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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 297 KB, 875x675, poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
950363 No.950363 [Reply] [Original]


Come vote so we can see just how many people are actually employed on this board plagued by /r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.950371

neets are winning so far

lmao tbqh

>> No.950404

cmon senpaitachi

>> No.950459

>full of fucking worthless neets

how depressing

>> No.950467

full time employed is winning senpai!

just barely tho

m-maybe all the employed people are at work rn?

>> No.950550
File: 443 KB, 1109x826, resultssofar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Results so far, 43 votes.

Full time employment in the lead! Neets somewhere close behind

>> No.950701
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>> No.950753
File: 934 KB, 964x3160, biz1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the correct one

>> No.950770

that's the wrong one tho senpai

>> No.950772

Also I'm surprised there's almost as many people in college and earning over $12k/yr as NEETs on this board.

Maybe neetlife is just a meme on this board for the most part

>> No.950881

>that description of neet
>hitting home on so many points

Damn it.

>> No.950972

fix your life senpai. it will only get worse if you let it continue

>> No.951000

I think the real question here is why is he naked while helping at the soup kitchen?

>> No.951017
File: 59 KB, 704x396, nhk_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit is fucking hell incarnate, it's like being sick of some horrible mental disease that takes over and destroys your life.

But I've been getting more productive recently, I don't think it's beyond my ability to fight it. Still, in the last two years I've developed some deep sympathies for the mentally ill and NEETs.

>> No.951459

Is it because you feel a constant nag that you "need" to get a job? That was the one thing that held me back during my NEET years.

I could get so much done if I were NEET and didn't have to worry about that

>> No.951470


>> No.951471

>expecting any degree of accuracy or truthfulness from a strawpoll on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.951472


It's probably the lack of energy combined with crippling procrastination. I actually have the skills to be productive even while unemployed (I'm not talking about writer stuff either), it's just that I'm a fucked up person.

I'm trying to deploy those skills even while unemployed, but it's way easier said than done.

>> No.951474


It does look right though. A 4chan board about business and finances is going to be primarily browsed by college students and NEETs (people with a lot of free time). I'm actually surprised there are that many fully-employed here, considering there are much better places to get your info on...well...anything that talked about on this board.

>> No.951477


>> No.951480


>> No.951486


>> No.952420

NEET here. Just finally realizing the importance of money. How do I get rich?

I make lots of money in MMOs buying/trading on the auction house looking for a specific niche and filling the void.
What's the closest thing to that IRL? Buying and selling business stocks is weird. They have no use it's based on how well the do which I just don't understand.

>> No.952430

>What's the closest thing to that IRL?

Nothing you fucking loser.

Making gold in a videogame means nothing in real life, it literally has no carryover skills.

>> No.952435

Nah there's gotta be something. Think harder friend. I know you can do it!

>> No.952438

No there really isn't. If there was then all the NEETs who play WoW 14 hours a day would be rich and not be NEETs.

>> No.952441

Yeah but none of those people really have any drive to make money so by the time they are forced to work they put little thought into what skills they have unless they already trained for it prior to becoming a worthless NEET, like a college graduate turned NEET much like myself.

>> No.952549

I'm in college but I don't think I'm earning 12k a year, it took me 3 months at 300 every other week to save up 1000

>> No.952564

>32 yo NEET
>Quit my last job 5 years ago
>Been living on my own the entire time
>Never accepted any handouts from parents

>> No.953444

Also i noticed it's kinda weird how only 11 people posted yet 170 people voted.

Is there really that many lurkers on /biz/?

>> No.953471 [DELETED] 

There is no reason to post in a straw poll thread besides bumping it


>> No.953485

i know but i didn't even think that many people browsed /biz/.

Felt more like under 100.

>> No.953491
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1445032068174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking NEET I went to school but cannot find a job now

Why the FUCK do I even exist my life is an embarrassment

>> No.953495

It's probably 1000 or so throughout the day

>> No.953510

In college over $30k (AUD) master race here.
>53% of this board is unemployed
FUCKING LOL No wonder I never come here.

>> No.953511

>$30k aud
>more than $12k usd

lmao you ausfuckers make like $40k/yr in Maccas.

Is this video how u filthy Abbos live cunt?

>> No.953684

It only takes 2 seconds to do a currency conversion to find that 30k AUD is 17kUSD.
Your economy is a joke and Damo and Derren live more comfortably than most Americans.

>> No.953686

>It only takes 2 seconds to do a currency conversion to find that 30k AUD is 17kUSD.

Shit costs a lot more though, your minimum wage is almost 3 times US federal minimum wage.

>> No.953690


I'm in college, an entrepreneur, and earning over 20k/y.

what do I pick?

>> No.953692

Lol I hit the wrong numbers. I mean 30k AUD is 21k USD.
And thanks for telling me how much shit costs. Last weeks groceries cost me almost $50 for my gf and I. How will we survive?

Australia is living proof that "if you increase the minimum wage, unemployment and cost of living will rise"
We have lower unemployment and equal purchasing power

>> No.953694

>Less than 1/10th US population
>No nigger/spic infestation
>We have 10k highre gdp per capita
>Australians regular complain about high costs

fuck off ya cunt get on your centrelink and maccas before i glass ya

Australia is a nation of literal convicts

>> No.953696

>Last weeks groceries cost me almost $50 for my gf and I. How will we survive?

are you shitting me

that's dirt cheap man

>> No.954792

Because homeless girls know how to PAR-TAY!

>> No.954797

>tfw only 4% of people aren't NEET, Collegefags, or Wageslaves

>> No.955072

20 year old neet going to community college in spring, i guess

>> No.955091

Was earning over $60k for 4 years at a job I hated, finally had enough, so I quit a month ago. Became a NEET, and honestly do not feel like returning to the workforce. I feel so stress free, so relaxed. I wake up when I want, spend more time with friends and family, catch up on study materials, and walk my dog while chatting it up with neighbors. After working so hard, and seeing that there's more to life than a 9-5 that you pretend to enjoy, you realiza that NEETS are the ones truly enjoying life. I hope you all can one day be able to experience life the right way: the NEET way.

>> No.955262

>picked neet

i made more than 20k already this year, but am currently neet - which one would be right?

>> No.955264

I prefer saying that I work on open source software full time right now, which is technically correct. I suppose you could call it training. I certainly learn more daily than I did in my previous programming job.

>> No.955268

But how do you pay for stuff senpai

>> No.955273

Should have just kept your soul crushing job and saved enough money to retire early through stocks. If you are able to live the NEET life on 60k a year right now you likely have no GF (and maybe even no home).

Keep the no GF and no home part and milk that shit. You can retire at 40 with no leeches.

Least you are happy now.

>> No.955277


Entrepreneur making ~175k/yr checking in.

Jeez guys, WTF is wrong with you all this isn't that hard.

>> No.955340
File: 3.63 MB, 4524x2760, neetbuxx-min (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botting on a gook MMO called Maplestory.
I'm making $40 in a bad day, $60 in a lucky day
Low maintenance bots. Only check them every 12 hours to take out the loots and sell on an alt account's shop permit.

pic related, 18 bots

>> No.955353

Did you make the bots?

Do you have any tips for making shekels? I remember runescape goldfarming used to be pretty great but that's long passed now it seems.

>> No.955359
File: 96 KB, 375x444, 1442391529133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. The main black market website of Gookstory (Gamersoul.com) opened a VIP trainer. $25/month (on sale, in the future it'll be $50). The licence paid for itself on day 1. However, you can only run one licence per computer. Max clients per IP address = 19, more than that gets you ip banned.

I can give you tips. Are you familiar with Gookstory?

>> No.955365

Id changed, Unfamiliar with gookstory.

I'm just a neet with several thousand doshbucks who wants to make some money ;-;

>> No.955373
File: 3 KB, 259x194, 1444523419001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh. I suggest you learn the games basics first. Play legit until level 120, will take one or two days max.
Choose an 'Adventurer' class (warrior, mage, bowman, thief). That class group is the classic one, the others are flashy as fuck new classes which will confuse you.

Then, head over to the site mentioned and get informed with the VIP hax desu senpai. It's worth the $ tbqh
I'm just wondering if I should switch to BTC as main storage (from canadian $, I fear our new 12 year old president will make our currency lower than Venezuela's), cus i aint spending my $ on anything. I just wanna see how much I can make off a gook mmo. Currently at 350 leafbux.

>> No.955400

Lol also Canada senpai.

I'll check it out. Runescape used to be ez guap tho. Isn't memestory like a dozen years old?

>> No.955404
File: 79 KB, 381x503, 1444690149098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but gook weaboos who drink gook semen every tenth of a millisecond of their day pay $8 USD per 1 billion mesos (bout 10 CAD), so it doesnt matter if it's an old game. I'm in the most populated server tho, lower pop servers have higher meso rates (but less buyers ofc). you could prob get upwards of $10 USD (~12 CAD) per 1 billion in other servers.

>> No.955412

Sneaky tbqh. I was considering boosting nerds in WoW arena for gold but it seems to be under minimum wage desu.

How else can we make guap off children's games? Aimbot for CS maybe?

>> No.955542

Just started first full time job coming out of community college. Got accepted and going back to University part-time while working full time.

>> No.955546
File: 61 KB, 530x600, 1443065259303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neet 24%
>In college, no job (and never will have one) 31%

>> No.955575

Senpai tbqh respond

>> No.955615
File: 406 KB, 1119x531, why nexon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the process of adding 12-18 more bots with roommates pc (PIA VPN at 44mbps $7/month, cant run more than 19 maples per IP)

will make upwards of $80 daily combined
gookstory is where it's at senpai

>> No.955623

Mirin tbqh. Where do you sell your gookcash tho?

>> No.955629
File: 30 KB, 596x643, 1423029105759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My main is on a big guild with big alliance, I'm vouched to the teeth and have buyers spamming my skype
they suck me dry of mesos
pic related


help ;_;

>> No.955645

Tru senpai.

I've been considering coding meme bots for some games but I'm not sure I'm gud enough to make a hella legit one. Might try tho tbqh

>> No.955677

In college, with a part time job. Thank god I'm quitting soon.

>> No.955682

I'm a racist, but still a successful business man and I partake in athletics. I hate how the Jew really tries to make racism (realism) look bad.

Other than that, this pic is on point.

>> No.955717

I feel you.
But don't forget to hide your power level, I'm not a drinker myself, but when my dad drinks OH BOY does he gets it off his chest

>> No.956475


More like pesos tbqh

>> No.956699

Senpai btw why don't you rent a VPS to bot gookstory on?

Much cheaper/easier than a new computer.

>> No.956780

desu famm

>> No.956827

Just remember:
Before you ask an income question here, you probably earn more than 55% of people here.

Truly depressing

>> No.956893


>> No.957200

bump can we please discuss this topic further tbqh?

>> No.957350

Fucking shit. I actually have a legit 120 Blaze from like 5 years ago.

I just can't remember the acc details and put in a fake birthday. Fuck me

>> No.957367

No Worries m8 it gets better :^)

>> No.957376

Senior level full time employee here

Why the fuck are there so many fucking college kids on this board?

Why do you inept, naive faggots talk so much about business processes, currency, trending data and so on?

God dammit you just learned how to drink beer and lick pussy

>> No.957463

I'm a neet on the dole from Eastern Europe. Hello Gentelmens

>> No.957477

Maybe recruiters cant read your resume?



>> No.957494

what country are you residing in

>> No.957527
File: 10 KB, 605x605, Polandball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.957579

Didn't know they even gave dole out there tbqh.

>> No.957595


B-b-but mines not on there!

> Retired Master Race

Fuck work, still get (earned) pay.

>> No.957611

So you are a NEET

>> No.958112


pls teach us more about this magical way

>> No.958119


i want to make buckoz

>> No.958837

>spends the rest of his night alternating between video games, internet surfing, and violently masturbating to progressively more taboo pornography.

Ugh kill me