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9479926 No.9479926 [Reply] [Original]

>be an enterprise blockchain
>make it permissioned but public
>only allow enterprises to be consensus nodes at no cost to them. set arbitrary maximum of 101 consensus nodes which will likely increase in future
>every enterprise partnered at the moment will be a node because vechain doesn't have 101+ partners
>this means every enterprise has been gifted 250k vet and will never have to buy vet or thor again
>ordinary users can't build upon vechain and it is not meant for ordinary user use
>no need for ordinary users to have THOR. therefore no need for them to have VET

vechain was just a way to get the private vechain blockchain company funding, via an ico, except its more scammy than all of the other ones because they don't even intend to give the chain typical public blockchain functionality. it isn't open source, permissionless or even trustless

try to prove me wrong.

>> No.9480025

Everything you wrote here is bullshit, OP. DNVGL has not only acquired a concensus node, but they bought a minority stake of VeChain. Nothing is/was gifted to anybody. One day, you will wake up and come to the realization that you're the grandest, most fabulous faggot this world has ever seen. Good luck.

>> No.9480149

ask yourself why they bought equity in vechain and not vet tokens
because they know the tokens are worthless and would never pay for them

and how about the rest of the enterprise pool fund sunny talked about? not all of the companies who used that pool bought a stake in vechain. they were gifted too. there's no point denying it its all true. whether it matters to you is a different story though and you're free to feel however you want about it

>> No.9480690

You were so proud of posting this steaming pile in the other thread that you thought it deserved a thread of its own? Anon ... I ...

>> No.9480934

You can't refute OP's theory. All you got is the same regurgitated talking points that all vetards spew when cornered. OP is right. Why would any investor buy into THOR when the price will be stable, it;s like investing in fucking tether. kek

>> No.9481087

China hustle'd

>> No.9481180

I dont really think u are right op

Vechain is clear on how many Ven tokens are going to enterprises from the beginen. They not for free but they are in discount (with is totally alright, that’s the business model they never hide that from us).

Early this year they publish information where you can see that they running out of tokens for enterprises. Sunny sad the tokens on discount are not for every company, so still a lot of them are buying from open market.

They are very close to run out from this tokens, so the future enterprises will have no choice than to buy from open market.

Once mainnet will go live the amount of businesses will just grow with means they will need to buy from open market again, and the price of Ven will go up.

They for sure have more than 101 companies, and if i rember good Sunny sad around 80 nodes is going to enterprosises not all of them.

For me is just a FUD, and better open your eyes or regret later.

Have you seen NY two days ago, Cryptokitties is a fuckin joke, Sunny was the only person speaking with vision and experince

Thats my proof you are wrong

>> No.9481388

That's a lot of unfounded and unsourced assumptions best i can give you is only one (You) cherish it well

>> No.9481791

Guys I think Sunny came and replied to this thread lmao

Literally none of them are unfounded or assumptions. Its all public info.

>> No.9481844

Hi guys, ex-member of vechain's 40 man dev team here. It's been hilarious watching Sunny crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let him get his hands on underage children (again)

>> No.9481858

this goes for ANY blockchain that id not consumer focused. without consumers creating a network of demand and utility, like in bitcoin and ethereum. companies have zero reason to use a public network.

if the utility is literally nothing but speculation for end users, like in ripple, or vechain, then its obvious these companies won't be dealing with the public network, because there's no value for them to do so. private networks provide the exact same utility because the utility is in no way derived from interactivity with these non-business users.

>> No.9482001

thread capped.
i doubt many of you anons were around for when ethereum started to apparently annoy people because it was a sure thing.
this is happening in exactly the same way.
i guess we'll see come next year.

>> No.9482191

ethereum was a completely new kind of blockchain, with actual uses, evident by 90% of the token market depending on ethereum to work.

vechain has no market for end users, and so the public network has no market for these businesses supposedly going to use it.

public blockchains dont just suddenly get adopted by companies just because it's there, they first need to get large amounts of use from actual users, without that, any fork of the network will serve the company just fine.

>> No.9482403

actual uses like cryptokitties? yeah, cool.
show me ANY enterprise usage on ETH and I'll think a little kinder of it.
vechain's consortium chain already has tonnes of live products, we know this because you have multibillion dollar companies and VCs vouching for and buying into the network that they've clearly already seen and tested thoroughly.
when it goes public the usage will only increase when other enterprises see how much can be saved by a working blockchain - meaning the price of VET will only increase.

>> No.9482426

>actual uses like cryptokitties?
top kek
>tfw the only successful dapp is a bootleg pokemon collector ponzi
>muh western innovation

>> No.9482465

you think there are more top companies on private vechain than private ethereum chains? kek

deluded vennies are the new linkes

like i said, vet won't increase because businesses don't pay for it.

>> No.9482497

I'm looking forward to the mass VenFag suicide EOY. You fuckers are the most annoying cult in crypto.

>> No.9482526

t. scamsetti amblet drone

>> No.9482550

yes i do, you think companies worth billions are relying on ETH - a network whose token is so volatile it could be $100+- within a few hours?

VET will increase because that's the dual token economic model. Fixed total supply, generates Thor, Thor will always be worth less than VET.

>> No.9482615

Thats it......Im selling my strength XNode to BIZ.

>> No.9482768

>be an enterprise blockchain
blockchain for enterprises. this is bad why?
>make it permissioned but public
if you look at todays blockchain problems you might understand why this is a good idea
>only allow enterprises to be consensus nodes at no cost to them. set arbitrary maximum of 101 consensus nodes which will likely increase in future
yes, id rather have DNV GL as a node than pajeet running a node in his shithole. What is the problem with more massive enterprises becoming nodes?
>every enterprise partnered at the moment will be a node because vechain doesn't have 101+ partners
you have no idea how many partners vechain has. Pwc, dnv, bmw, renault and such companies running nodes is bad because?
>this means every enterprise has been gifted 250k vet and will never have to buy vet or thor again
if this was true that would put vet in top 3 coins instantly, do some research and you might understand why
>ordinary users can't build upon vechain and it is not meant for ordinary user use
>no need for ordinary users to have THOR. therefore no need for them to have VET
we still dont know all functions of thor, so this is a baseless assumption

>> No.9482962

ethereum has by far the most enterprise interest, but thats not even the point

the point is ethereum clearly has uses outside of enterprise, for regular users. supply chain and other business only based networks have no use whatsoever for end users, meaning no end user adoption, meaning no network effects gained by using the public network.

there's a reason why swift doesn't run over the public internet, nothing is gained from it doing so, but your bank needs an interface to the public internet, so users can use it. learn the difference, and you'll quickly realize how useless the majority of blockchains are.

>> No.9483032

>ethereum has by far the most enterprise interest
pls list them

>> No.9483041

All supply chain projects are shit anon....you can ride the hype wave, but be sure to cash out before it tops because they won't be money makers once they go live.

>> No.9483087

thanks for the financial advice. i really trust 4channers for that.

>> No.9483142

well that's just a completely false statement.
demonstrate with one enterprise
you can't. no serious company would use such a volatile asset in their day to day business.

you realize Vechain is at heart literally a quicker, more refined version of ETH with a dual token system that allows enterprises to safely do business on it?

i don't think you know what you talking about anymore lol

>> No.9483199

vechain is an improved eth fork, tell me 1 thing you can do on eth but cant do on ven

>> No.9483227

you can't be this deluded you just can't

how is vechain anything like eth except that they're both blockchains? vechain is a bastard child of eth that went public for literally no reason other than to raise money from dumbasses

>> No.9483268

serious question, why the fuck do vechain people think the vechain tech is good?

sunny himself said they don't care about tech
dnv gl guy said vechain doesn't have the best tech

so who are you kidding? its pathetic

its a permissioned, trust-requiring consortium blockchain with a token. that's it.

>> No.9483273

>you can't be this deluded you just can't
list them pls

>> No.9483280

see >>9483142 >>9483199

is it, like, national retard day today or what?

>> No.9483372

nobody's talking about whether the tech is the best. but it is an improved ETH fork so what does that say for ETH?
I don't think anons are fully comprehending the number of transactions that will be occurring daily on this thing. That's where the value of VET is created.

>> No.9483402

waltonfag cope thread

>> No.9483445

https://entethalliance.org/members-2/ the absolute state of you

you think ethereum is permissioned and trust-requiring? lmao

LMAO. do you know why transactions create value in blockchains like ethereum and bitcoin? vechain does not have that quality. explain to me why you think transactions on vechain will provide any value to you, and re-read op because i don't want to repeat myself

>> No.9483471

>improved ETH fork
PoA was literally an April Fool’s joke by Vitalik. Venfags have no idea how or don’t even attempt to value Thor. Look on their circlejerk cope session website. They don’t care to ask what the projected transaction spend is.

>> No.9483492
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>> No.9483524

you don't seem to understand that ETH Alliance don't do daily business on ETH because it's so fucking volatile.
i know why transactions create value with regards to VET and Thor. it's pretty basic economics and has been explained here countless times.

>> No.9483554

holy shit you fucking tard i fucking hate vencucks they fucking engage in tech discussions and don't even understand private vs public blockchains

>> No.9483567

nobody except the Vechain Foundation values Thor.
VET on the other hand is a fixed supply and will always be less than Thor so economics 101 - more transactions; more value.

>> No.9483582

this is all i needed to see

lost cause

enjoy your project kid, report back in a year on your returns

>> No.9483644

All VeChain has done so far is release marketing materials without any explicit numbers or codes. Their financial reports were better than nothing relative to crypto space but still a joke. No wonder this coin attracts the worst normies.
>The rumor is true

>> No.9483647

way to refute with logic.
classic bizlet

>more transactions; more value
please tell me where I'm wrong

>> No.9483661

Lmao kys you dumbfuck

>> No.9483669

>underage b&

>> No.9483704

>please tell me where I'm wrong
You’re so far lost that it’s easier and funnier to just point and laugh at your stupidity.

>> No.9483717

Tldr this thread, the nutshell here is, buy now in this massive dip before the manipulators finish accumulating for the mainnet. Any idiot can see this shit is over sold

>> No.9483728

i dare you to prove me wrong
you can't

>> No.9483742

>shitcoin ta
Absolute state of delusional venfags

>> No.9483796

Hint: it’s been discussed extensively on your circlejerk cope session board way back in November. Critics raised crucial questions but venfags just stuck their heads in sand.

>> No.9483807

How do you expect to make money on something with a supply that keeps increasing AND then the flood of Thor hitting the market. Honestly I don’t understand. I can’t see this ever being worth maybe $15 tops. As for topping ETH I personally believe the adoption has already occurred. NEO had the best shot of becoming the dapp platform for Asia. How do they plan to convince the western market to break away from Ethereum especially when their marketing efforts are running out of steam.

>> No.9483835

>I understand blockchain
>private blockchains

>> No.9483860

Try ($0, $8)

>> No.9483870

um, nope.
VeThor economic model wasn't released until Dec.

>> No.9483988

can you tell me why? without using the term 'economics 101' or anything similar?
perhaps this would be a good opportunity for you to think about why you believe what you believe
you don't seem to know.
its a common theme with venners.

>> No.9484018

are you seriously trying to convince people that ethereum, apart from maybe bitcoin, doesn't have the most interest from enterprise and institutions?

you late adopters are hopeless

>> No.9484052

it's literally simple economics.
VET has a limited supply incentivizing appreciation in value.
VET generates Thor.
Thor is what is used to perform transactions.
VET always worth more than Thor.
VET becomes more valuable with more Thor usage, ergo, more transactions; more value.

How is that complicated?

>> No.9484086
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fuck off back to your circlejerk cope sessions:

>> No.9484119

it's not about interest, it's about live use.
ETH currently doesn't have the ability to support the type of enterprise ecosystem Vechain is already establishing.
serious enterprises are not going to use a highly volatile asset in daily business, it's as simple as that.
DNVGL opens Vechain's door to 80k+ businesses before ETH has the chance to get a network together that would be able to sustain something like that.

>> No.9484144

i dont even give a fuck about vechain, or any other worthless chinkcoin, i'm telling you why the end user public network of a business-only blockchain will never be used.

if you don't understand this, too bad.

>> No.9484148

why? are you getting scared you won't be able to blag your way out of serious answers anymore?

>> No.9484210

and i'm telling you that your utopian end user public network doesn't matter to me
as long as there are enough business transactions and VET has a limited supply, the price of it will increase.

>> No.9484220

who is going to use thor? enterprises
who gets vet for free? enterprises
who then generates all the thor they will ever need via the free vet? enterprises
who gets fucked? brainlets
where does the value come in exactly?

>> No.9484245

the whole point. the WHOLE point of a token, is to incentivise trustless consensus. that is a fact.

vechain has absolutely no reason to exist as a public blockchain except to raise money from idiots.

>> No.9484252

In all seriousness, I hate people like you who lack critical thinking skills AND have zero self-awareness. It makes the crypto space look more nuts than it already is. If you can't do basic algebra, you have no business speculating crypto.

>> No.9484258

The token model is completely garbage for enterprise use. I think in the end enterprises will just pay a monthly fee and part of the fees is then distributed to the authority nodes. No token needed except to fund the company.

>> No.9484331

i'm so glad of your frankness but your personal attacks are pretty transparent projections
supply and demand needs no fucking algebra

>who gets VET for free? enterprises
proof or gtfo.

>> No.9484392
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>supply and demand needs no fucking algebra

>> No.9484423

i'll bite
i don't need math to tell me if something is needed and there isn't any more of it i can sell it at a higher price

>> No.9484446

the proof is in dnv gl saying they haven't bought any tokens but will be running a consensus node.

the proof is in vechain's shitty economic report describing the "enterprise pool" and not using the words "sale" "bought" "purchase" once.

don't close your eyes and lalala, money is at stake.

>> No.9484604

dnvgl has not once explicitly, officially stated they haven't bought any tokens in the context of an authority node

>money is at stake
you're implying these multibillion dollar businesses need bizlets' lunch money and that award winning VCs are associating themselves with a project trying to directly scam people out of peanuts

i think you're the one with your fingers in your ears

>> No.9484645

>trying to directly scam

>> No.9484678

you just outted your inner retard

>> No.9484692

PwC and Draper did buy tokens in addition to equity. DNV did buy tokens, they just got them in basically pre-sale contract price. The herds are coming. This is going to take over crypto and you know it, so obvious. Easiest vision in crypto. I have been in since 2013. VEN is by far the best project including bitcoin I have seen. Enjoy your shitcoins pajeet of pajeets.

>> No.9484714

Hey venfags answer this: how much $x is going to be spent on thor?
>m-muh partnerships

>> No.9484762

there is no answer
nobody knows the price of Thor
but we do know DNVGL has 80k+ clients that they've said they will have using Vechain's blockchain so
you figure it out.

>> No.9484865


You need to shut up now. Im a huge vechain hodler, but you are making us look like morons.

>> No.9484896


they've officially resorted to blatant lies

I've seen enough

>> No.9484900

>look like
try again or just leave because nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9484939

you've implied you're leaving multiple times
yet you're still here
wtf anon

it's almost as if
you care

>> No.9484958

Vechain is not meant to be an investment. If you think you'll 100x you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.9485022

great content, I'll add this to my cap folder. thanks anon.

>> No.9485123

Lmao. Retard OP.

Their tokens are locked up for a minimum of 2 years anyway.

Fck off pajeet and KYS. lol.