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File: 207 KB, 1125x1024, A466D29E-21F8-405F-BBFD-49F97C033101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9504437 No.9504437 [Reply] [Original]

Played himself.

Now Trump will support Bitcoin to essentially call Bill Gates a clown.

>> No.9504634

The fuck is HPV, a video codec or something? Fucking nerd.

>> No.9505110

Genital herpes.
HIV makes you die, HPV makes your dick fall off. Not so much difference there and only degenerates have these, why would anyone really care?

>> No.9505132

>Genital herpes.
No it isn't you Trump voter.

HPV is giving women cervical cancer. Herpes is different.

>> No.9505153

Doesn't matter, like I said. If you have it, you are degenerate and don't deserve to live.

>> No.9505180

Oh shut the fuck up. There is a vaccine for HPV.
You sound like one of those church fucks who was against the polio vaccine, saying God wanted you to have polio.

>> No.9505183

and beta males throat cancer if they go down on a girl

>> No.9505197

>Bill "Fuck Crypto" Gates: T-trump, w-we gotta get the STD rates down, HPV is out of control in the black community especially.
>Trump: Sure Bill, HIV is the worst, real nasty stuff.
>Bill goes to CNN immediately

>> No.9505206

imagine if trump told all those rural and suburban retards that voted for him to buy bitcoin. with all that idiot money we'd have the bullrun of the millennium

>> No.9505221

HIV doesn't kill you
It's like have Jews be in control of your gates and germs are the Muslims

>> No.9505226

>There is a vaccine for HPV.
Sadly, there is no vaccine for being a degenerate whore. Having any STD should be punishable by death.

>> No.9505229
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> Going down on a girl gives you throat cancer

>> No.9505244

No there wouldnt because they actually understand crypto's purpose. To give your money to the whales and (((exchanges)))

>> No.9505245

>Trump supports bitcoin

We’re fucked

>> No.9505283
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Found the incel

>> No.9505661

I'm an orthodox Jew and have 2 kids actually.
The point stays, whore shall be executed, expecia

>> No.9505674

Especially goy whores*

>> No.9505733


>> No.9505759


You should be executed kike piece of shit. Your kids should be burned alive too

>> No.9505772

Well it is true. Michael Douglas being the most famous case.

>> No.9505819


yea unfortunately it is true

>> No.9505985

If my religion is edgy for you, you might be racist. Check your privilege, goy.

>> No.9506022

my grandpa fought in wwII and kept a jewish skull he found in a camp in Poland.

sometimes i stick my penis in it.

>> No.9506025


>> No.9506059
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>> No.9506272

didnt trump sign the thing making crypto explicitly taxable

>> No.9506292
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HIV is what you get from fucking niggers.
HPV is what you get from fucking niggers.

>> No.9506322

Is Trump a doctor or a pharmacist?! Who the fuck cares lmao. I learned HPV existed last year because it popped up in my news feed. If I would have heard "HPV" before, I would have thought "HIV".

>> No.9506374

I hope living for a few years without Polio is worth an eternity in hell.

You were given a purpose on Earth, but you thought you knew better than God. Go fuck yourself retard.

>> No.9506454

HPV is super common. If you have sex with someone over the age of like 25 you probably have it, as most people have it by then.

There are tons of different strains of HPV. The vaccine prevents some of the strains that cause genital warts and some of the strains that cause cancer, but I think there are still some cancer-causing strains that don't get prevented by the vaccine.

I think there are definitely some wart-causing strains that aren't prevented by the vaccine.

Most people never have any symptoms, afaik.

>> No.9506522

you must be 18 or over to post here

>> No.9506548

study sauce?

>> No.9507595



>> No.9507674
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Gladly hes a survivor. Val killmer on the other hand is not looking too good. Cunts are dangerous. Im glad im gay. :(

>> No.9507796

chemo will still kill a metric shitton of braincells.
e.g. there's no successful engineer who is also a cancer survivor. may affect acting less, but i doubt we're gonna see anything really good from dougles either

>> No.9507811

really good performance*