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9487381 No.9487381 [Reply] [Original]

All you leftist leg-beards, get the fuck out. Crypto will now be taken over by right wing chads. This is our economy now, we’re the Jews now

>> No.9487405
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>> No.9487425


>> No.9487429
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friendly reminder

>> No.9487441
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>> No.9487476
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>> No.9487510
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>> No.9487525
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thats how it all started

>> No.9487551
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>> No.9487565

Nazis are a leftist movement though

>> No.9487587

It's a globalist economic system you are fucking retards.

I love it because it's leading us closer to robotic singularity and UBI. Stay poor faggots.

>> No.9487594

Old but good, this one is better-https://youtu.be/PA99AcGuiBM

>> No.9487616
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>> No.9487619

Shut your stupid retard ass up nigger, leftist my fucking ass

>> No.9487628

You are correct except true right wing crypto chads don’t worship manlet socialist SJW faggot Hitler who was propped up by the Jews and Military Industrial Complex himself. Stop tarnishing our name.

>> No.9487633
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>> No.9487634

>in it for the tech
God you’re a fucking faggot
This is why you never get laid

>> No.9487651

>believes Jew lies
Retard alert

>> No.9487686

You are believing Jew lies the same Jew bankers that you’re referring to propped up Hitler’s “economic miracles”. Retard alert yourself.

>> No.9487731

Aren't drumpfturds pro big government? Crypto is for ancaps.

>> No.9487738

>le Hitler was a jew meme

Neck yourself kike

>> No.9487748

Lol no they didn’t you fucking absolute retard. Hitler changed the entire banking system in Germany you have no clue what you’re talking about, you are autistic

>> No.9487761

Dumbass right wing people want small government and states to have more power to govern themselves

>> No.9487807

I’m not wrong most of the money funding his empire came from the UK and US. Have fun worshipping a socialist, identity politics driven, eugenics promoting authoritarian 5’8 manlet faggot. All qualities opposite of right wing, you’re a leftist deep down Mr. Fash

>> No.9487820

based truth posters

>> No.9487848
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>> No.9487903

I don’t worship Hitler like you worship Israel jew. I simply listen and learn from Hitler. You fucking Jew. I almost guarantee without a doubt you’re a Jew. Fucking faggot

>> No.9487923

Dating a model
Own three businesses
Known painter, hang out with New York artists
Not a poor weak minded ideologue

I used to be a regular idiot like you until I realized that singular ideologies always end up being poor and murdered. A facist=islamist=communist=evangelical you are truly held back by your ideology and if you look through history that has only been the case. Japans best period was with a weak state and no central religion, same with Europe during the renaissance.

Now be a good buy like me and buy your world coins that can't be controlled by idiots like you.

>> No.9487969
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>> No.9488001

>Europe during the renaissance.
Was not that nice.
Nor does "weak state and no central religion = prosperity" stand true everywhere. It's culturally dependent.

>> No.9488017

Lol and I’ve dated several models every fucking slut now a days is a model you fucking coward

>> No.9488243

Keep playing into our hands by spreading Nazi BS banker Jews use to spread propaganda through shell ops like ADL to control the World without possible criticism goy

>> No.9488292

hitler was a socialist. therefore leftwing fascist.

>> No.9488341

I almost piss myself laughing when I try imagine what the person who makes retarded edgy posts like this looks like

>> No.9488411


Onions boys like centralization

>> No.9488441

Jews actually did bankroll the Nazi party in its brownshirt days. They hoped Germany could rival the Soviet union after stalin removed many of (((them))) from power during his purges. Obviously Germany grew a little more powerful the they expected.

>> No.9488457


Kill yourself jews

>> No.9488477
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Only LINK is. Sent this to Sergey not long ago.

>> No.9488487

Enjoy your failing Bitcoin fucking incel. Chad libs are holding eth and are truely superior.

>> No.9488589

You first(in the oven)

>> No.9488590
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I'll be sure to fuck boatloads of white girls, leaving behind a wave of mixed raced super soldiers behind me. Thanks crypto.

>> No.9488610

You wanna know why jews had money? Most places they couldn't feel safe and could expect loss of property at any moment while being forced out of the community.

So what did they do? They made sure to learn themselves skills they could take with them, they taught these skills down through generations, making them superior. Jew hate is what made them get rich.

>> No.9488614

>national socialist
Fucking retard you won’t make it I guarantee it

>> No.9488638

>Giving bankers more credit than deserved
You don’t need money when you have 6 million Germans backing you

>> No.9488651

I hold Eth retard

>> No.9488660

Also, capitalism leads to marxism, it's inevitable.

>> No.9488672

2% of white women actually race mix
>thinking Kim Kardashian nigger lover is white
Low IQ for niggers isn’t just a meme it’s a reality

>> No.9488726

White women dont even want white guys anymore, LOL

>> No.9488728

T. Kike

>> No.9488732

Why is it the dream of all black guys to fuck white women? Generally curious, is it because black females are irredeemable or do you wish deep down that you were born white?

>> No.9488737

>not understanding percentages
>Being this nigger
Sucks to be black/brown doesn’t it shitskins?

>> No.9488751

It’s both. Niggers are the lowest on the racial higherarchy and they know it

>> No.9488758

gas the kikes

>> No.9488804

They're the same as any other girl. Little more vapid though. I personally like asians and latinas, but it's a mental thing with white girls. I imagine her parents being like people in this thread and it really gets me off the more they submit to me.

>> No.9488852

>behind a wave of mixed raced super soldiers
kek I have a mixed race mulatto half-cousin (black dad) that's 5'7 and living with his parents at 32, and loves R&M does that qualify?

>> No.9488879

Asian or Latina parents might hate you even more than whites. Whites just trigger you the most

>> No.9488927

Lol this. Spics are ridiculously anti-black, and any Asian that's stooping low enough to date a black dude is either utter trash or horrifically ugly--the shame from Asian families towards girls who date black men is enormous.

n e way that should only help >>9488804 since he gets off on fetishizing himself

>> No.9488979

Nah I don't like chinese girls. Too flat. They're the only ones with parents like that. Sometimes viet girls, but generally asians are the most chill. Latinos hating blacks is also a southern california meme.

>> No.9489090


To defeat the jew, you must become the jew.

>> No.9489115

>Latinos hating blacks is also a southern california meme.
I work in a kitchen and the Hispanics say shit about blacks that even freaks me out kek. You have literally no allies, not even real Africans like you guys.

>> No.9489143

Amen, do it for Christ

>> No.9489145

No, trust me. Latinos fucking hate blacks. The place I work is filled with Latinos and we always talk about the upcoming racewar where whites and Latinos are gonna ally and massacre every black in the country. I'm not even fucking kidding you. Latinos hate blacks as much as I do and I'm from /pol/.

>> No.9489159

What a dumb nigger. You’ll get wasted by some other nigger sooner or later so enjoy your time in white civilization before your own nigger brothers take you out for good

>> No.9489167

Kek they say the same shit at the Kitchen I work at too, why do they hate them so much anyway? I just don't like having to live around them but I don't hate blacks that much.

>> No.9489170

Latinos tried to ethnically cleanse South Cali of niggers google it

>> No.9489172

It is tho, and its a socialist movement

>> No.9489183

So this is what /pol/ argues about all day and I went 20x my initial in a year, from $6k to $120k.
Fucking lol. Enjoy your ideological superiority you stupid fucks, I'm going for a drive.

>> No.9489188

I’m from /pol/ too but I trade as well not a big fan of spics either tho, they g

>> No.9489203

So what? We’re all doing well here, I’m sitting at 75k off 1500 invested and I’m a white nationalist first and foremost my people and my race comes first nigger, don’t like it? Do something

>> No.9489209

kek I invested in ETH when it was $1 buck dude, I'm all good here, wish I had more to invest at the time though.

>> No.9489223

Socialist policies work in a hemogenous society but they are NOT social justice socialists. They are nationalists with semi socialists policies that only work in a one race nation. Nothing to do with socialism or Marxism or Jews fucking dumb fuck

>> No.9489246

Niggers always refer to
>muh dik
>muh money
>muh shoes
>muh jewelry
Like women, they produce more estrogen than white males which makes them more feminine. Ever notice niggers caring about shoes, jewlely just like women??

>> No.9489261

I used to believe the whole "Hitler was a socialists" meme until I read Mein Kampf, they pretty much just called themselves socialists because everyone was doing it at the time as a way to gain popularity.

>> No.9489278

It’s national socialists because they believe in uplifting the people first aka social standing etc some socialist policies work in a one race nation but Hitler was more right than left he had few socialist policies other than helping people, etc.

>> No.9489297

But you are correct they weren’t socialists

>> No.9489304

You're probably right. Thing is, none of this is new to me. I've always known blacks were the most hated race since I was a child. Never fealt sorry for myself like some "poor me, the jews are oppressing the white man." Reverse sjw faggot. I just live my life with a thicker skin and embrace the hate.

>> No.9489392
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The day of the singularity will also be the Day Of The Rope.

>> No.9489431

Imagine being dumb enough to think Hitler valued the sovereignty of the individual over the collective... Hitler was a leftist collectivist cuck. Fascism born in three mind of Mussolini while being a Communist faggot. Individual fucking liberty you shit stains...

>> No.9489506

t. Retard

>> No.9489569
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>> No.9489579

Real right wing chads are ancapistans.
Nazis are virgins and actually share much of the left wing's bullshit.

>> No.9489617

K chad waddie come buy my bags

>> No.9489636

No, Jews are rich because their Khazar ancestors were masters of usury and fraud.

>> No.9489683
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>> No.9489705
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>> No.9489708

Fucking homo lmfao

>> No.9489721

Yep. And the banking system to this day is built on Jewish usury

>> No.9489786
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Daily reminder

>> No.9489921
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>> No.9489976


Ask me how I know this graph is full of shit?

>> No.9490005

How low does your IQ have to be to believe this has any fucking merit what so ever?

>> No.9490041

it was made before the 2017 bullrun
so before this board was flooded with pajeets and loser neets looking to get rich from doing nothing

>> No.9490213

NatSoc is inefficient get off butthurt socialist, free market is pure efficiency compared to state

>> No.9490281

isn't that fake and made up?

>> No.9490312
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>10 threads about mars/spacex/elon

>everyday there's more and more people from /x/

this totally probably isn't made by someone from /lit/

>> No.9490337


>> No.9490370

>the absolute state of /pol/

>> No.9490452

>implying you’re anythjng but a loser neet

>> No.9490471

I’m OP, I come from /pol/ but I’m a rich crypto fuck too. 88, we are evolving. And no I’m not a skin head or a natsoc I just like Hitler and the Reich I actually bought an authentic Reich swastika flag $800 it’s fucking huge takes up an entire wall in my house

>> No.9490500
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>> No.9490588

>Aren't drumpfturds pro big government?
That's democrats, anon.

>> No.9490628

Nah Black girls are just the biggest loud mouth bitches an nobody likes them

>> No.9490652

>I imagine her parents being like people in this thread and it really gets me off
Imagining dads and 4chan neckbeards gets you off? Nigger you are gay as fuck.

>> No.9490781

/biz/ confirmed lowest IQ board

>> No.9490800
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>All you leftist leg-beards, get the fuck out. Crypto will now be taken over by right wing

>> No.9490832

>Never fealt sorry for myself like some "poor me, the jews are oppressing the white man." Reverse sjw faggot. I just live my life with a thicker skin and embrace the hate.
white people live in your head rent free, you literally fuck women hoping it pisses white people off. You have a thick skull not thick skin, if you did you guys wouldn't burn down your own neighborhoods every time a criminal get shot.

>> No.9491305
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Crypto is basically a libertarian revolution.

Nazis and commies gtfo