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File: 3.02 MB, 4080x5436, 1516102542187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9512423 No.9512423 [Reply] [Original]

>XRP da token wont be used for any thing

hahahahaa get fucked /biz/tards


>> No.9512471

this has been known about xrp for some time. still this lucky chancer and his coil deserves to fail simply because he seems to have never worked a day in his life and presumably is someones son who is connected rather than anything he could possibly bring to the table. fuck him fuck coil and fuck xrp too

>> No.9512488


But why does news like this never do anything for the price of XRP?

>hahahahaa get fucked /biz/tards

I wish I could tell tell ppl to get fucked but I feel like I'm the one getting fucked holding these XRP bafs

>> No.9512510

>because he seems to have never worked a day in his life and presumably is someones son who is connected rather than anything


He's Ripple's ex CTO. He's the co-inventor of Interledger. He's an early Bitcoin adopter who created the famous Bitcoin video that got millions of view almost a decade ago, probably before you started using the internet.

>> No.9512533

this was just announced, few people know about it, and people need to see real businesses before throwing lots of money in a bear market.

Now you can be the retard who waits for the crowd (i.e. dumb people) to notice the project, or be happy that you noticed it first and bought low.

>> No.9512606

RIP, Tallie. :'(

>> No.9512621

Fuck xrp

>> No.9512630

Damnn what is her name m8

>> No.9512638

time to buy some more ripple while it's this low.
$0.8 incoming next week

>> No.9512646


> presumably
What a retard

>> No.9512652
File: 124 KB, 696x189, cobalt 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP will become #2 or #1 within a year.

Utility > speculation.

Ripple Labs is sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars (maybe even billions), lots of it will be dedicated to similar projects and creating web standards that pave the way for XRP to dominate the market.

A new consensus algorithm called Cobalt will be implemented this year that increase decentralization and reduce transaction time to 1 second.

Face it, your bags are fucked.

>> No.9512663

yea just like i said you his mother?

>> No.9512669

oh forgot to say, within a year, all validators will be run by third parties. Current validators include reputable public and private entities like MIT, Microsoft, ...etc

>> No.9512678
File: 74 KB, 638x644, 1526687839112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y guys need to stop shill this shitcoins when the time come it will be the only one that make it and those bag hodler and normie will FOMO in and we cam dumb our bag on them.

>> No.9512697

some people deserve to be saved, years ago I believed the anti ripple propaganda because I was too lazy to do my own research. I already made so much money off it and re-bought around $1. I expect at least 1-2 moon missions.

>> No.9513025

Wer ist dieser Samen Damen?

>> No.9513590

Doing god's work, anon.

>> No.9514066
File: 14 KB, 364x342, 1523357986422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone told me that xrp is bad so fuck it

>> No.9514085
File: 72 KB, 640x784, 640full-teddy-moutinho (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralised pos isnt pos since it uses blockchain

>> No.9514143

i hope the retards who bought into this earlier this year have learned their lesson

>> No.9514348

Just give me the fucking name already. Fucking cunts

>> No.9515018
File: 22 KB, 633x133, bitcoin pow centralisation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

own guys own more than 50% of hashpower of your shitcoin (btc). The chinese gov or him can tank the market at anytime by pulling a reorg attack, and you wouldn't be able to do anything, you would have to wait the developers to fork but it would be too late.

With Ripple, reorg is not even possible. Voting requires a supermajority of 80%, if something can reach that, all he can do is censor new transactions, old transactions can be reversed. Stopping the attack would be as simple as removing his public key from your own list. No need to wait for a fork.

PoW is shit, the richest get to become a majority by buying mining pools and hardware, and you wouldn't know, you would be their bitch. Satoshi's vision (one cpu = one vote) failed the day ASIC was born. Ripple's validator will always be more diverse than any PoW coin pools and participants can actually be held accountable.

>> No.9515024

*one guy

>> No.9515030

*old transactions CAN'T be reversed

>> No.9515046
File: 103 KB, 591x687, cobra bitcoin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, Luke Dashjr is a prominent Core dev. Cobra Bitcoin is the co-owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.

PoW is a failed experiment. Big companies will never put themselves at the mercy of anonymous chinse miners.

>> No.9515080
File: 38 KB, 532x312, bitcoin luke pow centralisation 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more from based Luke.

With Ripple, one entity = one public key. Doesn't matter if you have billions of dollars or run millions of dollars, you only get one vote, people have to include you in their list and if you try to abuse the network, people will remove your from their list.

>> No.9515103

*millions of servers

>> No.9515131
File: 37 KB, 409x270, 1518395554252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro Ripple
/Reddit/ Spacing

>> No.9515150

Best picture on /biz
Good job OP

>> No.9515159
File: 493 KB, 1381x1399, Screenshot_20180519-080931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you will never have a gf like this.

>> No.9515185
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1525104428436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice argument, just sold 100k

>> No.9515265
File: 38 KB, 600x600, jew_basic (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a shill thread

>> No.9515365

Two people exist that have over 30% of the hashrate. Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash are already dead.

>> No.9515446

Jihan owns more than 50%. He owns several poolS. Some of his pool are even run by the same social media managers.

PoW gives a false sense of security, accepting current situation is no different than letting Jihan sign the blocks. Even if Jihan gets serious competition, what guarantees that the chinse gov won't acquire mining hardware and pools? They could do that and you wouldn't know. Mining is anonymous. Now if you want to transfer trillions or billions would you put yourself at the mercy of anonymous miners? or pick a solution where you choose public keys of reputable entities with 0 risk of transaction reversal?

>> No.9515470

Good article written by an early Bitcoin adopter:

How to Destroy Bitcoin with 51% (pocket guide for governments)

>> No.9515511

and PoS is even worse than PoW. Crypto can only succeed with Ripple's model. No governments, no big businesses will ever trust PoW or PoS.

>> No.9515520
File: 150 KB, 1187x844, topology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason it has been called centralized its because at the beginning of the network there were not enough nodes for it to be considered truly decentralized, as there were not a miner boom since validators dont profit from "mining"
with the passage of time the xrp network has became more and more decentralized and pow networks have became more centralized, people dont seem to grasp the idea of it being the whole way around from what they thought

>> No.9515555


Yeah nothing to do with the ripple company holding 85% of the coins...

>> No.9515591

That doesn't make it centralized, Holding a large amount of coins doesn't give you any power in verifying transactions. The only thing it allows you to do is dump and destroy the price.

1) Ripple has already locked up almost all coins they own to be released slowly over the next 5 years to they are impossible to dump


>> No.9515641
File: 319 KB, 1698x1645, DXGJka7XUAIQZA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what stags are you at people? do you wanna wait and fomo at ATH? be my guess

>> No.9515682

If I hold XLM, should I also hold XRP? What is the difference?

>> No.9515719

>pulling data out of your butt
you may not be well informed

>> No.9515732

XLM is just a copy of XRP, but XRP has value because of the tools and uses cases the company Ripple is developing for it. XLM gets no value when Ripple releases a tool like xRapid because Ripple only lets it work for XRP.

In short, don't hold XLM, hold XRP.

>> No.9515956

How will XRP enforce regulations without using smart-contracts? If there isn't smart-contracts for smart regulations there is a necessity of a central autthority.

>> No.9516154

Why do you think the XRP protocol could not enforce regulations? Also if are certain smart contract will be needed then look no further then codius.org. Its another Ripple backed product that handle smart contracts for any cyrpto the contract is told to.

>> No.9516206

That's one damned fine patrician woman right there. I'd like to plant lots of babies in her but at the same time it'd be a shame to ruin her aesthetic. She's like living classical art.

>> No.9516247

no end user cares about using xrp, theyre desperately trying to sell a public network to banks but they don't want anything to do with xrp's little token. they've having to give it away in loans just to get them to trial it, and none have moved from trial into anything serious.

banks will only be forced to use public networks when the public themselves are using them or demanding them, like bitcoin. nobody is actually using ripple, you can argue it's cheap and fast, but so is coinbase internal transactions that are off blockchain, and they both can freeze your funds just like ripple and coinbase have done in the past.

>> No.9516318

XRP cannot be frozen. Now since I know your about link to the API I will do it for you. https://ripple.com/build/freeze/
Please read it very carefully and come back when you understand it.

Hint: If you still think XRP can be frozen, you didn't understand it.

>> No.9516320

it eliminates the need of nostro and vostro accounts and settles the payment in real time, thats enough reasons to use it.
also http://rppl.info/ (xrapid and xvia use xrp)

>> No.9516850

I hold XLM as a hedge, but I don't see it going anywhere. Stellar is a shitty fork of Ripple. Ripple has the reputation, connections, time, talent, partnerships, money, ...etc

I don't think the bear market is over, we will probably re-test the bottom, so it's not late to accumulate any coin.

>> No.9516866
File: 73 KB, 817x857, 3E0060A4-FB6D-4ED6-88C9-D36F9931F829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man your arguments are flawless.

just bought 100k

>> No.9516880

Ripple froze jed mcaleb's xrp. Did he just not understand it as well? You can claim we dont understand xrp but they froze in the past and you can't dispute that.

>> No.9516889

you really don't even know how xrp works, do you? they have complete control on consensus, and just like they have in the past, when they froze millions of xrp from some innocent individual that tried to sell it, they can decide to not mine any transactions to and from any address they want.

and yet the banks want nothing to do with it, because they would be throwing away all of their profits and letting ripple, a private company, have full control over their entire money transmitter business.

xrp is a perfect example of a blockchain that is only public because ripple needs suckers to keep buying their 100 million dumps of xrp so they can finance their business. banks, institutions, funds aren't buying any xrp, it's the korean speculators funding ripple labs.

>> No.9516948
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>> No.9516949
File: 67 KB, 637x960, ripple xrp companies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's old fud, only tokens can be frozen by the issuers. XRP can't be frozen by anyone.

>no end user cares about using xrp,
end users care about two things, fees and speed, XRP kicks ass at that. When Interledger get used everywhere, XRP will be easily the winner. Also Ripple will finance projects that use XRP. Adoption is coming.

>they don't want anything to do with xrp's little token
Because of regulations, xRapid involves using public crypto exchanges, banks can't touch that. Also liquidity is not sufficient yet.

>banks will only be forced to use public networks when the public themselves
banks will use public banks because those that don't will be left out and lose customers. public network is better for everyone in the same way the internet is better for everyone. More users on the network = more saving.
Ripple Powered Mobile App to Provide On-Demand Domestic Payments in Japan

The Japan Bank Consortium will release a groundbreaking smartphone application called “MoneyTap”— powered by Ripple’s blockchain technology — to allow customers of the bank consortium to settle transactions instantly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“MoneyTap” is the first mobile app of its kind to be developed and used by multiple, different banks in the country.

Three members of the Japan bank consortium: SBI Net Sumishin Bank, Suruga Bank and Resona Bank will be the first to go live on the mobile app in autumn of 2018. This will be followed by a staggered roll out to the rest of consortium.

The Japan bank consortium, led by SBI Ripple Asia, is comprised of 61 banks covering more than 80% of all banking assets in Japan. MoneyTap will have the potential to provide on-demand payments to the vast majority of the country through this consortium.


>> No.9516976
File: 5 KB, 190x266, 4DF3742F-9A7A-4206-9176-BEF768596263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next up on WBIZ classic hits weekend:



>> No.9517004
File: 71 KB, 1024x613, ripple cost 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a retarded shill. what bags are you holding? LINK or bcash?

only tokens can be frozen by the issuers. XRP can't be frozen by anyone.


>they have complete control on consensus

false too

>they can decide to not mine any transactions to and from any address they want.

false too, and there's no mining in Ripple, retard.

>and yet the banks want nothing to do with it, because they would be throwing away all of their profits and letting ripple, a private company, have full control over their entire money transmitter business.

1) ripple doesn't own the network
2) banks pay big fees to bigger banks.
3) banks would save a lot by using xCurrent and save even more by using xRapid (uses XRP)
4) banks can't use xRapid now because of regulations and low liquidity

>> No.9517017
File: 595 KB, 1130x940, xrp network connections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont know how xrp works, please point the node that has complete control then. (pic)
>the banks want nothing to do with it
yet sbi holdings bank consortium created sbi virtual currencies and they are going to open a exchange
>>9516318 already proved and cited a source that xrp funds cant be frozen, but you insist to stay ignorant and tell malicious lies

>> No.9517054

Directly from that link.
>A financial institution can freeze the trust line linking it to a counterparty if that counterparty shows suspicious activity or violates the financial institution's terms of use.
Explain to me how that isn t just what PayPal and banks do already. Preventing individuals from moving their capital as they want.

You xrp shills are the worst. Always lie and push fake news.
>muh bearableguy predicted this
>muh Amazon partnership is 100% confirmed
Stop listening to ripple rumors and YouTube trash talk shows

>> No.9517076

you are too retarded too understand the difference between tokens and XRP, you should stop posting and lurk for at least another year.

>> No.9517085

Ripple did not freeze mcalebs XRP, bitstamp did.

>> No.9517087

no, they can decide to not mine any transaction they like. ripple still has full control over building the ledger because they are the sole owner of all the keys that enable new entries in the ledger to be "verified"

>> No.9517090

So as I said, a central authority. Also it's not user friendly.

>> No.9517100

>proved and cited a source that xrp funds cant be frozen
So we are in agreement?

>> No.9517111

and the public network must come first. ripple itself is worthless as a public network because it's completely centralized. bitcoin didn't get interest from banks until after it had huge interest from the general public.

a centralized permissioned network targeting institutions has no pull with them when the public has no use cases for it whatsoever other than speculation.

>> No.9517114

At the request of ripple the exchange froze jeds xrp. You can debate semantics all you want but end result was an individual was prevented from selling his xrp and to have control over his capital.

>> No.9517148

>At the request of ripple the exchange froze jeds xrp
When presented with a legally binding document that disallowed mcaleb from selling, bitstamp decided to not be an accomplice to breaking the law.

>> No.9517156

you are a technology illiterate, you should stop posting, nothing you said is true or even makes sense.

>> No.9517176

Right so xrp can be frozen and prevented from selling. Btc can't be.

>> No.9517206

> but end result was an

the end result is that Ripple doesn't and never had the power to freeze XRP, we are here to discuss to the protocol, not legal agreements between Ripple Labs and its ex employees about spending their share.
so you

>> No.9517227

same outcome would have happened if the agreement was about BTC. This has nothing to do with the protocol, if anything, this story proves that Ripple can't freeze XRP because they had to make a request.

>> No.9517241

if someone that is not you controls your private key, then they are in control of your funds, not you.

Bitstamp is in control of all the private keys on the exchange.

>> No.9517281

this is a discussion based on your ignorance and will to keep ignorant
>A financial institution can freeze the trust line
xrp is not a trust line, you dont need trust lines if you dont use the onchain exchange. here https://ripple.com/build/freeze/ its clearly stated that xrp cant be frozen, mc caleb sold xrp for a bitstamp issued currency and they froze that currency, when he tried to crash the market and ragequited ripple, latter they gave him back his xrp but he is now complying with the agreement they had and is selling in small chunks
make sure to visit https://fudbingo.com/ and https://www.xrpchat.com/faq so you can get informed instead of discussing based on missinformation.
yes, i was replying to >>9516889 blalant lies
again if it is centralized can you point out the node that is the center of the network? in pic >>9517017

>> No.9517310

You're an actual brainlet if you think utility>speculation. The only thing propping up the price of most coins is speculation, once they are finally ready to be used the actual value of the token is exposed (surprise, its always lower).

>> No.9517348

Xrp chat is absolute delusion and conspiracy theories. Im not reading it. Btc couldn't be stopped as there is no company with which legal agreements are made with. Ripple is a company who has lawyers and intends to use government power to enrich themselves.

>> No.9517464

>proceed to put on a thinfoil hat
yeah tellme more about how ripple is manipulating the government

>> No.9517513

and yes bitcoin and even monero could have been stopped because he put his money IN the exchange

>> No.9517858

Contracts can be made involving BTC you absolute fucking retard.....

>> No.9517954



>> No.9518030

t. bought at 2$

>> No.9518059

>Ha! Facts wont work on me if I call you a bag holder!

Do you have a real concern about XRP or are you just going to dismiss it on all days its not at its ATH.

>> No.9518075


>> No.9518199

XRP is going to penetrate markets measured in trillions. Current speculation is by retails traders is nothing compared to what's coming.

The rest of coins are worthless and will be near $0 within few years.

XRP will be #1 and XMR will be #2. BTC will be #4 or #5.