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9496744 No.9496744 [Reply] [Original]

why do pajeets think so high of themselves "superpower by 2020"

they think they are smart meanwhile india iq is 81

>> No.9496765

some pajeets are really good at maths and science

>> No.9496777


>> No.9496789


No idea why but the smart Indians I talk to say this is impossible. Their governments are disorganized as fuck and can't coordinate the entire country.

You need something like China's centralized government to manage a country of such size.

>> No.9496795

yeah like 0,00001% which i can say even some pigs are smart

>> No.9496817

Their population is like 1 billion, so If we assume the top 5% has an IQ of over 120 there are like 50 million people and probably around 10 million with IQ 140+

they dont all need to be smart.

>> No.9496845


Many fucking keks.

>> No.9496968

most modern civiliazation keeeek

>> No.9497005
File: 45 KB, 500x573, oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2030 and no sign of toilet.
>still shit on the street when they are at their superpower state.

>> No.9497131

Everyone talks about the shitting streets, but you have never smelled anything as bad as the Designated Pissing Walls in 40 degree heat

>> No.9497161

this. they only need a small percentage to be extremely intelligent and they'll easily become a superpower. it's actually better that the majority of a country is stupid (like in the united states), easier to control a stupid, simple population. feed them shit, keep them locked into the system grinding day after day just to make ends meet, they won't have time to bitch about it and even if they do they're not smart enough to make a change.

India will be one of the greatest nations on Earth and OP is just a salty fag

>> No.9497206

>You need something like China's centralized government to manage a country of such size.

That's the opposite of correct. Centralised control becomes less effective as things get bigger. This is obvious.

>> No.9497260

India has the capacity to produce geniuses and very smart people. Problem is they have enforced a horrible caste system so they have way too fucking many poor low IQ people shitting everywhere.

This is going to make growth very different than in a place like China in which the poor and rural are not as IQ deficient. Don't expect a china miracle.

>> No.9497301

>>You need something like China's centralized government to manage a country of such size.
China utilizes a provincial system and the government acts more like a mafia that also helps run the local businesses. Unlike in most places the most talented and intelligent people are in government (recent years, it's changing now).

The point that made China work so well was the competency of these provincial governments and focus on economic development. It let the local governments do anything they wanted to make things happen, no red tape would stop someone from making a dollar.

The problem is these systems devolve over time into more and more corruption. Once things get established. Not that this is much different than monopolies and big business in western societies. The golden age of when this worked best is past though.

>> No.9497353


kek. you're such a brainlet burger you don't realize India legit teaches math better than the US. you dumb, mechanical robots focus on arithmetic and times tables but almost none of you can understand calculus, while they develop an intuitive understanding of the underlying structure and patterns of math in their kids from a young age and even their music derives from math.

Americans deserve to become the third world country they're heading toward. You're all too stupid to hold the top spot forever. you're legit getting lapped by a bunch of poor people crammed into a place that smells shit.

>> No.9497384