market deps/withdrawals will be suspended. the network will be spending a few weeks to boot up so no deposits/withdrawals on the "real" EOS coin markets either, so everyone who holds tokens offline in registered addresses won't be able to deposit and sell even if they aren't voting. not until the block producers are voted in will the network be "active." and some exchanges may not be willing to bring the EOS markets online until it is active.

do you think the price will go up, or even hold in those circumstances?

>> No.9522383

yes but it will be due to exchange shitshows >>9522373

>> No.9522410


Agreed. Its an incredible platform, but zero chance im holding through mainnet while they figure everything out. People will fud and panic because they didnt register their wallets, it may be a momentary cluster fuck, so ill sit on the sidelines and wait until closer to end of q2 to buy back in. But there is no chance im not holding at least a few thousand eos for the next couple of years.

>> No.9522507

32K here, we should be good

>> No.9522680

yeah there's no way this is happening.

>> No.9522726

>not until the block producers are voted in will the network be "active."
Wrong. As soon as the block producers get together and launch a chain, the network will randomly choose the top 21 producers to receive rewards. Once people start voting they'll lose their position in the top 21 if they don't maintain the votes. There's already multiple testnets up and running with the BP candidates working together. Don't think it's going to take as long as you think.

>> No.9522749


>The ABPs will be the top 22. And a randomized algorithm will select the BIOS boot node from the top 5 (leaving 21 to be ABPs)

>> No.9522762


>> No.9522871


Old speculation

>> No.9522894

so how long tokens will frozen then ?

>> No.9522896

>Old speculation
are you high nigga? those are block.one fags making those comments, the EOSCanada comment was 10 days ago

>> No.9522933

>are you high nigga? those are block.one fags making those comments, the EOSCanada comment was 10 days ago

no need to register ? BNB swap for us. and likely most other exchanges

>> No.9522954

you really don't understand what's happening with launch do you. you're not even going to have a mainnet for at least 2 weeks. I hope you're ready for all the weak hands sending the price to zero during the EOS BIOS boot up sequence.

>> No.9523017

so what I will buy anything below 10$. btw i will leave my EOS in BNB. funds are safe and they swap it for me. dont want to deal with that shit reg process.

>> No.9523018

Its called bandwidth bro. Holding eos grants you bandwidth. You can spend bandwidth on transactions. If you run out you have to wait a while for it to recharge. The more coins you have the more bandwidth you have.

God damn guys literally all of these concerns are addressed in the whitepaper.

>> No.9523056

You stupid brainlet. The price of anything is guaranteed to go up when supply is restricted. The price of bitcoin when up in 2017 because asci miners were restricting the supply by making mining 1000% more difficult . Back in 2016 a 10k$ GPU mining rig could make make your money back in bitcoin in me week . Once asci mining come out the same rig would make you the same amount in 10 years. So the entire available supply was hel by the asci miners backed by hedge funds. Bitmain is owned by hedge funds.

>> No.9523112

eos' fags, explain me why I cannot leave my EOS in bnb as they swaping. ? any downside of it beside exchange hacks/exit scams.

>> No.9523139

They might wont let you access some of the airdrops + its safer

>> No.9523156

what is cut off date to register ?

>> No.9523179

you need to leave your coins on binance or you will be totally fucked when the launch happens. seriously read my post >>9522373

the EOS team is telling people to not store their tokens on exchanges because they know everything is going to be completely fucked the first couple weeks after launch and they don't want people to be able to dump their coins, they know deposits will be suspended across the board.

seriously, leave them on the exchange. I don't like you and have no reason to help you, but here I am.

>> No.9523235

on exchange means 0 airdrops

>> No.9523279

Anybody still holding the tokens after the freeze is going to be committed to seeing this thing out to launch, the boot-up fud is nonsense, binance isn’t going to let people dump a bunch of frozen tokens, if you think the price is going to 0 you’re an absolute retard

>> No.9523282

yes, another thing they are trying to use to prevent a mainnet launch dump. the whole ICO is designed to prevent a massive price crash at launch.

they had to do it that way because EOS is centralized. it's extremely difficult to launch the EOS mainnet, unlike decentralized coins like btc/eth/ltc where all you need are miners. when launching a centralized network, like a DPOS network/EOS, you need to vote all block producers into power before the network is active.

no one understands this at all, and block.one knew that would happen, so they designed the whole ICO to prevent people from selling during the boot up sequence cluster fuck. airdrops, voting locking your coins, and all deposits/withdrawals will be suspended until the network is active.

>> No.9523357

>no one understands this at all, and block.one knew that would happen, so they designed the whole ICO to prevent people from selling during the boot up sequence cluster fuck. airdrops, voting locking your coins, and all deposits/withdrawals will be suspended until the network is active.

so means, exchanges also suspend trading during boot up ?

>> No.9523384

no active network = no transactions/confirmations = no deposits or withdrawals

it's up to the exchange if they want to open markets, I'm sure some will