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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9495780 No.9495780 [Reply] [Original]

im at my wits end.
its 5:27am and my newly wedded wife sleeps soundly next to me while my eyes burn from the incandescent laptop glow.
this market... this damn market.... what it has done to me.
I have no money left. i just got an ezpass violation in the mail of $600.
i have to may off my car. my rent. my phone. my wife.
why did i do this. I just wanted gains, man. fuckin gains.
now here i am wondering how the fuck am i gonna get out of this mess.
I have shoveled 70% of my bi-weekly checks into crypto for the past months. My wife doesnt know.
can... can something good please happen? please?

>> No.9495786


>> No.9495789

>being married
Lmao fucking brainlet, even if you make it you'll lose half while your wife gets tag teamed by Jamal and Chad

>> No.9495793
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If u dont go all in right now then u deserve what happens next

>> No.9495808

fucking stop trading and hold get off the computer and live your life tell your wife you fucked up but dont cash out. come back in two years and for fucks sake try and do something with your life in meantime.

>> No.9495851

Smart advice given by intellectuals to brainlets throughout the ages: Don't invest money you cant afford to lose

>> No.9495914

>he bought the crypto meme

>> No.9495954

An EZpass ticket for $600? I don't believe you, you'd have to have been blowing off the ticket for months for it to be that high. And you've been living off 30% of your wages? LOL. No.

But hey, you tried.

>> No.9495967
File: 51 KB, 976x712, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the club rasheed

>> No.9495981

Sell off everything you can besides money for food and daily transportation and put it in ELIX.
Thank me,random bizlet,later.

>> No.9496004

Of course its a Pajeet.

>> No.9496060

Of course!

>> No.9496085

So basically your paychecks are being transferred to people who bought crypto before 2017 and are selling now. Stop buying for now and focus on your work.

>> No.9496086

post timestamped pics of sleeping nude wife and I'll send you 1 BTC.

>> No.9496164

Il match this with ETH but only if she shows Bobs and Vagene.

>> No.9496738
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>another day, another victim of the /biz/

Almost every day I see posts like yours, yet more people get caught in the trap.

>> No.9496787

>aggressive gambla
>stake it till ya lose it
>make it till ya break it

>> No.9496883

that depends on the day, actually these are all the possible threads on a given day:
>btc sharply in green
muh bullrun, moon misson, we're all gonna make it, 1mil eoy
>btc sharply in red
you thought the bear was gonna? aaaaaaaaa, he thought it will go up, 3k inc
>btc does nothing
it's dead, why do people sitll buy crypto, you should've bought in 2016

>> No.9496904
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Well ironically, May does not equal pay it seems so far this month