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9494092 No.9494092 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9494094
File: 18 KB, 712x206, ethereumisgarbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9494111

You're right, send me that eth and I'll dispose of it for you

>> No.9494132

Which is exactly why BCH is the best coin but morons who hardly ever even send transactions wont listen
All BCH transactions are instant and guaranteed to go into the next block, with the MINIMUM fee of 1sat/byte and i do it all the time

Ethereum is complicated, annoying, not user friendly and just kinda give me a headache

>> No.9494136


>> No.9494151

fuck off dumb fag

>> No.9494159


>> No.9494186

14 minutes and its still pending for fucks sake why do you guys user ethereum. im only trying to transfer eos because that's the new go-to platform come june

>> No.9494224

GAS. Use it.

>> No.9494242

use a better node you fucking moron

>> No.9494244

Yeah crypto are a joke in their current state.

>> No.9494247
File: 82 KB, 842x792, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is gwei

>> No.9494267


use it Brain farts

>> No.9494272


Youre dumb for thinking ethereum is ever going to catch on with normal people when its this difficult to use you cultic retards

>> No.9494287

ETH is intended for infrastructure, you brainlet. Alive people aren't supposed to touch it.

>> No.9494305

good thing ethereum is for businesses and developers, not normie faggots like you

>> No.9494326

Bullshit i see people everywhere calling the best crypto "currency" and saying how its the beat payments system and has the best smart contracts capability etc
"In the future everyone will use ethereum and we can program our money to do this that and whatever, it just requires a 12 month course to study it only to understand how to use the bullshit"

>> No.9494359

ETH is the infrastructure for end-user currency and many other things.

>> No.9494472

Oh yeah nice one, like "0xBTC" is the best currency runnijg on ethereuk XD
meanwhile you STILL requier ethereum for gas to send every transaction which makes ot even more complicated than just using normal ethereum

Pointless. Stupid. Dissapointing. -Anon.

>> No.9494478

Ethereum boomers not using EOS

>> No.9494488

Use this


>> No.9494510

>not normie faggots

exactly, which is why it will never get that big and EOS will

>> No.9494512

Use BCH and always select the lowest fee. SIMPLE.

>> No.9494582




>> No.9494583
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>not using XLM

>> No.9494601

It's like they don't want to ride a rocket to the moon

>> No.9494618
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>SJW coin
>devs hold 80% of supply (most of it hasn't been released yet)
>they give it out for fucking free

Yeah, this coin will make it, for sure bro

>> No.9494635

Not an argument. Im gonna research into it later

>> No.9494657


You have until Sunday night, good luck.

>> No.9494668

are you retarded? nano doesnt have 1/1000th of the features and potential that EOS will have. nano doesn't do smart contracts

>> No.9494725

and that's why I use Digibyte for as much transactions as possible.

>> No.9494738
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>> No.9494765

This is why there is WAVES
Parts are even better then Ethereum.
You can create custom wallets for which you can use your custom token as fee payment.
The wallet has $/€/BTC/ETH support which means every customer can go directly to your desired token.

ETH is so fucked

>> No.9494776


>still believes in EOS


>> No.9494779

Bitcoin isn't money either. Its a store of value, Alive people are not supposed to touch it.

>> No.9494790
File: 776 KB, 831x517, 1516392051896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had that transferring tokens the other day
took me fucking 9 hours to get it through
8 gwei gas price

>> No.9494842

Reasoning behind this post?

>> No.9494851

>expecting comped transactions

this ain't Vegas pal.

>> No.9494861

>using eth to transfer
>thinking eth is a currency when in fact it is not

wew. how new are you. transfer using ltc or xrp next time instead of being a newfag dumbfuck.

>> No.9494867

desperate moron absolutely terrified of EOS.

>> No.9494884

Yep this is identical now to the bcore cuck arguments that. ALL OF A SUDDEN IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE X ANYWAY memes start cropping up.

Poor ETH, it seems like its about to get completely destroyed.

>> No.9494892

dont worry. It will survive as a BCH colored coin.

>> No.9494974

Waves is centralised and censored, dont you remember nigger coin?
Fuck that

>> No.9495046

eth was slow back in 2017 as well.
so to hear that it hasn't improved 1 year later, is pretty bad.
meanwhile, ltc and xrp transfers complete in 15 mins or less. that's how a currency should work. its not as stressful if you're transferring between your own wallets, but imagine if you were transferring between two people, who don't trust each other. and having to wait 4 hours. its not good.

when i buy shit with paypal or venmo the purchase is smooth because the seller gets paid, and vice versa when i sell stuff. there's not this extra delay of confirmations like with btc and eth.

vitalik is the elon musk of crypto, in the sense that vitalik is getting distracted being a fucking advisor or team member to all these other coins...omg, kyber, etc. he should be focusing all on eth but he's not. same goes with elon, the analogy is that elon isn't focusing on one of his companies, he bit off more than he can chew and now he's losing sleep---that's a fact, he admits he has to sleep at the tesla factor just to be there to solve problems. that implies he's not hiring smart enough people to sort that shit out for him. he has to be there, physically, to fix things. i'm assuming he's getting rekt because there's video of him crying as he's getting interviewed.

>> No.9495083

>transfer ~1ETH with proper gas
>took about 30 seconds altogether
it really is the future

>> No.9495549
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what about no

>> No.9495561

I mean, yeah, ethereum = cancer

>> No.9495672

Transfered yesterday, took less than 5 min.
This eth fud is just funny.

>> No.9495673

We are coming and we are coming in WAVES.

>> No.9495691

>make people pay more to live anywhere they can call their own

The ultimate in Jewing.

>> No.9495764
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What a shit tier level of a thread. Who tf doesn't know how to use eth.

>> No.9495798


>> No.9496418
File: 723 KB, 2576x1910, man cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering if Ethereum can actually scale. The ETH network got crippled by CryptoKitties last year.

Bitcoin Cash is the best. You don't need gas for the contracts either, tho you can't do nearly as much as you can on ETH, at least not yet.

>> No.9496427

>transfer fiat
>Takes overnight and fastest transfer is 1/2 a day
>Transfering overseas is a nightmare and takes days

Crypto is still quicker.

>> No.9496446

Nano isnt turing complete. Its also highly fucking centralised. gtfo with your leddit shitcoin. eos will win in the future anyway.

>> No.9496447

ITT: bcash faggots fud eth

>> No.9496596
File: 567 KB, 600x618, elizabeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have ETH changed anything in how their smart contracts work on the last 6 months? otherwise the scaling problem is still there

>> No.9496748

From an efficiency standpoint LVT is much better than other forms of taxes, especially VAT which fucks over trading. Politicians just prefer it cause they can "hide" it more easily. As an ancap I still hate taxes in general, but it makes sense that a libertarian would want a better system of taxation that doesn't shit on the economy just because of people's feels.

>> No.9496822
File: 562 KB, 659x456, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing we have a replacement

>> No.9496866

Change your gas price brainlet

>> No.9496892
File: 167 KB, 1355x1354, 1B01EFFC-0502-406F-90BC-88B5F11FDF5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS has 0.5 second blocktimes OP.

>> No.9496925

it didn't transmit you brainlet faggot. pending shows up instantly.

>> No.9497200

I still have 3 different Nigger Coin, Jews and Hitler.
Not findable via the official DEX but still trade and useable.

So fuck off with that stupid "muh niggas"

>> No.9497242

> complete in 15 mins or less
how can one sane person use a crypto as payment that takes minutes to confirm?

With Digibyte I -> hit send -> blink with the eyes -> done

>> No.9497340

>1,000,000,000 EOS
>token is not used for transactions or really anything within the network.

I hope you like getting dumped on once the hype dies down a bit.

>> No.9497346

How are you fucking this up? I send ETH to multiple palaces, multiple times a week. It takes minutes. If this shit is to complicated for you maybe it’s time to find a new hobby.

>> No.9498066

I'm a normie and I have no idea what you just typed out

>> No.9498379
File: 61 KB, 468x468, 1523474828074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly how long do you think it takes for the dollar to confirm when using debit?

>> No.9498772

What hype? Retards like you are the overbearing obnoxious voice espousing useless opinions everywhere.

Hate on.

>> No.9499509

this is not libertarian at all, the law he is talking about would permit people to forcibly buy your property out of you even if you don't want that as long they have the money

>> No.9499512

EOS isn't real yet faggot. It probably won't even work anyway

>> No.9499546

friendly reminder standard gas price was 20 one year ago
friends don't let friends out themselves as newfags

>> No.9499588


>mfw every single coin is trash and the only ones that are fast are the ones that nobody is using

Nice Ponzi

>> No.9499615

It takes the banks several days sometimes to process money. So yeah 4 hours is totally amazing :)

>> No.9499617
File: 34 KB, 400x386, 1520996534197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ethereum is the #1 platform for ponzi dapps

>> No.9500163

If you want to use crypto for anything, you have to buy (mostly) BTC/ETH somewhere, transfer that to you wallet, to an exchange to buy other stuff or use it.

The WAVES wallet can hold fiat and the most popilar cryptos + it has in internal decentraliced exchange included.

This means that you can use that wallet to buy crypto, trade crypto and handle crypto however you want.

+ creating tokens is easier and faster then on ETH + you can trade those tokens right on the spot because of the DEX + airdrops are much easier because the blockchain is build to support it + smart contracts are going live soon + getting tokens via POS/Lending is pretty nice

This sounds like hardcore shilling but WAVES has so much potential and it will kick in hard in the near future.

This is one of the few cryptos that will survive any crypto purge.

>> No.9500186

Never used it, but it may take a few days for the first setup and then standard SEPA time:

>> No.9500361
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>retard to stupid to set the gas price

>> No.9501438

r u sure it's not .8 Gwei?

>> No.9501475

ethereum is an utility token to pay transaction fees