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9498859 No.9498859 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that most of you fags are just like Takeshi with $100 portfolios and are still poor as fuck. No wonder you fags want the market to drop so you can accumulate longer. No amount of larping will change that.

Meanwhile I got my $117k college inheritance money back when ETH tanked from $420 to $180 prior to the Bitcoin Cash fork and made bank despite being relatively late to the party. Lets face it, you arent going to be rich in this game unless you are putting large amounts of money at this point. I'm talking $50k minimum and that is really pushing it at the low side.

>> No.9499156

no shit, you faggot. But you still can make it with small $1k investments if you get lucky enough. There are coins mooning left and right

>> No.9499163

yeah i am. im riding some obvious 10-20x coins right now and then i will have the 50k which i will reinvest into long term coins and just hodl for years.

>> No.9499185


No one cares. Shut the fuck up faggot. Crypto is for fucking fags praying it goes back to 18k.

Guess what? It won't. Kill yourself now faggot.

>> No.9499203

Poorfags getting triggered by reality lmao.

>> No.9499239

This op is wrong

>> No.9499253

i am op retard

>> No.9499274


I'm a poorfag? No retard. I don't invest in shit crypto scams like you autists.

>> No.9499281

>I'm a poorfag? No retard. I don't invest in shit crypto scams like you autists.
Whatever poorfag, imagining things wont change reality

>> No.9499288

OP is right

>> No.9499295
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> Imagining things

Good luck with Crypto dropping below 7k don't worry you autists will go with another theory on how it will MOON.

>> No.9499311

>mfw when i got 50k socked away in cryptos

Wew guess im safe then

>> No.9499345


>> No.9499411

>Good luck with Crypto dropping below 7k don't worry you autists will go with another theory on how it will MOON.

Back in June BTC dropped from $3k to as low as $1.8k I didnt invest in it because i chose to buy ETH at $180 to $275 but you have to be retarded to think you can get similar gains in stocks $1.8k to $8k? Pretty good returns in less than 1 year despite the recent pullback.

That leads me to believe you are a poorfag who doesnt even have stocks. Because people bagholding stocks wouldnt really be laughing at the current price of BTC if they monitored it since last June. They would feel like holding a pile of shit while millenials make bank on something they keep calling tulips.

>> No.9499442


Let me guess you think Bitcoin will hit 20k, right?

Don't worry continue to HODL I'm sure it will work for you. LUL I'm not a retard like you and sold last year.

>> No.9499465

Even with 50-100k now there aren't many chances of making it except getting VERY lucky on a shitcoin or ICO.

>> No.9499478

BTC $100,000 EOY
Everyone funna be ballers

>> No.9499504

>Let me guess you think Bitcoin will hit 20k, right?
Yes and i think it will hit $50k to $90k. But who knows? I'm playing with house money right now. You jelly?

>Don't worry continue to HODL I'm sure it will work for you. LUL I'm not a retard like you and sold last year.
Oh i see, you invested in crypto before and sold.... i see i see

>I'm a poorfag? No retard. I don't invest in shit crypto scams like you autists.
But i thought you dont invest in this crypto scam shit? It seems to me you just got triggered with me calling out your lunch money portfolio lol!!!!!

>> No.9499572

Well that depends on what you consider "making it" .... for me 100k would last me 2 yrs and i'd focus on improving my health mainly . im 20 and i have a job i hate and its ruining my life so improving my mental and physical health would be "making it" for me. Money doesn't mean anything if your body is in shit condition

>> No.9499613

hahahahahahaha someone is a weak hand as fuck. enjoy your fomo

>> No.9499643

you're a fucking moron and you will die poor

>> No.9499677

retard said he never invested in crypto because its a scam and at the same time said he sold the peak lmao.

he cant even think rationally because just like this guy >>9499643 he cant imagine being this late without that much capital to invest lol!!!

>> No.9499959

>buying eth
not gonna make it. the niggers out here finding the actual gems will fly right past you this year

>> No.9499969


Let see this portfolio you so try to claim

Inb4 the cuck can't provide.

>> No.9499985

>you arent going to be rich in this game unless you are putting large amounts of money at this point

This is the truth, but the same is even more true for stocks.

>> No.9499987
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