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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 800x691, 25BAEBD5-7C63-4679-BC9F-10C42D91CC72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9510075 No.9510075 [Reply] [Original]

Requesting all link fud copy pasta. Looking for the one with Sergey snorting coke and eating Big Macs of black bbw booty whole Rory strokes his pencil dick in the corner

>> No.9510096
File: 483 KB, 2448x3264, XL STINKY BURGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9510126

rory's dick is huge fyi

>> No.9510139

ignore all Link Fud. We're going to past the moon post Main net

>> No.9510143

When will it come?

>> No.9510152

I saw Sergey Nazarov at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.9510164

this is a real fud?

>> No.9511122

ahahaha more pls these make me happy

>> No.9511136

Don't you fucking stinky linkies fucking get it? You're not gonna make it with your fucking erc20 shit token. You need to invest in other opportunities. Seriously just market sell all your chainlinks, ASAP. Sergey is already backpacking throughout Southeast Asia as we fucking speak telling people he's retired. It's over. Sergey's salty surprise is gonna be the exit scam announcement. Datadash was right, SWIFT cancelled the partnership because Sergey's a fucking russian scammer. It's a pity too, the project had so much promise but that's because it was never real in the first place. Steve isn't even a real fucking person. Rory said he's never actually heard Steve's voice in the Slack. The building their website says they're at is a run down hole in the wall indonesian restaurant. The house of cards is falling and Sergey knows people are starting to smell his exit scam. That's why he's vanished from all social media and forms of communication. He's in hiding backpacking asia filling his money belly until this all blows over.

It's fucking ogre guys just fucking sell those heavy ass bags.

>> No.9511146

I have a PhD in crypto economics and mathematics. Crypto incentives in Chainlink are a legitimate concern. I saw Ari Juels speak at a conference recently where he mentioned tokens and asked him about the token economics of a node staking system like the Chainlink network is planning to use. The problem is that node operator incentives are fuzzy at best and not even figured out fully by the team (see the gitter for Steve stuttering about this). When I brought it up to Ari Juels, I told him that in the way the network is expected to be used, the fees payable to node operators would actually decline as requests become more ubiquitous because as the network grows it becomes cheaper to use. This makes sense if you took a few advanced cryptoeconomics courses. Ari admitted that it was a great question but that they were "actively pursuing research in that area." I sold my LINK immediately after that and saw a significant dump on the binance charts. It's pretty clear these guys are pulling you along making you think they're doing something revolutionary when the incentives aren't even fully determined yet.

>> No.9511152

I unironically market dumped my stack of LINK yesterday and put it all into Mobius. I'm sorry but the lack of updates, developments, communication and quite frankly the tasteless overshilling of LINK around these parts has ruined my enthusiasm for it. I don't really think Sergey has his heart in Chainlink anymore. Something changed along the way, I can feel his enthusiasm for it waning similarly to how he just up and left NXT like a thief in the night. He probably had a great time raising millions of dollars with the ICO and being a famous celebrity on biz, and I'm happy for him, I really am, but he lost his hunger for success along the way and now he's just hungry for Big Macs. The Bitcoin superconference will likely be a total shitshow. I've no doubt the price will dump within minutes of Sergey staggering off stage after another tedious regurgitated speech where he doesn't even mention Chainlink. He's probably just going there for the free buffet, alcohol and hookers. Look, I really enjoyed holding LINK, it was a pretty cool bag to carry for a while, but Mobius is definitely the new wave of oracle tech and has all the momentum now. I can't let it pass me by.

>> No.9511161

Chainlink is network that reads JSON files and sends the data to smart contracts. (That's called an "oracle".)
Useful, but not a good investment since the idea can easily be copied and 66% of the tokens available are not in circulation.

Also, although they claim that it solves the "oracle problem" (The oracle problem being that oracles are centralized, not decentralized.), it doesn't, since the data being fed through the ChainLink network still comes from a centralized API feeding data to ChainLink through a JSON file.

For some reason link holders think this gives it a future valuation of at least $100,000,000,000, which is absolutely delusional.

>> No.9511165
File: 258 KB, 627x450, 1523369555723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Priced in
>Team AWOL
>No Communication ever
>Registered in a Tax haven
>Slavic scamcoin Pump & Dump
>No activity on GITHUB
>Solves nothing
>Useless token
>Doesn't need a token
>2 devs
>Sergey is philosophy major
>Bagholders left to fend for themselves
>Nobody outside /biz/ knows about this scamcoin
>you all got had
>Below ICO price
>No trade volume
>Chinks own 40% of this coin
>Dev has 6 billion tokens in his personal wallet
>Altcoin garbage
>2 shit exchanges
>People literally robbed "LOST ALL MY LINK NOO"
>Stuttering potheads

>> No.9511172

The funniest thing about Chainlink is that most of the holders haven't even read the whitepaper, and everyone knows this, so it's super easy for whales to just say
>this white paper is incredible! you're missing out if you don't buy this
>DYOR tee-hee
Yeah, well I did read the whole thing, and if you actually put the time in to read the damn thing, you'll realize that the what they're trying to do is impossible, and they know it.
Basically it boils down to this two man team came up with a philosophical question, attempted to answer it with a fancy white paper, and are selling it to the unwashed masses to make a profit.
>two people
>1 philosophy major
Get the point?

>> No.9511178

>be me, anon.
>walk into a strip bar
>sit down, light a smoke
>this is playing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VCuCm6XKeA [Remove]

>get my drink
>look up
>see a a fat guy at the dancing pole
>look closer
>it's Zerg
>he's pouring a tub of lard into his mouth and it overflows down his chest
>he throws the tub aside and starts lip syncing the song perfectly
>grabs the pole
>spins around it
>his tie clinging to his greasy chest
>people throwing their money at him
>look closer
>their heads are chainlink logos
>Zerg grabs the pole and forcefully spins around it with his legs in a split
>he lets out a jet of diarrhea and covers them all
>some makes it my way
>I bolt up and dash for the exit
>Zerg is already at the door, still mouthing the lyrics, wagging his finger at me
>I try to slip past him
>4 diarrhea-covered linkheads grab me
>Zerg is still lip syncing
>I kick and scream in panic
>They plant me on the floor
>I see Zerg is positioning himself above me
>fuck no
>he spreads his cheeks
>linklets force open my mouth
>he squats down
>I scream for my life
>the his brown jet is already forcing its way down my throat
>My eyes roll back into my skull
>I feel my limbs go numb
>The song fades out
>wake up
>paper with an eth address stuck to my forehead
>check it
>500k link
>check bank account
>turn over piece of paper
>'Key for the baby'
>what baby
>look down
>I'm 3 months pregnant

>> No.9511182

Intel SGX is a central point of attack. LINK ISN’T DECENTRALIZED.

Critical exploits have already been found in Intel SGX: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_Guard_Extensions

What the FUCK do you think would happen if banks and fortune 500s employed LINK? Spoiler: hackers would undoubtedly exploit the LINK network, intercept and alter data, profit and/or destroy.

They haven’t “solved the oracle problem” they’ve probably just created new problems.

/biz/ holds and shills LINK to feel like elite hackers, but you guys are actually fucking retarded. Wasn’t their whitepaper plagiarized too?

Stay poor if you hodl this long term. It’s a piece of garbage with an ERC20 token associated with Ethereum which can’t scale to meet enterprise needs and maybe never will.

Linkies are *actually* retarded. Your bags are Pajeet-tier and going nowhere. No important project will ever use LINK because it’s WAY too easy to program *MORE SECURE* internal oracles / oracle nodes.

Oracles are not difficult to program like blockchains. You’ve all been sold techie buzz words and think you’re smart/hackers/etc.

Unfortunately, you gentlemen are shilled bag holding retards trying to swim in waters you don’t understand.

Sell now because LINK isn’t secure, nor will it be adopted by actually important projects.

>> No.9511184
File: 259 KB, 729x616, 1523904379997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to local shop and save yesterday.
>Four 12 packs of Fresca for $10.
>Do some shopping
>Checking out, the cashier asks me if I need any bags.
>Leaving I hear her mutter under her breath
>Stinky Linkie

>> No.9511189

Friendly reminder SWIFT won't even be using Chainlink when it does finally start using distributed ledger technology (which is in at least 4-5 more years by the way).

Here's what it says on smartcontract.com:

>"We're proud to be working with SWIFT on their own SWIFT Smart Oracle."
Get it? Their own SWIFT Smart Oracle. NOT the chainlink oracle. Get it through your fucking heads stinky linkies.

Never forget that banks are interested in the blockchain technology, NOT some fucking ERC20 shittoken made by a Russian scammer/journeyman who walked away from NXT. All you autists who are constantly harping on about "the SWIFT announcement" are absolutely deluded. It's like you just conveniently ignore what it actually says on smartcontract.com itself simply because it doesn't make you feel good.

>> No.9511190
File: 194 KB, 1222x238, OGR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky Linky pump-pa-dee-do
I have a perfect shitcoin for you
Stinky Linky pump-pa-dee-dee
If you are wise, you'll listen to me
What do you get when you invest in a rush?
Buying the coins mined where toilets flush
Where are you at getting a SWIFT partnership?
How long do you think you'll hold your grip?

Stinky Linky pump-pa-dee-da
If you're not greedy, you will go far
You will drive in lambos too
Like the Stinky Linkies pump-pa-dee-do

>> No.9511195

ALRIGHT, time to talk about ChainLink's price.

I've been crunching some numbers, researching how much api providers charge right now, looking into Oraclize and other oracle services customer-base and how much are they paying...

And I've came to the conclusion that LINK holders are completely out of their mind. The network just WON'T have nowhere near the fee revenue to justify the price predictions that are thrown around in this board.

If we're LUCKY, we might see a 10MM USD a YEAR at the beginning at the network. It's fucking ridiculous.

Even if we the network eventually gets adopted by a few banks for derivatives trading purposes (which WON'T happen in less than 03 years, you idiots have no idea how far away smart contracts are from being actually usable) it'll be HARD to get over 100 MM usd a YEAR in network fees. Shit just isn't that profitable.

So yeah, LINK is basically overinflated in price because delusional neets bought into the non-sense from a group of LARPERS and didnt actually do any research.

>> No.9511208

LINK is /biz/ crack, plain and simple.

>Plausible but overly technical use case that makes people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible relationships between coin creators and an existing industry that make people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible "industry insider" LARPers who come to /biz/ to divulge SECRETZ, which convinces the aforementioned wannabe-smartypantses that they're part of something revolutionary that has flown under the radar so far

Truth is, the decentralized oracle problem doesn't have a market yet, and won't for many years.

We're at a phase where smart contract adoption will happen regardless of centralized/decentralized oracles, because smart contracts solve several existing business problems. No one gives a fuck whether their oracle is centralized or decentralized yet, and when Linkies realize they're investing in the crypto equivalent of the Sega Dreamcast, LINK will dump faster than anything you've ever seen.

The Wojaks will be delicious.