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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 483 KB, 652x580, 1526673330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9503559 No.9503559 [Reply] [Original]

This ugly piece of shit is Elon Musk 18 years ago.
Now he's a billionaire that exclusively fucks movie stars and models.

Here are some facts about Elon Musk you might not read in the news:

> He's ugly & fat
> He eats shit food and doesn't exercise
> He works his employees like slaves
> His best employees keep leaving when they realize his promises are impossible
> All his businesses lose BILLIONS of dollars EVERY QUARTER
> His business plans have NO PATH TO PROFITABILITY

This guy has lost more money than you will make in 100 lifetimes, but he is worshiped worldwide as a God. Why?


If you ever want to make it, you need to learn how to shill. Start small. Accumulate wealth. Move on to bigger shills.

Your first 10x moon mission is primed and ready.

> EtherShrimpFarm.com

>> No.9503590

he pays for bots on leddit

>> No.9503610

I agree. If you are young and have the balls and audacity to go around boasting about how awesome you are to anyone that will listen, you will succeed.

>> No.9503665
File: 114 KB, 286x327, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself
I mean it
I mean it in the most unironic way
This is not a meme
Literally fucking kill yourself

>> No.9503692

sage in all motherfucin fields fuck this shrimp farm shills

>> No.9503724

OP, you never accomplish as much as him, even if some of it is BS

>> No.9503777

Back to where you came from you retarded pajeet. At least try to appear less of an outsider, fucking nigger.

>> No.9503797

Nice OP, you really got my attention. I hooked of at seeing the shrimpfarm though, but I like your shill, it was captivating and inspiring.

>> No.9503805

> EtherShrimpFarm.com

I have to admit. This is the best shill i've seen

>> No.9503975


how they scam you on 4chan

>They find a project that sells at pennies
>they buy at pennies
> once the price reaches $1 or close to it the sell off

>cleanse and repeat
>this is the ico crypto market at it's finest

>> No.9504050
File: 1.66 MB, 1082x1002, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't a manlet, he can be ugly and it pretty much doesn't matter.

>> No.9504366

What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.9504404
File: 52 KB, 380x394, jewish-settler-kids-guns1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yfw the shrimp meme is being ruined by pajeets

>> No.9504452
File: 153 KB, 1104x1599, rjl8U0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon's ex-wife: The woman he got tired of fucking, so he decided to get himself a younger one.

>> No.9504453

Exclusively fucks models. Grimes is a freak goth weirdo

>> No.9504472

>he's a stealth jew
>still better than subhuman pajeets and euros peddling powh faggotry

>> No.9504486
File: 20 KB, 590x444, 5D0FD651-9A4C-446E-9B4F-7FA02AC3C7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump ETH into the EOS contract or we will start a sophisticated campaign to make people think playing Ether games is a confirmed scam.

Give an offer of earth and water to New King or suffer.

>> No.9504498
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, grimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9504501

Do this and we will shill you into the news. Do not do this and we will make people think they’re idiots if they play Ether games. We will meme them until nobody plays your game again.

Let’s talk tomorrow.

>> No.9504525

Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to the EOS smart contract. Even a small amount.

>> No.9504544

Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to the EOS smart contract. Even a small amount.

>> No.9504564

Numale Jeff Skilling

>> No.9504566

His tunnel's will be worth infinite amounts the man is a living genius

>> No.9504569

Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to the EOS ICO smart contract. Even a small amount. Get EOS tokens into your ETH wallet and send to the ICO contract.

>> No.9504588

Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to the EOS ICO smart contract. Even a small amount. Get EOS tokens into your ETH wallet and send to the ICO contract.

>> No.9504609
File: 42 KB, 835x557, 2e34a9a458d8ab2925e584ff0ee-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this pajeeting and make farming great again!

>> No.9504610 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 2E19EEA3-9CAE-47CA-9BB6-84E58A999531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>9504569 (You) #
>>9504501 (You) #
>>9504525 (You) #
>>9504544 (You) #
Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to the EOS ICO smart contract. Even a small amount. Get EOS tokens into your ETH wallet and send to the ICO contract.

>> No.9504621


He is the one and only ENRON MUSK

>> No.9504653
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 7642886E-BF2C-4B04-88D1-4F408592DCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Kek wills it.

Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to the EOS ICO smart contract. Even a small amount. Get EOS tokens into your ETH wallet and send to the ICO contract.

>> No.9504725

Grimes is a weirdo, but she's hot. He'll dump her for younger pussy soon enough.

EOS games are going to dominate. Can you imagine if EtherShrimpFarm.com was played without constant life sucking gas fees?

You think this man is a genius for building a tunnel? KYS.

ENRON MUSK: Never heard that one before. I like it.

>> No.9504912

OP forgot the most important fact.

> OP is jealous of him

>> No.9504927

> OP has been inspired to be a shameless shill just like him

>> No.9505058

The shrimp farming is hilarious. It is clearly a ponzi scheme and everybody knows it. But crypto kiddies are so naive they think they will be able to make a profit before it all comes crashing down. It wo't happen to them. The other fools will be the ones who take the fall, I'm going to make out like a bandit.

>> No.9505078
File: 595 KB, 2540x3460, 1523220424779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're still at the beginning. Everyone who gets in now can still profit

>> No.9505091

Yeah digging tunnels in Southern California is genius. That area is known for it's seismic stability. When was the last time you heard about an Earthquake in California?

>> No.9505106

Says the guy who needs other people to buy in so he can cash out.

>> No.9505122

Wow. Just fucking wow. I never, ever, ever thought I’d have to leave /biz/ to get away from incel faggots shilling Elon Musk. On. Fucking. /biz/. I already had to leave my home board (yes, it’s /sci/, and yes I’m extremely intelligent) because of this faggot, and now I have to leave this place that I was starting to enjoy a lot too. Thanks a lot, you bitter bunch of white-knighting waifu-having clunge-repelling cock-obsessed incel fucks. Guess I’ll have to migrate to /tv/ or /pol/ or /b/ now. What’s the fucking difference anyways.

>> No.9505137

sage in all motherfucin fields fuck this shrimp farm shills

>> No.9505163
File: 175 KB, 520x347, 96553FE3-7666-4C81-8EA3-05C6152B536F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move ETH to the EOS ICO contract and you will simply make more money.

Your shilling is grand. But I? My child, I am the greatest shill in the history of /biz/. Do not go against the will of your father.

Your friend (for now),
Shill Cosby

>> No.9505193
File: 7 KB, 194x260, combover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more hair now than 18 years ago? mmmm how

>> No.9505196

/pol/ is the best board on 4chan. At first you think they are all nazi's. Then you fact check them and realize everything is far worse than you thought.

/pol/ wants to save western civilization and promotes self improvement. They don't like drugs or alcohol for the most part, don't like porn, and want people to get into a stable relationship with a woman and make babies. They promote people having a stable career or trade.

Most other boards are just a bunch of incel faggots talking about dragon dildos and fapping to traps while trying to get rich on crypto and complaining that Bernie Sanders isn't president.

>> No.9505288
File: 68 KB, 640x423, Lindsey Pelas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a fucking shill you retarded fuck. Get meta and look at what everyone rich is doing! >>9504658

>> No.9505368
File: 58 KB, 700x700, 1525375171738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming Trumps?

>> No.9505418

This is stupid as fuck. I only farm shrimp. >>9504658

>> No.9505432

What about PayPal?

>> No.9505461

Agreed. Send Ether you have earned from the game to snailking.github.io/snailfarm. Even a small amount.

>> No.9505487
File: 55 KB, 800x526, 1521767538772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Filipino wafu is bet waifu

>> No.9505591


He's great of "innovation" but he's honestly not a good business man.

>> No.9505768

Was just gonna say that.
He may be losing $, but his projects are worth losing $ on. Space travel, solar power packs and electric self driving muscle cars for the plebs are all philanthropic endeavors.

>> No.9505891

There were plenty of competitors. He lucked out and used his exit to successfully market himself.

Those are not philanthropic endeavors. Those are products he knows he can shill.

Get rich + save the world > get rich.

>> No.9505925

Ugly & fat? Please. He got one hell of a makeover and it's worked well for him. He's charismatic af.

>> No.9505962
File: 15 KB, 399x189, 187_43[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505997
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that jerking off to Elon's photo has left you blind.

He is ugly as fuck. You're looking at the best cosmetic surgery a billionaire can buy.
He is fat. He looks more like a potato every day. He probably gets lipo suction.
Charismatic? Wtf are you talking about? Have you seen him stutter through interviews? Even with his billions and God like status, he's still insecure about his nerdy past and hates the tv show Silicon Valley.

>> No.9506044

Underated kek.

>> No.9506053

He said he loves silicon Valley. You must not know what your talking about.

>> No.9506192

That's complete bullshit. When the show first came out he did this whole insecure crybaby rant about how the characters were nothing like real Silicon Valley people and that is was making them look bad.

It wouldn't surprise me if he did a 180 flip on it. He is a master shill after all. His PR person probably just told him to say he loves it.

>> No.9506354

Men aren't sex objects, we're success objects. It doesn't matter what Musk looks like.

>> No.9506410
File: 264 KB, 622x586, 1526686952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some crazy delusion shit. Of course it fucking matters. If it didn't matter at all then Elon wouldn't have spend millions on cosmetic surgery.

>> No.9506445
File: 97 KB, 1334x750, 08675468-AF21-4D04-B880-69D6765008A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well

>> No.9506574

my dick would be flopping out of those, like...there would be tip on my thigh

>> No.9506623

pretty sure those rockets are actually landing.

>> No.9506803

LOL if there was the same thing that was just pictures of tits side by side in a mens magazine... Ohh man.

>> No.9506823


You need very good social skills to become rich; this board lacks that

>> No.9506905

the first successful african american businessman

>> No.9506923


>> No.9507088
File: 21 KB, 880x655, 1502395007839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exclusively fucks movie stars and models

Yes, they are a type of escort, they just don't have their prices publicly listed. What's your point?

>> No.9507172

>His best employees keep leaving when they realize his promises are impossible

this kinda pisses me off because you are a nobody on a degenerate forum getting mad at somebody who is bringing new ideas to society and advance technology

maybe someone could of taken you seriously for this post but most realize youre a fucking loser. do the world a favor and die without any children even if you are trolling

>> No.9507354


>> No.9507370

>The 1,000th successful White African American
Fixed it for ya.

>> No.9507386
File: 56 KB, 698x400, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAR1AAAAJDZiZGIzYzU0LWI0MTYtNGRlZC1hYmQwLTY1NTU0NDgxMWNkZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his promises are impossible
This is why I can't stand him. I used to have a friend who was like that too, and he was the world's biggest Elon Musk fanboy. Some people just make their careers selling hype.

>> No.9507420

look at all those tiny roid dicks

>> No.9507654

I was about to write this
e is close to 6ft3
You can be ugly as hell
Beats 7/10 manlet with big cock (me) every single time

>> No.9507746

I am the same , also INTP as enron
It fucking works.
Vague promise is better then a solid delivery.
People prey on flaws in the finished products. Or don't like them. Muh I would do it different here...
Imagination of deluded faggot on the other hand is perfect.

>> No.9507840

you idiot. this thread isnt even about musk, its about a autistic eth ponzi.

>> No.9507925


>> No.9507933
File: 891 KB, 2742x1923, 1517666124677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon Muskeg
niggas wat.
always thought Grimes was an autistic dude with shit taste in aesthetics who was shilled into a platform via selling ass to rockefaggo's.

and now a billionaire simian who pulls publicity stunts to cover up the senate's attempts to pass shit the public won't like is banging it.

the fuck world am i living in? when did i change timelines?

>> No.9508585

Even Elon Musk has 250k gvc lol

why don't you? you a poorfag?

>> No.9508621
File: 30 KB, 625x669, female degeneracy bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After he divorces Grimes Musk, he should marry the girl from Die Antwood. Seems like a natural choice.

>> No.9508637

You think Elon built them by hand or something? He shilled well enough to raise billions to hire people to do it for him. Space X isn't the only company with VTVL rockets.

>> No.9508697
File: 78 KB, 657x600, COMFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically DYOR

>> No.9508741

Funny, I invested in TSLA at $29 a share and sold way too early at $150. I sure wish I stayed until $350. Now I own TSLA options and they have tanked because this company is a piece of flaming shit