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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9510476 No.9510476 [Reply] [Original]

>everything drops 20%
>everything goes up 5%
>everything drops 10%
>everything goes up 3%

I think I see what's going on here....

>> No.9510490
File: 126 KB, 800x600, AHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've figured it out

>> No.9510528

8k was the bottom. The resistance there is unbreakable. We'll hover at 10-12k for a while but will hit 50k minimum by EOY.

>> No.9510558
File: 121 KB, 329x242, 1525489930842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9510564

lol the bubble is popping. December was the golden bull run. It will probably take another 12-24 months to fully deflate, but we will continue to see lower lows and lower highs. There are a shitton of normies from december who are just waiting to break even. Neither BTC nor ETH will see their January highs again. Don't drink the Kool Aid.

>> No.9510573
File: 109 KB, 335x342, jw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made a visual representation of what you're trying to say.

>> No.9510577

boomer cope

>> No.9510587
File: 144 KB, 1300x913, qed-quad-erat-demonstrandum-quite-easily-done-35209158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omegamaker shilled btc collapse therefore the opposite will happen q.e.d

>> No.9510596


This... is inaccurate

>> No.9510639

you're not seeing the bigger picture. sure, lots of normies got justed and are now bitter buttcoiners. however just look at the corporate interest. the biggest takeaway from consensus was that the suits have taken over crypto. given that, the game is far from over. it's just transitioning to something very different.

>> No.9510644


You think the growth of this emerging technology is a bubble? You probably call crypto investors "gamblers" as well. Fucking fatass 50 year old boomer piece of shit. You need to do your research on what all this actually means. These tokens have function behind them, VALUE, that's gonna go up long term regardless of any little dips along the way. The partnerships keep accumulating, the use cases keep rising, the volume keeps increasing. I don't mind being a bit in the red, because I have a little thing called FAITH. And not in any stupid fucking imaginary friend god, in economic principles. You guys see a little bit of red and AHHHH, it's all worthless! It's a scam! CNN told me soooooo!!!! Bitch ass boomer faggots. Can't wait till I'm fucking rich, I'm gonna write down your post number and reply to it with a selfie of me in my mansion with my new car a year from now. I'm not fucking joking. I'm gonna do it so you can see me and cry to your ugly wrinkled boomer wife before your thrust your tiny shriveled boomer penis into her decrepit dusty boomer vagina. FUCK YOU.

>> No.9510654

Glad i am all in in JNT. :)

>> No.9510659


if this isn't pasta this needs to be saved. congratulations, you've just given birth to a meme, my friend

>> No.9510680


> volume keeps increasing

>> No.9510699

Likewise. No pink wojak for me

>> No.9510711

Yea no shit
I already spread my FUD yesterday
It's over

Basically everyone here will exit into fiat in the red
But won't leave while it is pumping

Meaning... they are gonna lose in the end
100% confirmed

Early adopters fuck off, not talking about you guys

>> No.9510725


>> No.9510754

Volume has been increasing. Compare the volume now vs. a year ago.

>but its gone down since a massive bullrun

Wow, no shit.

>> No.9510995

the absolute state of permabull cucks

just compared it and they seem fairly similar. Volume is a joke especially with 10x more people in the game then last year

>> No.9511022

Try buying a cheeseburger with that little thing called "faith in crypto." By the way, yes, I do want fries with that.

>> No.9511580

>cry to your ugly wrinkled boomer wife before your thrust your tiny shriveled boomer penis into her decrepit dusty boomer vagina
The imagery is unwantingly vivid

>> No.9511738

holy shit, we got a redditer in the wild, set the traps, bring out the nets!