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File: 86 KB, 600x1067, 20180513_234555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9512111 No.9512111 [Reply] [Original]

A while ago I posted about living in my car, working 2 jobs and putting every last penny into crypto.

Well, it's happened, it's been a few days.

I'll post a few pics.

Ask me anything.

>> No.9512119

damn dude. hope it all goes well for you anon.

>> No.9512126

Sleeping in your parent's garage...

>> No.9512136

Doesn't look too bad op, is it comfy? What coins are you holding? What food do you eat & how do you cook it?

>> No.9512138
File: 2 KB, 125x63, 1526346639114s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha godspeedanon

>> No.9512139

How fucking retarded are you brainlet, when you think that crypto will make you rich?
It's fucking over. Money was made and you missed the train. Good luck waking up with 30 and being broke. Idiot

>> No.9512148
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looks comfy
have you considered getting a d-mak? also what jobs

>> No.9512149

Sell your car and buy a van you retard.

>> No.9512156


OP has bigger balls than all of biz put together.

OP will make. Fuck.

>> No.9512182

>putting every last penny into crypto

What are you holding?

Wait, let me guess, you put it all in LINK, right?

>> No.9512187

i dont hold many things dear but one thing is waking up and immediately jumping in the shower. i think this is why i never want to be homeless. imagine how filthy you feel all the time

>> No.9512207
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, 20180513_222546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding?
I feel great.
I'm going to put so much money into crypto.

Not my parent's, my friend/co-worker is letting my park in his garage for $40 dollars CAD a month.

>Doesn't look too bad op, is it comfy?
It's not that bad, it's 4 inch memory foam and 2 inch down cover on top.
That and my duvet.
I shove it all back into my trunk when I need to go to work.

>What coins are you holding?
going to buy DERO in a week or so

>What food do you eat & how do you cook it?
fast food, but I try to eat healthy

>also what jobs
logistics and food delivery

I know man, this is my one chance.

>you put it all in LINK, right?

>but one thing is waking up and immediately jumping in the shower
MY friend lets me use his shower and bathroom and store some stuff there

>> No.9512243
File: 460 KB, 979x735, 1495679300001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, I remember you OP, good luck! congrats on staying true to your goal

>> No.9512250
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do you drive the fork lifter?

>> No.9512251
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you have a very good friend OP

>> No.9512256

i can tell you have not been living like this long

or you might only do it part time

>> No.9512257

Where do you poo?

>> No.9512258

don't buy cryptos until btc hit 2k

>> No.9512344
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, 20180514_010327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drive 4 different machines
forlift, order picker, clamp truck, reach truck

5 days
its not that bad, im on my laptop right now in the drivers seat

friend's house


>> No.9512391
File: 220 KB, 999x1065, 1522567784280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, that unironically sounds comfy af
is it a comfy job? driving those machines

>> No.9512422

I lurked in the original thread, good to see youve taken the plunge. Living in a car isnt that bad, these autists just fear any struggle. Hope you make it OP, what are you investing in?

>> No.9512430
File: 162 KB, 1200x801, 1247832375142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at that image reminds me of a terrible date I went on.

>Go to pick up this skinny emo chick
>pull up, get out of car and text her
>she comes down, things are cool
>both sit in my car
>Oh. FUCK. What is that smell?
>Did I seriously just step in dog shit before a date?
>I'm picking her up from her place an hour away (typical for a date in NH)
>Can't stop thinking about that fucking smell the whole drive
>Get to my place, check my shoes the second I get out.
>Realize it was her
>Wtf it's in her hair
>both too lazy to drive all the way back
>drop her off the day after
>wants me to meet cat
>her room has clothes everywhere and there is a litterbox overflowing with shit
>She has no idea she literally reeks of her cats asshole

>> No.9512457
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>sleeping in car to save money to buy more pajeet scamcoins
What are you doing op

>> No.9512489

>going to buy DERO in a week or so

cheered you on the first thread, but i didn't realise you'd be buying shitcoins t b h
i thought you'd put your savings in eth and chill
oh well, whether you make money from this or not it'll certainly be an experience that should teach you more in a few weeks than the average neet /biz/let learns in a year
you look young so you stand to grow and gain much from it, willingness to hustle has compounding benefits over a lifetime

>> No.9512493

Bro you work two jobs and you can't afford a piece of shit studio or bedroom in a giant house? where the fuck is your money goign, besides COLX and other shit coins? your priorities are fucked, if this isn't even a larp....baka

>> No.9512509
File: 2.22 MB, 4128x2322, 20180519_043623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

job is pretty comfy, can be annoying at times though
We slack off sometimes because there are no supervisors on my shift.
I'm pretty good at driving the machines too so that helps.

The car is pretty comfy too, here's a pic of my car in "sleep mode".

>tfw no irl anime gf to cuddle with me in my crypto car

>> No.9512521
File: 67 KB, 600x1067, 20180513_214751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon,
I posted my coins earlier ITT

>> No.9512535

I know these coins aren't well established yet but I plan on flipping them, selling them when they hopefully go up

>Bro you work two jobs and you can't afford a piece of shit studio or bedroom in a giant house?
cheapest bach suite here is 800 a month
fuck that shit
that money belongs in my crypto stack

>> No.9512543

Is that a Canadian version of a Pontiac Sunfire or Chevy cavalier or some shit?

>> No.9512545
File: 38 KB, 604x461, 1504460642672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, thanks
>tfw no irl anime gf to cuddle with me in my crypto car
hideri is a cute girl (male)
also my first question about considering to buy a dakimakura
a good one's gonna cost you a bit, but man is it worth it
you can probably get an ok third-party print from ebay or aliexpress for a decent price but an original and sought after one is pricey
second-hand dakimakura market is ludicrous due to supply and demand

>> No.9512647
File: 68 KB, 960x921, 1484712027384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that a Canadian version of a Pontiac Sunfire
05 sunfire
same model in USA as Canada.

>also my first question about considering to buy a dakimakura
a good one's gonna cost you a bit, but man is it worth it
you can probably get an ok third-party print from ebay or aliexpress for a decent price but an original and sought after one is pricey
second-hand dakimakura market is ludicrous due to supply and demand

thanks for the advice desu

>> No.9512720

>>95121111 (OP)
Try sucking cock for money it's gonna pay off

>> No.9512730

Try doing porn

>> No.9512738 [DELETED] 

Brave. You will make it, fren.
Take these free tokens as a gift. Chink team and no ICO. Might be the next ontology.


>> No.9512748

Might be a couple of hundred in two months.

>> No.9512757



>> No.9512780

What's the current value of your crypto portfolio, and how much are you putting into crypto each month?

I hope you make it, brah

>> No.9512791

u can live in a public storage locker

>> No.9512957
File: 130 KB, 600x1067, 20180513_211953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the current value of your crypto portfolio
6k CAD

>and how much are you putting into crypto each month?
2.5k CAD
going to put a lot of money in every month

>> No.9512969

You will never forget this, even if you should make it one day.

>> No.9512971

Looks comfy...

>> No.9513005

Youll overstay your welcome
He will kick you out
Once you need to figure where to basic hygiene ia when the fun starts

>> No.9513011

Its not really struggle if he gets the amenities of a house for 40 usd a month, is it?

>> No.9513035

>Youll overstay your welcome
nah my buddy is cool and really laid back,
I don't even agree with him politically but we are similar enough where he trusts me and lets me stay here

>Once you need to figure where to basic hygiene
I shower daily and wash my clothes once a week

>> No.9513042

What's the value of your shitty car? U could try to switch it or sell it for something bigger to be more comfy

>> No.9513055
File: 24 KB, 100x200, 1491681469124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a struggle because an actual apartment would be much more comfier

although this isn't that bad

>> No.9513069

I wanted to get a ford focus station wagon because sleeping in it would be much more comfier but if I would have to buy that car first before I sold this car and it would take a while

that money is better spent in crypto

>> No.9513087

Colx, fnd, pal, dero. You really trust biz dont you? Haha

>> No.9513092

what coins are you in?

>> No.9513115
File: 19 KB, 480x360, RapeVan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take 2K and buy a shitty van to live in OP

>> No.9513131

97% in eos. Rest in eth incase something shitty popps up and goes x10 in a day. But im trading between eos, bch, eth.

But I do understand that you feel the need to take higher risk with only 6k. Hope you did your research tho.

>> No.9513164

Actually, not too bad. You're young so you can take some time living shitty. If crypto takes off, you've made a life-changing decision. If not, you've just lived shitty for couple of months. I hope you make it OP

>> No.9513186

Well, I have mixed feelings about your idea. On one hand, it's totally ridiculous. On the other, it makes a whole lot more sense than what I am doing today. I must admit, the more I thought about it… the more I thought about it.

>> No.9513199

hope to god you're buying wan op

>> No.9513224

i can sense the dellusion after reading the shitcoins you hold
honestly i hope you dont kill yourself after they exit scam or just never go up

>> No.9513262

going to buy DERO in a week or so
Nice to see you again anon, im the anon that advised you to be at least 50% in btc...remember when your coins moon to take profit in btc...maybe not sell everything but if your coin goes 5x theres no reason not to sell half back into btc - you doubled your btc + have some free shitcoins and let them ride... Be careful because these things go down as fast ad they go up. Also the whole market is going to probably go south soon so prepare yourself psychologicaly for the short-mid term loss of money and remember the long play otherwise you will get frustrated and sell the bottom. Have a plan otherwise you will act impulsively a fuck up. Godspeed

>> No.9513289

Don't forget about us when you make it. godspeed

>> No.9513312
File: 6 KB, 200x200, HBT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn dude, you seem pretty invested in crypto scene, I have a suggestion for you.
Don't ask me how I know this but in a matter of hours there's gonna be a huge announcement about Striim, big waves of tokens are gonna be deposited to HBT token holders (just make sure you have the HBT in your wallet and not exchange smart contracts tho)

>> No.9513320

And keep us updated from time to time...

>> No.9513405

I feel that coins like that will only 2-3x MAYBE by eoy.
I need bigger risks in altcoins.

>I hope you make it OP

thanks anon, I'm prepared to sell when I need to

I wont forget about you :^)

Will do.

>> No.9513561

I am putting in a camper toilet in my van and making it look like a trades person's work van, flag behind the seats to cover up me sneaking back into the bed from the drivers sear. Painting over windows in the back. Can install a solar panel or two on top without making them stick out and use a camping stove to cook inside. Bye bye rent so heah OP you can do the same if you get kicked out. Keep a lot of water inside and you can use a bucket and can wash yourself. I hold eng, mainly and trying with some very low marketcap coins and also buying small plots of land I can flip later or plant trees on. Only have an acre atm but further out. Anyway good luck OP you will make it you have the right attitude.

>> No.9513589

You're retarded. Crypto is a meme.

>> No.9513666

Ignore the market cap meme dude, particularly with EOS which looks set to be absolutely massive. There is as much as hype now as there was with ethereum and EOS is actually going to scale(ie do what its supposed too). Its going to bring crypto truly mainstream imo. I'd be seriously careful with high risk coins nowadays, I have my doubts we'll see something like 2017 again where money flowed like wine into anything. Put your money into high potential coins, not high risk.

>> No.9513716
File: 132 KB, 668x1024, 1525541015324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your friend is chill and layback can't you just sleep on a couch or something ?

I've been living like that for 4 years now, just sleeping on couches of friends, family, bands rehearsal places etc, now I have a gf so it's easier but I still do this 3-4 nights a week.
A friend is living with his gf in a bus, he's happy but that's not my thing, he can travel for free though.

Not investing everything in cryptos but sparing 35k of my 60k a year income, feels good living like a bum but being the richest of the people I know.
Try to make more contacts that are happy to see you regularly and you'll never have to pay rent again.

>> No.9513801

Get yourself a sturdy extension cord, gator clips, thick rubber gloves, razor knife, and a transformer and you can steal power from from city light junction boxes. Enough power to have a nice electric cook top, They are all over the place and easy to tap into.

>> No.9513827
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Took me a while to see it.

>> No.9513841

This seems to belong in the too risky camp imo

>> No.9513882

Thank u that is a good idea
also i don't have to worry about family life and stuff cause i also have a kid and the bitch mother and cuck dad will raise him until he is old enough to be turned against them. Also women love sex in vehicles. I work full time. To be honest this seems like the best way to beat the jew enslavement system without becoming a jew/boomer hunter.

>> No.9513913

>Well, it's happened, it's been a few days.
How much are you spending living in a car petrol+insurance carwashes etc?
How much did you put into cryptos so far?
How do you deal with security, what if your car is stolen?

>> No.9513922

Hey dude. Look up the chart for 'obsidian (odn)' so you can get an idea of what the consequences are for holding shitcoins.

>> No.9513937

>Sell your car and buy a van
A car is less conspicuous than a van if you get the windows blacked out.

Police are well known to check vans because of the van life meme, especially in cities.

>> No.9513987

>She has no idea she literally reeks of her cats asshole
Nice. I assueme you fucked if she has such low hygene standards? And probably anal?

>> No.9514048

shut the fuck up eos shill
eth will scale just fine and eos will be the same shitcoin it always was

>> No.9514197

sure thing champ.

>> No.9514238

Textbook toxoplasmosis. Not noticing the stink of cat waste

>> No.9514239

>MY friend lets me use his shower and bathroom and store some stuff there
you need to get a 24 gym membership, your friend will only put up with a week or two of this before the friendship is over

>> No.9514309
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Good luck op. I hope you make it.

>> No.9514644

you are going to be living in your car for the rest of your life holding those coins.
You will be most succesful buying straight BTC and ETH.
and if you want alts at least get some more mainstream shit ((LIKE)) NEO, VEN, ICX, or dare i say LINK.
These are all suggestions and people have different oppinions but the coins you bought are all too much of a gamble. And to put it straight they are shitcoins.
I actually do not think you are going to make it.

>> No.9514682

Down by the river

>> No.9514704


>> No.9514750

Good luck son; flip shitcoins and take profits into icx

>> No.9514839 [DELETED] 
File: 466 KB, 1139x1228, Screenshot_20180519-073349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that op realizing he screwed up?

Pic related

>> No.9514928

This, $40 a month and so far he can use the bathroom, gets some storage space, likely uses his "friends" electricity and kitchen. Lmao I don't think this will last more than a month or two. Plus the amount op is gaining from this is likely a loss to his "friend."

> Electricity, water, and sewage bill
> Possibly gas (cooking at stove/oven)
> Possibly internet bill since I doubt he is always using 3G/4G
> Space in the fridge
> The presence of op being there likely alters how his "friend" behaves thereby making it less comfy/relaxing for op's "friend"

Oh yeah op calls him a friend but mentions him as a coworker. Get the vibe they are only friends because of work. Probably not real friends. I can see this going south fast.

>> No.9514936

I respect your dedication, anon. Really do. I hope you make it. Godspeed.

>> No.9514952

Yep i had a friend turn up to my place one day after i came back from uni and asked if he can stay. I quickly told him to fuck off and ask my next door neibour if he has room. I'm not letting a grub use my shitter and shower.

>> No.9514983


>> No.9515001

I hate to say it OP but he is probably right here. Think ahead more than a few days.

Best of luck to you m8

>> No.9515099 [DELETED] 

The bathroom is one place I don't like letting most people use. A lot of people don't seem to have common decency.

1: This one girl would always rummage through the cabinents. Loud enough that it would wake me up. What the fuck is she doing rummaging through our stuff she only had the privilege to use it for pooping/peeing (she was ugly too like 5'10 and maybe 300 lbs which made it worse).

2. My mom had someone here for business purposes. A client who was looking around. Leaves to "think" about it. Comes back less than 2 minutes later. Asks to use the bathroom. Uses it and goes to another place, mom knows person of other business, this person accepts services from this place, and likely used our bathroom since she knew it wouldn't be a good look.

>> No.9515161
File: 219 KB, 953x1197, 7YqBRWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omg Anon, I love to hear you talk about coins, how about you take me back to your place and we have some fun ;)

>> No.9515187

All it takes is higher rent to cover the cost....

>> No.9515209

eww, wtf is wrong with her face

>> No.9515235

>Don't ask me how I know this
Nice being mysterious. They said it in the telegram channel.
You're right though, Striim is going to be massive, and Hubii will too.
Most people in the crypto community and even the ethereum community will be completely blindsided.

>> No.9515775
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>i dont hold many things dear but one thing is waking up and immediately jumping in the shower. i think this is why i never want to be homeless.

Planet Fatness, bro. Car life is ez as fuck now if you live anywhere on the planet near a 24 hour gym. For like $15 a month you've got access to bathrooms and showers, and if you park close enough or get a good antenna, you can even get on their wifi. And you get free bagels for breakfast, donuts, and pizza on Mondays. And if you get bored you can actually go lift.

If I was 20 years younger I'd be doing it. Can you imagine all of your rent and utilities being less than $25 a month, what you could do in just a few years wageslaving while living on the bare minimum? $5000 for a used camper van or RV, a laptop. Get their more expensive pass and you can travel the country from gym to gym and stop anywhere for a few days.

>> No.9516043
File: 57 KB, 400x500, 1519010874010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not be left behind living in your car with NoLinker syndrome fren

>> No.9516141
File: 205 KB, 725x483, bitcoin cash so cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a meme to hate on BCH but it will take over BTC one day. You probably want crypto that can x10 in a month if you're lucky but just a measly 100 bucks in BCH per month wouldn't be a bad idea. Personally I'm all in on BCH, have 28.3 so far.

Good luck mate.

>> No.9516177
File: 416 KB, 256x256, thinking13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who took all these photos anyway? did you ask your acquaintance to take pictures of you in your car so you'd be able to post them on 4chan?

>> No.9516180

OP PLEASE, recosinder your holdings PLEASEEE. Don't fuck it up OP.
You can literally make it if you don't fuck it up.
Take a look at NULS.

>> No.9516183

confirming that this is smart. it may suck for a year or two but this is the last real ticket to escape wage slavery that we will see for years.
if it doesn't pay off, you can rest easy in the fact that you took the right side of an intelligent calculated risk

>> No.9516227

i don't recognize any acronyms in your portfolio which is likely a bad sign. you need more btc and eth for starters. i would say reduce your portfolio to about 1/3 shitcoins.

>> No.9516277

nothing, it's perfection

>> No.9516314


Have a watch of this documentary if you can find it. Teaches you ways to live homeless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y52xLJhPd24

>> No.9516405

That Pontiac Sunfire tho
crème de la crème right there

>> No.9516435

Oyeah I saw this docu, pretty incredible if you ask me. Especially the industry he works in, didn't expect that. I've been homeless and it's not been pleasent but I was also very unprepared and broke. Likely you are broke but I didn't even have a tent, sleeping bag or anything like that. Was living out of dumpsters (actually good food in dumpsters, all in wrappings etc)

>> No.9516731
File: 327 KB, 834x870, 1483838485207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these cryptofags want to sleep in a car to save money instead of buying a house/duplex/triplex and having a wage slave pay rent for your mortgage

Who here /costfreehousing/ without having to resort to literal homelessness?

>> No.9516775

Nice, I had the same car until I got a 2011 Focus. How the fuck do you fit in the back though? I tried sleeping in mine at a party once and could not fit without curling into an uncomfortable position

>> No.9516778

If you can manage this, there is literally no better deal in life. You could even turn a profit if you're smart enough.

>> No.9516799

Trips confirm and I posted in your last friend.
Gods speed dude Glad you made it.

>> No.9516870

but who was camera

>> No.9516894

I have 12 rental homes. I bought all of them with an investor. They front money, I did them up. Each cash flow for 500-700 bucks a month.

>> No.9516978

yeah this is creepy as fuck once you think this through
>take a pic of me so I can post on 4chan/insta about living in your garage

>> No.9517031

So you have chosen to burden a friend by invading his house and using his utilities. He probably is doing this out of kindness because he thinks you need help. Go ahead and run your car in his garage and do him a favor, op.

>> No.9517142

Holy fuck. If you put $1000 in at the ATH you'd now have approx $27 kek

And I was actually looking at this thinking of throwing in a few hundred in Dec.

>> No.9517258
File: 84 KB, 657x600, 1526507763886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically hope you make it, op.

do you day trade?

>> No.9517798
File: 781 KB, 824x766, 1413319963512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna end up having to do this too once I get kicked out. What's the best and cheapest car to buy for this kind of thing?

>> No.9517912

who is taking the pictures of u sleeping in the car?

>> No.9518333

first off congrats
youve got brains and the balls to execute
staking a claim while young is an alphachad move
just make sure you're diversified across risk classes
all in on a few shitcoins leaves a decent %age of your future in which you could be broke
crypto itself is a highly volatile asset class, even a blue chip would be fine with what youre doing
i would strongly suggest you put half into shitcoin moon missions and half into either eth or xlm
that way its not "will i make it?"
"will i make it early or later?"
full disclosure,
im the guy who posted all the xlm shillery
i'd go with xlm, but eth is reasonable too

Good luck anon, you're already a winner

>> No.9518689

I'm looking at all you faggots roasting OP.

None of you will ever make it with that attitude. This motherfucker is working two jobs wagecucking, a reality some of you spoiled faggots will lose once you've realized that good things come with hard work.

Success isn't earned by the sweat off your brow now, obviously. But you fucking idiots know nothing if you're roasting this guy.

>> No.9518707

Meant to say reality is going to hit you hard once you realize you're going to have to work hard no matter what.

Some of the guys on here got lucky but will be very quick to lose it because they do not know what hard work is.

>> No.9518709

Look into Honda Fit the seats are super maneuverable, can fit a lot of shit, great gas.

>> No.9518756

OP I made a throwaway e-mail. Message me, I have discord also.

>> No.9518861


>> No.9519024


You're gonna lose all your crypto bro!

>> No.9519055

taxo scares the shit out of me
everything i heard about it is like something out of a zombie scifi story
takes over your brain, makes you love cat piss, lose aggression, etc
i am very sensitive to cat smells though so hopefully i don't have it, can't stand the smell of cats

>> No.9519113
File: 374 KB, 500x226, link.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least it's better than windows 10. microsoft already have all your private keys on their servers if you use windows 10.

>> No.9519177
File: 107 KB, 780x569, 1514612503709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i made $40k off obsidian

>> No.9519198

>larping this hard.

So obvious you’re inside a garage or something. Who took the pic faggot.

I hope you accidentally kill yourself

>> No.9519243

These pictures clearly aren't even OP, the lying piece of shit. All you fucks defending him are fools.

>> No.9519292



Never ran into the problem of not having the knowledge of where to find a copy of Win10. Niggas have to literally go into their dads old cd pile and find a copy of shit like this.

>> No.9519392
File: 113 KB, 625x773, 1524853348170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to buy DERO in a week or so
>no LINK
what the fuck

>> No.9519637
File: 109 KB, 1140x640, the_brothers_bogdanoff_the_story_of_the_monstrous_transformation_video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9519699

lowkey inspiring post

>> No.9519740
File: 154 KB, 1001x823, 1516510869049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much are you spending living in a car petrol+insurance carwashes etc?
my insurance is 95 bucks a month, gas is like 170 a month
>How much did you put into cryptos so far?
6k, broke even so far

>How do you deal with security, what if your car is stolen?
im in a garage

my friend is totally okay with this, I only go into the house to use the bathroom and shower

We took them a few days ago because we were laughing at the whole situation and he couldn't believe it, he texted them to our other friend.
Nobody else knows though.

I trade whenever shit goes south or I've made enough profits, maybe once a week I reconsider my holdings.

thanks anon


It's a windows 95 vaporwave wallpaper.
I'm winning windows 10, modded to look like windows 7.

I wont turn the ignition on when im in the garage unless its open.

They literally are pics of me.

>> No.9519767

Good luck anon. People without strong determination will never make it!

>> No.9519834

OP, taco bell has nice $5 boxes for a treat every now and then.

>> No.9519841

seriously, why don't you just live with your parents?

>> No.9519848

Strong manjaw

>> No.9519904

He's american. Wh*te *mericans hate their children but love random niggers fucking their daughters